One Year Later (Pkandy x RadioActive)


Six Thousand Club

The small faux blue eyed girl satin the usual chair.

By the usual window...

With the usual scenery.

She slowly glanced around nervously.

Her eyes caught hold of the person of her main torment in the hellish existence.

She looked back down as though she saw nothing.

To make eye contact is to begin the next physical attack on her self esteem.

She glanced at her finger tips.

They were somehow paler then the rest of her skin.

The girl quickly applied make up on the area of her concern.

She slowly opened her book.

Musa was trying to be quiet it was early in the morning and students were just beginning to roll in with friends.

Hello, how have you been?

The new day echoed its words as though to show her how irrelevant her life was.

She sighed her usually unusual sigh and it caught attention.

The moment she parted her plump small petal-like lips was the moment everyone began to take her in.

Giggles ran through the class like she was an ugly extinct animal.

She touch her ear to hear a piece of paper on her back shuffle.

Stupid middle schooners

And like that her day was ruined with a "kick me" sign on her back.

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Spencer felt eyes on him.

He couldn't focus. Couldn't do anything.

His mind ran as peers entered the room. The wind from their presence pinched his nose and moves his hair. He gulped, and his hands automatically went into fists.

He turned around, and saw the girl. The girl he'd been starring at for years. The girl he'd followed. The girl who interested him, like some new species. Spencer wasn't sure he liked her. But then again he wasn't sure of much anything. He watched as she was uncomfortable, as more and more students entered the classroom. So she hid her face with a book.

Spencer grinned. But not enough. He watched as the other kids picked on her. And all Spencer could do was grit his teeth.

He was the quiet kid. The kid who other thought was emo. But he wasn't. His body wanted to get out an pound the kids, but his mind said otherwise. "Stop." He whispered, glaring at the small boy who put the paper on her back. On her back.

Spencer's body slowly shook, as he was about to give into his need. He felt his body pressing its weight against the desk, trying to stand. Spencer was nervous. But as he was about to stand, he jolted down, hearing a loud ring in his ear. It was the bell. The one telling everyone to get to class.

Spencer's head was pounding, and he said down, giving the girl one last glance, and turned in his seat. He closed his eyes, anger filling his thoughts and his gritted his teeth. Another time. Spencer thought. Another time.

The girl starred at the emo child before looking up at the teacher walking in.

The day would soon pass on in pure quiet solicitation.

She was watched, watching, or walking.

Walking away from the people and their routes.

Taking the rode no one else traveled in secrecy.

My last day in THIS hell hole.

She kept thinking this.

It was keeping her going and yet slowing her down.

Was there truly no one she missed?

But, of course there wasn't.

Nobody talked to her yet, ridiculed her like they knew her.

She sighed as lunch brought its way to her watch.

She watched from the corner of the lunch room at the edge of the lunch table.

But, why couldn't she be seen?

She wasn't that short.... but, compared to others she happened to be the shortest.

She ate until...


Yes, for people are her natural enemy.

With this came the practice of torture.

She sighed yet again as they treated her like the dumpster and dropped there food against her.

Why was food against her again?

Was it because of her grades or the fact she looked like she was fake?

(Sorry to ask out of the blue but the way I'm typing the story is it good or no? I'm just trying it out recently and asking opinions on it)
((It's fine! I'm actually enjoying reading them. They're like a poem I guess. It's cool. :P ))

Spencer's eyes seemed to gain weight throughout the class. The teacher's boring words and updates on the class. The children's giggles and paper planes. He hated school. Well, hate is a strong word, but then again maybe kids hated school so it didn't really matter.

Lunch came closer and closer. Finally the bell rang, and kids piled out before the teacher excused them. Spencer looked back at Muse. He gulped, watching as she slowly got up. He studied her for a moment, and then gathered his belongings and left the classroom.

Pizza. The smell of grease and pig filled his nose as he entered the cafeteria. Spencer was starving. His stomach hurt, and the cause of that was probably because Spencer had no breakfast. He slept in, an had to rush out the door this morning.

His mouth watered as he neared the pizza line.

