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As the messages were sent back and forth between the two, Kenzie's phone in her pocket started to vibrate. She got it out again. Looks like Bean was going to a concert, same as her. Couldn't be the same one though, she had no idea where any of these people lived.

Luminesce: Yeah, that sounds like it should be great. Concerts are the bomb, so no doubt you'll have fun! Jealouss.

Though really she wasn't that jealous, as she knew she would be going to a concert herself later that day. Regardless, she made it known that she shared the same interests, which was good enough. She looked over to her two sisters now, both happily swinging and talking to each other, which made her smile to herself. She couldn't help but also notice that same girl she had waved to earlier now on the monkey bars, swinging upside down. It was silly, and very cute. The thought made her shake her head, though. She wasn't about to go up to her and start talking to her just because she was attractive. Was she? It might be worth it.
Rave looked at the rapid messages on her phone.

Nightingale: I agree with Lumi! You'll have a epic time! Have fun Bean!!!!!!!(>W<) Gonna go back offline for a bit. L8rs everyone!

Rave slipped her phone back into her pocket. She continued to dangle herself upside down. She looked around the playground to see the girls from earlier. She waved and shouted out, "Hi!" She pulled herself up to a sitting position. She hopped off the monkey bars and turned to Jamie. "Come in Jamie, let's go make some new friends. K?" She said with a smile. The boy nodded and removed himself from the monkey bars. He raced over to the girls beating his sister. "Hi! Nice to meet you I'm Jamie! And that's my sis." He stated pointing to Raven. "Hey! I'm Raven!" She said cheerfully. Rave was always up for meeting new people. She had zero idea that the girl she just met was Lumi. Either way she was happy for several reasons. 1. She wasn't the only one at the park this early.

2. Her brother Jamie can play with new people.

3. She could make a new friend in the process.
Looks like she didn't even have to go over. Kenzie smiled as she saw the girl and presumably her younger brother coming over, and she couldn't help but laugh a little at the boy's enthusiasm. All three of the sisters were very sociable people, so this was only welcome in all of their eyes. Kenzie was the first to speak up. "Hey Jamie, Raven, I'm glad it wasn't just me who wanted to speak up when we saw you." She laughed quietly for a moment before continuing. "I'm Mackenz-" She was interrupted by another voice, a higher-pitched one.

"I'm Ashley!" Kenzie sighed, she was always doing this.

"Right, them first, then." Another short laugh from Kenzie followed her sentence. "The little one is Ash, and that's Cate." She nodded in her other sister's direction, who offered a small wave and a similar smile. "I'm Mackenzie, as I was trying to say earlier." She eyed Ashley jokingly, who just ignored her.
Raven giggled at ashes introduction and Mackenzie's comment. "Nice to meet you all!" Raven and Jamie said in unison. Raven smiled at her younger brother and ruffled his hair. "Hey do you all wanna play with us?" Raven asked. "Yeah! It'll be more fun! Come on!" Jamie urged already darting off towards the slides. Raven shook her head and chuckled. "Jamie!!! You didn't even give them a chance to answer!" She shouted out at him. She turned back to the younger girls. "Can you do me a favor and play with him?" She asked thinking that while the kids play she can hang out with Mackenzie.
Kay checked his messages and smiled.

BeanAyd: Thanks guys! :D Ninja, what are you doing today?

There was something special about this person, and he knew it. He had taken an instant liking to NinjaDuck, and he didn't know why.

Shrugging, he began pulling his clothes out. He texted his friends, and asked them when they were planning to leave. Replies came back informing him that the concert began at 7, and they had to be there by 6. Keeping that in mind, he went for a nice, long shower.
For unknown reasons Aaron's smile grew when he looked at his screen.

NinjaDuck: Just going to the park and listen to some music :) .

It wasn't really a lie. He was going to the park and he was going to listen to music. But he didn't saw the point in telling them about the concert. Although lying to Bean felt a little weird,
Kade got out of his shower and checked his phone.

He nodded his head, but realized Ninja couldn't see it. Chuckling, he typed out his reply.

BeanAyd: I nodded before I realized you couldn't see me :P That sounds like a perfect evening.

He left his phone aside, and grabbed some skinny jeans and a black sweater. Pulling them on, he hopped around until he found his red Vans and beanie. Kade walked over the to the mirror and smiled at his reflection. He looked good, if he did think so himself.
NinjaDuck: :P . And yep it definitely is :) .

