• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Even at the partial mention of being turned back into a servant.... into a thrall once more was enough to make the zombie feel. Something he rarely ever did. What he felt was two things. Two very primal emotions.

The first was fear.

The second was rage.

Rage was an incredibly volatile source of fuel for pyromancy. The reason Oliver was so good at it was because he very rarely felt emotions. But at the mere threat of being enslaved once more, caused the small embers dancing in the palm of his hand to swell nearly triple in size. "I....am.... NO ONE'S..... servant....witch....." Oliver was incapable of yelling but the tone alone along with the flare up made what he was feeling clear.

Thankfully, their resident troll pinned the woman and offered the fire mage some amount of relief from dealing with this one. "Thank....you....Tyr..." he managed to choke out from his estranged vocal chords.

The feeling of magic being prepared buzzed around the undead mage's ears and Oliver took a preemptive step back. He hadn't met anyone who could overpower him in raw power yet in his centuries of existence. Today would not be the first.

It was only because the captain in question herself arrived that Oliver stayed his hand. The flames quickly died down now that the person in charge was around. He could essentially go back to his default setting. Making his own calls was incredibly difficult and mentally taxing. Zombies dont tire but that short interaction made him feel, what he assumed was fatigue.

Once the Captain was done with her talk, Oliver stepped up to her left flank and aimed a flame-wreathed hand at the catwoman. "She's....preparing....a spell....dark...." Just as a necromancer could tell when a zombie or another necromancer was about, the same went the other way around. While he couldn't tell she was a necromancer, he could tell when dark magic was being used. "Just.....give the.....order.....Captain...."

Ronin was making his way out through the tavern door when he heard a female voice call from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder, taking a swig of ale from the mug and eyeing the woman up and down. He was intrigued by her looks, not only was she beautiful but she had this look of danger about her that Ronin couldn't resist. Unfortunately, before Ronin could even open his mouth she was off on her way towards the docks. "How could I refuse such an enticing offer?" he murmured, gazing at Vyxyl's backside as he followed behind from several feet away. He had done several jobs on a few different ships, mainly protection for fugitives running from some kind of trouble or smugglers taking their goods through dangerous territories, but never had he worked closely with a crew before. There was always a first time for anything, and if others in the crew were just as good looking as their Captain, well, who's to say he couldn't make some new friends? The life of drinking himself stupid and miserable didn't seem very fitting for him anyway.

Watching Vyxyl board the ship, Ronin finishes the last bit of ale lingering in his mud and follows her up onto the deck, leisurely tossing the mug to the side and into the water. His eyes widen a bit, examining the peculiar cast of characters in front of him. A smirk runs across his face, anticipating plenty of wild and adrenaline inducing moments he and his new crew were bound to find themselves in.
"Is that anyway to treat a lady?" he directed his question toward two figures in front of him that were standing above what looked to be a female human-cat hybrid. After quick examination of the two, he could tell that one was a troll, but the hooded figure with the bright flames dancing around his hands baffled him. "Might wanna be careful with those, hot hands, or we'll be stuck in this bay awhile longer." he gestures towards the swirling inferno contained in the pyro's palm. The bay had a few redeeming qualities, mainly the women and liquor, but with rum prices skyrocketing Ronin had no interest in being stuck here and forced to overpay for his drinks.

He steps forward from the edge of the ship toward the rest of the group, his gaze fixed on the feline woman, a mix of curiosity and affinity in his eyes. He catches himself staring and quickly regains his composure, putting on a straight face before glancing around at the rest of the group.
"What a rag-tag bunch you're crew seems to be, Captain. I believe I'd fit right in. The names Ronin by the way." he announces to the group. Reaching into a breast pocket on the inside of his robes he retrieves a small, rectangular, wooden box with a hinge on one side. He flips it open and snatches a cigarette before quickly snapping it shut and placing it back in the pocket it came from. He was about to reach for his matches before realizing what a waste it would be when someone already had a flame at the ready. "Inferno, you mind giving me a light?" The cigarette is held out in front of him, pointing towards the hooded pyro. The thought ran through the back of his mind that, quite possibly, this could go sideways if the pyro decided to overdo it, but he was going to have to start trusting the crew members eventually anyway.

Mentions: Fable Fable Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Interations: Tarmagon Tarmagon shadowz1995 shadowz1995
Tyr was quite ready to give the strange female her wish that he could 'see her end'. The looks she was directing at Oliver weren't full of fear like any sane person's would be, they were full of avarice. She wanted Oliver for something, and that just wasn't going to happen. Then there was her choice of wardrobe. No matter how weathered and frayed, the Maerin officer's coat she was wearing immediately put her into Tyr's 'better off dead' category. Unfortunately, that wasn't his call to make.

"I....am.... NO ONE'S..... servant....witch....." Oliver growled in response to the woman's words, followed by "Thank....you....Tyr..."

Anything further was interrupted by a familiar voice coming from behind Tyr.

"Would I now?" Captain Vyxyl's voice rang out. "You must have done something to upset my lovely First Mate for him to behave as such. I see there has been some excitement while I've been slaving away making deals with the locals. Now then... Mister Tyr, let the woman speak if you would please. You can remove your blade from her and should she displease me, well, Oliver be a dear and crisp her upon my command. I am Captain Vyxyl of the The Whimsical Lady, whatever you wish to say please make it quick. I have liberty to grant to a weary and wary crew and they might just kill you themselves from being so on edge."

The Captain went on to address another woman who was watching from a slight distance away. Tyr hadn't even noticed her, all of his attention being focused on what he considered the greater threat. Oliver spoke to the Captain, and his words only confirmed TYr's opinion of the cat-woman's danger.

"She's....preparing....a spell....dark.... Just.....give the.....order.....Captain...."

Tyr removed his knife and backed away from the cat-woman as Captain Vyxyl had instructed, just in time to hear yet another voice speak up. What in the nether-hells was the Lady turning into? A social club?

"Is that anyway to treat a lady? Might wanna be careful with those, hot hands, or we'll be stuck in this bay awhile longer. What a rag-tag bunch you're crew seems to be, Captain. I believe I'd fit right in. The names Ronin by the way. "

A strangely dressed fellow was striding onto the Lady's deck, and from his comment, the Captain had invited him. Tyr could feel a headache beginning deep behind his eyes. It had been a long, hard day, followed by an evening spent climbing and minutely inspecting the rigging, now this. This was just too damned much.

"Captain," Tyr said formally, all trace of the island patois gone from his speech. "I have completed my inspection of the rigging and hull. The Carpenter, his mates, and the topmen have been released for the evening, since there is nothing they can accomplish until the necessary supplies arrive. The rest of the common crew await your pleasure for shore leave. This person," he gestured to the cat-woman, "Appeared and began to eye Oliver like a steak in the butcher's shop. When she gave a laugh worthy of Grimgal, and let slip she considered Oliver a possible future servant, I decided to intervene. The rest, you know."

"You sir," he said, turning to the oddly dressed man, "Would do well to learn that female does not equate to lady. Also, that lady, or female, does not equate to harmless."

Turning his attention back to the Captain, Tyr saluted sharply.

"Do you need anything else from me Captain?"

