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Realistic or Modern One x One { xXRassBerriXx + Narcolepsy&Cartoonz }


One Thousand Club
Some people admired the beauty of a spring morning. The birds performed a dawning choir of chords and hums, topped gently with the scent of morning dew, which was a day-to-day delicacy in itself. They sipped on their coffee in the sun's scarlet light, tipping their chairs on the porch. Their hearts swayed with the lukewarm breeze. Like honey, they took all of that sweet, sugar-dipped air within them, and let it dance in their stomachs like butterflies in a field. Smiling, giggling, they let their cares melt away with the kiss and promise of a new day. Their hair was perfect, their outfit prepared, and their eyes shining, as they opened the door to today.

Floren wasn't one of those people.

"Floren, dear, you have to get up! You're going to be late!" Her aunt's shrill voice carried from the bottom of the stairs into Floren's room, and she groaned. She hugged her pillow, sat up, then stretched her arms above her head of matted hair. Her weary eyes finally cracked open to the reality that awaited her in bright red pixels. ⑥:⑤④. She had five minutes to get ready.

"What the hell? I said five more minutes, Maddy! Not fourty!" Floren complained as she sprung out of bed. She ran to her closet and began shuffling through her monochrome wardrobe, most of which would break any decent dress code out there. "I swear. First impressions are important unless you wanna get your shitty head blown off! I can't be late on the first day!" She threw on a black t-shirt with a plaid coat that was supposed to be a button-up dress, and a pair of shorts. Then, after briskly combing the bird-nest atop her head, she rushed down the stairs. She grabbed her bag, her boots, and was out the door with a quick good-bye.

7:21 a.m: Floren arrived on the opulent campus of DawnWind High School, with only nine minutes to spare. "Jesus, it even has a crap name." She huffed, and marched towards the towering front doors. Stepping inside, she snaked past groups and wandering eyes, quickly making her way to where she hoped her new locker was.

Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons





Just before the alarm could blare, Axel quickly slammed his hand down on the clock, causing it to go silently before it could even begin. Aha! "Sorry, Old Friend!" Axel chucked cockily, hands on his hips as he stared at himself in his full-body mirror. A dashing gentlemen, although a bit short, wearing a brown sweatervest over a white button-up long sleeved shirt tucked into his khaki pants. "You'll have to be a little quicker than that." He commented to the inanimate object, yet squinting in the mirror. Wait...something wasn't right...he quickly walked over to his dresser and opened a box, revealing a variety of combs, each with its own shape in size. He mulled over his selection before choosing his favorite, a medium-sized black rat-tail comb. Dabbing a little grease on his fingers, he walked back to the mirror and ran it over his hair before combing it carefully. "...There! Perfect Perfection!" He said in a bit of glee, returning the comb to its proper place and straightening his clothes. Let's see. He cleaned his room (which was already clean to begin with), He had gotten dressed...time for a bag check!

"Let's see here," He began, taking his red bookbag before opening it. "Binder? Check! Pencil and Paper? Check! Proper Textbooks? Check! Lint Roller and throw-away wipes? Check!" Axel nodded. Everything seemed to be here. He was prepared for the day! Zipping up his bookbag and bringing it over his shoulders. Time for breakfast. Grabbing his phone and a pair of earbuds, he walked out the door and looked over at his room, blue walls and a neat bed with a bookcase filled with his favorite books near a clean desk. With a nod, he closed the door and happily skipped to the stairs, yet stopped at his dad's door. He...He knew this was a silly thought but....he opened it slowly and peeked in. O-Oh...O-Of course. He was gone for work...like always...closing the door with a sigh, he trudged downstairs and into the kitchen. After eating his toast and cereal quietly, he quickly sipped a glass of orange juice and washed the bowl and cup before heading out the door and locking it.

Making it to school at 6:30, listening to his music, he walked into the front entrance. DawnWind highschool...such a beautiful name! He smiled to himself and sat on a nearby bench. Well, he had some time for a quick read! He took out a book from his bookbag and began to read it intently. Unbeknown to him, a group of boys, thuggish looking and a bit goblin faced, were walking into the halls. With a few chuckles and sneers, they looked at the unsuspecting Axel. "Look at him. He's always here. Exactly on time...what a nerd." The leader said, frowning. Who did the twerp think he was? He was acting all high and proper. Like he was better than everyone just by reading his fancy books or getting better grades. The leader smirked widely, oh, they'll show him. He looked at the clock. They'll show him.

