Old RP Stuff(mainly for VeiledPariah)

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion
Makutu ran towards the auditorium but as she did she saw the headmaster pass her with Nyle. Growling to herself, the female's form shifted and a jaguar stood where the woman had been, rushing after the headmaster. "Headmaster Damon!" she shouted after the man as he made his way towards the gate. She let out a roar for her griffin, the part eagle and part lion creature lifting his head and flying towards Makutu. The feline jumped on the griffin's back and the creature took to the air to catch up with the headmaster. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Sythaern lifted a hand and drew an arrow from the quiver on his back, holding it one hand as he raced across the fields. Behind him, he could hear Makutu's shouting and then the sound of wings. Admiral flew after his master, keeping an eey out on the horizon. "Master, there is the headmaster and some others with him...he doesn't seem to be aware of the screams."

The elf let out a curse. They really didn't need to lose the headmaster but the rush of wings caused him to duck as Arion sped over him, and he stared in shock at the jaguar on the griffin's back. The rush of wings and air flowing under them sent Admiral tumbling over in the air until he righted himself before touching the ground. "Let's go Admiral!" The falcon screeched an affirmative and the pair reached the gate, the headmaster just reaching it. "Headmaster don't open that gate!" he shouted.

With a clatter, Arion landed on the ground and the jaguar jumped off to look at the man. "Sythaeryn is correct Headmaster. We both heard screams coming from across the fields that were cut off...I went back to tell you but you had already left."
Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
The gate to camp had already began opening however. He frowned, "I'm sorry kids but I can not go with you...as far as I know there had been no major movements. Perhaps you heard them and it stopped because they ended the threat." Or at least that was what he hoped, he'd hated to be sending them out to their deaths. But he also knew keeping them here would be doing the same.

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli glanced to her father, "We don't have to go now right, things can be checked and..." She watched as her father shook his head no, "I know you guys are all strong...I have to send you off...before...." She saw the fear hidden in his eyes, "What have you been hiding from us father?!?" Her voice became slightly higher pitched, her father never averted his eyes when talking to someone. But now he looked so...weak and miserable. "I can't say hurry and be on your way...before things become worse!" He said pointing for everyone to head out the campus.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Lord Anubis Lord Anubis VeiledPariah VeiledPariah boo. boo. Samdragonx Samdragonx

April - 17yrs
April glanced over as Makutu and Sythaern rushed to the Headmaster. Both saying something about screams being heard. "So a fight shall occur before we even leave... Silvana come forth now..." She sighed taking out her katana and stepping out into the open. She headed in the direction of the gate, they were not children anymore. Their lives now rested in their own hands.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba glanced over to Feral as two came back in a rush saying something was wrong. "April has the right idea..." He and Feral headed after April quickly, "Surprised you're just taking off like this..." April sighed, "Well our lives are in our own hands now...that is what the Headmaster said when he was to open the gate and now here we are. It's time to rely on ourselves...even if it is death we walk to." Kiba's jaw dropped slightly, "How very interesting and unexpected of you April."

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki watched her go and glanced over to Tau, she picked up the simple foods she had gotten and walked over. "Um..I got us something to eat. Also I got you some carrots Bonnet. I hope you like them." She said handing Tau a plain grilled cheese sandwich, before walking out of the auditorium. She glanced over at the commotion taking place and saw April, Kiba and Feral heading out. "Wait you guys!!!"
boo. boo.
I was actually thinking about that...um in battle it would be pretty tricky not to get your blood mixed with that of a Drima's so...maybe we should change it to us eating the flesh of an animal that hasn't fully turned Drima without us knowing it.
I was actually thinking about that...um in battle it would be pretty tricky not to get your blood mixed with that of a Drima's so...maybe we should change it to us eating the flesh of an animal that hasn't fully turned Drima without us knowing it.
Heh i realized it as well as i typed. I think that would make the most sense also. I do believe we should have an alternate way a more forced change?
Like if a humanoid drima purposefully feeds another its blood? Or is that stretching to far from what you want?
Not at all that is actually pretty perfect!!! Lol currently reading Vampire Knight pureblood is running through my brain right now lol
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Sythaeryn looked at Makutu who was looking at the headmaster as he did not heed their worried concerns and opened the door anyway. Of couse Kiba and April bounded out without question Of course Yuki was late as always and didn't seem to realize what was going on. "Take care of yourself Headmaster," Sythaeryn said with a sigh as the man refused to go with the students and followed after Kiba and April as they went outside, Admiral flying over his master's head and leaving the others there.