Fable Fable ItsYaBoyUhhhh ItsYaBoyUhhhh Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 shadowz1995 shadowz1995
La Noire
Dockyard, Booty Bay

Interacted: Captain Vyxyl ( Fable Fable )
Mentioned: Oliver ( shadowz1995 shadowz1995 ), Tyr ( Tarmagon Tarmagon ), Ronin ( ItsYaBoyUhhhh ItsYaBoyUhhhh ), Vayinia ( Kiroshiven Kiroshiven )

Upon the entrance of a feminine figure, of whom had commanded the troll's stay of his hands, the necromancer's gamble had finally paid off. Vyxyl, as she had introduced herself, had made a distinct point with her resolute tone. From what the witch could tell, the Captain of the rumored Whimsical Lady were rather civilized, as opposed to the words that would pass for ears in Booty Bay. Her studious eyes commanded the respect of her men, no less the necromancer's attention herself. Where respect is demanded, it must be given in return. Noire's anticipation for a fight quickly subsided, as did her half-conjured spell upon the tip of her fingers. The dark energies that the sorceress had harbored began to dissipate at the mandate of Noire's slight exhale of relief. The intricate situation seems to have been alleviated with the timely arrival of the valiant Captain. Although her words have served to only present Noire her last words, before an opportunity for the troll and undead to let loose their wraths upon the necromantress presented itself. The feline witch had to choose her next words carefully, or rather, convincing enough to let Vyxyl permit her stay. After all, being cremated by an undead pyromancer would not sit right with her.

Brushing herself off from the ground, the woman took a step back and bowed courteously towards the company of distinctive figures. One of them with a curved blade, had stepped in with his fending words for Noire, of which she had taken it for granted. If anything, the impetuous necromantress was far from a reflection of a lady, as the troll said. Wicked at heart, and well-versed in the arts of the damned, Noire chuckled softly beneath her breath, as she reflected upon herself. Casting a brief glance at the man that went by "Ronin", it was clear that he would no doubt be one for a close-up and personal fight, despite his calm demeanor and straight visage. There was another figure, of whom had seemed to be a newly inducted member as well, as Noire examined her form, as well as Vyxyl's remarks towards the dryad. A diverse crew, for sure, and an intriguing one at that.

"My sincere apologies for causing a scene, Captain. This vagabond of a sorcerer merely wish to address her interests in serving aboard your ship. Tales of the Whimsical Lady's exploits have gone far, and I, as many of whom have approached you before, would very much like to be of service. Please, do not take to heart my unorthodox choice of words for your pyromancer and first mate. It has been long since I've been granted a conversation, truth be told." Noire made her statement, shooting an earnest look towards Vyxyl.

" ... Oh my! Where are my manners? Styled La Noire, full-time convict of numerous crimes against the Vidoni's Faith, apostle of the arcane and part-time biologist - at your service, Captain." the feline necromantress introduced herself, curtsying this time. While she had shied away from naming herself a necromancer, Noire was not lying when she said 'biologist', may it be to raise the dead or simply environmental studies.

Noire's resolve was settled. In her quest to search for the truth behind her pasts, perhaps it was not so much a bad thing to look to the seas. Lazing away at Booty Bay no longer fills her agenda, not when she is given a ticket out. Ever since her awakening in Clearcoast, the witch has always been on the run, and now, as fate would have it, maybe the woman could finally turn the tide.

As more and more showed up to the group that was going to get supplies Gru couldn't help but get a tad bit more confused, hell when Marceline magically changed the appearance of everyone else in the group to make them appear more threatening he could barely keep track. Still he found it somewhat nice that his fellow cook decided not to change his appearance, clearly because to fully negotiate they needed to have a good guy and a bad guy and clearly Gru was the good guy in this situation.

"Sae that's a' fowk reit? let's gie gonnae 'en we dornt want tae keep th' keptin waitin' " he said urging his team to finally get a move on, the supplies he had in his back may or may not have been spoiled already and he didn't want to spend time outside more than necessary.

If they did decide to finally get a move on, Gru would happily follow everyone else around, only stopping when he saw someone trying to buy supplies in bulk. If he did see one of these types he would stop in his tracks, walk up to the person, drop all the things he was carrying and then politely ask how much he was offering for the entire thing.
Noble Scion Noble Scion Alteras Alteras Fable Fable kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy Rose of Versailles Rose of Versailles
[div class=background][div class=MarFlex] [div class=MarImage] [div class=MarTitle]Marceline Detrovski[/div] [div class=MarMentions] Character Sheet
Shopping > ship

Noble Scion Noble Scion June Verles June Verles Fable Fable kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy Rose of Versailles Rose of Versailles [/div][/div] [div class=MarContent]Marceline shrugged as she watched the elf turn his back on the group. She had only meant to spread the gold among the group. Her time back in the slums taught her that much; keeping all the loot in one place was an easy way to lose it. But that was that.

She carried onward with the group, going through the market, buy and selling supplies for the ship. Every now and then, she would help Gru out when a transaction didn't go their way. And of course, in case someone was watching (which someone would almost always be), she changed off who doled out the gold between herself and Quartermaster Harper. Every now and then, she'd send off an illusion of herself in another direction. Fortunately, no actions were truly needed as Gru was enough to scare off any bandit with a brain.

Still though, it was fun to see dealers get shocked by Gru's gentlemanly side and Harper's somewhat meek reactions to aggression, and even better those who are familiar with crew engage in a friendly exchange of words. And with every supply gotten, more wood obtained, and gold coins used, they eventually returned to the ship with supplies.

"Well, that was fun!" Marceline said as she tapped her fingers on them to dispel any lingering illusions. She handed back what remaining coins she had to Harper and picked up some supplies off Gru. "More good food awaits us!" She yelled cheerfully as she marched back onto the ship. [/div][/div][/div] [class=background] width: 100%; height: auto; background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/ROvSFjm.jpg'); padding: 5vh 0; [/class] [class=MarFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=MarImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; max-height: 700px; background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/UISDgS9.jpg'); background-size: 160%; background-position: 70% 17%; margin: 5px; [/class] [class=MarTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 0px; left: 00px; right: 00px; height: auto; width: auto; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 25px; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1; font-family: 'Trade Winds'; color: #271d2d; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #efefec, transparent); text-decoration: underline; [/class] [class=MarMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Open Sans'; color: #e5e5dd; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=MarMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=MarContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; color: black; font-size: initial; [/class]
Booty Bay Part Trois
( June Verles June Verles Birdsie Birdsie Noble Scion Noble Scion Epiphany Epiphany Tarmagon Tarmagon shadowz1995 shadowz1995 Alteras Alteras kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy Rose of Versailles Rose of Versailles Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Kiroshiven Kiroshiven ItsYaBoyUhhhh ItsYaBoyUhhhh fluticasone fluticasone )
( I will be trying to make this the last post within Booty Bay, though another may be needed (hard to say). I'll let you guys ignore the one post per round while LIBERTY is granted.)

Location: The Whimsical Lady

Vyxyl stood there and crossed her arms over her chest as she regarded the feline-eared woman. Oliver, as much as he lacked much independence, seemingly had emotions and been upset by the woman's words. As much as he sometimes drove her up a wall constantly needing some form of orders being given to him, he was useful in combat (even if he could set her own ship aflame if he wasn't careful).

"Just please don't set my ship on fire if I do have to give the order," she remarked as his crackling voice replied to her order to be prepared to take the woman out if needed. Fire was an awful way to go though.

She didn't turn her attention towards the man she had offered a position on her ship. Vyxyl also was certain she just might get an earful from Tyr, who might get a stuttering and squawking complaint about payroll from Harper. Where was that daft bird anyway? That was a problem to be solved later. "Oh come now, there are no ladies here," she laughed out in response to his 'question'. "Now then Ronin, crew. Crew, Ronin," Vyxyl said as a way of a lazy introduction. "We'll have you sign your contract after this matter is dealt with. You can go with the others who are off to enjoy their time in port, though I've already witnessed you've had a bit of fun already."

"Interesting. A laugh worthy of Grimgal you say? Thank you for the information Mister Tyr. You may pipe liberty so the crew can enjoy the port since we have to wait for the supplies to arrive. Oh, please do pass on my regards to the Madam if you are going ashore as well. I haven't stopped by to give her a proper greeting myself yet. That will be all," she answered Tyr who had inquired if she needed anything else who looked like he was ready to snap based on his tense body language.

