Open World Fantasy RP


Junior Member



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(Optional) Goals for Adventure:
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Name : Aza Nero

Age : 23

Appeared Age : 23

Race : Human/Magic User

Personality : A fair bit arrogant and showoff-ish in his ability's when in conflict, but would still rather avoid a battle then seek it out. Enjoys a drink or two if with company, though will just as soon relax with a good book. Can be calm and serious when the need be, though he slip up here and there.

Appearance : Brown Haired, 5'7 ft tall, Rather thin, light skinned, usually wearing casual brown shirt and pants, with a bright red cape.

History : Aza spent most his life in the city, and was always interested in the wonders of magic since he was a boy. In his later years, he was taken under the wing of Theo Grandeur as his apprentice in the magical arts. He spents most his years training with him, learning most of what he knows about magic and mysticism from him. By the time he had reached adulthood, Theo sent Aza out on his own, as he had already learned all he could teach through study. So, Aza has taken up a journey to travel the world, and learn all he can.

Familiar : Bat

Defining Characteristic : Extreme interest in magic/Cape*?

Other : Chicken
Name: Alexi Jackel

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Appeared Age: 20's

Race: Mush-Human

Personality: Insane on one end.

Appearance: A war torn face. He wears thick leather armor and buffalo hide straps. Leather armored pants too.

History: He has been through many wars.

Familiar: A Mushroom!

Defining Characteristic: The mushroom tattoo on his face.

Other: Huma-Deer! Definitely deer

(Optional) Goals for Adventure: To go were no mushroom has gone! I said human, not mushroom.
Name: pbtenchi

Gender: male


Appeared Age:28

Race: magic infused human

Info about race: just a selectively breed human born in the hopes of creating a sorcerer

Personality: pbtenchi is an energetic guy, who has a strange personality, if you mention his lack of magic he becomes depressed, he values his friends and family above all else, even his life. he always keeps a large supply of sugar and sweets, and its hard to get him to eat anything without sugar, which he feels he needs for his brain to function, he has a hangover the second he even touches alcohol. when in a tough spot where he cant joke he turns analytical and goes for cold logic rather then human kindness. He is smart and a genius in strategy, yet a complete idiot at the same time, he is flexible and light on his feet and capable of running up walls and landing deadly kicks

Appearance: he is blond and hides his philosophers stone with half a fringe, he wears a green shirt 2d glasses, and black trousers and shoes, he isn't very physically strong as he spent all his time studying but is still very skinny, despite his 3d glasses and being blind in one eye he can see perfectly

History: pbtenchi is, by normal opinion a horrible wizard, due to something called red flux that is produced in his body he is completely incapable of using magic, but despite this his knowledge of magic is rivalled by none, he is from an old and respected family of wizards, with a purpose, each generation of his family is entirely selective breeded in an attempt to create an ultimate wizard, a sorcerer. From when he learned to talk he was taught about magic from the textbook. The reason he produces red flux is one of the most random events to ever take place. their was a meteor shower, pbtenchi was out looking at the meteor showers, and by a 1 out of who knows how high chance, he was hit dead in the left eye by a very peculiar meteor, he survived the impact, but found that the meteor (which had replaced his eye) could not be removed by any means without taking his head off, maybe he was chosen by fate. Pbtenchi's family had no idea that it was the meteor which disabled his magic, so they decided he had to learn more and keep practising and thus sent him to the most extinguished school of magic in existence, so rich was its knowledge and power over magic that the school had to be built in a separate dimension, known as the Aether a sky dimension of sorts. it was here that it was discovered that the meteor was a philosophers stone an item of such power that it could change the face of the earth if used properly, it was thought they had all been lost to time but it seems one survived. the philosophers stone produced an infinite source of magic similar to a sorcerer but as a cost it produced red flux inside his body. He created a nest of books and magical implements in a room no one used and spent his time experimenting in attempts to let himself use magic. some very odd things were born from his experiments, tools and creatures alike, which he found he could use be artificially suck the magic from his body, this how ever causes the red flux to heat up and make his body start to burn up

Familiar: none

Defining Characteristic: he try's to do what he can for those around him, even if it costs his life, but when the time comes he will weight the greater good

Other: he cant use actual magic

(Optional) Goals for Adventure: to become a sorcerer

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