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion
Sythaeryn seemed to give up on convincing the headmaster and walked out after Kiba and April. Makutu just stared at the headmaster, surprised he wasn't even answering his own daughter at least. How would Kelli survive out there on her own anyway? Well that was not her problem, her goal was to get to her brother and survive. "Makutu we have to go," said Arion, sensing his friend's indecision. "I'm sure the Headmaster will be protected here and safe," he said voicing the jaguar's unspoken concerns. The feline's eyes met her griffin's and she hissed in displeasure before slipping out the door, making sure to brush past the headmaster in a form of assurance and comfort to ease his worries, Arion dipping his head towards the headmaster as he folded his wings against his sides and walked out after Makutu.
Lisse Erriba
Lisse was silent at Caleb's questions, her mind flashing back to the day she had set out two years ago, foolhardy and confident. She had been great friends with everyone that had been with her, and seeing them die one by one had been heartbreaking. "I actually graduated about two years ago. My party didn't make it past the first gate, and the Drima we met there was too much." She rubbed her arm ruefully, looking at her feet. "It's not uncommon. I mean... I guess I was just lucky to make it out alive." Could lucky even be used? It was really more like cowardly. Lisse could see herself running from the battle in terror, tripping through water and rocks until she couldn't hear the screams and cries anymore. She had wandered for several days until she found her way back, but even then she was never the same.

"Ah, well..." Lisse smiled. "I might be a mage, but I'm not very good at it. I've still got a lot to learn, but the headmaster thought I was ready to head out again. I trust his judgement." The elf was stopped short as other graduates began rushing outside. She felt her stomach twist in panic, and she edged toward the door. "Looks like we're going. Now." Not waiting for the human to follow, Lisse pushed open the door and began to run, her fingers trailing down to the hilt of the short sword at her side. Was it a Drima? While she hoped not, she knew it had to be. Everyone needed to leave before it got any closer. She made her way to the gate as fast as she could, leaning against a tree as she began to tremble.

Tau Uivis
Tau grinned and took the sandwich, devouring it hungrily. Bonnet took the carrots in a swift movement, emitting a happy whistling sound. "Thanks, Yuki!" The centaur let the bunny parrot take her place once more across his back, and he held open the door to step outside. But it seemed as though their journey was not to begin in peace. "Come on, Yuki," he gulped, noting that everyone was heading toward the gate in a flurry of action. What was going on? Was it a Drima? They never came this close to camp, though, much less ever got in. What had happened out there?

The centaur stamped his hooves in worry before turning to the girl. "Come on, get on my back. We'll get to the gate faster." Biting his lip, he held out a hand to allow Yuki to help herself on. It wasn't often he allowed someone a ride, but this seemed like an emergency to him. Plus, Yuki was cute.

Psyche Anadra
Psyche was driven from her ponderings when she heard a commotion behind her. Slowing down, she allowed a whole group of people to rush past her and even soar overhead. What was their deal? Her eyes went wide, however, when she saw them go to the gate, which was open. So she really had smelled something. Not wasting any time, she joined the others there, which even consisted of the headmaster. She found herself keeping quiet about what she knew, however, simply joining the others.

Wax wasn't one to keep silent, though. The dog tugged on the hem of Psyche's shirt, and vampire turned in surprise. "Tell him what you know," Wax said quietly. "If there is any danger, everyone deserves to know." Psyche shook her head, frowning. "The worst thing I can do right now is make everyone worried. Everyone's already on guard. There's no need to make things worse."
Caleb - Pet: Ina

Hearing the elfs troublesome silence, Caleb imagined that death by Drima was a near certainty. He was done talking with the cute elf and hid himself from commoners sight.
Considering the posibility that everyone would be slaughtered was very real, he gathered his belonings and had a chat with Ina.
"Hey girl.. Sorry to bother you and keep you from making friends.. but I need you on your best behaviour. I don't want you to waste any energy, ok? If push comes to shove and I fall, I need you to get yourself through the portal."
"I don't want you to get hurt..."
Big tears rolled down the fur.
"I know, sweety. But in case of the worst, remember that if it looks weird, don't eat it. And know that I love you."
"But I don't understand..."
"Sometimes that's just the way things are."
He hugged Ina a final time and hid her in the bag.
(Mention: boo. boo. )

Bar - Pet: None
Looking at the time, he grabbed his weapons. An old gun, lengthy crapmetal shards and rope mostly. Soon it would be time to leave. He put shards in his clothes, tied rope on his wrists and waist, then bagged whatever he had left. His re-discovered journal was put in the bag too. As he left the door, None came around the corner of his mind.

