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That one thing from the other day
city in ruins.jpg
"we are now broadcasting live from A-city where an unknown monster has caused catastrophic damage to more than half of the city!!! this unknown monster has already been confirmed to have defeated thirty one different heroes including two A-rank heroes. it has been designated as a threat level dragon civilians are instructed to sta-" zzzzzzzttttttt

The news cast cut off as more explosions ripped through the city, though the broadcasting had long ceased for those within the range of the monsters attack. Wandering through the debris a lone child stumbled along with tears in her eyes as she sobbed unable to find her parents. The ground shook briefly around her as another explosion rang out closer this time. the small girl felt the hairs on the back of her neck perk up as she heard the sound of crunching footsteps. looking up her sobs grew much heavier as she noticed the tall purple skinned monster with its antennae twitching in annoyance. "oh another little one huh, and here i thought i had found another one of those heroes. no matter every human must perish." the monster extended his hand towards the girl claws extending and muscles pulsating with lethal intent as it laughed maniacally. its laughter was cut short as a bicycle crashed into his hand at the same time a voice shouted "JUSTICE CRASH!!!" the little girl looked hopefully at her would be savior shouting "Mumen rider?!" at the same time the purple skinned monster turned its head to look at him. "good goooood, let her witness true hopelessness before she dies." the monster laughed as an orb of energy began to form just above his hand and he readied to hurl it at the pesky hero who gulped down his fear running headlong towards the monstrous vaccine man.


Joseph had just finished reviewing the new hotel that had just finished its construction in Q city when he received the notice from the hero organization, it was a simple attachment showing the news footage from A-city. When the footage cut suddenly his brow furrowed, "two A-ranks? threat level dragon? why the hell didnt they call us sooner?" he thought to himself as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a black case about the size of a wallet. Opening it revealed the ten rings within. standing next to him his manager Selene tucked the tablet she had shown him the notice with under her arm, "dont you think this would be something worth looking into?" she said noticing him pulling the rings out. "of course dove, have the lab prep for a bio mass sample. will you be joining me today?" Joseph said as he slipped the rings on his finger and threw a purple orb from his right hands violet ring. " As a general rule i tend to avoid threat level dragons joe, but i will be keeping an eye on things. " she said holding up her tablet to show the message she sent to the lab. "Ah Ah dove were on the clock now, call me Rakkdos." he said as he walked through his portal to A-city. Selene simply rolled her eyes and walked back to the hotel to finish signing the documents as the portal closed behind her.

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