Old RP Stuff(mainly for VeiledPariah)

Lisse Erriba
"Lighten up!"
Lisse's chuckle was directed towards Sythaeryn, whom she had seen exiting the forest just outside of camp. Her melted chocolate eyes glistened in joviality as she approached, and she came to stand in front of him, digging her staff into the earth.

"You do know it's dangerous to leave camp borders, right?" She cocked her head toward the sea of trees in the background. "And have you gotten anything to eat? You might have missed breakfast, if not graduation." At the last word, her eyes dulled a bit, and she turned back to the camp. She had been through it once before, and here she was again, ready to sojourn into the wild. The last thing she wanted to do, thought was face that damn Drima again. While she almost never had nightmares, any that she did have were ruled by that beast. That was what she dreaded most about this journey, as she suspected many others did.

Lisse shook the apprehensions from her head and put a hand on her hip. Wick beat his wings as he descended from her shoulder, purring, "I'm hungry, Lisse." The elf nodded and smiled. "Care to join us, Sythaeryn?"

Tau Uivis
The centaur smiled, watching the interaction between Yuki and Damon. He nodded his head to the headmaster, then motioned for the girl to follow him. Bonnet hopped from his back, flapping her ears so that she remained hovering around Tau's head. "That's good. I think someone not being excited about finally leaving this place might have something wrong with them. I mean, have you ever eaten here at leftover day?" He chuckled, shaking his head.

Tau neared the door to the cafeteria, holding it open so that Yuki could enter. "Do you think you're ready? I mean, fighting Drima?" The centaur let out a sound that resembled a whinny.

Psyche Andrada
The vampire's eyes caught that of Kiba, and her chocolate cheeks flushed slightly. She stared further into her cup, not realizing her heels were digging into Wax, who let out a frustrated yelp. "You're not very good at playing it cool," the dog whined, shifting slightly. Psyche apologized under her breath and stood, tossing her cup into a nearby bin layered with other dirty dishes.​
Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli had went back and unpacked everything, with Sasha's guidance of course. If she hadnt then Kelli might of had even more things than before. "There that's much better." "Glad someone's happy..." Kelli muttered, "If I hadn't done this for you then I would have been stuck carrying all those..." Kelli crossed her arms, "Ah-ha so this was for your benefit after all." Sasha shook her head, "One day my lady...I hope you understand possessions are not worth more than a life." Kelli looked at her confused but shrugged it off, "Let's just go already."

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba glanced down when Psyche looked up. "We are both pretty pathetic I guess..." Kiba chuckled rubbing the back of his neck with a half grin, "I guess so...." Feral stood at the same time Kiba did, "No matter what though we will protect them." Feral nodded, "Got to empress them somehow I suppose." Feral held up a paw and Kiba high fived him.

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki followed Tau, "Just be on your guard once we step out of these protected grounds. Can't have you dying or getting hurt right off the bat." She said with a small giggle that was very unlike her normal demeanor. "Also even though we've fought each other and your not as effected by my poisonous flowers don't try being the hero. The last thing I want is for me to be the reason you get hurt. Okay?" Her face was more serious but her eye showed a great gentleness.
boo. boo.

April - 17yrs
April smiled at the woman, "Thank you for always being here for me. You were like the mother i never had." Silvana smirked, "April don't go getting all sentimental on me might have to go back on my word." April giggled, "Suppose I should get back then..." The woman smiled, "We will know when you call us, our dearest Elemental Spirit Contractor." Silvana waved before vanishing once again, she would do well to serve April one last time.​

Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
Damon turned and headed for the autotorium for the graduation ceremony. "My dearest Serein...I'm sending her off for a better possible future watch over our little girl." He opened the door and found some students were already waiting. He chuckled, "Eager for battle or eager for freedom..." The door was about shut when April burst through, more so crashing through the door. "Ow..." She groaned having face planted into the floor. "Are you...okay April?" He asked extending a hand to her, "Oh my...I'm fine just my usual clumsy self." She said blushing wildly and taking his hand, "Thanks." He nodded and headed up to the stage with a small chuckle. This class had been one of the best and yet funniest classes he had seen. So many with potential and so many diverse people and powers in the group.​
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Reis took herself from her thoughts as Michael entered shaking his head her way before taking his place. The girl bit down on her lip in irritation at the gesture not knowing he meant well regardless. Michael was one of those guys who tried to be nice to everyone even if they did not want the attention. Reis had pretty much closed herself off from others besides a mere few she regarded as friends.
Michael was one such person...she was hesitant at first but the girl could not stay cold towards such a warm caring personality. Her cheeks flashed red briefly as she caught herself dwelling on his figure looking away quickly....just in time to notice April and the Headmaster enter... Enter being the understated term.
April had rushed through the entryway bumping into the older gentleman.
Reis offered a frustrated sigh bringing her eyes back to her feet...

The young turned at the commotion behind as the headmaster and April arrived. He stifled a bit of laughter as the girl continued to show her fumbling side.
Michael gave a nod to the older man a smile spreading over his features before turning to April a friendly light slap to the back as he spoke.
"Your gonna break something one of these days crazy"
His words holding no resentment whatsoever. Now his laughter broke through at the scene that had transpired previously. As his hand adjusted his eye patch before brushing his hair back.
"I cant believe we are finally leaving...sucks i had to leave eos. Still im to excited to begin"
Michael beamed happily his confidence bursting forth along with his grin.
The boy did not worry about what lay ahead . He felt more than capable of handling anything the worlds could throw at him. For a moment he stopped his good eye hovering to Reis. For the most part she always kept to herself, he wondered if he should join her but knew with April here she would just be crass so he decided against it.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Sythaeryn hadn't gotten even halfway across camp when someone blocked his path, another elf within the camp only this one being of the opposite sex. Lisse he thought to himself. The woman set her staff into the ground and immediately began speaking about how he shouldn't be out of the camp and that it was dangerous to do so. "Chances are half of this group aren't going to make it alive halfway through this little venture," Sythaeryn said. Yet, she continued on as if she hadn't noticed anything, asking if he'd eaten and that he might have missed breakfast and graduation. Admiral screeched as the strange owl cat thing flew down and complained of being hungry, apparently prompting the woman to go ahead and ask if he would join them in a meal.

"I am a bit hungry master. It's hard to find food with the Drima spawning and walking around," Admiral screeched.

"We haven't eaten," said Sythaeryn, though he seemed to be considering whether to take the woman up on her offer before sighing at Admiral's pleading look. "Fine. We will join you," he said, turning his path and moving towards the mess hall instead of the auditorium.

"Thank you master."

Sythaeryn did not reply to his pet at all, his hand resting on the sword at his waist. boo. boo.
Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Both Kelli and Sasha made their way to the auditorium. Kelli of course was still grumbling about having to leave such fine things behind while Sasha just shook her head. Sasha broke from Kelli and trotted up to Damon, "Sir I will do everything in my power to protect the young Lady." Kelli had decided to sit down not a very good mood for having to leave so much behind.

Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
Damon smiled at Sasha scratching under her chin, "I know you will take good care of her. Now go I have important announcements to make before sending you guys off." Sasha nodded trotting back up the walk way. He headed upstage and grabbed a microphone, "I know not all of you are here yet but for those of you who are. I will go ahead and give you your travel crystals and also these special storage containers. Remember to use the storage containers wisely for foods and water."

April - 17yrs
April couldn't help but smile, "My bones are to strong to be broken by a simple fall silly!!!" She liked Michael he always seemed to be a cheerful soul. Not to mention kind to everyone he met. She frowned slightly, "Eos is staying here? That's to bad I'm sure he will miss you as much as you miss him." She smiled, "Yeah I'm glad to be heading out as well! I hope to find my brother at last..." She held a hand over her chest with a faint smile, "I know he is still alive out there...I can feel it. Maybe once we get to Valari you and I can scout out the grounds together. It would be nice having someone I could trust to help me find my brother."
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
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"Yeah i will miss him but another family offered to take good care of him so im not worried heh"
He gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up as she told him she to was ready to strike out
towards their final destination. His eye fell on the girl as he brought his hand to his chin at the mention of finding her brother.
"Oh yeah...i think i remember you mentioning him. Well heres hoping we find him quick"
He answered at first as if he was trying to remember and then reproducing his warm tone again. Michaels attention then shifted to the headmaster as he spoke of the items they were to receive.
"Travel crystals...hmm"
the man looked a bit puzzled trying to remember there exact function. In actuality he had dozed off a bit during the lecture on the devices. He turned to April raising an eyebrow for a quick explanation.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli stood and walked up to the stage taking the crystal and the storage thing from the table. She nodded to her father before heading off the stage. For once she seemed almost mature and not snobby. "You handle that well milady." Kelli shrugged, "I don't know what to say to him, that all."