He sat down, and lifted the treasure to him mouth. Cheese and red sauce exploded in his mouth. He silently moaned, as his eyes closed. He chewed and gulped every bite, and when he was finished, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

He glanced up, only to find a small girl. Children again harassed her. They through their food at her, as if she was a beggar. Spencer git his teeth, and his body tensed. He'd seen things like this happen day after day, and he wanted to do something. To stand up for the girl he'd always had observed.

Before he knew it, his body was up. Spencer was tall for his age, towering over most of the kids he knew. But he was never really noticed. Now, kids would notice him. But Spencer didn't care now.

He walked over to the girl, Muse, and the other kids, taking large quiet steps. His palms sweaty, and shoulders heavy. His chest was tight, but his face solid. He grabbed a boy's shoulder, who seemed to have started the 'fun game'. Twisting the boy around to face him, he threw a punch in the boys nose. "Leave her alone." He growled, surprised on how he seemed so strong and calm. The boy's look on his face showed fear, but anger at the same time.

The boy threw a kick at Spencer, hitting him in the groin. Spencer dropped to the ground, moaning. He glared at the boy, and tried to headbutt the boys stomach. He did, but not as strong as he intended. Spencer was breathing hard, hurt but still wanting to go on.

Muse starred up at the large tower of a kid.

When he threw the first punch it was as though...

Time stopped

Nobody ever fought her or in front of her.

This made her body shake and her lunch began flipping and turning.

She quickly hid under the table nervously.

How could people just fight?

And it was the quietest guy in the class!

Wait, what did he say?

Was he... defending her?

How... sweet..

Musa slowly moved to Spencer's side.

Then, quickly grabbed his hand in her tiny warm one.

Musa pulled him out of the room before the crowd could surround them asking for much more.

She jolted pulling him into the girls bathroom.

Musa locked the door then let his hand go looking around.

She made sure nobody was around or in the stalls then breathed heavily.

Musa then realized where they were and that they were alone," a-a-are you okay?" she asked.

She wasn't very good at talking to people to begin with but was glad he didn't seem mean at all.

However, she didn't trust him and was ready to jump into a stall with any sudden movements.

Spencer was ready for the boy to throw another punch at him, but then he felt a warm source around him. No wait, it was the girl. It was Muse. He followed her as she guided him into the... girl's bathroom. Spencer began to blushed widely, as he stood in the corner of the bathroom as Muse checked the stalls. No one was in here, so Spencer eased up a bit.

He eyed Muse, as she slowly asked Spencer a question. "I'm fine." He spit out, almost angry with the small girl. But he quickly took it back. Spencer knew he was only hurt because of himself, and not Muse. "I mean, I'm just... sore." He slowly said, choosing the right words.

Spencer stood there, studying the girl's face, for he had only done this from afar. Muse face was soft looking, smooth. She had one of those noses, with a point at the end. He'd always thought those were cute. "I'm sorry." He began, but stopped thinking if he should talk.

((Sorry for the crappy post, little brother is bothering me. :P ))
Muse jolted," why are you apologizing..... do you have a weird plan and just backed out?!" she asked becoming a bit paranoid. She then eyed the boy," your the quietest guy in the class... what made you start a fight?" Musa asked as she cleaned the mess off her shirt. She then looked in the mirror," the makeup is coming off...." she said sadly. She grabbed her make up foundation from her bag,"i hate being so pale..." she muttered under her breath.
((I am so sorry! I thought I already posted. I swear I did. Sorry, I thought I posted. Guess I didn't get to 'post reply' button or whatever. Sorry 'bout that!))

Spencer gritted his teeth. "I did that... because I wasn't going to sit back and let them annoy you time after time!" Spencer face was flushed, and he'd almost had had enough of this... 'small talk.' He quickly turned around, to see what Muse was doing when he rolled his eyes. "You're not pale." He muttered, and was heading for the exit.

"I need to go." He said, feeling that some girl or something was recording him leaving the girl's bathroom. "Class is about to start. See you in bio." He called to her again.

Spencer then headed to his locker where he got his binder and books, and left to bio class. Bio class was one of Spencer's favorites, for he liked to dissect the animals. He'd always wondered how bodies worked. Bio class was always a wonder to Spencer.

