On The Run...


One Thousand Club

Four children are framed for the murder of the father they couldn't love. The man, Steve Garner, owned a computer franchise, and the siblings had every reason to kill him - especially the eldest, who was to inherit the company. They are being hunted, by the police and the real murderer, a friend of the family's, a man named Niels O'neal. It is only a matter of time, before the children are caught and killed themselves....


~ WalkingDisaster and Odd and I are the only people admitted in this role play

~WalkingDisaster has reserved the role of the eldest son

~Good grammar and spelling, please

~Their mom left them after Sophie was born

~I will play a sibling, the police, and the evil dude trying to kill everyone off

~Keep cursing to a minimum, please

~No perfect characters

~No accident prones

~If you want your character to be hurt, PM me, and we'll work something out

~Their last name is Garner

~The oldest is 17. The age limit is 15-10, leaving 17 as the oldest. No twins

~Two boys and two girls, please.

~ Keep everything PG13

~If you have problems, concerns, ideas then please PM me. There is no guaranty that we can use the ideas or fix the problem

~Please, be professional and nice to fellow role players.

~Try to post constantly

~Please, have at least two paragraphs in each post, but if you have writers block we forgive you.







Favorite Food:

Favorite Color:

Favorite Outfit:

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Animal:

Favorite Book:

Favorite Television Show:

Favorite Song:


Relationship with Siblings:

Relationship with Father:





*Pictures coming soon*






Name: Callie Garner

Callie name had no meaning behind its depths. Her mother just loved the name, and so did her father. There were mixed reviews on Callie's name - some thought is was elegant, graceful, and petite, while others think it is a downright unappealing, unpleasant name and call her "Cal" - a male name.

Nicknames: Callie's one and only nickname is "Cal" - a men's name.



Callie is quite the show-off. She constantly pushes herself above and beyond her limit, which sometimes costs her her health or safety. If even her closest friend wiggles their finger into her spotlight, she will stomp on them and make their life miserable for the next month. She hates loosing, but will never cheat. She thinks cheating is not only terribly wrong, but it ruins the competition. If everything is just, then she has a fair chance of winning. If you do beat her in even one competition, be prepared have a chaotic life over the next four weeks


Callie is quite cold, heartless, and merciless. She doesn't care for her victim's emotions and feelings, and attempts, most likely with success, to make their life a horror. She has always known how cold her soul is, but that doesn't stop her. Instead, it feeds her mind satisfaction and makes her more snappy. This teenager is not very forgiving, and easily holds a grudge against people for long periods of times, for years if you annoy her to extremes. She is not easily offended. In fact, she is never offended. She doesn't care for others' "stupid" ideas and opinions. She just ignores them and tells them to mind their business, not hers.

People like to believe that Callie's outside shell is nothing like her inside shell, that there is a very sweet girl below the surface, and that she is simply trying to protect her true feelings. But this is not correct whatsoever. Her inside shell is identical to her outside covering.

Callie is an intelligent girl. She is among the best in her class, but has worked extremely hard to get where she has. She perseveres with any of her work, including horses, and is determined to be the best.

Callie is quite the neat-freak and perfectionist. She absolutely has to have everything tidy and in order. If a photo at a friend's house is slightly off balance, she cannot resist the urge to fix it. She doesn't believe she has a problem, and thinks everyone should act according to her guidelines. Untidy people absolutely disgust her, and even at the slightest mess, she has a pathetic tantrum.

Favorite Food: Noodles

Favorite Color: This color

Favorite Outfit: Callie has no specific, favorite outfit.

Favorite Movie: Callie doesn't watch movies much, she does like War Horse

Favorite Animal: Callie's favorite animals are horses.

Favorite Book: Secretariat

Favorite Television Show: WIP

Favorite Song: WIP


Relationship with Siblings: Callie's relationships with her siblings aren't the greatest because of her poor attitude.

Relationship with Father: Callie hates her father, no questions asked

Hero: WIP

Hobbies: Horseback riding

Job: Half-time groom at a racing stable
Name: Rodney "Ronnie" Garner

Ronnie, also answers to Rod. Try not to call him Rodney.

Age: 17



Favorite Food: He'll eat anything.