April - 17yrs
April giggled as he looked at her for an explanation, "The travel crystals, their are only way through the portals... They told us about them in a class as for the storage bags...they are some high tech stuff I don't understand but it seems to be helpful." She was glad that Michael seemed on board to help her find her brother. Two pairs of eyes were always better than one. "Come on let's go get them!!!" She said enthusiastically, practically dragging him down the slightly slanted walkway.
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
The two of them had made their way to the graduation ceremony place. Feral heard the tail ended of Damon's words and told Kiba what he should do. Kiba stood in the back watching April begin dragging Michael towards the stage. He'd never understand how the two of them managed to make it this far they seemed to...soft.​
Reis looked up as Damon spoke she fell in tow grabbing her own crystal and storage device which she placed inside her bag upon returning to her spot on the wall. She turned to see Michael being dragged towards the stage. It caused a twinge of anger to spread across her face but she let it subside. The two had always been friends since she knew them. It still bothered her though... She felt that Michael paid her special attention compared to others. Yet it was easy to see that was not the case at all. Reis turned her sight from the pair and focused on her things bending down as she double checked her provisions and placed certain items inside the compartmentalized storage mechanism.

The young man nodded in understanding of her explanation of the items sort of remembering the class now.
Michael let out a surprised exasperation as April dragged him by his sleeve.
"April wait just slow down!...I can walk perfectly fine by my...nevermind"
He stopped trying to fight her as they were already at the table using his free hand to grab both the crystal and storage container pocketing them in his jacket before smiling at the girl beside him.
"Thanks...i guess"
he responded eagerly as he scratched the back of his head before tugging a bit at her grip.
"Uhh..April you can let go...at anytime...like now"
Michael kept his grin but his facial features showing his obvious discomfort as other people started to stare.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
April - 17yrs
April quickly let go, her hand falling at her side, "Oh I'm sorry...um I just got really excited." She stepped away from him, dangit....I did it again. She thought to herself sighing, she quickly grabbed the crystal and storage bag. They were about to go on a deadly adventure but the thought of finding her brother was clouding her judgement. She inhaled slightly as she made her way off the stage "Queen Silvana..." The water spirit appeared by her side, "I told you to call us when we were needed." She said taking on a more solid watery form, "I'm sorry but I need you here to keep me calm...you know how I get." The water spirit sighed, "You know the price...it could be deadly when you enter the next world like this." She said with a frown, "It's okay I won't die that easily." "Your such a helpless child sometimes..."
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba shook his head slightly, "You know for some reason I don't think I'll ever understand April's power..." Feral shrugged, "I've only seen it in a few people...but most of them die because of that power..." Kiba sighed, "I'm glad my power is much easier to handle then hers. Oh look she summoned one of them. A female...they seem like family to her almost I wonder if its hard to part with them." Feral shrugged once again, "I don't know why don't you ask...also if you've been so curious about her power why not having asked way before now." Feral wondered if this boy used his brain sometimes. Kiba walked up and grabbed the crystal and bag glancing to the female spirit as he walked back to his spot in the back of the room.​
Devorantem Et Sanguinem" The Devourer of blood " aka D
D had the same dream last night. One he has bin frequently having a lot lately. It was the dream of a long lost battle field. Two armies one dressed in black hell armor, and the other in white angelic armor. The two side fight it out while he is watching from a command tent. He had not bin ordered to take part in the battle yet, but his time would come. A Demon dressed in crimson armor blood flowing though it like veins, had looked to him. He spoke in a deep monstrous tone " Show me how far you have come my son. Prove to me you are still worth keeping alive. " was all the demon said before looking back to the battlefield. D sees nothing but death and destruction from that point. A bloody battle it was...and it was exhilarating. From what the dream suggested the beings he fought were angles. Just before the end of the battle he sees a blinding white light. Then the dream ends with d waking suddenly sitting up. His body is all sweaty, as he rest his head on his hand. It was just turning dawn his eyes looked towards the rising sun. The graduation ceremony would be today. He smiled wickedly " Guess today's the big day! " he said. D rows and prepared for the day.