Muse turned a bright red and began walking out.

She didn't leave anything in a locker because she was worried it might get stolen.

Muse walked into class nervously then scurried to her seat and quietly sat down," two three four" she mumbled starring at the clock then smiled happily.

She couldn't wait to leave and start off fresh in a new town.

Maybe even change how she acted and reacted to things.

Muse smiled as the bell rang.

Only three more classes....

All she could think of not matter how the day got it was almost time for her to leave and NEVER come back...

At least she hoped so.

Spencer felt that he could hear everyone's blinks. That he could hear everyone's breathe. Hear people's thoughts. Everything.

He felt like this now because he knew. He knew someone thought it was funny. Thought they could press the button. Let it flash. Let it gain less memory. And to do what? Probably hang it somewhere. Hang the embarrassing memory around the campus. Spencer knew it.

His binders and books became stones and rocks. The hallway become the jungle, filled with thick, steamy air. Spencer felt like choking.

He turned the corner, his stomach taking a gymnastic lesson. Spencer quickly entered the classroom, when everything bad seemed to disappear. As if there was a portal at the doorway, that kept the thick, steamy air, and the stones and rocks out.

Spencer sucked in the air of his classroom as he calmly set down his things.

But he heard something. A snicker. Spencer looked up to see if anyone was bothering Muse, when he realized the source of the snicker, was staring at him. Spencer's horrors began to returned, when he realized what had been done.

And then he heard a grunt behind him. Spencer quickly spun around, to find his bio teacher standing over him.

"Spencer, may I speak to you?"

Muse spotted the teacher.

What had happened in the few seconds she was dazed.

Her gentle fingers flipped the pages of her book.

Her fingers like paint brushes as her newly applied makeup stained the new pages.

Muse glanced around realizing that...

Someone was playing another game.

Muse hated these games they played and for what?

Everyone was just going to become like a dream in a few seconds.

Everyone was to be forgotten and no memory of her depression would creep into her mind.

As quickly as she turned the page she heard a snap.

The moment the teacher walked out of the room-


Sweet silence grew as the feathery object taken from her against her will fell to the ground in pieces.

Like her sanity and patience it was gone forever and could not be replaced.

"hey that's too far.."

A girl said.

Muse's hair in clips was now laying on the ground.

Muse slowly stood up but it didn't make her a giant or a super hero.

No it made her smaller then they were on a scale of immaturity.

Muse's eye twitched,"i can't stand it anymore....... you disgusting moronic ba$tard$...."


"you heard every word I just allowed you to..... and I'm done sparing your mind for mine"

"frickin' weirdo"

The boy with scissors said holding his hand to smack her.

Muse grabbed her chair and with ease threw it at the boy and grabbed her bag walking out in silence.

Past the teacher, past the door, past the other stupid children watching her walk from the windows of the classrooms.


No regrets

Muse walked with her head down.

Looking both ways she crossed the street never to return...

Until Next Year...

Spencer gulped as the teacher led him out of class. The portal in the doorway hadn't worked. Broken. Just like everything else. Spencer looked up at his teacher, as he sighed. "Spencer..." He said, grabbing a paper from his pocket. The teacher slowly unfolded it, and showed it to Spencer.

Doomed. Spencer would now be picked on. What was on the paper was just the start, this was what Spencer knew.

"I'm sorry Spencer, but this unacceptable." The teacher began.

Wait. Spencer thought. Is the teacher with the kids? Is he yelling at me, instead of helping me? Instead of telling my it's okay? Spencer's face hardened. "Mr. Crosbie... I... I didn't-" Spencer stumbled over his words.

"No. Stop. Now." His teacher scowled. "I can't have a class with a student who goes in the wrong bathroom for fun."

Oh. The teacher didn't know what happened. "But Sir, that's not what happ-" Again, life came out to bite him.

The class door opened, as she came out. She being the girl Spencer had starred at for years. The girl he'd observed from a distance. The girl he stood up for today... the girl he... loved.


