Old RP Stuff(mainly for VeiledPariah)

As yuki spoke Reis nodded in response but her hands were shaking and she felt out of breath, had she put too much into the last attack or was it the fact that as she looked upon this disgusting drima that had taken Michael from her...it still was and always would be...her sister.
Sythaeryn decided for her as a winding branch shot forth from the ground and dulled the drimas eyes for good.
The girl gave the elf a grateful glance before letting all the emotion and exhaustion hit her as she stumbled backward and began to collapse...
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
As Sythaeryn's branch drove into and burrowed into the drima's back he continued to rest his hand upon the branch he'd wrapped around him, the dog's body still stuck on the branch and now twisted slightly at an odd angle. His eyes met those of Reis as she nodded to him, releasing his power over the branch and letting it unwind from his body. The elf took no notice, nor cared that the dog was hanging from the branch as it went back to the tree he'd retrieved the branch from, the elf collapsing to his knees as he put a hand to his throat, Admiral flying back down to rest by his master.

With Reis having taken up all of her power to push aside her emotions and display her strength, Bar noticed her tumble and caught her in his arms before her body could hit the floor. It seemed Reis was barely at conscience. Bar decided it would be too soon to request her to do anything else. He put her ams under her knees and held her close. Not saying a word, he stared at her, hoping she'd remain conscious.
Mentions: VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Caleb & Nyle

Caleb peeked out of hiding once more. Shocked at the shards he'd dodged and the loss of Michael, he would have liked to have slowly approach the rest but ducked behind his wall once again. Thinking to himself: "Is it over? Are they really gone?"
Another peek revealed the branched Drima. Disbelief struck Caleb. He held his hand in front of his mouth as he coughed up blood for a second. Sensing his body riddled with pains everywhere, he clutched his muscles together. The pressure built up in his head with every passing heartbeat. Yet in total silence he remained invisible as he suffered and cramped up on the floor.

Nyle was ashamed of his cowardice. He felt like he could sink through the floor. He went to pick up his things(clothes) and cared not for much else. He was just glad the dogs were picked off one by one and no longer chasing him.
April - 17yrs
April closed her eyes, she watched as Tenti arrived at the academy, the headmaster seemed sad and a bit taken a back. She made sure Tenti told the headmaster what had happened. To her surprise he didn't seemed shocked, "Take care of them April...this world is about to come to an end i fear" It was all she heard through the connection and she gasped covering her mouth as tears came to her eyes. So that was why... she glanced over to Bar as he held Reis. Walking over she touched Reis's forehead sending a healing water through her body. "B-bar...I trust her in your care till she wakes up. I just healed her wounds so she shouldn't be out for all that long." She wiped at the tears that didn't seem to want to stop. "Shall...we go...when she wakes up i think she will need all the support we can give her." She pulled away from Reis and the dragon appeared before her, he circled April in what was a hug, "Milady.. you heard his words...we will still be here as out queen said...I hope you reach those promised lands to bring us to them as well." The dragon nuzzled April before vanishing.
Samdragonx Samdragonx

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba glanced over to Feral, before standing up and heading for the Gate. "Time to get out of here guys....I have a feeling I know why we are being sent out of this place. Let's go now!!!" Feral quickly padded next to Kiba, "He is right....once we get to the next world and find some sort of make shift shelter that's when we can mourn....if any of you want to." He huffed slightly before the two of them stepped up to the Gate. Light glowed around them and they walked through, not waiting for others to protest.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli stood there in shock, just like that Kiba and Feral stepped through the portal. After what just happened they didn't even question if it was a death trap on the other side. "I...I guess we should go..." She walked up to the Gate glancing over to Sasha, "Once we go through here... there is no turning back Kelli..." Kelli nodded, "I know but Kiba's words have me curious....i want to know what he meant." Sasha nodded, "I don't think we are the only ones, who wants to go through the portal with us... Kiba and Feral were kind of stupid going through it alone. Never know what dangers lie on the other side."

Yuki - 18yrs
The bloody armor fell away from Yuki leaving her standing there confused and with a major headache. She glanced around her and noticed the fallen drima. "W-what happened?" She honestly couldn't remember being this close to the drima female. The last thing she remembered was getting cut by something and then it went black... She glanced over to Tau, "Um...what happened? Are we good to go through the Gate now?" boo. boo.