Favorite Color: Black, red, grey

Favorite Outfit: Eh, he'll just throw on a KoRn t-shirt and faded jeans, and he's out the door. He favors his hoodie.

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Animal:

Favorite Book:

Favorite Television Show: South Park

Favorite Song:


Relationship with Siblings:

Relationship with Father:


Hobbies: Photography.



Name: Sophie Garner

Nickname: Fifi or Sophe

Age: 14

Personality: Sophie a sweet girl with an attitude. She is opinionated and headstrong. Her creative mind is matched with a nice voice and a graceful walk. Her ballet is what gets her up in the morning and through the day. She dances around the house, down the street or just alone in her room. She sees the world in white. Through her sweet voice and face is a force to be reckoned with. She hates being told what to do – mostly by Ronnie – and will do it her way or not at all. She is rebellious and silly at times. She never complained-she had to reason to do so. Her father adored her and she loved him just as much. Though being reckless and carefree she never crossed the line her father drew. At parties and dinners she stayed on her best behavior, always keeping her natural charm at hand.



Favorite food/s: She will eat chocolate whenever she gets the chance and tomato soup is her favorite meal.

Favorite color: Royal blue and purple

Favorite outfit:

Favorite movie: He’s Just Not That into You and Tangled

Favorite animal: She loves and admires cats, but has a certain love for owl.

Favorite Book: Th1rteen R3asons Why

Favorite television show: Ned and Stacy

Favorite Song: Hit The Lights by Selena Gomez


Relationship with Siblings: She is very close to Ronnie especially. She and her sister are not too close but don’t hate each other. She fights with Marcus constantly, but in the end they decide they are both being stupid and hug it out.

Relationship with father: Very close.

Hero: Her dad is one of her heroes because of his success in his business and climb to the very top without help from anyone. Olga Esina is her idol ballerina. Selena Gomez is an inspiration to her because of her metamorphosis from a poor girl to beautiful singer and actress.

Hobbies: Is a very passionate ballerina and sings for fun.

Job: none

Other: none

Name: Marcus Garner

Nickname: Marc, Marcie, Marcie Sharkie

Age: 15

Personality: Marcus is a laid back daydreamer. He has a creative mind that he indulges into his lyrics. He never really lets people know what’s on his mind or stand up for himself. Even when he is at his deepest low, he is good with hiding it. He is not very confident in his work and only lets Sophie and Ronnie hear his music. When he is writing or listening to music it is like talking to a wall. Marcus never complained. He got just what he needed for his music and the best video games. He does what he is told but normally gets in trouble for drifting off in his own world during events or when someone is talking to him.

Appearance: (Heehee, I used Colin Ford.)

Favorite Food/s: He loves hamburgers and cannot get through the day without coffee.

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite outfit: He doesn’t really care. Just jeans, a hoodie and a t-shirt.

Favorite movie: Wrong Turn

Favorite Animal: He loves wolves and cats

Favorite Book: The Vampirates Series

Favorite television show: American Dad!

Favorite Song: Walk by Foofighters


Relationship with siblings: He mostly does his own thing and stays out of their business, but loves them all equally. Ronnie is a role model to him.

Relationship with father: Marcus does not really agree with his father about many things but normally shrugs it off and does what he is told.

Hero: He doesn’t really have one, but looks up to his older brother.

Hobbies: He plays video games, and loves singing.

Job: none

Other: none

Okay, almost finished with my forms...Only have three more sections left to go... Bump...

On the Run….

Marcus sat on his bed looking at his long time friend, Monica, as she told a story about how she chose her new golden retriever at the animal shelter two days ago. Though the story wasn’t completely boring Marcus couldn’t help but drown her voice out and just stare at the face he had always known so well but recently found to be pretty. Though her fiery hair couldn’t be tamed and she was dressed in a simple band t-shirt and stressed jeans with her hair in a lazy pony tail, Marcus couldn’t see her looking any prettier than she did at that moment.