Her hair was chopped. In weird choppy layers. "Excuse me, but what are you doing?" The teacher called after her. But she didn't turn.

Where is she going? Spencer's mind was racing. Please. Don't leave me. Spencer turned to her, his heart sinking. Don't. He repeated. He would have yelled for her, pleaded even. but his lips wouldn't move.

Spencer hung his head, the thick air filling his lungs, stopping him from breathing.

"Please." Escaped his lips, and he sank to the ground. He knelt there on the ground, his eyes shut to keep the tears from flowing.

She's gone.

Muse hadn't left for the bathroom. No, she was leaving everything behind her. She was moving on.

But I'm not. But I am not. Those where the last thoughts Spencer thought that year. Life was meaningless, without her. Spencer no longer adored bio, he no longer observed anything.

Spencer was lost.

The year went by and eventually 8th grade finished and 9th grade summer passed soon finishing after and 10th grade began.

A girl pale and short walked onto the school's property.

She smirked looking up.

She walked into the main office chewing gum.

People starred at her as she walked with her skinny jeans and heels.

Her boots at her knees and her sweater rolled up to one of her elbows the other hanging down.

The girl walked into the classroom with her bag falling somewhat off her shoulder.

She then sighed as the teacher asked her to introduce herself to the class.



Eight Grade

The rest of that year was slow and empty to Spencer. He left Middle School with a crappy year. Since Muse left, the bullies decided to pick on the next weakling. The runt. And that was Spencer. Yes, Spencer was taller than most, but he was skinny and 'weak.' Shy and easy to pick on. So they did. Spencer had trouble finding a sit on the bus. He was given laughter when asked to us the restroom in class.

He wasn't able to eat lunch, for he was always was tripped. Maybe the kids want me to eat the scraps on the floor. Spencer would think.

Ninth Grade

Tenth Grade

Spencer wasn't weak.

He wasn't picked on.

No, he was left alone.

And as he was left alone, he became more mysterious. More... twisted. And by twisted, I mean scary. Spencer seemed to disappear at times. His voice became husky, and it seemed to lure people in. Spencer's fashion changed. He before wore casual clothes, but he now wears clothes that sag and dark colors. He spiked his hair up and wore rings and bracelets.

Spencer sat in a classroom in the back of the room, where me listen to his dubstep music. He never bothered to listen in class, so instead he listened to music. Sometimes even slept. Spencer expected nothing to happen today. Just another boring day. But this day would change his life.

And the moment happened in the middle of class. The door opened, and Spencer dropped his ipod. The room became silent, as everyone looked at the girl. She wore boots, a sweater, and many other things. Her jaw was moving, so that meant she was chewing gum.

Spencer blinked as he immediately knew who she was.


Other kids didn't though. Maybe a couple, for it took them a bit to realize who she was. But when she introduced herself, that was when Spencer knew for sure.

Muse waved," yo" she greeted.

The whispers began and people smirked.

"anything to say about yourself" the teacher asked.

"in the year I was gone I got taller"


"I took boxing, kick boxing, karate, Taekwondo , gymnastics, and shitamachi..... and I'm here to just have a bit of fun"


"and to thank someone for standing up for me when I couldn't"


Muse walked over to Spencer easily remembering him.

She quietly kissed his cheek.

Petals, rose petals against his cheek.

Muse smiled happily,

"thank you"

She took the empty seat then leaning back in her chair as class began.

The teacher teaches but, the students awe struck by Muse and her new found ways.

Spencer did something he hadn't done in years. He had observed. He listened. Spencer watched the girl, the girl he thought he'd never see again.

And as she neared, Spencer panicked. And when she pressed her lips against his check, he wanted to pull her in but at the same time, he wanted to push her away. So instead, he did nothing. He stood there frozen. And when she pulled away, Spencer found kids eyes on him.

Some of their eyes showed question, others surprised, and some maybe even a little envy.

Spencer smirked, and plugged his earbuds back in. He sat there, starring at the girl, Muse. Amazed. Gorgeous. Impossible. Laughter. These were the words that flew through Spencer's mind.

