(Omegalock x PoisonousKandy) HARD TO GET-meow~


Six Thousand Club
@ Omegalock this will be interesting ill put up a Skelly of my chara.

Name: Noel Todori

Age: 16

Personality brief: Scared of guys, sweet, kind, likes to collect dinosaur plushies

Apperence with and without hoodie:
(And I shall do the same)

Name: Duster Coulton

Age: 16

Personality brief: A sarcastic joker, a gentleman at times, likes shiny things and hates bananas with a passion

Apperence: View attachment 12714 (Minus the cat ears this time)
(Cool meow lets get this soul party started! But how... Hmmmm... Since this is souls I think they should be able to go into things)

Noel walked into the class room a green orb following her as she walked to her desk. She placed her dinosaur plushie on the table and the green orb flew inside. The dinosaur yawned a bit and looked around. Noel jolted seeing all the guys in the room and pulled her hoodie over her eyes as she blushed nervously.
(How about the spirits have their own personalities and talk occasionally?)

Duster was the last person to walk into class, he looked around. "Um, sorry I'm late..." He said. Duster looked for an empty seat and found one beside Noel, he quickly sat down without a word, he whispered something to his spirit and proceeded to have a small argument with it. These two were always going at each other's throats...
(Wouldn't have it any other way 0v0)

Noel jolted she was hoping a girl would sit there but he did. She glanced at him from under her hoodie as the dinosaur jumped onto his desk,"oi! You two need to shut up! Can't you see she's crying here!"it said then jumped onto Noel's desk. Noel jolted rubbing her eyes she looked in the other direction hoping Duster wouldn't look at her. The teacher then began teaching hoping for no interruptions.

Duster looked rather confused for a moment. "Nice job mate, ya made 'er cry!" Said his spirit. Duster glared at the spirit. "Sorry..." He whispered to Noel, then turned his attention to the teacher as his spirit stared at Noel's. Duster wondered what could've caused Noel to start crying, and how he could stop it from happening again. As everyone who knows Duster knows, he can't stand seeing girls cry, it makes him feel useless!
(I think we should name the spirits xD )

Flora shot a glare at Duster's spirit. Noel jolted at Duster talking to her she watched the clock hoping nothing would happen for the rest of the period. The bell rang and she quickly got up gathering her things. The dinosaur jumped into her bag and the green orb flew out,"lets go already"Noel whispered and began walking she jolted dropping a piece of paper by Dusters desk.
(Flavius: He's got tha flava! *Folds arms all gangster like* Nah, I just thought it'd make a nice contrast with Flora, cause fire)

Duster picked up the paper, he didn't look at it, it wasn't his business. "Go and get 'er Romeo!" Said Duster's spirit, rolling the r on the "Romeo". "Shut up Flavius..." Said Duster, running out of the classroom and in the direction he thought Noel went. "You not gonna read the paper?" Asked Flavius. "Why would I? It's not mine." Said Duster.

View attachment 12716(Also, Flavius' appearance. Sorry for the large image)
Noel walked into her art class then sat down."oi you dropped a paper you know"Flora muttered."ah when?"Noel whispered softly,"infront of the idiotic boy"Flora said,"ah! Oh no he's going to want to return it and I'm going to have to talk to him"Noel said and put her head on the table.

(I love how colorful your replies are xD )

(Oh I didn't realize the could look like that meow okay uno momento)
(Well I'm a very colourful person! :D *Says that even though he's currently wearing all black clothing, right down to the socks...*)

Speaking of the idiotic boy, Duster finally found Noel in the art room, he put the paper in front of her, not saying a word from fear that he might make her cry again. He went and sat down in his chair, this one being about three spaces behind Noel. Meanwhile, Flavius was staring at Flora again. "Feh..." He grunted and looked to the front of the class
(XDDDD what did you search up to find that pic I'm trying to find a cute green animal xD )

Flora yawned rolling around. Noel put the paper in her pocket wondering if he opened it. Time flew by yet again and it was lunch time. Noel quickly bolted out of the room and some guys looked sad."I was going to confess today"one mumbled. Flora walked out after her.
(I typed in lion Pokemon to be honest. Lot of fire type ones apparently)

"Don't worry kid, you'll get your chance! Never..." Said Flavius to the boy. "Please excuse my spirit's behaviour." Said Duster as he walked out of the classroom, dragging Flavius by the tail. "What to do now...?" He thought. He had no clubs to do, and he didn't have many friends to talk to except Flavius, and even that was pushing the definition of "Friend"... After walking for a while, he saw Noel. He wanted to say hello to her, but he knew that she'd shy away from him, or even cry like before.

(Also, why do I imagine this song fitting this whole thing?