"Now, back to you," Vyxyl said, though her eyes had never actually left the woman. "I'd suggest to not follow through with that magic, if you would be so kind. You stay your hand and Oliver will as well."

She listened as feline woman introduced herself officially and informed her of intent to join her crew. Vyxyl nearly laughed as she phrased certain things in an interesting way. "How curious, why is it I feel something has been omitted? You see, it's difficult to upset Oliver and with the information Mister Tyr relayed - regarding your actions and words - might there be something you're withholding? I would highly suggest being openly honest if you truly want to be of service to me."

(Closing up supply issue.)

With the group tasked with sorting out the supplies finishing their tasks they could return to the ship with that information to be passed to Captain Vyxyl. The supplies they couldn't carry would be delivered directly to the ship, which the unfortunate Harper would be stuck dealing with while everyone else was free to come and go from the ship with liberty granted. They could enjoy the brothel if they had the coin to pay for the services. The Madam didn't take IOU's from any person and it wasn't like there was any way to escape the port if you tried to 'screw and run.'

The The Seven Drunken Knights tavern was always open no matter the time of day same as the brothel. It served a decent enough of a meal and drinks, though the better stuff was reserved for those more successful pirates who were more than willing to toss out a rare gem or two in payment. There were more than enough people in port that it wouldn't be a problem to find a table in the tavern to join a game of their choice.

With liberty granted the crew of The Whimsical Lady could do as they please; for now.

Surgeon's Office / Mad Science Laboratory

Grimgal was careful as he played with the small fire elemental in the jar, tapping it with a quill and taking notes.

It had taken the lifeblood of no less than five beach-dwelling crustaceans in sacrifice to invoke the elemental; an act accompanied by frying (with Edward's assistance,) and skewering those same crustaceans and selling them at a discount to a meat-oriented costermonger. Amusingly, he didn't appear to know what meat it was.

The fire elemental was, make no mistake - not summoned - but conjured, and there was a subtle difference most mages didn't bother exploring.

If you summon a creature, it is a legitimate article: summon the demon called Beelzebub, and he will always be that same Beelzebub every time you summon him. He will have memories of previous environments, and be as real as the skin on your hand.

Now, conjuring? That's a different story. Conjuration is more like projecting one's mana and willing it into a shape. The conjured creature is 'fake,' in that, it doesn't exist. It's just magical energy appearing as an object and having a similar function. A conjured Beelzebub might act similar to a summoned one, but the moment it runs out of mana, it will stop existing and dissipate like the fake it is.

Then, there's creation, which is a different story entirely. It's kind of like conjuration, except instead of having magical energy appear to be an object, you actually transmute the magical energy into real matter, as genuine as anything else, meaning anti-magic can go suck it and you've just created a second Beelzebub.

Obviously, there were limitations.

Conjuration was cheaper than creation, but it cost more energy over time. Summoning was basically reverse teleportation, so it wasn't too hard, though.

The fire elemental's blueprint for conjuration, Grimgal got from scanning Edward's composition, removing a lot of key components, pouring the resultant sludge of magic into the rough shape of a humanoid, and then locking it in a jar for safety.

The elemental didn't appreciate the precaution, however, as it kept trying to melt the glass. Unsuccessfully.

"You will die in there," Grimgal said, as if that was supposed to help it come to terms with its imprisonment. "I will never release you."

The small creature ululated a lilting screech, managing to sound both confused, offended, and horrified. Grimgal cringed when he realized the screech was loud enough to reverberate across the whole ship, and that soon, someone would bust into his office to see what he was doing.

"Piece of shit!" Grimgal cursed, smashing the jar (and creature) with a hammer, decimating both. He quickly patted the fire on his desk with a rag, cleaned up the ashes as hastily as possible - and settled on blowing them onto the floor - then sat down and reclined in his favorite chair, a book about deontology and utilitarianism in hand, pretending he hadn't done anything inconspicuous.

Edward was mildly amused, but too busy eating grains, as phoenixes often do, to comment with a caw.

Interactions: Anyone? Fable Fable
Taira Mako

"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.”​

Now that she was actually getting tired of booty bay, she heard whisperings of another pirate ship having docked on the shore. Humming as it wasn’t exactly anything new here but something in her guts was telling her that she should go and check it out as now was the only chance she would probably be given. Lime green eyes went over the people that passed her by yet no one really piqued her interest or made her recognize them. Humming as she made her way to the port where all the ships were located. Though she did stop by when she saw some children squabbling with each other. On a closer look, it was a little less innocent than she thought. Seemed like two boys were trying to steal the money from a little girl who already had nothing on her. Eye twitching as she neared them with an ominous aura almost surrounding her. Pushing them aside, making them fall over almost instantly and taking back the money with one swift movement. ”You shouldn’t let them push you over so much. Become stronger so they wouldn’t dare to lay another finger upon you.” Taira commented with little emotion before going on again.

Not that much longer, she reached the ship the people were talking about. Raising an eyebrow as she recognized it. So her guts was right about this one. Tilting her head to the side with arms crossed as she stared at it. Chewing her bottom lip, as she pondered about what to do now. She could board the ship but that would be a little too suspicious. Also the fact that she wasn’t exactly on great terms with the captain could make things a lot more difficult. Yet it was worth the shot as she didn’t want to be stuck on the land for any longer. Also the crew she had sailed with was no longer with her as they grown to an age of wanting to start a family or just got tired of the whole pirate thing. Eventually making up her mind and going with what she wanted to do the most: see more of the world than she already had.

Sneaking her way through while trying to not pull too much attention to her. Though it was pretty difficult considering the attire that she was wearing. The kimono was quite unique as it was custom made with frills and everything. Even a little bell that was hanging between her boobs. Perhaps she should have chosen for a more subtle version of what she wanted. Deciding that it was maybe best to use her air walking for a short moment. Gathering her magic in the places where she would set foot around the ship and going up like a staircase was made right then and there. Peeping over the edge to look for a chance to get onto the ship. Hopping on when there was the minimum amount of people and going into the shadows in hope that nobody would notice her.

It worked until she knocked over some empty buckets which echoed louder than she thought it would. Immediately pausing in her tracks as she glared at the objects. Swearing inside of herself as she was most likely revealed to the current crew of the ship. At least those who were on it now. Breathing deeply in and out as she tried to stay calm.

mentions: Fable Fable || with: N/A || location: The Whimsical Lady​
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Vayinia shared some short greetings with the person she learned was the quartermaster of the ship and made some small assistance when it came to locating and procuring the whimsical lady's supplies. Harper, as she'd found out his name, had been a bit of a timid fellow, but someone showing her proper manners around Booty Bay was a reprieve from the usual slurs, cat-calls and dirty looks. It was a truly welcome change. Upon returning to the ship she watched one of the crew tap on the boy and nearly burst into a fit of giggles at seeing Harper's true appearance. He was rather cute, and definitely not the type of person she would presume to be a notorious pirate.

Stepping onto the whimsical lady Vayinia quickly caught sight of a woman knocking over a few buckets and chuckled to herself. She knew of the woman from her attire and the rumors going about. The woman's name was Taiko and that's all she really needed to know. The woman hadn't caused any trouble to the Madam although her looks had garnered the Madam's attention as a potential new girl. However, after gathering a built more intel, Vayinia recommended AGAINST it. Now seeing the girl, Vayinia couldn't help but smirk to herself and acted as if the woman didn't exist before turning back towards the captain. Vayinia had come to like the small group she knew while shopping and decided that if she was ever going to leave, now would be as good a time as ever.