He decided to just go in his regular clothes. Realizing that he didn't know where the park is Aaron texted his chauffeur and asked him to bring him to the park where the concert is. Ten seconds later he got response and he smiled at the screen. Apperently he already knew that he was going to the concert. Maybe it was Alice who told him. Or me? Well who knows.
BeanAyd: Well, I'll message you after the concert. See you! :D

Kayden turned his phone to vibrate and ran down. His friends were waiting for him, in Jackson's car. "Move your a*s, Kade!" Lisa hollered from the backseat. Kayden chuckled and got into the passenger seat, and pulled on his seat belt. "Alright, I'm here. Let's go.".

"You look particularly yummy today." Emily smirked at him from the backseat. He blushed slightly while she laughed.
Of course, the two younger girls were happy to oblige and both went chasing off after Jamie. Ashley seemed more enthusiastic, which was natural given her younger age, but Cate still didn't want to be left out. Once the three younger ones had gone, Kenzie looked over to Raven with a smile. Gosh, she really was cute. "They seemed pretty excited to have someone to play with who wasn't me." She laughed a little as she looked back to her sisters and Jamie, then to Raven again. "So, Raven, how old are you?" Kenzie was kind of surprised she hasn't met Raven before, in school or something. They both looked to be around the same age.
NinjaDuck: See you later :) .

Aaron turned his PC off and looked at himself in the mirror. He wore a hoodie and pair of jeans. ''This is what normal people wear right?''he put on his pair of sneakers and left his room. When he went outside he saw a Range Rover in front of his house. ''Really Charles? Really? I asked for a normal car'' Charles chuckled and opened the door for him. ''Well sorry but this was to most normal car we've got. If you would come to me earlier I would have time to buy a normal car'' said Charles when he stepped into the car. Aaron sighed and pulled on his seat belt. ''Fine'' muttered Aaron when the car started to drive.
Rave watched as the 3 kids ran off to play. She smiled and said, "Yeah I know what you mean. I just hope Jamie doesn't anything stupid." She shook her head. She knew how Jamie acted when he was around new people. He wanted to be cool. She shrugged it off remembering that he doesn't break his promises. She turned back to Mackenzie. "I'm 16. How old are you? And do you come here with your sisters often?" Raven responded with a smile. Mackenzie seemed as if she were familiar with the park. So Raven was surprised that the two didn't meet before.
(I gotta head to bed now. Seeya soon)

Kayden sat back in Jackson's car, and turned on the radio. He smiled as he heard Sleeping With Sirens float out of the speakers.

"Don't wake me up, if I'm sleeping this life awaaay!" He sang along with his friends.

He laughed as Lisa and Emily cracked jokes about Jackson and gossiped about girls from their school.

Eventually, he just lay back and enjoyed the view until they got to the concert venue.
Kenzie nodded as she heard the second question. "Yeah, usually a couple times a week with my sisters when they get bored. Never at a set time, though." She smiled a bit before realizing there was another question asked. "Oh! And I'm 17 myself." She took her time now to look Raven over, going into a bit more detail than before. She was short - shorter than Kenzie at least - but that wasn't a bad thing. Her dark, nearly black hair contrasted well with her bright blue/green eyes, which Kenzie just could not get enough of. Her soft facial features combined it all into the undoubtedly attractive girl standing in front of her. She decided to hold back for the most part, but there was one thing she couldn't help but compliment. "I have to say, I love your eyes. I'm jealous."
"Cool! I bring Jamie here after school and usually after I get off from work." Raven smiled again. She was glad that Mackenzie came often. That meant that her and Mackenzie could probably hang out more often while the kids played. As she thought to herself she realized Mackenzie complimented her."Thanks I get my eyes from my mom." She replied as her cheeks became rose tinted. She was proud she resembled her mother. She observed Mackenzie's features to memorize her face. Mackenzie had long chocolate brown wavy hair. Her eyes were a deep coffee brown that matched her hair. Raven felt that it suited the girl well. "And don't be jealous! You have beautiful eyes as well! And your eyelashes are super long! And to top it off your chocolate colored hair is long and soft." Raven stated bluntly as she smiled. She then remembered the concert at the park. "Hey! Mackenzie are you going to the concert tonight as well?!?!" She asked as excitement filled her.
Kenzie could feel the heat rising to her cheeks as she felt the soft blush coming on. She did her best to ignore it and just shrug it off, even as she continued to be complimented. Once she heard the question, though, she was thankful for something to take the subject off of her. She nodded happily. "Yeah, I'm totally pumped. You're gonna be there too?" Maybe she could go with Raven, that would be awesome. Kenzie would love to get to know her better, and this would be the perfect chance.
Raven nodded as well with a huge grin. "Yep! Im taking Jamie with me too! It'll be his first concert. Are you taking the girls? And do you wanna go to the concert together?" Raven asked. She was jumping with joy. Literally, she didn't realize it. But when she did she shrugged it off and continued. "It'll be awesome if we go together! Wouldn't it?!?!"
((I'm so, so sorry >.< I did not realize this had started; I hope it's not too late.))