It was just before he had arrived at the auditorium. He had fed on a young woman prior to arriving so he did not feel hunger like most of his fellow students. Of course he did not kill the girl safely leaving her in the schools medical ward. It would not be good to draw attention to his activities prior to graduating. He had simply told the nurse he found her collapsed near the school grounds probably overworked from training. He sighed as he arrived at the main doors. A cool breeze flowed across him. It felt nice as he opened his eyes to the sky. A spectacular sea of blue expanded before him. It was a beautiful scene. A part of him gauged at the mere thought of considering this beauty. A part of him however did consider it so. He thought back to the dream. What mad him so different to the being he sees in his dream. Deep down he felt it was him, yet he could not shake this sense of unease.

He shook it off opening the door and proceeding inside. Know was not the time to think such things. After all on the journey they were about to take; He would finally find answers about his past, and who he really is. Taking his place among the other D stood tall not giving a sign of emotion. For know he would simply go with the flow of events. Besides after the ceremony he could make further plans.
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Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki followed Tau, "Just be on your guard once we step out of these protected grounds. Can't have you dying or getting hurt right off the bat." She said with a small giggle that was very unlike her normal demeanor. "Also even though we've fought each other and your not as effected by my poisonous flowers don't try being the hero. The last thing I want is for me to be the reason you get hurt. Okay?" Her face was more serious but her eye showed a great gentleness. When he asked about if she was ready she nodded, "I've already faced them before...so I'm ready. At least as ready as I'll ever be. Let's grabbed food and get heading to the auditorium I'm sure everyone is waiting by now."
boo. boo.

Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
Damon looked around, they were missing a few people, "Hmm...Yuki, Tua, Psyche, Lisse, Sythaeryn, Devora...oh nope he's here now so only those five. I hope they get food soon and come here..." He nodded he could wait for a little bit but, if they didn't show up soon he would announce it over the intercom.
Mentioned: boo. boo. Samdragonx Samdragonx Lord Anubis Lord Anubis scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Aww, man... I'm not going to be able to read through everything by tommorrow unless I skip both class and sleep.. RIP... I'll try tomorrow after school... :/ sorry everyone...
Lisse Erriba
The elf started toward the kitchen, noticing that many of the campers had started toward the auditorium. She picked up her pace, not wanting to miss anything. Wick took to flight, landing on the roof of the cafeteria as he waited impatiently. "I can hear them inside," he yowled, nodding toward the auditorium. "Hurry up!"

Lisse did so, holding open the door do that Sythaeryn could also enter. She wasted no time in grabbing a large muffin, which she promptly began to eat as she backed out. "Now we are gonna miss it," she mumbled between the crumbs in her mouth. "Hurry up!"

As she left the kitchen, Lisse threw two round meat patties into the air, where Wick caught them in his talons. She fairly raced along the greens, bursting in through the door and taking the stage steps two and a time. Appearing a bit disheveled as a strand of hair fell across her face, she took a travel crystal and a bag, which she slung across her shoulder.

Tau Uivis
The centaur looked down at Yuki, his face solemn. He hadn't expected her to be so serious, but he supposed she had a right to be. Her abilities were very specific to the larkspur flower, which was poisonous. His powerful body wasn't as affected, but he supposed a strong enough dose could do some damage. Bonnet sat on his shoulder, nudging his head toward the cafeteria. She was hungry, and as Tau's stomach grumbled, he supposed he was as well.