Vayinia made her way towards the captain and tapped the woman upon her shoulder. "I hate to intrude upon you, however, I have a request to make." She chose her words carefully while she adjusted her hair ever so slightly. "You see, my contract with the Madame has come to an end and as much as I love being on the end of a cat-call or having to leave men gasping for air after a wrong touch on one of the girls, I wish to see how much the world has changed over the decades. And I've come to like some of your crew in particular. Is there any chance that you might have a bit of room for another?" Reaching up into her hair, Vayinia grabbed a fruit that she'd been growing for the past two days and with a strong cringe she pulled out the orange and held it out. "Although I can't produce things like this in bulk, I'm a living garden for most wild plants and could make myself useful to your surgeon or cook." Vayinia decided to keep the part about her magical barriers hidden. It was an ability she liked to keep to herself.

mentions: Noble Scion Noble Scion Doughnut Doughnut
Interactions: Fable Fable
Tyr shook his head as the Captain dismissed him. The potential problem the odd cat-woman posed was no longer his concern, for now. Nor was the oddly dressed man she had named Ronin. Of course, any issues that they caused in the future would land squarely on his shoulders, but that eventuality was for the future, not today. Tyr headed below decks, pausing to address the crewmen and women awaiting word in the galley.

"If you are not on duty, you may go ashore," Tyr said, holding up a hand to forestall the incipient stampede towards the ladderway. "If you have the midwatch do not be late, or I will have you scraping barnacles off the keel of the Lady for the rest of our time in port. That also goes for anyone not back aboard and ready to work by 0700 hours. Dismissed."

Tyr stepped aside as the horde thundered past him, heading for the ladder to the upper deck. He knew there'd be one or two stragglers, despite his threat of barnacle scraping, and he hoped they made the most of their one night off, because he was entirely serious with his threat. Anyone who reported back late would not leave the ship again for the duration of this visit. Once the tide of crew had ebbed, Tyr went to his own cabin, changing out of his everyday wear into something better suited for his destination. As he left, settling his fresh tunic on his shoulders, a strange screeching erupted from the surgeon's office. The sound cut off as he heard a sound of breaking glass and cursing, followed by the odor of burning papers. Grimgal was up to his usual tricks it seemed.

"Grimgal!" Tyr roared, hammering a single blow on the door that shook it in its frame. "What did de Cap'n say 'bout playin' wit fire below-decks? I be checkin' on joo when I gets back, an I don' wan'to find no'tin to be takin to de Cap'n. D'is be yo'r only warnin'."

Tyr hated it when his speech deteriorated, but the damned spell slinger always seemed to bring it out in him. Reigning in his temper with an effort, Tyr stalked away from the still closed door and made his way to the upper deck. The Captain was still standing in front of the odd cat-woman, with Oliver still standing guard. Another figure had joined the little party however, a woman from the shape Tyr could make out. The captain didn't seem concerned, so Tyr continued on his path towards the gangway. The captain could certainly...

Tyr's thoughts chopped off as a clattering noise erupted from his left. It sounded like someone had knocked over an entire stack of buckets. Tyr's gaze swung in the direction of the noise, but the shadows were too deep for him to see anything. He was about to turn away, but a bucket rolled into the pool of light cast by one of the lanterns hung by the quarterdeck, and he frowned. Something wasn't right. He thought about calling out to the captain and Oliver, but Vyx was occupied with a possible spell caster. Best to see to this himself. Reaching out, Tyr grabbed onto the ratlines and climbed fluidly up to the level of the first yard. Unfortunately, this time the yardarm didn't pass conveniently over the area he was interested in, so Tyr was forced to scramble along the rigging between the mainmast and the mizzenmast until he could get a better look into the shadowed area of the deck. A figure crouched low in the shadows, obviously not wanting to be seen. The figure seemed to be dressed in a far more flamboyant version of the odd outfit the man introduced as Ronin wore. There seemed to be a decidedly female cut to the outfit, but Tyr knew that meant nothing. And despite what the captain was in the middle of, this took priority.

"INTRUDER ON DECK!" Tyr bellowed, releasing his hold on the rigging and hurtling towards the deck. As he fell, his hands filled with knives which he hurled with practiced precision at the crouching figure. As soon as they left his hands, another pair appeared and followed in the wake of the first. Unless the person crouched in the shadows was incredibly skilled, they were going to find themselves pinned to the deck by their own clothing and Tyr's blades. A third set of blades appeared in Tyr's hands as he completed his fall, rolling to his feet in a smooth motion that left him facing the intruder.

Fable Fable Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Doughnut Doughnut Birdsie Birdsie Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 shadowz1995 shadowz1995 ItsYaBoyUhhhh ItsYaBoyUhhhh
Moray Du’Count

Location: The Whimsical Lady | Interacting with: open | Mentions: Birdsie Birdsie Tarmagon Tarmagon Fable Fable Doughnut Doughnut

Moray leaned against the side of the ship, his hands twirled around his dagger. As he looked at the dagger, he couldn’t help but recall the memories of his father and life before everything fell apart. Though through joining Captain Vyxyl and the crew it helped him find his stability in life. He pushed and pulled the dagger in and out of its sheath as he sat on the edge. He could hear all the commotion that was taking place amongst the crew about the new recruits. While Moray was part of the crew himself as the sails master, he didn’t like to tangle himself amongst the social affairs of the ship. He preferred to be seen and not heard, practically behaving as a ghost on the ship. Most pirates enjoyed being expressive, singing songs or drinking rum, Moray would rather simply observe or work on his smithing and maps.

Tyr dismissed the crew to go ashore for the remainder of the day, with only the ones on duty stuck dodging the hoard of people rushing past. Moray simply chuckled at the mad dash making their way onto land, probably going to the nearest tavern to swig a drink. He just continued to twirl his dagger around on his finger. Technically Moray wasn’t on duty given that they were docked in port, he hated having step onto land. He much preferred staying on the ship, feeling the gentle waves rocking the ship. Plus if he stepped out, he’d always get a slight headache when went onto land.

Moray’s attention was piqued when Tyr scolded Grimgal. Fire? he thought to himself. He became curious with what the doctor was messing with this time. There was always something brewing in the man’s proclaimed lab. If he’d have the time, Moray would visit Grimgal when he could to observe whatever he was doing. Though before he could head down to visit the doctor, he heard Tyr bellow out that here was an intruder on deck. Moray grumbled lightly at the missed opportunity to visit Grimgal, but still straightened myself out and dashed to Tyr’s figure. His hand gripped tightly on the hilt of his prized sword Ragoth as he approached the foreign figure.

code by Ri.a
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Grimgal Trismegistus
Surgeon's Office / Mad Science Laboratory

Grimgal frowned, replying, in a singsong voice of feigned innocence, "I don't know whatsoever you might be referring to - There is no fire here! You must be drunk; I advise you take some time to rest and relax, old friend, since you must be hallucinating!" His frown turned into a grin.

After making some thinly-veiled threats about the captain, Tyr seemed content to leave the old man alone. Having already killed his test subject in a fit of panic, and not being busied with any patients he had to attend to, Grimgal didn't have much to do, so he busied himself with reading.

He wasn't even two pages into the deontology-utilitarianism book's first chapter when Tyr yelled something about an intruder. Grimgal shrugged, not really giving a fuck, unless the intruder came in here.

Wait. An intruder? Like, you mean, someone with two legs that is intruding upon this ship? Like a human person?

Everyone knows humans are full of blood. They're like large, walking bloodpacks! With inbuilt blood-pumps, too, which are especially useful for ritual sacrifice. It can seriously leverage a lot of mana, sacrificing someone.

In short; blood is an amazing substance, and erythrocytes do wonders.

How fun, that there was a person, full of blood, intruding upon this ship... heh.


Grimgal picked up his staff, chucked the book over his shoulder, and ran out of his office like a human cannonball, screaming, "Dibs on the corpse! The blood in particular!" as he ran up to Tyr's location.