"Bar... forgotten?..." Bar looked at the door. "Yes... " Bar's mind dwelled at the memory of how an open hospital door had saved his life during a Drima attack. He left the key on the door as there was nothing of value left inside. But contrary to what would have been wise, he opened the door and left the gun under the pillow with a note:
"You're the new Bar now. Raise it."
And with that, he left his dorm and hurried out the door.
"Hmm... I hope the world will be better off like this..."
"Always... always..."

Met by the sun, Bar laid eyes on the horizon and made a grumpy face. He suffered a lack of proper sleep last night and its effects had yet to wear off.
EDIT: The thoughts of Reis' response still running through his mind..
(Mention: VeiledPariah VeiledPariah )
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Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
Damon watched them leave and wanted nothing more than to follow them out there. But he unfortunately couldn't leave this academy, if he did then this academy would fall fast. "Please be safe...."

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli glared at he father but walked away, "I hope he knows what he is doing..." She glanced back to him as waving before heading to catch up with April and Kiba, "I'm sure he has his reasons my lady." Sasha chimed in with a reassuring nuzzle.

April - 17yrs
April's pace was brisk and steady, she wasn't in a rush to face whatever creature was ahead. She however was in a rush to go find her brother. She glanced behind her as she heard Yuki call out and saw others close behind them.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba grinned, "Out only a few seconds and a fight awaits us already. Can't say that I'm not excited about this." He watched April shake her head and then glanced behind him to see who all was following. "Hey we had been playing it good for a while, Kiba and I deserve a good fight to say the least."

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki watched her go and glanced over to Tau, she quickly hoped on his back. Being careful of her sword and not to hurt him at the same time. "Let's go make sure none of them end up being stupid..." She said making sure her balance was good so he could take off.
boo. boo.
Devorantem Et Sanguinem" The Devourer of blood " aka D
D had walked along with everyone else to the main gate. Not long it opened allowing passage to the exit gate now activated. He smiled as he could sense it. Freedom awaited along with the discovery of his past. He looked to the people around him, before one of his nostrils flared up. He sensed fresh blood something was amiss. His eyes focused ahead of them as he noticed some of the group making there way towards the gate in heist. He could not be left behind so he traveled with them at high speed. Before making it to the gate he cut the tip of two of his fingers with a claw. Blood seeped out, as he threw droplets ahead of him. The wounds healed instantly, and the droplets of blood shot out making there way in different directions. They were blood viewing orbs of sorts. They would reach the gate before them letting d see what manner of trouble awaited them. He smiled to himself again a wicked glean in his eye. Battle might be ahead...along with a blood bath. The excitement killed him inside. His blood wings extended out of his back, as he took off into the air. He wanted to get there first. It would be unwise though with that thought he turned. D made his way into the trees taking cover he would encounter their target from the side.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising , Samdragonx Samdragonx , boo. boo. , scorpiodragon scorpiodragon , VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Sythaeryn made his way through the forest after the others who had already left before him, soon being reached by Makutu and Arion as well. The elf looked at the jaguar and they silently fanned out into different directions, Admiral taking flight to the safety of the skies as did Arion. The pair moved stealthily through the grounds outside of the gate, soon catching up to the others.
The pair walked side by side but near the back of the group as their footfalls sounded against fallen leaves and still gravel. The path toward the Valari gate was well traveled compared to the surrounding area.
The landscape immediately exiting the grounds was forested but soon broke clear as vast fields was all that could be seen. These fields mainly produced wheat that some farmers bravely tended to in order to supply the camp with grain.

Reis continued to contemplate everyone elses reactions as they walked. Some had heard noises...other could smell blood?... Sometimes it kind of seemed strange to her that she in fact was closer to human than most of her class...hell even Bar..The young girl looked over to him images of him with Nyle flashing over her again. Reis shook them away before keeping her head down. She wanted to talk to Michael more but his eye was on the horizon as well as his focus. His brightening smile gleaming through anything bad that could happen. Both momentarily caught the sight of D's blood orbs heading toward Valari Gate.
They would find only stains of blood but no bodies not that any of the others would know...
"Michael...can we talk.."
"....Later ...We have company"
Michael replied an arm outstretched in front of her as if to protect her. The wind had picked up once more.....A fight was about to begin.
The air grew heavy as howls and barking pierced the tranquil air.The wind seemed to vibrate rapidly as resonation occured, Before the group appeared the woman and her pack of rabid drima totalling twelve in all.