Henry - 25yrs - Pet: Rin
Henry had been hiding in a small den like place for two hours now, he glanced over to Rin, her green eyes standing out against the darkness. "Have they gone away yet?" Rin silently padded forward as the scent of a few drima came to her she froze, "Seems like there are only two..." She muttered softly, Henry nodded, "Good...we can take them out..." Rin nodded glancing to Henry, they had made it through many years of living in this place. Having been lucky and not eating any contaminated animals. Water wasn't hard to find, in fact it was pretty much everywhere, but in those waters also held some pretty scary creatures. Henry glanced over to Rin, she nodded and they busted out of the den. The drima panicked for a second before lunging in for an attack, that second was all they needed though. Henry's katana sliced through the cat like drima's neck with ease. The dog once faced off with Rin, biting at her but she was quick and agile, he turned quickly slicing into the rib cage of the dog drima. It howled in rage swiping its claws at Henry, Rin jumped down taking the hit for him. He didn't like it but it gave him the chance to end the drima dog. Once he made sure both were down he turned to Rin, "That was a stupid move!!!" He growled at her bending over to look at the wounds, thankfully they were shallow. He sighed, "Hasn't it been long enough for another class to be sent through...or...do you think..." Rin glared at him, "Don't even say those last words..."

Lord Anubis Lord Anubis scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Anyone wanna go with Kelli and Sasha Lol)​
(OOC: Makutu can go with Kiba and Sasha.)

Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Sythaeryn watched all of this relatively quietly as April and Reisa seemed to break down at the death of Michael, a dragon appearing and taking the boy away, Bar coming and taking hold of Reisa. The elf did not say anything at all as this took place, trying to ca tch his breath from the use of his power. He turned as Kiba walked towards the gate and disappeared through it with his pet Feral. The High/Wood Elf shook his head as the pair disappeared into the opening, he had no reason to grieve over the death of someone he did not know. It was doubtful the elf would grieve over anybody here except Admiral or Makutu. With a sigh he whistled to Admiral and headed towards the gate, notching an arrow as he went and walked through.

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion

Arion landed on the ground with a clatter of mismatched feet. He looked at his friend and mistress as Kelli spoke of who wanted to join her during this journey to mythical paradise. She communicated silently with her griffin before the griffin nodded. "We will go with you Kelli," she said, still in her jaguar form as she saw that Reisa was in safe hands. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba glanced behind him as someone followed behind him and Feral. "Ahh...Sythaeryn please tell me the others wer getting their butts in gear to follow behind us..." Feral set off ahead of them to make sure they were in the clear, he smelled fresh blood and the fur on his neck ruffled, "I can smell the foul stench of fresh drima blood..." He growled glancing to Kiba, Sythaeryn and Admiral. It either meant trouble for them or a good sign that something had killed some of their enemy already. The good thing about the next worlds was they wouldn't be covered in drima. There would be a few here and there but they mainly would need to worry about the beast's that each world contained.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli nodded to Makutu in thanks, "It's not that im scared to go through on my own I just feel we should go through in pairs at least..." She placed her hand on Sash's neck getting a comforting energy from the unicorn before glancing to Makutu once more and stepping through. Once they came out to the other side Kelli was thoroughly surprised, it seemed like it was night time in the place. "Well this will be fun with are sleep schedule..." Sasha muttered glancing around she noticed that Feral's fur was bristled. "What do you smell..."
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Henry - 25yrs - Pet: Rin
Henry and in were about two miles away from those who had arrived. But seems how bob cats had poor sense of smell Rin couldn't tell that. The two of them were rather ragged looking even with taking baths in fresh water they found. They didn't have any soap of any sort so it was more of a wash off. Henry had been using his katana to cut his hair so it didn
't grow long and irritating. "Sorry but how long have we been in this place and with no sign of any human Rin....Haven't you almost gone mad already?" Rin silently stared at her human and shook her head slowly, "No... because i have you by my side. If i didn't i probably would have turned wild by now and forgot the fact that i could talk and think better than what a normal wild animal could."

Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
As they stepped through after Kiba and Feral, the young adult looked at Kiba as the other male turned back and spoke to him. "So far as I am aware, yes they are. Kelli thought it prudent they go in teams and they were still dealing with Michael's death. Reisa...I am unsure if she will be continuing or not as she seemed out of it with Michael's death," he said.

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion
Arion followed behind Makutu and Kelli as the girl spoke about wanting to go in pairs for safety. When they arrived, night had fallen over this world compared to the one they had just been in. Arion ruffled his feathers, seeing Sythaeryn and Kiba ahead of them, the wolf Feral seemingly on alert about something. Makuta stretched out her limber body and shifted into her war form, now standing on her hind legs and pulling out a dagger from the sheath at her left hip. Arion heard the tail end and used his telescopic vision to see what was ahead of them. "I can see a dead drima dog a couple miles ahead of our location," said Arion. "But I cannot see what is through the trees except for some blurry outlines. They don't look like drima though I could be wrong."

"Then it's best we remain on alert," said Makutu.
April - 17yrs
April closed her eyes, she watched as Tenti arrived at the academy, the headmaster seemed sad and a bit taken a back. She made sure Tenti told the headmaster what had happened. To her surprise he didn't seemed shocked, "Take care of them April...this world is about to come to an end i fear" It was all she heard through the connection and she gasped covering her mouth as tears came to her eyes. So that was why... she glanced over to Bar as he held Reis. Walking over she touched Reis's forehead sending a healing water through her body. "B-bar...I trust her in your care till she wakes up. I just healed her wounds so she shouldn't be out for all that long." She wiped at the tears that didn't seem to want to stop. "Shall...we go...when she wakes up i think she will need all the support we can give her." She pulled away from Reis and the dragon appeared before her, he circled April in what was a hug, "Milady.. you heard his words...we will still be here as out queen said...I hope you reach those promised lands to bring us to them as well." The dragon nuzzled April before vanishing.
Samdragonx Samdragonx

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli frowned, "Please don't telle after what we just faced we have to fight again." Sasha seemed to scoffed at Kelli and Kelli glared over to the unicorn. "Don't glare at me...you did minor fighting..." Kelli huffed, "I know, but that's only because Yuki went all psychotic back there!!!" Sasha gave a small nod, "I don't think she did so on her own though..."

Henry - 25yrs - Pet: Rin
She muttered softly, freezing in mid step, had she just heard voices? Maybe she was finally going insane, her brain tried to think of how much time had passed. Once Henry had gotten to the 1000th mark on the wall of the cave they stayed at, he'd given up. "What is it?" He asked glancing to the place she was looking towards but unfortunately couldn't see anything. Rin shook her head, "Nothing I'm just finally going insane...."
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Yuki - 18yrs
The bloody armor fell away from Yuki leaving her standing there confused and with a major headache. She glanced around her and noticed the fallen drima. "W-what happened?" She honestly couldn't remember being this close to the drima female. The last thing she remembered was getting cut by something and then it went black... She glanced over to Tau, "Um...what happened? Are we good to go through the Gate now?"
boo. boo.

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Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
"I thought we already went through a gate master?" questioned Admiral.

"Hell if i know," said Sythaeryn as he didn't even listen to the others or bother looking behind him. "I'm not waiting for those other people. They can be left behind and make their own way here. Whatever they come out onto for being lax about coming behind us is their ow problem," he said. The elf grabbed Admiral and held the bird against his chest before following after Kiba and Feral as they walked towards and through the next gate which didn't make a lick of sense to elf or falcon.

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion
Admiral wasn't the only one confused here. He turned to look at the unicorn Sasha as she spoke to her mistress, the griffin stretching out his wings and keeping an eye on whatever it was he had seen. Only when his mistress had placed a paw on his shoulder in concern did the griffin swing his head towards the werejaguar. Silently, they left Sasha and Yuki before heading off into the gate after Sythaeryn and Admiral. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Bar - Pet: None

Seeing no harm done in the midst of all this madness, Bar carried Reis. Lifting her up in silence, he could not help but feel the need to wander off.
It was only when Sythaeryn yelled out that Bar began to realize they still had an objective that needed clearing. Dwindeling in thought: "To get to true safety."
Bar was most certain he'd lose more of his fellow combatants before reaching it.
Taking upon himself the role of what he thought was leadership, he began the travel that he hoped would lead them closer to the portal.