The clock was already sneaking up on nine o’clock, but Marcus couldn’t care less about how much trouble both of them would get in for spending the whole day and night together doing various board games, telling stories and beating each other in every video game Marcus had, Monica brought over and the ones they stole from Ronnie’s room.
Just as Monica’s story was closing to an end her voice faded into a squealed as the door of Marcus’s room flung open violently. Marcus, prepared to get a mouthful from his father scratched his mind for an excuse, but didn’t dare take his eyes to the door until he heard a familiar clicking sound. Marcus flung his head away from Monica to see Ronnie had ran in, slid on his knees and taken a picture of them. He gave Ronnie a poisonous look as his brother casually rose from his knees and slowly backed out of the room. The door began to close and a furious Marcus grabbed his heaviest pillow and flung it aggressively at the door in hopes to hit Ronnie. “Ha! You missed!” sang a gleeful Ronnie as he left for his photography trip. Marcus turned back to Monica to see her face scrunched up and her mouth partly open with shock. She let out a nervous giggle and closed her mouth.

“Sorry about that.” Marcus said , angry but apologetically, while rubbing the back of his neck hard enough to get out any kinks.

Monica just laughed, then parted her pretty lips again. “Your brother….Is…very…..”

“Spazzy, I know,” he sighed, scowling at the door.

Monica smiled. “Want to go for a walk?” she asked almost as if she had read Marcus’s mind.

“Sure.” He agreed, getting up from the bed and grabbing his hoodie.When they got outside they silently decided upon walked to the right.

They walked in a nice silence, their shoulders occasionally bumping the others. The moon was a waning crescent, reminding Marcus of one of Monica’s necklaces she had worn one time to the movies. The air wasn’t to hot that they had to take off their jackets but to so cold that they needed to hold their jackets close to their bodies.
The perfect romantic night. He thought to himself as his fingers itched to be entwined in Monica’s. They walked for hours talking about music, video games, and making plans for a Matchbox 20 concert they managed to get tickets too. Their voices were drowned out by the song Letters from a thief coming from Monica’s phone. She smiled at Marcus apologetically, took her phone from her back pocket and opened it up to read her text. Monica’s bright smile slowly vanished as she read. Slowly she looked up from her phone. “I have to go. My dad is freaking out. He said that it was completely inappropriate for me to spend the whole day and night with a boy. Sorry.” She explained to Marcus.“It’s fine. I get it.” He responded looking at his feet.“I am really sorry.” She said giving Marcus a hug goodbye.“Bye!” he called out as she ran off, her hair bouncing out of its pony tail behind her.Marcus frown and turned back to go home. It was now twelve fifty now and Marcus was dreading explaining being out all night with a girl to his father, or even worse, Ronnie.

Marcus was awoken by his alarm clock blaring KoRn. He groaned and rolled on his back. Coughing, he trudged out of bed and dragged himself into his bathroom, splashed his face with water and changed into some baggy jeans and plain blue shirt. Not bothering to do anything more than run his fingers through his hair Marcus exited the bathroom and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. By the looks of the mess in the kitchen, Marcus could tell Sophie had made their dad’s morning coffee and as usual didn’t bother to clean up after. He figured the maids would get it and headed into the living room. He sprawled out on the couch and tried to wrap his head around how his younger sister could even stand to spend the whole day their dad. After a few minutes he decided that there was no understanding any of his siblings and walked back into the kitchen. The coffee mess was already cleaned up. Marcus opened the refrigerator hoping to find some soda when the screams of his little sister filled the house. Marcus rolled his eyes figuring she just wanted to show them a new music video or something, but as her voice became more desperate Marcus could ignore that fact that something could be wrong. Had she fallen on the stairs to their dad’s study? Was there someone in the house? What could be wrong with his little sister? Leaving the refrigerator open, Marcus took off towards their dad’s study. “Sophie?” he yelled as he ran.

