
Just a man on a mission... A boring mission.

This is the Out Of Character chat. Feel free to have discussions about pretty much anything here, but remember that the main point of this is to have conversations regarding the RP.
Alright, here's the deal: We've got a couple of people who'd like to join this that were not part of the group (they are from this site, not the old group), and we need to decide when we're going to start. @Thebigcatt @3lflord1278
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Anyway, point is, we're going to need to vote on if the people join or not. My friend, pippy, would like to join. Along with someone who seems to be a good RPer from this site. Since there's three of us here, and three would be a majority, I say we go ahead and vote.
okay i say we let in pippy and we give the other guy a chance but if we dont like him then he is out 

oh and lets start next week end
Everyone please welcome @Rhakun, our newest member. Rhakun is the one that requested to join outside the RP, and seems to be a decent RPer. I shall be sending pippy an invite soon.

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