It was 7:22 now, and Axel was in the middle of an interesting chapter. "O-Oh, Heinsworth! You lovable rouge!" He chuckled to himself, only to catch the time on his watch. He should better get going! He quickly closed his book and threw it in his bookbag before standing up from the bench and beginning to walk...only to walk into someone. "Oh! I-I'm sorry!" He quickly stuttered, backing away. He dusted off his vest and looked up at boy in front of him, eyes widening at his appearance. O-Oh no... "O-Oh! He-Hello..." He gulped. "Te-Terrance! U-Uhm, if you excuse me, I'll just be-" He was interrupted by a hard shove from behind, causing him to fall on the DIRTY FLOOR! He groaned and tried to stand up, but someone's foot was holding his bookbag down. N-No! They were going to leave a shoeprint! He heard jeering laugher from Terrance, the leader.

"Look at him, boys! Fancy boy's having a cow from being so close to the floor!"

"Uh-Uhm...Fe-Fellows? I-If we don't get up soon, we'll be la-"


A Kick from his side caused him to yelp in pain. He heard more laughter from above and he whimpered slightly as he looked around. Various students were looking, but most either walked past him or pretended not to notice. This was not good. No-Not good at all.

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127... 128... 129... 203??

God, was it an American thing, or were hallways this disorganized? She couldn't find her locker anywhere. Time was ticking by and she knew she was probably going to be late. What a pain. Whenever her father was late to a meeting, he always played it up like he was some sort of king. That scared people as much as it annoyed people. Floren decided if she was going to be late, she better put on show to explain why and it was then, like a bittersweet godsend, she saw her chance for trouble.

204... 205...

She stopped and turned to a scene the other students avoided like a plague. There was a group of boys. Their faces were twisted with ugly pleasure, though that isn't to say their faces wouldn't be ugly anyways, and it reminded Floren of a group of orcs. They were buffer than average boy. Still, they were nothing compared to the men of the mob, men who Floren controlled with ease. These boys were just targets begging to be mowed down, boys even more pathetic than the poor victim they held to the floor.

"You know, it's not manly to kick a guy while he's down. Your dicks'll fall of at this rate," Floren chuckled. There was dare in her eyes, the dare of a lion sizing up its prey. She walked up to the group of boys and slipped by the the man who looked like he was their leader. She got between him and his victim and didn't hesitate to get in his face. "God, you'd even make an ugly chick! It's no wonder you'rs such an ass, cause you've gotten make up for what you'll never have." She was taunting him, aggressively, in the same way her father enticed his enemies. She wanted to punt this guy across a football field.

Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons
Axel had never felt so embarrassed in his life. The whole hallway, probably even half of the school, watched as he got dirt...on his VEST! ...Also, yes, there was the bullies on top of him, laughing and humiliating him. But Hygiene was always the first on Axel's mind, no matter what situation he was in, and he was more intent on just getting up from under this guy's dirty shoe and the floor rather then getting them to stop now. But alas, he didn't have the strength to. And even if he did, they would've just pushed him down again. The situation seemed hopeless. No one who would help him, nothing he could to do to even help himself. Axel could only sigh. Today was just going to be another, painful-

"You know, it's not manly to kick a guy while he's down. Your dicks'll fall of at this rate."

His eyes widened, a mixture of relief, shock, and dread running through his body. The kids watching, even the bullies, stopped everything they were doing just to turn to this girl...and felt a brief moment of confusion. Axel, still on the floor, tried to turn her head to see her, but the large oaf's leg was blocking his view. The girls here...they never used such crude language. Sure, they said the occasional curse when there was a test or they were missing a pencil, but never something as vulgar as that. At least, to Axel, who was inexperienced with girls to say the least. But even someone like him knew that a girl shouldn't be taunting a group of full grown aggressive teens.

"...Well, look what we got here, boys!" Terrance said with a forced smirk, walking close to her, along with his crew. Once he felt the foot lift off of him, Axel quickly scrambled and dusted his clothes off with a few mutters of disgust. "This must be the new girl everyone's been ravin' about! And apparently, she's some kind of comedian," Axel blinked in confusion. New girl? Why hadn't he ever heard of her? He turned and saw the boys circle around her, blinking at her appearance. She was...scary to say the least. Not only was she as tall as the boys who towered over him, but everything about her just screamed 'Rebel'. Which was odd, because if she were...why did she step in? "So, listen, Girly. Back at your little school, you may have been some big hotshot! But us here? We run this joint!"