Arrin grinned wildly as if she was crazed the blood of the soldiers painted across her body. She said nothing as she vanished before reappearing in front of Reis in a flash her eyes widening in fear and in realization of who it was she screamed as the dogs began to rush towards the students their teeth gnashing and claws scraping the ground as they pounced.

"Damn looks like i have no choice!"
Michael looked to the dogs before ripping back the protective runed patch over his eye the crystal blue pupil dilating before an explosion erupted knocking a few of the dogs away. He closed his eye as he heard Reis' cry of horror. He turned to meet the drima female but her hands moved faster. One covered his eye and the other gripped his throat as he began to choke and kick violently his own hands trying desperately to remove her vice over him. His opened eye was wide with concern as it switched between the others in the group before falling on Reis who stared on in disbelief..

"So strong....too bad its a waste"

The Drima muttered sweetly before her grip tightened as the loud crack of bone snapping brought the boys head sideways and his fighting to cease as he dangled lifeless in her hold. Arrin turned holding her arm out as if to display her kill before letting go as Michael's body crumpled to the dirt in a heap.

Reis' eyes went wide as her cry split even through the sounds of the ongoing battle.


boo. boo.
Lord Anubis Lord Anubis
Samdragonx Samdragonx
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
(Alright all so big entrance is made feel free to react against the dog enemies as you like although i ask that no one kills all of them and leaves others without a chance to fight.
Fyi if you didnt notice or something the Main Boss aka Arrin is behind the group, and has killed Michael. That is all cant wait guys and have fun!)
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
"Master! Something's going on, I scent blood."

Sythaeryn didn't respond to Admiral other than to glance up and see the bird above the trees just barely. Hearing growling, his eyes changed to a cold jade that also formed around his hands, forming green veins in his hands, throughout his body and a branch shot out into one of the dogs coming towards him, slipping past his shoulder and slamming into the dog's open jaw as it lunged at him and went cleanly through. Bringing the branch back with the dog in it, he wound it around himself as protection before pressing a hand to his front, resting it on the branch and took in the forest around him....twelve...no eleven dogs each going for a student. Concentrating, he ensared another dog near Makutu as she was closest, tangling roots around its legs.

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion
Makutu moved carefully through the forest, getting information from Arion who could see easily on the ground thanks to his telescopic vision. She pounced on a dog as it came towards her, tearing into the creature with her own claws and teeth. A yelp and a thud behind her made the jaguar spin around after crushing the dog's throat to see another one snared. Sythaeryn, she thought, knowing only he could manipulate the very forest. Lunging for the dog, she clamped her jaws on its muzzle and began to suffocate it, the dog struggling futilely against the jaguar who used one paw to swipe across the dog's throat, dropping it to the ground. Two down that she had killed. Hissing in displeasure, she paused as she heard a scream and then bolted towards the sound.
Hey, sorry I haven't been on, guys. My life's in a bit of an uproar. I'll read up on the posts starting with D's and I'll try and get a reply out tonight..

Nyle first laughed at the dramatic entrance the Drima being made. But his laughter came to a full stop when Michael rested in deaths embrace. His eyes opened wide he could hardly bring himself to confront the Drima dogs. Doing what he knew, he ran into the open fields with two dogs closing in on him. His belt felt heavy and pressed down his chest. With the Drima able of smelling his tail, he unbuckled the belt. Dropping it before making a sharp turn to his right, the beasts ran into eachother. Slipping as Nyle was making his way back in a curve, he lost a shoe. The drima tore it apart and were delayed yet another two seconds. Running on both hands and feet, Nyle had little chances left of escaping the creatures. Running back towards camp, he tripped and hit his black eye on a treebranch. Trapped within the fires of both his pursuers and the Drima being that stood behind all others, he was in trouble and desparately looking for a saviour.
"Little help... anyone!!" His demeanor revealing a severe lack of functional training as one of the Drima dogs swiped at his feet and forced him to fall to his face yet again.


Caleb's primary concern was getting out alive. As such, he went to sit and hide in a corner. Staring at the dogs from a distance, he concluded that ranged combat would serve well against vile melee specialized beasts. A simple weapon, standard training issue he prepared. As the weapon charged he peaked around the corner and immediately after hid his face again. One of the creatures was right in front of him, sniffing at the floor and dripping filth everywhere in the process. Swallowing a final time, He gathered all courage he had and dashed from his hidingplace. Weapon at the ready, he froze two dead dogs staring the human in the face. Lowering his guard in surprise, he was paralyzed to see the Lady stare directly at him.