Interactions: NPCs ( Fable Fable ) Doughnut Doughnut , Kiroshiven Kiroshiven , Tarmagon Tarmagon , mikyuu mikyuu
La Noire
Dockyard, Booty Bay

Interacted: Vyxyl ( Fable Fable )
Mentioned: Oliver ( shadowz1995 shadowz1995 ), Tyr ( Tarmagon Tarmagon ), Grimgal ( Birdsie Birdsie ), Moray ( mikyuu mikyuu )

"As you wish, captain." Noire nodded slightly at Vyxyl's words regarding her sorcery, as notified by the fiery undead.

Noire smiled coyly at the behest of Vyxyl's inquiring words. Conceding with the captain's word, the feline woman did not feel the need to deny her employer of the latter's skill set. Being forthcoming was far from easy for a fugitive to do. A raiser of the dead, to boot. But Noire have had her share of troubles, and for one, was going to break the status quo of her secretive ways. Perhaps then, it will reward her in return. The necromantress took a deep breath. It was definitely not the first option she had considered, especially trying to open up to others, but as the situation have it, Noire would digress.

"The prejudice against me are undeniable. After all... it's not common for a necromancer, such as myself, to be given quarters, let alone employed. As you can see, it is only natural for this bear to be drawn to your fiery, undead honey. But, with the multitude of personnel that I have witnessed thus far, I'm sure that you will have some intricate details that this necromancer could certainly see to?" the feline woman addressed, letting out a heavy sigh to follow.

"...Even I do not possess the knowledge of my pasts, and have been wandering for as long as I can remember. I reckon, perhaps by aiding your cause, it would certainly be in the interests of mine, as well. That is my truth, perhaps, the only truth I am endowed with, Captain." she continued, while smiling earnestly.

The soft breeze would sway, but Noire stood before Vyxyl, with her hands tucked together before her. But before Vyxyl could gave her a response to the feline's revelation, a disturbance in the wind, and the First Mate's alert, quickly put her on edge. Noire, stepped over to the side, in correlation of their respective position towards the "supposed" intruder.

"Perhaps now would be the ideal time to showcase myself, Captain?" Noire chuckled lightly, with her back towards Vyxyl, as her hands emitted surges of raw dark energies. Keen on the protection of her employer, there was no better time than now to prove herself in battle.

Before long, a multitude of personnel would rush towards Tyr, of whom would form a vanguard line of defense, as if it was their innate nature of common defense. 'Magnificent' Noire thought to herself, at the sight of the crew members rushing out to aid the troll. To each to their own, the necromantress was somewhat impressed by the dedication of Vyxyl's crew. It was then and there, that the feline lady was given insight into the Captain's sheer aura of respect by her crew.



Mentions: Birdsie Birdsie , mikyuu mikyuu Tarmagon Tarmagon

Naga was below deck in a sleep so satisfying it could only be described as hibernation. There was a book over his head and his leg hung lazily over the edge of the makeshift hammock. It wasn't that he fell asleep reading. In fact, he didn't even know what the book was about; however, it was able to block out any distractions. It was actually a great feat that it was able to stay in place after all the events that transpired. Alas, the shriek produced by that mad man's experiment was the straw that broke the camel's back. Naga suddenly fell out of his hammock and landed on his head, slowly opening his eyes to adjust to his abrupt waking.

"Why is the ship...upside down?"

Gravity soon answered his question as his lower half slid down to the floor and flipped him right side up. He stood up, scratched his head and let out a satisfying yawn. Scratching his head he glanced around with a confused expression. "Strangest dream...something about a tornado of...farts? Then storms? Ugh, I feel like I was sleeping in a cube of ice..."

Naga continued to look around his immediate area as he stretched his stiff muscles as if it would answer his question. He finally shrugged his shoulders as he decided to go up top. He was the Lady's navigator, or at least one of them. He thought it was redundant really; however, it did give him room to slack off. He instinctively covered one of his eyes as he thought about his one eyed counterpart only to come to the conclusion that he definitely loved his depth perception. He was certain they wouldn't miss him if he was gone for a few hours...or days. To be honest he could spend most of his time here. At least until it was time to slaughter the unfortunate souls who get caught in his path. He would bask in their blood as he hoists their heads to declare-,"Oh...I'm getting carried away again," Naga said dryly as he yawned for what had to be the tenth time. He headed for the doorway that would lead to the upper deck but then he was suddenly met by a wall. "...Who placed this here? Is this some kind of spell? Well it seems I will have to go through-," Whatever ill intentions Naga had planned for the wall would have to wait, for the doorway had appeared yet again. In reality...it was always there. "Oh..."

He strapped on his axe and then headed out. He didn't enjoy the fresh air as much as he thought he would. Perhaps it was because they were not out further into the ocean. Naga paused, realizing the last thing he remembered was a peaceful voyage in the skies. "...How long did I sleep and where is everybo-" Before he could elaborate on that thought he heard unmistakable squeal of Tyr yelling something about an intruder. Naga instinctively focused his senses on the immediate area around the ship while grabbing his massive axe with a single hand. He could sense multiple signatures converging around a single point. He wasn't worried about who the intruder was, the safety of the crew, or even why there was an intruder in the first place. "Only one," Naga said to himself as he recalled the fact that Tyr did not use the plural form of the word. He was a bit disappointed at such a boorish turn of events; however, his excitement picked back up when he considered that the intruder might be a strong one. With that in mind, Naga dashed recklessly at full speed toward the commotion. His intent to kill was seething out of him at this point, and with any luck the crew would handle the situation before he arrives.
Booty Bay Part Quatre

Location: The Whimsical Lady

As Vyxyl was on deck and inquiring on some matter with feline-eared woman she could hear Grimgal causing a ruckus below deck and her left eye visibly twitched, but otherwise she appeared unaffected. She'd have to have a word with that quack later because he was never up to any good when left to his own devices. Honestly, she was asking herself at least once a day why she had taken the old fart on as surgeon, and the answer was simple; Edward.

This noise was followed by another much louder sounding disturbance from a different part of the ship. Vyxyl's eye narrowed suspiciously. The women before her didn't seem likely to have allies, but it would be foolish to simply assume as much. She was growing agitated now and wondered if perhaps one of her stupid crew had opened their blabbering maw and let loose information about them obtaining a relic. That would have attracted petty thieves from the port to try and grab that and also pilfer whatever else they could get their hands on.

She was about to excuse herself to see to the intruder personally when one of the Madam's girls approached with a request. Honestly the timing of all this...

Vyxyl hadn't suspected the girl would have come seeking her out to leave Booty Bay. The Madam didn't treat her girls poorly and they practically owned and ran the entire port with the power the Madam had. She looked at the offered fruit. She had heard rumors about this one. "I will have to confirm with the Madam herself about your contract. I don't need to get on that lady's bad side by taking away one of her girls. I also would need to know you can do more than be a living garden. So, I tell you what. Seek out Grimgal below decks and if you can successfully deal with that madman and your cleared to leave by the Madam you can join the crew."

It was during these conversations that happened shortly after the buckets had been disturbed that Tyr went to investigate. It wasn't long afterwards that he shouted out about an intruder and the alarm grabbed the attention of those left on the ship into action. The crew which had remained behind swarmed around the area with blades drawn. The moment she heard Grimgal shout out gleefully about claiming dibs on the intruder's corpse her eye twitched yet again.

"Excuse me," she said the the woman. "Oliver, keep and eye on her, should she try to attack anyone you are to prevent her from doing so." She went to walk away then turned back, "Without setting my ship on fire." She felt a good reminder here and there would do well with a zombie who had been known to leave a scorch mark here and there.