'Oh, yes. Ignore the administrators, as well as several of the jockeys and cheerleadrs' Axel thought with pursed lips, wanting to intervene. But he couldn't find the courage to.

"And we prefer to keep it that way! So, unless ya gonna DO something about it-" He punctuated it with a poke in her chest. "-I suggest you walk away and mind your business." The tension was thick as a knife, and judging by the severe number difference, this would not look good for her. Axel nervously shifted his eyes and stepped forward a little, holding his finger up.

"Uh-Uhm, I don't think that-"


"Ri-Right!" He squeaked quickly. Well, if something DID go wrong, he'd just get a teacher's help!

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It was strange to see a lamb's eyes bubbling with such arrogance. It almost made Floren want to gouge them out, but she was more civilized than that. No fight should be won in such an unsightly way unless your enemy had the balls to piss you off beforehand, because they're just asking for it then. You could beat the moron to death with his own arm and no one would bat an eye. Well, that's just how it goes in the mafia. Floren had to remind herself that she was in a public school now with everyday kids, many of whom had never shot a man in their life. They're quivering sheep who think they're big shots cause they can beat up mice. Don't they know a wolf when they see one? Floren was the top predator here, not these scumbags who think they can get away with being pricks.

"Why the fuck would I care what you're running?" she growled at the school boys gang's supposed leader: the man who dared to meet her stare. Maybe she should have ignored the scene and let sheep have their fun. She's not meant to be anyone's guardian angel. She's a killer, a damned criminal who's destined for hell, but that's just why she can be whatever she wants. The rules mean nothing to her. If she were born a goldfish, she would become a shark. "You're still pathetic, a king of fools who think's he's a prize cause he's the biggest piece of shit in the load. It's only a matter of time before you're in the sewers, dumb ass."

Again, she reminded herself that this wasn't the mafia. She couldn't just go about causing any trouble she wants, no matter how much she wanted to. Getting expelled would put even more work on her father's plate. On top of that, her aunt would give her hell, but she had some room. There's no proof of the beating if she doesn't leave a bruise.

Floren's eyes glittered with sadistic anticipation. She took a step closer to the leader boy and made to do something that was quite unclear, for she was stopped frozen by a voice in a bit of an awkward pose.

"What's everyone looking at?"

There was the click of heels against the tiled ground and the clanging of keys on a chain. It was the assistant principal, Mrs. Lovelle. Her shrill voice could be recognized from a mile away. Floren straightened her posture and glanced over her shoulder to where Mrs. Lovelle made an opening in the crowd. The older woman surveyed the scene with cold, narrowed eyes: the same eyes she looked Floren over with during registration.

"Boys," she addressed the group. "I hope you aren't making trouble for our newest student. Classes are about to start, you know."

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As the kids watched the new girl's statements get bolder and bolder, they could only back away slowly as Terrance's face got redder and redder. Wh-Who did she think she was?! Only here for a day, and yet here she was! Spouting shit like she was one of the boys! As if she mattered in this society! He wasn't a piece of shit or some orc she could just push around! He was the predator of this school. The students here were scared of him. Eye twitching, he gave his crew a side glance, gritting his teeth as he watch them shiver. Cowards! He looked at the crowd of students, some recording this on video while others tried to hide their prying eyes, yet was doing a poor job. Nuisances! His eyes finally landed on Axel, who's eyes were wide as a tiny scared doe. And Weaklings! And THEY were the fucking fools! Not him! How dare she associate him with them. Eyes narrowed and dangerous, body shaking with anger, letting her get closer to him. Thaat's right. Keep comin', because he was about to shove his foot SO FAR UP HER-

"Oh, Hello, Ms. Lovelle!" Axel greeted right after a familiar voice broke the tension like a window, causing Terrance's eyes to widen. Shit. He clenched his fists and glared at the girl, looking down as he heard the teacher from behind him. Damn...DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! ...She got lucky...No. His eyes glanced at Axel again. They got lucky. And so, with a shaky sigh, he put on a sickeningly sweet smile and turned to the women. "Why, no, Ms. Lovelle! We were just...seeing if she was finding everything alright." He said in the most polite tone he could muster. His boys behind him but their hands behind their backs and whistled, sweat stains visible on their shirts. Axel, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow at this.