Bar - Pet: None

With the sudden outbreak taking everyone by surprise, Bar put up a sprint as fast as he could. Moving towards the one he had previously shied away from. Bars natural survival instincts got suppressed. Taking on one of the dogs head first, Bar experienced great friction. His armour(spikey clothes, they were) was being torn into by the great maw of the beast. Furthermore, it began to froth. Bars primary concern was the one precious to him. None naturally opposed this turnout of events. Carrying the dogs full weight as he pushed himself forward, Bar's arm and left upper torso got clawed at by the monsterous creature. Reaching to a seemingly frozen Reis, Bar's hand was only just short of touching her shoulder. Only inches away from protecting the one he was in love with, he was denied. "Reis, I ...!" Thrown over the back of the beast, a catastrophic flip made Bar land on his back. His lungs were on fire as the wind was knocked out of him. "Ugh!"
Seeing the beast stand over him, leaning in with a fould grimm across its maw and the meaty gaping hole that was the throat, Bar passed out. His vision lost in the abyss, there was a silent voice creeping in the background. "...there there... It's not going to hurt you anymore... nothing is..." From the back, a handful of voices unveiled their approval. "Yes... whhooo!..." With loud laughter and sharp teeth, the Bar was dropped and None remained. "You is need'n a beat'n!" A handful of punch later, the dog was slowly backing away and lowered into the ground a bit more with every strike. "Your masta's mutt's gettin send back! Back to the slaughter!" The blood spraying across his face, Bar grabbed hold of the beasts neck and a hind leg. He lifted the creature, already crushing its limbs before slamming it into the floor, breaking its torso's bones. Once that was done, a second slam was not far off. Bar did not seem to mind the sounds the creature made when the third and fourth smacking down happened, sending gore everywhere. Grabbing the creature right undreneath the jaw and where the stomach normally is, Bar lifted the creature once more. Slowly raising it before the eyes of the Lady Drima, he taunted her: "Only snappin' necks, are ya?!" before tearing the dog clean in half. Guts falling to his feet, the creature still seemed to try and fight him. Throwing away to his left what was in his left hand and to his right that which was in his right, he stamped down unto the fallen creatures innerts. Lowering his arms and leaning forward in an aggressive pose, Bar revealed his teeth, as a loud warcry announced his challenge to the Drima. Seemingly shaking the area around him, his voice was a low rumble unlike his natural voice.
(Mentioned: VeiledPariah VeiledPariah )
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Alright. So.. I'll get something done for Bar later. I need to sleep and work hasn't been to easy today >.< sorry everyone

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli stood in shock as Michael was killed with ease. What was her father thinking sending them out here, "Did he want us to die." Her body trembled looking at the humanoid looking Drima. She had heard of them but had never seen one and it terrified her. "My lady snap out of it before you get killed please..." Sasha begged her master, this was no time to freeze and panic.

April - 17yrs
April was faced with one of the dogs, Silvana stayed close beside her. She was ready to fight until she heard someone scream Micheal's name. She turned seeing his limp body and she went numb. How...had this happened, it was a nightmare right? Sweet Michael surely wasn't dead, he couldn't be. He was going to help her find her brother, they were going to make it to the promise place together and celebrate. "APRIL!!!" Silvana yelled her name just as the Drima jumped at her. She swung her katana in front of her as a clear shield appeared in front of her. She felt the weight of the Drima hit the shield, this was no dream.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba and Feral were faced with one of the drimas, why it thought takin on the two of them they weren't sure. Feral glanced hearing Nyle's call for help. A small nodded and grin to Kind and he was off. "Aren't you a pretty little thing..." He said biting the words out bitterly. The crazed Drima pounced straight into one of the twin blades, it howled in pain as the blade just skimmed it lower side. Kiba spun ready as it pounced again, this time he brought the hilt of a blade down slamming it into the temple. The beast crumpled to the ground groaning, Kiba was taking his time, only for it to attack once more. One quick swing of his arm and the blade ran through the Drima wolfs throat splattering blood over him, he turned his eyes glaring at the humanoid drima with hate.
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Feral however rushed over slamming his body into one of the Drima wolves. "Come on Nyle your not a coward nor weak!!!" Feral swiped his claws out snagging the other beasts side. It let out a shrill cry before snapping it jaws into Feral's shoulder. He wanted to bite back but knew he couldn't if he did he took the chance of changing. Instead he sank his claws into the beast tearing into it with sheer strength. Ferals red eyes glaring into the beasts crazed ones.
Samdragonx Samdragonx

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki watched her go and glanced over to Tau, she quickly hoped on his back. Being careful of her sword and not to hurt him at the same time. "Let's go make sure none of them end up being stupid..." She said making sure her balance was good so he could take off.
boo. boo.
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