OOC [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]

But Mister Wizard, don't you need an apprentice?A lovely young lady who always comes when you call...? *wink wink*
We've gone over that before I think vlad *strong laugh.* Besides as the knight I must be chiverious and handsome, everyone knows the knight doubles as eye candy and sometimes more ;)
Ah, your Majesty! Would you like me to call the Jester here for your entertainment before your evening meal? *curtsies*
Except we don't have one, your the wizard. And oh but Ana if I make my intentions known early we will all have a easier time don't you agree Ana *smiles at her* and of course my queens opinion as well is most parimont.
Yes, my dear, I would enjoy that. *Sits on throne with a smile, overlooking her loyal subjects* 
And Vlad shall be the Paladin since he suits the job position better.
And my dear Ana if you swoon i will catch you as you fall, as is my duty after all. Though you will fall a long way for with a face like your I must have to catch you from the heavens them selves *winks*
*raises one eyebrow at Knight Akio* Sir Knight, don't you have something more productive to do with your time than flirt with my handmaiden?
Perhaps another time Ana. *smiles before turning to look at his queen* of course my queen as I first and foremost serve you for what are the stars in the sky but to ordiment the waning moon which is the most beautiful and brightest of the objects in the night sky.

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