Terrance was known for not only being the biggest tormentor of DawnWind Highschool, but also the biggest liar as well. From crocodile tears to fake notes from doctors, he sure did have a mean streak. And the funny thing was, almost everybody in the whole school knew. But the teachers here were so oblivious and thought of him as the perfect angel. He was too scared to say it out loud, but...it really bugged him. No one really did anything about it though...until today that is. Axel looked at the girl the entire time, his social awkwardness preventing him from realizing he was staring too long. She was as tough as she looked, it seemed. The dangerous glimmer in her eyes, the tense body, it was so intimidating it made him shiver a little. But it still didn't answer to question as to why she helped someone like him.

He looked from Terrance to the new girl, feeling an oncoming headache. Today was going to get confusing, wasn't it?

xXRassBerriXx xXRassBerriXx
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The authorities always come to ruin the fun. She had her enemy right where she wanted him, the barrel to his head and her finger on the trigger. Just a little nudge and... BOOM! Shit, it wasn't her gun. It was a self-righteous idiot with a clipboard. Like the chime of church bells did her petty keys jingle and the shine of two foot lamps created an angelic halo above her head. The sight was so saccharine, Floren could almost throw up. Teachers were even worse than cops because she couldn't pay them to stay out of her business. Their morals were stronger than that, which was something Floren both respected and hated. Still, it wasn't all bad. This pen-wielding angel only had power in the school building and in the outside world she was as insignificant as an ant. Floren grinned, but while it may look innocent enough, anyone with the eyes of a warrior could recognize its dark amusement.

"Why, no, Ms. Lovelle! We were just...seeing if she was finding everything alright."

Honey-soaked words slipping past a snake's fangs only served to tickle Floren's ears. She thought Terrance would at least have the balls to keep his lips off his teacher's ass! It was funny, to be honest, watching him struggle so feebly with a facade he played well. She wanted to see him squirm more. An innocent little dove or a sheep in wolf's clothing, Floren could see well what he really was. At least this made things simple. "Yeah, yeah. Hey, Mrs. Lovelle," Floren greeted casually, a slight groan in her voice. She took a step back and stopped at Terrance's side. She poked him on the hip. Well, it was more of a jab, but she was sure Mrs. Lovelle wouldn't see the difference. "Ah, this man's a guy of pure gold! A real angel! I got lost and who lit my way? T-" Terry? Tanner? Wait, what was his name? She furrowed her brows and touched her index to her chin. "This guy!" she shrugged and gestured at him.

Mrs. Lovelle nodded approvingly. "It's good to see you've already met Terrance." right, that was his name! "Floren, If you need anything, I'm sure you can run it through to him," she assured. How blind could a person be? Really, this was her school and she couldn't see the little traitor right under her nose. If she were in the mafia, she'd have been shot dead a long time ago. "I'm sure I can," Floren said sweetly, but she knew Terrance would hear just how much she was mocking him.

"Anyways, Mrs. Lovelle, I gotta get going. I still need to find my locker, you know? Terrance here was kind enough to show me to... this guy." She pointed over her shoulder at Axel. "He's heading the same way as me, so he's gonna help me out."

Before the exchange could go any further, Floren turned away and walked up to Axel. She looked down at him, a scrawny, but neat little thing truly befitting of his 'mouse' title. Something sparked in her eyes. "Yeah, so my locker's uhm..." She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket. "344? Right. Let's get going."
Axel watched with a small eye twitch as even the girl seemed to play the actor card as well, but by her tone of voice and the way she spoke about it, she was actually continuing to mock the bully under the watch of the teacher. Still, Axel tried to hide a smile as he watched her jab Terrance's side, his ears picking up a grunt from the burly boy. It was actually a bit funny seeing Terrance getting bullied for once. A taste of his own medicine. This wouldn't mean he would stop, but it would at least humbling enough to teach him a lesson for awhile. Although, Axel would've preferred it without the chances of a fight or vulgar language. At Mrs. Lovelle's response, his smile disappeared and he gave the teacher a look of disbelief. Of all teachers, he at least expected Mrs. Lovelle to be a little bit more...well, assuming. She was a smart woman! And with all those keys, she clearly had access to some high-level materials, yet she still fell to two people lying through their teeth. But, at least he knew the girl's name now. Floren...it sounded so feminine from the real-wait, why was she pointing to him?