"As for you necromancer, excuse me for a moment while I deal with whatever is going on. As much as your story is interesting and while you may wish to showcase your skills, we'll have to pause for a moment. You're unknown and the crew might think you're going for them rather than the person who failed in their boarding attempt. So, for your safety and theirs best to stay here and keep Oliver entertained... as much as he can be considering."

It was also then that Naga finally deigned to show himself and went to get into the fray with the intruder. Vyxyl made her way over to where the commotion currently was and the crew stepped aside to allow her access to see who had dared set foot on her ship in such a rude manner. She looked at the woman, squinted, stood silently for a moment then began to cackle; loudly.

"My my my, how unexpected... Taira Mako. I've got to say you're brave trying to sneak aboard my ship. I didn't see your previous employer docked so how interesting to find you here. Is that any way to greet an old acquaintance? How about you state your business before Grimgal gets up here and causes a fuss about wanting your corpse."

(FYI if you are not engaged in the interaction on the ship you can go on land to do stuff. Liberty is still in effect.)
The neighborhood zombie did not like this.

The captain was honestly considering this woman to be a part of the crew. Even after she practically declared her intentions.

He always followed orders and followed the judgement of people like the captain but this.....

This didn't sit right with him.

And it showed. For what was quite possibly the first time, Oliver turned his incredulous gaze on Captain Vyxyl in disbelief and even some measure of spite. The thought of disobedience crossed his mind but he was able to reel it back for the simple fact that the captain hadn't steered them wrong before. At least, in the time he had been working for her.

Not yet... from what he could see.

The zombie grumbled his discontent before nodding, "Under....stood..... Captain...." he turned his attention to the cat-eared woman and took a step closer to her. The flames still danced in his hands, twisting themselves around and flickering, reflecting his emotional state.

"I....killed....the last necro.....mancer.....that tried to.....control....me....I.....ate....him.....I will....do the....same......to you.....if you.....try...."

Fable Fable Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59

(short one but I'm at work sorry. Pressed for time)
Taira Mako

"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.”​

And just as she thought she was out of the danger zone despite the freaking sound of buckets clattering to the ground, her hope was flung overboard as one of the crewmembers got an eye on her. What was that thing? A troll? Yeah, when taking a better look at the male, it had those features clearly. One who was wearing a monocle. His big nose was probably helping a lot to keep the thing in place. Keeping back a smirk as she thought about it that way as she didn’t want to make the other more suspicious or annoyed? Was the guy annoyed or just on guard? She wondered. She definitely didn’t want to test it out as to how far she could go. Not much later she was being called an intruder which wasn’t particularly a lie. She didn’t ask to get on board and sneaked her way in. It didn’t really help for her to get out of here without a consequence after all. Though this way, she could meet her old rival again and perhaps become even part of the crew as she didn’t want to be stuck on land for any longer.

Seeing knives appearing in the man’s hands, Taira swiftly took out her katana and dodged that what was thrown at her skilfully. It wasn’t the first time she had been in this kind of a situation. Hell, she had even been thrown in the ocean with sharks and she managed to get out alive. The land wasn’t that far but still. The experience wasn’t a happy memory to see those teeth biting towards her. Nope. Though while she clashed with the knives thrown at her while moving around [almost as if she was dancing], she also did keep the one who was throwing them in mind. Making sure she wouldn’t corner herself completely.

Slowly but surely the deck started to fill itself with curious looks going into her direction. Well, it was not weird for them to do so as it was happening fast enough for anyone to be curious. Grumbling some words under her breath as she didn’t plan it out like this. If only she didn’t knock those buckets over… Though the loud comment about the blood made shivers go up her spine as she definitely didn’t want to become a guinea pig out of all the things. She’d rather be a captive by the navy or something, they would treat her better than a mad scientist.

When the captain finally made her presence, Taira broke into a smile as she heard the cackling of a laugh. ”Your laugh is still as weird as ever, glad I made you laugh for once.” Taira responded with a mischievous smirk upon her lips. ”About the old man, he quit being a pirate. Got too old and the rest of the crew was the same or started a family. I mean, the treasure you didn’t manage to get one time certainly helped them out.” She commented, her smirk spreading out more. ”But that aside, I’d like to join your crew. I mean. With my skills, we could go a long way~ And if we combine our power, who knows, we might even become unstoppable. She said, though the last part was a little over the top as nobody could be like that. No matter how strong, there was always a weakness. Like it or not.

mentions: mikyuu mikyuu Birdsie Birdsie || with: Tarmagon Tarmagon Fable Fable || location: The Whimsical Lady​
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
La Noire
Dockyard, Booty Bay

Interacted: Oliver ( shadowz1995 shadowz1995 )
Mentioned: Vyxyl ( Fable Fable )

At the behest of Vyxyl's words, the necromantress belayed her spell, as the captain took off. Being a captain wasn't so easy, despite the reputable privileges and respects that came with it. Folding her hands, the witch diverted her gaze towards the pyromancer, as he to her. It was as if Noire and Oliver were recently ordered to stay put by their mother.

"Hahaha!" the witch's chuckle grew into laughter.

"How adorable. Controlling you is far from my thoughts. A practitioner of flames, and an undead one at that... you are to be unleashed, not controlled. Although, it is in our best interests to not set the Captain's ship ablaze... It would not fair well for my resume, let alone the captain's inevitable wrath." Noire remarked, as she glanced over to the captain briefly.

"Of all my time being an ardent student of the dark arts, I've never seen a fascinating zombie like you before. I'm sure we'll get along just fine, Oliver. Hehe!" the necromantress smiled brightly.

In light of her darker persona, Noire was capable of putting up a pleasant smile, as if unnerved by Oliver's fiery appearances. One could perceive it as her desensitized norms of insanity. After all, only the wicked would dare to tread the path of the dark arts, or one stupidly brave enough. Noire's ears flickered while her tail went fro and forth, as she attentively scrutinized Oliver. Where everyone else was vigilant in their posture, the feline witch had discerned those concerns, as she stood awestruck by the undead. Disregarding her recent predicament, she was simply enamored and captivated by her intrigues. Beneath her occasionally, or perhaps frequently impish grins, Noire was not one to incite violence, and would otherwise be noted as a docile creature at heart.

Of course, having some total stranger curating your body in close proximity was far from comforting, let alone being one to set most things on fire. If anything, the necromancer would be rightly perceived as a total necrophiliac, discerning the implications of sensual attractions. To Noire, it was nothing less of a field observation, like she would with her biomarine studies.

Moray Du’Count

Location: The Whimsical Lady | Interacting with: open | Mentions: Fable Fable Doughnut Doughnut LazyDaze LazyDaze

Moray seemed to be slightly late to the scene as the situation had already diffuse. He arrived to witnessing the captain laughing at a foreign face he most certainly hadn't seen before. Then again, she's far more involved in the "pirate politics" than he was. All Moray could really do was name the faces of the famous pirates and the Whimsical Lady's crew. While he could still recognize people, he'd never remember their names; it was peculiar weakness of his. Plus he'd barely interact with people, so that was also contributing to his issue.

He visibly relaxed realizing there wasn't a true threat, just some misunderstanding. He released the grip on his sword and slowed his running pace. While he didn't jump into their conversation, Moray wanted still wanted to listen in on what they said. It was important to him to know the business of the ship, especially if it concerned joining the crew. This was especially numbered for him right now given they were getting a large amount of new recruits. Moray rubbed the back of his neck in slight frustration of having to learn yet another new name. This one's name started with a T or something. Gods he'd already forgotten.

It truly fathomed him on how his mind could get so muddled over simple names, but remembered every detail of a sword after looking at it once. Moray turned back to see the heavy footfalls of Naga from behind, it seemed he'd also heard Tyr's cry. He could basically feel Naga's crazed intent for bloodshed, too bad he was going to sorely disappointed. Naga was one that Moray felt like he could relate to more so than anyone else in the crew; they shared the same passion for the sea and all its wonders. It was nice to converse over their shared interest when Moray would pursue for conversation.