Penny woke up late. Not just usual late, but very late. She had fallen asleep at 2 AM and woke up at about 3 PM with much reluctance, a mistake she would surely think thoroughly before making again. She had spent the entire time surfing the internet and on Youtube looking at cat videos. "Cats are so..evil.." she mumbled, realizing that they would take over the world by social domination through the internet. Their plot was obviously to distract everyone by transforming into a ball of fur, then attacking the enemy front from four directions when the distraction worked. She sighed, rolled out of bed and looked in the mirror. She looked like a mess. Her coppery hair was messy and her blue eyes had faded into a grey shade with sleep. Not to mention that her pajamas were crumpled from her tossing and turning. She almost laughed at herself if she wasn't so tired.

She wandered into the bathroom to take a shower and wash her hair, her phone gingerly clutched in one hand. She rested it on the stack of towels before stepping into the bathtub. Midway through her shower, her cell phone began to ring. Turning the water down to minimize the noise, she answered it with an airy, "Hello?" Her friend Madison was coming to pick her up at 5:30 so that they could be there in time for the concert. The problem with her friend was that she was too prompt for the redhead's tastes. It seemed like Penny was always late compared to Madison, even when she's on time. "What?..I can't really...Oh, okay....Mmhm...Yes, Maddie, I get it...What?...It's the shower...Why wouldn't I answer the phone when I'm in the shower? You called, I answered....You're the weird one, ignoring me in the shower....Now, I just woke up...Bye." She got out of the shower smelling like fresh rain and lavender mixed in with Head&Shoulders shampoo. She put on her clean casual clothes, not wanting to pick clothes for the concert until after she'd eaten. Her damp hair left a trail of uncomfortable heat and ice a little past her shoulders.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and found the leftovers from breakfast with a note criticizing her sleeping habits. She did feel bad for sleeping so past her usual time, but quickly promised to do better tonight and instantly felt redeemed. She always slept in on Saturdays and Sundays, but it was usually to 12 PM at the maximum. 3 PM was truly a new low for her. Realizing how empty she felt, she gobbled down the food with little restraint. Her house was empty. Her family was out shopping or going to see entertainment, and nothing like a daughter who slept recklessly was going to stop them. Weekends for recreationoal purposes, not for sleeping. She went back upstairs and logged onto talkative.com using Chrome on her laptop. She felt that all the other browsers were somehow infinitely inferior to Google Chrome in many ways.

Spero42: Hello everyone! I fell asleep at 2 AM and woke up super late
:( Am not happy with myself

She didn't know who was up and who was on, but looking at the time, she realized that she didn't have much time before her absurdly prompt friend showed up at her door. She didn't even remember when Madison became her friend...it sort of just...happened. She opened her closet and looked over her clothes, coming to the conclusion that she didn't really care what she wore to this concert as long as she felt comfortable. Her friend texted her, saying that she was almost there.

Spero42: My friend is coming to pick me up for a concert, so I have to be ready 20 minutes early to be on time for her

She proceeded to pick out her
outfit and put her phone, wallet, and glasses in an over the shoulder purse. Lastly, she put her hair in a high, practical ponytail, with a few wispy strands falling loose and framing her face. Her blue eyes had gained back their luster with the losing of their grogginess. She pushed back the sleeves of the white sweater, satisfied with her appearance.