Spencer flipped his hoodie over his spiky hair, and his eyes went dark. Again, he was a shadow in the room. Except now, he had a purpose. Now, he had a reason.

Muse smirked at Spencer before drawing in her note book.

Sketching him.

Eventually the period ended for lunch and Muse was quiet.

Scissors slowly creeping towards her.

Ready to snip again.

But, this time she grabbed the boy's wrist.

Spinning him around she pressed him against the wall,

"drop it"

She glared with eyes sharper then knives.

The scissors fell to the ground and Muse let him go and began walking away.

The boy glared picking up a chair behind her.

Yet, she seemed alert and ready to move out of the way.

Spencer entered the hallway after class, and slung his backpack over his shoulder. He began walking to the lunch room, when he began to wonder what happened back in the classroom.

Muse was... different, Spencer knew this. She was more confident, taller, and maybe even prettier. Maybe even sexy. Spencer quickly shook that thought away from his concentration. Okay, Okay, teenage boys tend to think dumb things, but don't blame him.

Spencer cracked his knuckles and began to think again. There was definitely a change in Muse. But then again he changed too. Spencer soon entered the cafeteria, and slowly sighed. She would be here, and she would surely confront from. Or maybe he to her.

Spencer slowly opened the door, with creaked with their age. He entered the room where the scent of food filled his lungs. Spencer was hungry. Spencer set his backpack down on the table and pulled the chair out. He dug through his bag and came up with a Dr. Pepper and a Subway sandwich. Within seconds, the sandwich was gone along with the last drop of his soda.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Spencer walked to the garbage to throw away his trash when he saw something over his shoulder. Scissors.

Spencer spun around to see what was happening, when he saw it was already token care of. Hmf. Spencer crossed his arms. So she can fight now. Spencer grabbed his backpack and walked over to her. A chair was chucked. But Spencer was a fast walker. He'd already made it there, when it was chucked, so Spencer grabbed it. "Listen, if you want to do I food fight, I suggest that you use food and not chairs." Spencer grinned, setting the chair down.

Muse smiled at Spencer.

A rose red now bringing color to her pale cheeks.

"nice... that's a philosophy you should follow huh?"

She glared at the boy and he ran off.

The two of them look like a scary pare.

"thanks for uh... helping... it does wonders to have someone tall around.."

She joked then sat down at an empty table and took out a bag of chips and a dollar mountain dew soda.

The food disappeared and she groaned a bit still hungry.

She glanced around realizing everyone starring at her.

Muse quietly put her hoody over her head adjusting her glasses.

She glanced at Spencer then smiled.

Spencer bit his lip, as he watched the boy run. He automatically sat down in a seat across from Muse. He pulled of his hoodie, and messed up his hair again. Spencer slung his bag across his seat and then stared at Muse's eyes through her glasses.

"Why?" He questioned, crossing his arms. He then leaned in to her. "Why'd you come back? I thought you hated this place." And it was probably true. But the change from Muse was remarkable. Sometime happened with her between the time she left this school, and the time she came back.

Spencer cleared his head, ready to take in everything she was about to say. 
Spencer bit his lip, as he watched the boy run. He automatically sat down in a seat across from Muse. He pulled of his hoodie, and messed up his hair again. Spencer slung his bag across his seat and then stared at Muse's eyes through her glasses.

"Why?" He questioned, crossing his arms. He then leaned in to her. "Why'd you come back? I thought you hated this place." And it was probably true. But the change from Muse was remarkable. Sometime happened with her between the time she left this school, and the time she came back.

Spencer cleared his head, ready to take in everything she was about to say.

Muse blinked then thought.

She looked into his eyes still blushing.

He got closer and it caused her to get nervous.

She began playing gently with a ring on her right hand.

Muse then gulped.

"many reasons.... mostly my dads relocation..."

Muse then looked at him nervously.

"revenge..... to thank you..."

She had developed a crush with her idealistic version of what he assumed to be like.

"are you two going out?"a nosey girl with eyes for Spencer asked.


Muse glared.

"then why did you kiss him"

"because I find him attractive" she said bluntly.

Muse then looked at Spencer," anyway..... why did you want to know...? Am I bothering you?"


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