Having heard enough of the conversation to know what was going on, Moray decided to take his leave. Of course he wasn't going to leave the ship, but maybe climbing up onto one of masts for some down time would be nice. Leaving as quickly as he'd arrived, Moray headed towards the front of the ship to one of it's huge masts. Finding his footing in the rope mesh connected to the mast, he climbed up onto the platform of the mast and sat himself down. He leaned back to make himself comfortable and closed his eyes to enjoy the gentle ocean breeze.

hidden scroll ~ code by Ri.a
Tyr raised one eyebrow in surprise as the figure swatted away both sets of thrown knives with a lightly curved blade. He had seen one like it before, but he wasn't going to take the time to dredge up the memory right now. He kept his distance from the figure, waiting for the backup which arrived with gratifying swiftness. Before he could issue any orders to the crew, or even yell for the figure to surrender, the Captain's rather distinctive laugh registered on his ears.

"My my my, how unexpected... Taira Mako. I've got to say you're brave trying to sneak aboard my ship. I didn't see your previous employer docked so how interesting to find you here. Is that any way to greet an old acquaintance? How about you state your business before Grimgal gets up here and causes a fuss about wanting your corpse."

”Your laugh is still as weird as ever, glad I made you laugh for once.” the figure, Taira, responded with a mischievous smirk upon her lips. ”About the old man, he quit being a pirate. Got too old and the rest of the crew was the same or started a family. I mean, the treasure you didn’t manage to get one time certainly helped them out. But that aside, I’d like to join your crew. I mean. With my skills, we could go a long way~ And if we combine our power, who knows, we might even become unstoppable."

Tyr groaned as he sheathed his knives, then moved to retrieve the thrown ones, totally ignoring the naked blade the woman Taira held. Of course the Captain knew this woman. Of course the Captain hadn't let Oliver immolate the necromancer. Of course she was... Tyr managed not to grab his tusks in frustration. Grimgal, Naga, the strangers, Oliver. Greshte'ke take the whole damned lot of em. They were the Captain's problem now. As he slipped the last knife back into the sheath, he nodded to Moray, who seemed to be of the same mind as Tyr. Not his problem. Tyr paused at the gangway, looking back at the strange tableau and shaking his head.

"Be back in time to do de mornin' muster Cap'n," he called. "Be at de Lotus if'n ye be need'n me afore 'and."

Tyr didn't wait for the captain's reply, instead turning and heading down the gangway. The Lady was her ship, and she could damned well deal with some of the problems of running her for a change. His steps quickly took Tyr away from the docks, and deep into Booty Bay proper. He steered well clear of the Knights, having had more than his fill of raucous drunks, instead approaching a large building with a small sign proclaiming 'The Lotus' in elegant script. A pair of fit looking young men flanked the door, and Tyr nodded respectfully to them as the one on the right opened the door for him. Tyr stepped into a well-appointed receiving room, tastefully decorated and as far from what would be expected in a pirate port as it was possible to be.

"Can I help..." a young woman seated behind a desk started to ask, only to smile as she got a good look at Tyr. "Mister Tyr, welcome back. We didn't expect to see you so soon, given the state of the Whimsical Lady when she docked. Sielle, please go inform Maralynniiel that Mister Tyr has arrived, and ask if she is free for the evening."

"Thank you Lady Shalle," Tyr said, bowing to the woman behind the desk. "Captain Vyxyl sends her regards to Lady Prue."

"I'll pass that along," the woman said with an impish grin. "And I told you, I'm no one's Lady. Call me Dierdre."

"Of course L... Dierdre," Tyr replied. He would have said more, but a melodious voice spoke from behind him.

"Hello Tyr. I'm pleased that you've managed to return in one piece."

Tyr turned, and bowed to the slender elf who had appeared behind him. She was clad in a simple dress of some red fabric that Tyr didn't recognize, and her golden hair fell well below her waist, brushed out until it shone like sunlight. Despite her slender build, the woman was nearly as tall as Tyr, and he usually towered over those around him, and her eyes wre impish as she held out a hand to him.

"Lady Silvermist..." he began, raising the hand to kiss the back of it. The woman snatched it from his grasp, and thwacked him lightly on a tusk before putting her hand back into his, and Tyr grinned. "Mara," he said, finishing the act of kissing the back of her hand. "It's good to see you. Could I persuade you to join me for a quiet dinner?"

"I have no plans," Mara replied with a smile. "And I'm sure that the cook can make something a bit better than shipboard fare. Do you have anything particular in mind?"

"No," Tyr said with a smile. "Surprise me."

Mara cast a glance upwards, her eyes searching Tyr's face, and nodded slightly at the tiniest shake of his head, turning to lead him to a small dining room on the first floor instead of upstairs to the more, private rooms. Tyr seated Mara, and somehow a pair of exquisite ruby earrings found their way from his belt pouch to Mara's ears by the time he had eased her seat up to the table. Mara smiled, calling a runner to her side and speaking quietly before sending him off and turning to Tyr.

"I think you'll like tonight's choice," she said as he took his seat across the small table from her. "And I have the information you asked for."

Fable Fable Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Doughnut Doughnut Birdsie Birdsie Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 shadowz1995 shadowz1995 ItsYaBoyUhhhh ItsYaBoyUhhhh mikyuu mikyuu
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Harper Jules
A rather content Harper was in the middle of fiddling around with the intriguing relic that had been so wonderfully stolen by their leader and passed into his feathers when there appeared to be a distinct lack of boots on wood as supplies were moved to the ship and repairs were done, only to be replaced with some form of chatter that did not appear to be friendly, from what slivers he was catching.

Sighing, the bird scrambled up from the desk and leisurely made his way to the door, scratching at the handle as he struggled to open it with his wing-talons before meandering carefully through the hallway of the ship, taking care not to slip and bump any of his body-parts like he'd done during that storm from before.

He nudged open the door unceremoniously similarly to before and gave the zombie and their intruder the most "I'm tired of this idiocy" look he could muster before closing the door behind him and walking carefully over, trying not to slip with the gentle swaying of the ship due to the lack of grip from his talons on the floor.

Vyxl, in all of her brutal gracefulness, appeared to have the situation under control, and while he was worried that she's get on to him for passing up on the job she'd given him in favour of a distraction, which was true to be fair, he couldn't bare to go back considering he just couldn't make any progress on the relic. Everything about it, from what it is made from to what it said was outside of his realm of expertise.

"So.. uh... Who's the new people?" he asked to nobody in particularly in his usual meek way, attempting to avoid eye contact with the captain and "hide in plain sight" as he'd read about in some of those wild fantasy novels that he found oh so endearing.
Booty Bay Part Cinq

Location: The Whimsical Lady

Vyxyl stood there with the few crew left and ready to rumble should Taira decide to fight. Honestly, it wouldn't come to that as the last time Vyxyl had interacted with the woman she had been fairly sane. Of course they exchanged some verbal jabs at each other. They weren't enemies, but you also couldn't say they were friend either. At the news that the captain of Taira's former crew had retired she quirked a brow. "Retired then. How luxurious for them then and I don't doubt what you stole from me helped them achieve that, though clearly you didn't get a fair cut for the thievery if you're here to join my crew."

She tapped her foot a few times and she faux considered Taira's interest in joining the crew. She stopped and then gave the woman a cheshire grin. "You can join, but you'll have your pay docked at first to make up for what you took from me. Once that debt is settled, with a mild interest fee, you can keep the prizes and pay you earn. That is the deal. Take it or leave it, doesn't matter much to me."