He blinked as his attention focused backed to the scene, eyes widening when the girl suddenly began to approach him. He backed away instinctively, holding the straps of his book bag tight. Wa-Wait, what was going on?! Curse his over-curious thoughts! She didn't seem as if she wanted to hurt him, though...right now in front of everyone at least. In fact, she only pulled out a piece of paper and read her locker number. He blinked in slight shock and looked around, pursing his lips when everyone seemed to be watching the two. O-Oh, Lord. "O-Oh! Ye-Yes!" He stuttered, turning back to Floren, the way she looked down at him only furthering the pressure. Wh-Why did she pick him?! He hunched his shoulders a bit. "Ju-Just follow me, I suppose." And with that, he lead her down the halls, not having to look at the locker numbers to know to turn to the left. He knew almost every inch of this school, after all.

As Terrance watched their backs disappear around the corner, Terrance grit his teeth, yet somehow managed to keep his smile up, despite a few snickering onlookers. Oh, she wasn't getting away with this. Not by a fucking long shot. The red from his face disappeared and his smile widened. This wasn't the face of your regular school bully. This was the face of a scheming criminal. With a nod, he turned to his still shaking boys and nearly scowled. But he managed to keep it down as he walked past them. "Come on, boys. Lets go. After all...we have a lot of work to be done." The three boys looked at each other, faces weary and a bit scared. They had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.

Meanwhile, walking for a few moments, Axel stayed quiet until they got to the locker. "Th-This should be it." He said, looking at the numbers and nodding before stepping away and letting Floren reach in her locker...and standing there awkwardly. Axel didn't know what to do, honestly. No one ever came to him for help before, even if this was just an excuse to get away from Mrs. Lovelle. He wanted to turn and walk away, but he felt as if that would be improper in a way...and she did technically save him. He should at least try to gulp down his fear a bit and give her at least a little of a warm interaction compared to the one from before."...Uh-Uhm...We-Welcome to our school," He began meekly, looking away from her and feeling a bit guilty for such a weak response. "I-I assure you, Te-Terrance is not a representation of DawnWind. W-We are much more loving...and clean...and mentally stimulated." Axel muttered, narrowing his eyes a bit.

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The mouse was scared. Floren could see all the things her father taught her to recognize in this boy's small, organized form. His eyes avoided her's as if they were a portal to damnation and just looking into them would suck you away into the fiery pits, which happened to be a little a true. Catching her stare at the wrong time never was never a pretty thing. Still, she wasn't trying to be scary right now. Perhaps it was just something about her? The people here looked clean and unbothered, so of course they would smell the rotten blood on her hands. Fitting in wouldn't be easy. It was a good thing Floren didn't value popularity considering how alien this world was to her, yet she didn't want to go home. This place was new and full of unpredictable twists and turns, which for the mundane were everyday procedures. They were hurdles over spike pits for someone as dangerous and active as Floren. There were cops with no ties to her father, gangs she never met before, people who she never heard of, and all of it was hidden in a secret society of shadows. The American underground was dark and arcane. Her father may have sent her away to put her in a safer place, but his daughter was just as troublesome as him. She'd find the night during midday.

"Are you?" she replied nonchalantly. She hung her black bag up in her locker and carefully unloaded a notebook and a couple folders. Until the end of the day, she wouldn't have any of her text books. It was bothersome, but it did give her a chance to mess with some of the other students. She wanted to start poking around and figuring everyone out as soon as possible, and this boy, no matter how timid he may be, was included in this everyone. Perhaps it was merely because of the situation they met each other in, but he sparked an interest in her. She wanted to see this little mouse cause some damage. It was like her to want to see something so clean get a little dirty.

"This place is disorganized. No one's motivated, no one's united, and for some reason you all let dicks like that Terrance kid reign over you. If he were my boss, I'd kill him in cold blood," she growled dangerously, her green eyes as sharp as broken emeralds. She ran a hand through her brown hair and roughly shut her locker. "I wish I could of kicked his ass. He was asking for it, picking on someone who wouldn't fight back. That's not a real fight." She sighed. "Oh well. He's gotta be pissed now, so I'm sure I'll see him again. I'll show him how weak he really is."