"Move, mortals! Lead, Kiba, Child of Felines!"

The loudness was hardly necessary, but foreseeing much more of what just happened, None wanted to get things moving. There was no point in being picked off by these small roadents.
Walking away from the scene, he couldn't help but feel insignificant and insecure with the real powerhouses of the group being behind him.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Nyle & Caleb

To the suprise of many though, Nyle could hardly stand the idea of another top-dog.

"Just who do you think you are? You think you can just walk away after what happened here?"
Nyle was upset about the loss he suffered as well as the fact that his eye was still sore. Alas, these things were unspoken and he wanted to question leadership as much as he could, being the rebel that he is.
"You're not going anywhere, Kiba. Not now, not ever!"
Alas, it was not Kiba he was jumping for. It was the dark void of the place the dead Drima was. Jumping mindlessly, he reached the portal and fell through.

The marks of Drima infection were apparent right away. Shifting and twirling flesh covered in an unnatural color scheme. The creature leaping at him was no longer humane. Its festering rage turned a faint blackened blue, displaying intoxicated veins and an untamed ferocity.
It seemed like his body would be in for a battle for the ages.

Collapsing under the weight of his spontane bleeding by the shards of broken reality that struck him, Caleb soon realized that being invisible did not make one see the invisible.
Having been comforted by the thought that there's no way to let the others know, he fell the way he lived, in silence and unseen, yet affected by that which he could not see.

(RIP CALEB) (Soon to be RIP Nyle)

boo. boo.
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Hey guys, sorry I'm late this week, haven't been seduced by VeiledPariah VeiledPariah and it's leaving its mark. :P

Also, I realize I've just killed off 2 characters, but my life's been hectic, so I guess the two events line up.
I'm hoping to interact with you more and (once we reach through the portal) to distract your characters with side-quests of sorts. ^^
Happy writing!
Hey guys, sorry I'm late this week, haven't been seduced by VeiledPariah VeiledPariah and it's leaving its mark. :P

Also, I realize I've just killed off 2 characters, but my life's been hectic, so I guess the two events line up.
I'm hoping to interact with you more and (once we reach through the portal) to distract your characters with side-quests of sorts. ^^
Happy writing!
Glad to know your still with us, Kiba is already through the portal. So if you wanna jump him through! By all means!!! XD
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April - 17yrs
April lightly pushed Bar to go ahead of her, she wanted to make sure both he and Reis got to the next world safely. She jumped out of the way of what Nyle used to be as he seemed to go crazed. Falling though the portal, "Great..." She was now going to have to help them fight Nyle now. She closed her eyes walking through the portal with her sword drawn. She had expected pain, but not what she felt as soon as her feet touched the soil of Valari. Her body lurched over, it felt as if the water spirits of this world were trying to tear her apart from the inside. As if they were mad at her very existence, perhaps they were. She had to move, she had to get away from them. Turning she began to run, her body moved on it's own somehow knowing where the nearest body of water was. She staggered slightly, breathing was becoming difficult with the amount of pain that engulfed her.
Samdragonx Samdragonx

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba dodged a raging Nyle and then groaned as April came through and took off. This was not how things were supposed to be going. His eyes landed on Nyle though, he shook his head looking at the now changed man. "Another one...this is not a good start." Feral growled fangs bared at the crazed feline boy, "He can't be saved...." . Kiba nodded, "Only thing we can do is end his misery." His twin blades we're ready for the fight.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli fell backwards as Nyle came through the portal. He looked terrible and is scared her, were they all just going to die one by one.... "I...don't want to die..." She said backing away from them all, "Kelli snap out of it!!!"

Yuki - 18yrs
The bloody armor fell away from Yuki leaving her standing there confused and with a major headache. She glanced around her and noticed the fallen drima. "W-what happened?" She honestly couldn't remember being this close to the drima female. The last thing she remembered was getting cut by something and then it went black... She glanced over to Tau, "Um...what happened? Are we good to go through the Gate now?" boo. boo.

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