Her first mate seemed rather annoyed at the current situation and resigned himself to finally take the liberty that had been granted. Vyxyl didn't acknowledge anything Tyr said, though she was perfectly fine with him stepping away. He was always taking on things so seriously and nearly every task. However, it also meant should the time ever come he'd be prepared to take upon the role of Captain if needed. Piracy had a high turnover after all and not many lived long enough to retire like Taira's former mates.

The conversation was interrupted as Harper made an appearance; the busybody that he was. Vyxyl sighed and turned narrowed eye onto her Quartermaster. "Oh, same old. People asking to join the crew, some being more respectful about it than others. Mister Harper, add them to the crew roster. And this one-" Vyxyl said, pointing to Taira, "-be sure to note she has a rather large debt to pay off. And should she try and leave the ship before paying it, have her secured in the brig. Ask Naga and Moray to help with that if it comes down to it. I'm sure they would love some action."

With that she gave the signal and the crew went back to business, leaving Harper to deal with the new crew members and the annoyance of paperwork. She could have just been like some of the other pirates and never bothered with any of the paperwork; no payroll logs, crew accounts, the roster, and so on. However, the books were a necessary evil, and evil she pushed onto Harper.

- (We're going to do a timeskip to get the hell out of Booty Bay)-
-(Everyone should be back on the ship.)-

Two weeks the ship was stuck docked for repairs. Two weeks of being stuck in Booty Bay. Vyxyl wouldn't be shocked if most of her crew had spent all their coin in that time on food, women, gambling, and even one of the few rooms offered for those who wanted a real bed to sleep in. Vyxyl did what she usually did when docked. She spent the working hours harassing the laborers to hurry up and to make sure they did their jobs properly because she was paying them. Then later she'd either go to the tavern or be hidden away in her private quarters on the ship trying to figure out the relic they'd managed to get their hands on.

She would have let Grimgal and Harper work on it together, but Grimgal would just terrify Harper and do what he pleased with the thing. Honestly, Vyxyl was about ready to give up trying to decipher the damn relics she came across; the few that she had in her time. The mystery was too irresistible though. So was the potential fame that would come should be finally be the one to figure it out, even just a sliver of something would put her name on a list of Legendary Pirates.

They were shipping out today and so everyone needed to get their asses back. She'd sent a messenger to the crew that if they weren't back before they left they were going to find themselves left behind and would have to find some other occupation or ship. They had wasted enough time here and Vyxyl wanted to set sail. She leaned over a map on her desk with a dowsing pendent in one hand, hovering it over the map to go to their next location; Rumblood Isle.

As Rumblood constantly moved she needed a a heading to give before they left. It took a few minutes but she found the general location and tucked the dowsing pendant into a hidden spot on her person. She left her quarters then and went to the helm where she awaited for her officers to give her the final checks and give the order to set sail.

"Mister Tyr, I do hope you at least had a pleasant time ashore," she idly commented as she looked over the scurrying crew on deck.


Surgeon's Office

Grimgal blinked a lonely tear out of his eye.

Grimgal's eyes were looking a little glazed, which was unusual. In the first place, his eyes were like almond pools of blazing orange fire - no doubt caused by whatever fell and dismal rituals he forced his body to endure - but today, they looked miserable, wetness glimmering in them persistently enough not to be dried out by the fire.

He'd been drinking for most of the day; high-quality whiskey, a small glass, and himself. At one point, he decided to cut out the middleman and just chug straight from the bottle.

He sniffled, looking at the pile of ash lying on a sterile board in front of him, on his desk. In the ash, a small, rough, ellipsoid form. An egg, black and charred, with hairline fractures across its structure.

"Come back, Edward," he whispered, petting the ash.

It was that time of the decade when Edward's crimson flame turned him into a pile of ash, only to be reborn and reconstituted stronger and more vigorous. The pet reached his lifespan's end yesterday, and Grimgal was kicking up a terrible fuss over it.

He outright refused visitations, barring the most critical cases. He relayed most of his work to that strange house-plant (calls herself a dryad, the silly thing,) in order to spend as much time awaiting his best friend's return as possible, keeping a watchful eye on the tiny egg that kept absorbing the ash like a sponge absorbs water.

He was familiar with the procedure. The ash absorption was necessary for it to reinforce itself, add mass into Edward's next bodily iteration.

But even over the hundreds of years, Grimgal never truly came to terms with the idea that Edward could be gone. Even if for just a day or two. They always had each others' backs, and it felt unnatural for the phoenix to be away.

That's why he guarded the egg with feverish zeal, not letting people look at it - let alone, deities forbid, touch it - somewhat paranoid the people wanted to steal it, eat it, or take it away from him.

Take his friend away from him.

He observed the small cracks in the egg, no wider than hairs.

Those hairline fissures would expand, he knew. The egg would break when they were roughly pencil-thin, and soon after it'd explode into an inferno to consume the whole room. Grimgal prepared an abjuration for that already, practically exsanguinating himself to make the room fireproof as he watched the phoenix-parrot gestate.

Interactions/Mentions: NPCs ( Fable Fable ), Vayinia ( Kiroshiven Kiroshiven )
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Tyr watched the controlled chaos on the Lady's deck as the crew prepared to cast off and smiled, careful not to let any of the crew see his satisfaction. After all, it would never do for the crew to know that an officer was proud of them, a certain gravitas had to be maintained. It had been two weeks since they had docked, two weeks of repairs, double checking that their quartermaster hadn't been swindled by the chandlers, checking every be-damned barrel of preserved meat and letting the Madame's agents know when someone tried to foist spoiled meat or rotten hardtack on them as 'prime provisions'. Fortunately, Lady Prue ran the port with an iron fist, and gave short shrift to anyone who did anything she deemed 'bad for business'. So, the problems had been solved, the sails patched or replaced, the rigging had been gone over inch by inch, and while they hadn't been able to procure much in the way of spare lumber, what was available had sufficed, barely, to repair the hull. Captain Vyxyl had watched the workers from the port like a hawk, making certain every seam was well caulked with pitch, every board fit as tight as possible to its neighbor. Her attention to the hull repairs had freed Tyr to devote most of his attention to the rigging and provisions. Harper could handle the books, but the feather-brain could get distracted so easily, and checking the actual contents of the barrels... well, Tyr took care of it.

He had spent a total of four nights ashore, and Mara had deigned to grace him with her company each time. He supposed that most of the crew would call him insane, since her company did not come cheaply, though Tyr knew she charged those she disliked far, far more than she did him, and he had not availed himself of all the services the Lotus offered. Evenings of quiet conversations shared over excellent meals, listening to Mara play the harp, and just being around someone who wasn't a member of the crew, these things were a balm to Tyr's spirit that no pleasures of the flesh could equal. He was no stranger to those pleasures, and on past visits he had indeed availed himself of all of the services Mara offered, but not this time. He didn't begrudge either Mara or the Lady Prue the gold and jewels that always remained behind when he left either. Business was business. This time the business was companionship and information, the next, time would tell.

Tyr became aware of someone approaching his position by the binnacle, and turned slightly to see Vyxyl approaching the helm.

"Mister Tyr, I do hope you at least had a pleasant time ashore," she idly commented as she looked over the scurrying crew on deck.

"What time I spent ashore was indeed pleasant Cap'n," Tyr replied, not taking his eyes off the preparations. "That last hogshead of sour beer was replaced this morning. I'm sorry, but the half hogshead of rum that Harper found is all that's available. Maybe our next destination will have better stocks. We have stores aboard for a two month cruise, three if we go on tight rations, but that might make the crew restive. Oh, and Grimgal is sulking in the surgery. Something's got him upset, but he isn't making strange smells or shaking the ship, so I say leave him be. We'll be ready to cast off as soon as the final load of powder is secured in the magazine. Say, twenty minutes."

Fable Fable

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