Floren smiled a sweet smile unbenefiting of such brutish words and turned to Axel. She waited a moment and tried to catch his gaze as she held her hand out to him. "I'm Floren Sergei, by the way. I just got sent down here from Russia. You are?" The air around her, while still tinted with that natural intimidation of her's, felt lighter. There was something more friendly and inviting about her.
"Are you?"


Axel tilted his head at her question, watching her take out a book with a couple folders. What did she mean by that? Axel thought it was actually welcoming here...somewhat. There were clubs, People (Besides Terrance) generally left you alone if you left them alone, and the education system was pretty decent! Everything was rather simple and satisfactory in his opinion. And he had never met anyone who didn't share it...well, that was mainly due to the fact that no one talked to him, let alone remember him, but still. And yet, this Floren girl seemed to disagree almost immediately. He frowned, wanting to object to such claims, but otherwise kept quiet as her opinion had gotten a little more violent, face going pale and flinching at the mention of murder. And the more she talked about her past, as well as future, plans for the bully, he looked around nervously, sweating a bit. He hoped those rumors of security cameras were false...

A movement caught his eye and he looked to see the girl had turned her attention to him again. Her hand moved, and he flinched once again. But then he realized she was holding it out for...a handshake. He looked up at her face, surprised when it was nice and sweet, the glint of a twisted individual momentarily gone and replaced by a friendly introduction. Floren Sergei...Wait, Russia?! He looked at hand and hesitantly raised hands, pursing his lips a bit. He wasn't used to...touching people. It was foreign to him. He barely even touched his own parents, let alone strangers. With a small shrug, he slowly grabbed her hand, his skin soft and smooth, and shook it, pure blue eyes staring up at Floren with a nervous smile. "Uh-Uhm...My name is Axel Hamilton. It's a pleasure to meet you..." He said meekly.

Everything was going...relatively good so far. She wasn't hitting him, so that was a success in his books. Letting go of her hand, he scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to do now. He had never actually gotten this far in a conversation with somebody before. And despite the type of person he was currently interacting with, he...kinda didn't want to mess up. Not because he was scared of her (Which he still was), but that talking to someone was...kind of nice. "...Ru-Russia, correct? M-My, I-I don't believe I've ever met somebody of a different nationality...its quite rare here." He commented, only to blink. Wait. He looked around. Something felt...off. He narrowed his eyes a bit. The hallways were beginning to come scarce. And door were beginning to clo-WAIT, WHAT TIME WAS IT?! He quickly reached into his phone and whipped out his phone, literally jumping. 7:28?!

"Holy Golden Girls! I'm going to be late for English!" Axel cried, throwing his phone back in his pocket. They were gonna be late! He needed to get to English Class or this'd go in his record! He turned to Floren. "ItwasreallynicetomeetyoubutIhavetogoEXCUSEME!" And with that, he ran away from her, speeding down the hallway. This was the reason why Terrance always knocked him down. Him and Axel both knew that the boy was unnaturally faster than the male student body. Mix that with his small frame, and it would make him a difficult person to catch up to. In some ways, he was like a mouse. But none of that was important now!

He narrowed his eyes. Nothing would stop him in the name of education!

xXRassBerriXx xXRassBerriXx (Pssst. > v > Floren miiiight have the same first period class)
Golden Girls? Wasn't that the show her aunt kept mentioning? It was about old ladies, or something of that like. Floren wasn't really sure to be honest. She was never big on TV, since she didn't enjoy sitting around too much. She was the type who liked to make things play out, rather than watch them. That's why she preferred video games in most cases. On top of that, the mouse's last name was Hamilton. Her father fawned over a Hamilton for weeks after going to see some strange play. He had a weird soft spot for things like that which Floren never quite understood, only because you had to watch the whole thing in one or two sittings. They were too long, but if she'd read Axel right, he'd probably like that sort of thing.

She also learned another new thing about him: he was fast, impressively so. He might even be able to outrun someone like her. She could easily imagine someone like that being good with a gun, a CQC gun too. But what kind? Something that wasn't hard to hit a target with and complimented his speed, while keeping his lack of muscle in mind... Maybe something like a machine gun? She chuckled at that thought. He wasn't the type to wield a gun, but that's what made imagining it so fun. She pondered if she could get him to play something like paintball, or perhaps something even a little more intense like airsoft? Certainly laser tag. Three year olds could play that.