View attachment 12718Noel was eating her food behind the school sitting on the grass. Flora yawned laying on the warm grass under the sun,"Noel you need to get over that fear"she said. Noel continued eating quietly then put her hoodie down,"but boys are scary and can hurt girls..."she said softly then looked down and continued to eat. Flora sighed as her tail swayed.

(Oh mi glob!!!!! I love owl city! I could listen to there songs all day that ones my favorite for the month because of that movie reck it Ralph when I saw the preview I almost died!!!!!)
(Owl City's amazing! And so is Wreck it Ralph, it's my favourite movie right now!)

Duster just sat down and looked to the sky, the way Noel reacted whenever he and other boys were around had garnered his interest significantly. he sighed and got out a small box containing his favourite food, spicy ramen noodles. "Flavius, you want some of this?" He asked. No reply. "Flavius?" Said Duster, looking around. Flavius was gone, he had actually gone over to Noel and Flora after overhearing their conversation. "What makes ya think that all boys hurt girls, huh?" He asked.
Noel jolted and screamed and ran behind a tree. Flora glared and hissed at Flavius,"does it look like she wants to talk to you?! For all I care all men are idiots!"she said barring her teeth. Noel began crying behind the tree."look what you did!!"Flora snarled. She obviously wasn't fond of men either. Flora hated men while Noel was scared of them.

(I loved the ending for that movie I was like no duh you can see her in the beginning too)
(I think I was the only one in my family that didn't see the Turbo plot twist coming xD )

"Look what I did!?" Cried Flavius. "I was just tryin' to start a conversation! It's not my fault your master's a coward!" He added. Duster walked in soon after this was said. "Flavius! What are you doing!?" He roared. "It's clear that they don't like us, and because of you talking to them, the girl's crying!" He added. Flavius growled and reluctantly withdrew. "I'm sorry for his behaviour..." Said Duster with a bow, the nudged Flavius to get him to do the same, Flavius rolled his eyes and bowed
Noel sniffled looking behind the tree at Duster."hmmm you are forgiven...."Flora said seeing that Noel wasn't crying anymore."Coward....... Heh.... Men are idiots"Flora said softly as her tail brushed delecately against Flavius' cheek. Flora walked over to Noel."my lunch"Noel mumbled being that her rice had fallen to the ground when she ran away. Noel sighed and her stomach growled.
Flavius just snarled at Flora. Duster walked over to Noel, and handed her his ramen. It hadn't been touched once, he was willing to give away his favourite food. Mainly for an apology. "Be careful, it's a little spicy." Smiled Duster. "My name's Duster by the way." He said, turning on his heel and starting to walk away with Flavius at his side. "I can't believe you gave away our food..." Grumbled Flavius. "Look, stop complaining, she was hungry" Said Duster
The girls looked at the food. Noel felt bad and ran to him and pulled on his sleeve,"I don't like ramen so you can have it"she said softly while blushing she then looked at Duster,"m-my names Noel"she said softly after handing him the bowl. She then ran away. Flora jolted starring at the guys and began walking away not taking her eyes off them,"thanks"she said and ran off to catch up to Noel.
Duster gave a small smile. "Noel... What a nice name..." He said to himself. "Hey, enough wistful speaking!" Said Flavius. "Let's get our ramen on!" He cried. Duster sighed and sat down, he divided the portion of ramen between them. They ate in silence until. "You like her spirit don't you?" Said Duster. "What!? No! Why'd you even say that!?" Cried Flavius. Duster laughed. "You know I'm just messing around" He said
Flora and Noel where looking at the vending machine sadly,"if you knew you didn't have money why'd you give away your food?"Flora asked twitching. Noel sighed,"I thought is find something"she mumbled then dug through her pockets again,"it doesn't matter how many times you do it nothing will change"she mumbled crawling into the vending machine and knocking down some chips and a drink. Flora then quickly jumped out,"I hate doing this it's so bad"Noel mumbled yet took the food and began eatting.
Duster and Flavius finished their lunch and decided to walk it off."Hey, Dust?" Asked Flavius. "What?" Asked Duster. "How about some training...?" Grinned Flavius. "Meh. Not in the mood." Said Duster. "What!? Pfft. Fine then..." Grumbled Flavius. "I wonder if Noel found something to eat..." Thought Duster
Noel jolted seeing Duster as she walked down the hall. She hid behind an open door. Flora just sat there and yawned,"hi boys"she mumbled and then looked up. Noel peeked from behind the door as she ate a chip.
"Oh, hi there!" Smiled Duster. "So you found something to eat?" Asked Flavius. "The ramen was delicious, you should've taken it..." He grinned. Duster kicked him slightly. "By the way, I don't think we caught your name." Said Duster to the spirit in front of them.
Flora blinked,"I don't think you need my name you got the girl's name didn't you?"she said then looked at Flavius and smirked. She winked at him then began walking past them. Noel blushed,"s-sorry was it bad that I didn't take it?"she asked.

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