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Fandom (Open to first response) (21+) Superhero Harry Potter AU


New Member
(My only 'rules', are you have to be 21+, since I'm older than 21 and would feel awkward having anyone younger as a partner with a romance plot. And respond with at least one paragraph, third person, past tense. That's all. Also I have literally no idea how to really use this website!)

His father had done a lot of bad to a whole lot of people. Draco had been locked up when Scorpius was just a kid, leaving him with just his mother. Everyone had said that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Like father like son. Lucius turned Draco, and surely Draco turned Scorpius. He grew up, vowing to live a normal life. At the very least, he would do nothing newsworthy. At the most, maybe he could actually help people. Become a doctor? Hell, he’d settle for librarian. But, funds were hard, his father’s assets had been seized by the government. Scorpius didn’t want to burden his mother so he moved out to some shoddy apartment building, where the heat only worked on every other fourth Tuesday it seemed. He went to uni, did every odd job he could, and then got bitten by a radioactive spider. Oh, and that gave him powers.
He just wanted to be a normal, average, person. But one thing led to another, and maybe he didn’t follow his ‘no newsworthy’ lifestyle, but the news didn’t know it was him. It wasn’t ‘Scorpius Malfoy saves family from fire’, it was ‘Spider-Man saves family from fire’. And, tomorrow, it would probably be ‘Spider-Man dies from bullet wound’, or maybe whoever found him would unmask him and his name would make the papers. Because here he was, bleeding in an alleyway, two blocks from his apartment. He had managed to dig the bullet out, but was losing consciousness to be able to do anything more. He looked down at his blood covered hands before he inhaled sharply, and used webs over his bullet wound. It would at least provide something, though at this point it felt like he was just extending the suffering.

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