One Grim Night...

Cynical Soiree

Wine. Dancing. Murder.

In the not so distant past,

A party was happening but it was souring quite fast.

The mirth forgotten; suspicion they did harbor,

Side-glances and whispers; mistrust worn like armor.

For it was now known that something was awry,

When one by one...

The guests started to die.

That being said, I am Cynical Soirée!

You may proceed to think up nicknames for me, but gentle.

What can I tell you about myself? I like me some grim and hecka dark. Okay, if we're going to be BFFs honest here, I love Horror in general. No no~ That's not the only genre I'll roleplay; it's just my favorite. And what's not to love when there are spooky ghosts and hauntings, eerie shadows and lurking creatures, sweet sweet murder and the unbridled suspense that tends to follow. Horror is awesome, guys, and it's twice as awesome when I get to fuse it to another genre.

Like Cyberpunk.

Anyway, there are actually very few genre I won't play and even then, there might be exceptions?

What else? Hmm... I'm terrible at poetry and the correct use of punctuation. However! I absolutely love to write. I can not and shall not post a million miles a minute because I'm too old and rusty and self-conscious to rapid-fire my roleplay replies like that. So if you can overcome my crippling self-doubt and short attention span, hit me up for some RP! I'm mostly open to 1x1 stuff but I might be coaxed into a small group RP if you dangle something especially delicious at me.

Guess that's it for now? Nice. And it only took me an hour of nervous fretting to write this.
Welcome to RPN.

Do drop by chat sometime, to meet the regulars. If you enjoy horror, I expect we shall be seeing a lot of each other - moreso if you ever visit the Poetry & Prose section.

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