Kenzie couldn't help but giggle at how excitable this girl seemed. "I'm not bringing the girls, no, but we can definitely go together!" She pulled out her phone after getting a few more messages, but she didn't respond just yet. She did, however, check the time. "Oh, it's getting late. We should get going if we want to get back home and come all the way back here again." She looked over at her sisters on the playground. "Cate! Ash! Come on, we need to get going." She looked over at Raven again once she had called out to them. "I need to run home and get ready. Are you going to stay here?" She asked.
Raven shook her head. "No I gotta run home too." She said. She searched through her wristlet/wallet for a pen and some type of paper. She discovered the two items rather quickly and scribbled down her number. "Here's my number just call me when your on your way back to the park. K?" She handed Mackenzie her number before shouting out at Jamie. "Jamie! Come on we gotta go home and change!" Raven turned back to Mackenzie and said, "You can call me anytime you wanna hang out!" Raven smiled ecstatically and Jamie ran over. "Do we have to leave now?" The boy whined. Raven pinched his cheek and said, "Jamie. You sound like a girl." Raven stated bluntly as she let go of his cheek. "If you still wanna go to the concert with me you have to change out of those clothes Jamie. Now if you don't want to go to the concert anymore then I'll be more than happy to drop you off at Jakes house for you to play video games there. But either way kid you still have to change because your covered in dirt." Raven said as she tapped his nose lightly. Jamie shrugged, "Ok. I see what you mean now." He replied seeing that just from tapping his nose Raven had dirt on her finger. Raven ruffled his hair. "Good" she replied with a smile. "Now you still have to give me another answer. Do you still want to go to the concert? Or are you gonna play with Jake?" Raven asked. "I don't know yet." Jamie shrugged. Raven sighed and said, "Ok then you have until its time to leave the house to decide. K?" Raven smiled before turning back to Mackenzie.
Kenzie took the paper from Raven and nodded with a smile. "You can count on it. If I'm ready early enough, I could even pick you guys up." She thought about it for a moment. Even if the two lived close-by, it wouldn't be fun to walk anywhere, really, that late and it might not even be the safest thing to walk home at that hour. She resolved that she would just pick the two up, but later. "I'll let you know. It was nice meeting you! I'm looking forward to later." She gave the two a little wave goodbye before turning to her own sisters. She started to talk to them about their time at the park as they started walking away towards their own bikes, but she couldn't help but turn and give the girl she had just met one last charming smile and mouthing "Bye."
Raven smiled and said, "Ok and it was nice meeting you all as well! Bye Mackenzie see you later!" She shouted after Mackenzie and her sisters as they walked away. Raven smiled and waved goodbye. After she said goodbye she took Jamie by the hand and headed home. She let Jamie take a bath before her. As he did Raven picked out their outfits for the event. It took Raven no time to coordinate two stylish outfits for the concert. She hopped into the shower while Jamie was getting dressed.
Once the three girls made it home, Kenzie immediately went up to her room. She started picking out an outfit before opening up her laptop and checking the chat. It didn't seem like much has happened, but she figured she might as well make herself known.

Luminesce: Hey guys! I'm back. Miss me?

After typing that, she went to type in Raven's number into her phone. She shot her a quick text jus to make sure it was the right number.

Hey Raven, it's Kenzie! Just wanted to make sure this is right and everything.
NinjaDuck: Oh hey :D . Not really :P . But that's probably because I'm going somewhere right now :P .

The ride to the park from his house is kind of long. Aaron lives in a secluded area in the woods. His family didn't want to attract attention with their big house so they thought it was better to live there. Aaron didn't mind, he didn't know any better. He lived his whole live there and he thought it was kind of nice.
Raven emerged from the shower 13 minutes later. She pulled on her moms robe and exited the restroom. She plopped herself down on her bed and picked up her phone. She read the messages on talkative and giggled at Ninjas comment. She then switched over to her text messages and replied to Mackenzie.

Hey! Yep this is the right num! Just give me a ring when your ready to go! (> w <)

Rave removed herself from her bed and headed back to the bathroom. With her clothes and makeup at hand of course. She dressed herself rather quickly and curled her Raven colored hair. She then looked for her red lipstick and dabbed a little bit on. She combed out some of her curls to give her hair a beachy look. Then slipped on her vest and matching black heels. She observed her outfit in the mirror before exiting the restroom. She walked to her room and picked out a matching clutch for her outfit. Then she walked to the room where her parents use to sleep. Since her deceased mother was a police officer Raven knew she should always carry something to protect herself. She went through the rooms dresser and removed a retractable nightstick. She slipped it into her clutch and exited the room. "Jamie! Are you dressed?" The dark haired girl called out. The young boy sauntered out his room as if he were on the runway. Raven smiled at the boy. "I guess that answered my question." She said thinking aloud. Jamie had already slicked up his hair like his sister taught him so she didn't have to do a thing. Raven picked the boy up off his feet. She kissed him lightly on the cheek before placing him in a counter chair. She removed a pot of corned beef and cabbage from the fridge. She had made it the day before after she got off from work. She set the pot down and took out some plates. 10 minutes later Jamie and Raven were fed and were seated on Ravens bed.


Ravens outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.a6425175201002bee6a6a5782f5a4b40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.a6425175201002bee6a6a5782f5a4b40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ravens hair and makeup:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.09cd9819575f8c88b6d453c5d626b0f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.09cd9819575f8c88b6d453c5d626b0f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jamie's outfit and hair:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.f3c8f57a0fa6debfd83a096a84041b44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.f3c8f57a0fa6debfd83a096a84041b44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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