Sophie jumped up and down on her bed to the loud sounds of Selena Gomez. Her hair flailed around her in a curtain of blonde hair. Her blue eyes, given to her by her mother, peered through her curtains to the street below. She watched as Marcus and his friend, Monica walked down the side of the street. They had already been out there for two hours and seemed no where near ready to come inside. “They are so busted.” Sophie said to herself, though the music was too loud for her to even hear herself. She liked Monica, she was nice and always gave Sophie tips for whatever she needed, but to Sophie Monica was blind. How she couldn’t tell Marcus liked her was beyond Sophie. It was so obvious; the was he always tried to make her laugh and got nervous and tense when she got close, how he looked at her with his eyes sad at the thought of not being able to tell her. Sophie rolled her eyes and closed her curtains shaking her head. She loved her brother, but sometimes she was amazed at how obvious he was with his feelings. She looked across the room to see the clock was already saying it was ten minutes until one. With a sigh she turned down her music and got into bed and with a clap of her hands the lights were off; she drifted into sleep. The morning started like any other; Sophie forced herself out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and separated the strands of her blonde hair. Leaving the bathroom and making her way back to her room, she noted her bed had already been made by the maid, like every morning. With a smile she peeled her band shirt and pajama pants off and slipped into a pair of distressed skinny jeans, a blue sleeve-less top, some cute bracelets, sandals, and a coat just thick enough to keep her warm in the cold movie theater. She tossed her hair in to a lazy bun and quietly exited her room, ready to welcome Ronnie back from his photography trip, then to see a movie as she always did with him on a Friday. The sound of the front door opening made her jump.

“Hey, Ronnie!” she yelled to him. “Get ready for the movie!” she called as she poured a tablespoon of sugar into the steaming coffee. Sophie could smell the coffee beans and cinnamon as she walked down the spiral staircase to her father’s study. She reluctantly opened the door. “Good morning, Daddy.” She said.
Sophie looked from the coffee and froze. The coffee mug escaped her fingers, and almost seemed to happen in slow motion, shattered in different sized shards. The contents of the mug spilled and streamed across the floor to meet spots of crusted blood. Sophie’s body trembled as well as her lips. She screamed a scream more real and blood curdling than any from a horror movie. “Ronnie!” she yelled as load as she had ever screamed. “Ronnie! Please!” she pleaded for him to come. “Marcus! Callie! Someone come!” she cried, though feeling her ears were the only ones to hear.

( Sophie’s outfit -

Monica - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111130203224/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/2/2f/Beautiful,ginger,girl,red,hair,redhead,woman-977972e8500a5834c2b62bc5ce5d0e30_h_large.jpg

Number of words in this post - 1,480 )

On The Run

Farren steered her Ford Fusion into the smooth concrete driveway. The car was a scrap of metal compared to some of her father’s cars that idled in the garage. The man had spent millions of dollars on these expensive vehicles, and yet he hardly even drove them. He had spent tons of US dollars on things that hadn’t earned him a single penny. In fact, he had lost money on these cars due to the high price of gasoline. And yet he still had money to burn, although he had wasted so much money on things other than cars as well. Taking a deep breath of air, Farren pulled the keys out of the ignition and shoved them in her pocket. The cool afternoon air of fall hit the teenager’s faces as she popped open the driver’s door and stepped outside. Farren was soon climbing up the marble steps leading to the mansion’s door. Wrapping her fingers thinly around the doorknob, she twisted and pushed. The door creaked open, and quickly wiping her feet on the mat, the girl stepped inside.

The familiar enticing scent of vanilla and maple candles hit her nostrils as she entered the foyer. The hallway was very shadowed– the only source of light was the few candles scattered about a table against the wall. A teasing voice and a series of loud footsteps followed by a loud thump made Farren twitch. “Ronnie! Marcus! What the hell are you doing up there?” Breathing a sigh of frustration, the girl stomped upstairs and passed a grinning Ronnie. “Shut up with the noise, will you? Some people want some peace and quiet!” Glowering, Farren started toward her bedroom to do a bit of quiet, peaceful reading before her father got home.

Farren rose to her feet as Sophie began singing to a loud CD of Selena Gomez, but then plopped back down on her bed. Why bother with a lost cause? Hollering at Sophie to at least lower the volume was like trying to wrestle with an alligator. The singing abruptly paused after a few minutes, along with a slight lowering of the volume. Not just anything could come between Sophie and her music? Whatever, Farren decided, and went back to reading her novel.

Callie sighed as she heard a shatter and the scream of her sister. Ugh, why doesn't she just clean it up instead of shouting so loudly. "Ronnie! Ronnie! Please! Marcus! Callie! Someone some!"

Callie perked up a bit. Sophie hadn't just dropped a mug. Her scream was bloody murder. Dropping her book, she raced toward her father's office, scrambling up the stairs. "Sophie! Sophie!" Callie burst into the room, her eyes shifting around at the scene. "What. Happened?"

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