Brrring! Brrring!

A bell? Floren furrowed her brow and slipped her phone out of her pocket. It was 8:30. So that's why he ran off. She thought he just saw someone scary, but she did remember him saying something about being late for... English, was it? Wasn't that her first period too? She took her folded piece of paper out of her other pocket and quickly looked over her schedule. It was! Room 103 - English. Well, he was certainly going to be surprised! She wondered if any of the orcs were in her first period too as she quietly walked down the empty hall.

101... 102.... 103!

She'd found it, and at 8:35 exactly! She wasn't alarmingly late and that was fine. The stunt she pulled earlier probably told most of the sheep here that she isn't the type to mess with. She opened the door and stepped inside. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost," she lied before she even looked around. But when her eyes scanned the room, she was looking for one person in particular.
Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons

Axel slid in the classroom just before the bell rang. The sounds of kids talking to each other either desk by desk or across the room was the only thing to be heard, causing Axel to sigh in relief, somehow not out of breath from running so hard. H-He made it...thank the lord he made it! "Heh, Heh. Right on time, as usual, Mr. Hamilton," He heard a male voice come from the front of the room, causing him to turn to see Mr. Gibbous sitting at his desk, hands on his cheek with a sly smile. He was a man in his thirties, his head completely bald with a dark stubble wearing business casual clothing. Although he looked normal, he was actually one of the most popular teachers here, and Axel could see why. He was nice to both the popular and not-so popular kids, and knew how to respect the students while also respecting the policies of the school. Plus, his knowledge on literature and writing was astounding, something Axel looked up to greatly. "But you seem to be a minute off your usual time."

Axel chuckled nervously and scratched his arm. "M-My Ap-Apologies, Mr Gibbous. I was just...occupied with something." Axel said weakly. The man smiled with a raised eyebrow. Axel? Busy before school? He wasn't far from the type of boy to do his homework before class, and he hasn't been seen talking to anyone much at this school. The man could've sat there and pondered, but he had a class to run. So, with a nod, he stood up and stretched, gesturing for Axel to take his usual seat in the front. After a nod back and a quick scramble, Mr.Hamilton was now seated just before Mr. Gibbous clapped his hands. The whole class, out of respect and slight fear of the judgment of their peers, listened to the man. "Alright, before we start class, I have a special announcement for you all!" The whole class muttered in confusion, but they weren't as confused as the English teacher, who looked around the room and scratched his hairless scalp. "But...uh...it seems as though it isn't-"

"Sorry I'm late, I got lost,"

Axel's eyes widened just as much as Mr. Gibbous's smile. "Ah! Late?" He asked, raising an eyebrow playfully. "If I recall, Ms. Sergi, you came here just before the bell rang, tailing right behind Mr. Hamilton." He said with a wink. It would be unfair to mark a new student late. And besides, she showed up while some kids liked to skip. With a nod, he turned to the class. "Right! Today, we have a new student with us! Her name is Floren Sergei!" He introduced, causing whispers and murmurs to go through the classroom. Axel wasn't part of them, instead pretending...well, half-pretending to see if he had any lead in his mechanical pencil, hiding his shock. This girl was everywhere today! After a moment, Mr. Gibbous cleared his throat, the whole class quieting down. "Anyway, Ms. Sergei, you haven't missed much. For now, you can sit..." He trailed off and hummed as he looked around the room. Who for her to sit with? It had to be someone well-behaved. Someone who would be able to help her with any questions she had, Someone like...his eyes looked at the empty seat next to Mr. Hamilton. The boy HAD been sitting without a buddy for almost half the year. "...to the empty seat next to Mr. Hamilton!" The Teacher said cheerfully.

Axel's eyes twitched and he almost dropped his little lead container, but otherwise fixed himself. Do-Don't be such a prude, Axel. Just because she was highly aggressive, has several inches on you, has the eyes of a shark, and was a GIRL doesn't mean you have to be nervous. No-Nope. Totally not! And so, he gave her a weak wave and a shaky smile amongst the whispers of where she might be from and where'd she fit in this school.

xXRassBerriXx xXRassBerriXx

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