"Right," he said, opening the door to the kitchen. He didn't have enough time to make the long process of fitting himself inside the doorframe, so he stayed outside. "Grab me something good. I trust your judgement." He then made his way to the auditorium, finding it much easier to fit inside as the door was larger. He reached up onto the stage and grabbed his things, taking the crystal and sticking it in his pocket.

Psyche Andrada
The vampire waited until Kiba and Feral left, then brushing a hand along Wax's fur before standing and making her way outside. She blinked in the bright sunlight, shading her eyes with a hand as she opened the auditorium door. She was appalled to see that almost everyone had already gathered, so she quickly walked up the stairs to the stage and grabbed the bag and the crystal.​
Aww, man... I'm not going to be able to read through everything by tommorrow unless I skip both class and sleep.. RIP... I'll try tomorrow after school... :/ sorry everyone...
That's fine thanks for letting us know I just wanted everyone on the same page so we can move forward!!! ^_^
"Hey its no prob...I am too!"
he replied not sure if he had upset her or not but as they exited off the stage she called silvana and it felt appropriate to let the spirit do her thing. He tossed a slight wave to April and then walked toward the back wall where Reis was organizing her things.
"Busy as always i see..."
Reis jumped a bit before turning to face his one eyed gaze. She gave him a short hmph noise before turning her back to him again.
Michael leaned down placing an arm across her shoulder as he got down to her level.
"Are you seriously mad at me?, Its April"
"No...just thinking is all"
"Your always thinking...Re..!"
"I said im fine, just go be with your friend"
Michael was cut off by her words before she shrugged off his arm. He sighed and nodded as he stood and moved from the female. Reis was always like this when he interacted with others. He wasnt stupid of course and knew how she felt..Michael of course liked her too just not in that way..
His eye glancing to April before he replaced his concerned visage with the happy smile.
"Okay...just remember. I need you out there so at least try to get along"
"Mhm..whatever Michael"
Reis' sounded cold as he walked away but she only had done so to hide how red her face burning at his statement.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli watched as Tua came in and huffed, "Hey were is your little buddy..." She said in snarking tone, Sasha shook her head, "Being late for this is super bad on your reputation if you ask me." "It really is then again isn't Yuki famous for running behind.... She keeps it up maybe she'll get lost." Kelli snickered, she didn't like Yuki, she came in and got between Kelli and her father.

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba watched Psyche in when she headed down from the stage he waved at her. "Hey Psyche, Wax." Kiba said with a slight smile, Feral chuckled slightly and nodded to them. The four of them would make a pretty badass team by themselves. Both Feral and Kiba had talked about it before, if teams were made for different things they wanted Psyche and Wax on theirs. It might have also been the possible thought of them being protected by some other guy in the group that made them think about it.

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki walked in and grabbed a tray grabbing a random assortment of foods including a couple of carrots for Bonnet. "Oh a couple bottles of water as well." She quickly headed out, walking quickly but steadily at the same time. She didn't want to slip any of the foods, or make a fool out of herself.
boo. boo.

April - 17yrs
April sighed, "Okay...you may go for now...just a little bit longer." Silvana nodded "Remember what I said earlier, you must..." "Shh, i know now go the others need not know...." April said quickly and quietly Silvana frowned slightly, "I would prefer someone did know...at least to go check on you." April shook her head with a slightly sad smile, "I'll be fine...I won't put any of my comrades in danger. I also won't put these water spirits I am to meet in danger either. If they kill me then I wasn't strong enough, but others don't have to worry. It would be one less person they'd have to worry about but also one less person to help fight." Silvana couldn't help but smile, "You have grown into such a splendid woman, even if you are still a klutz. Remember to summon me once again when you reach Elevim, I'll glad serve under you once again." With that the woman vanished once again. April knew the cost and the risks with her power. She knew what to expect, it would be painful but she could handle it.​
Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
Following after Lisse into the mess hall, the elf went in first and made his way to pick up an apple and a couple muffins. Grabbing some raw meat, he tossed it in the air where Admiral swooped down and caught it, beginning to eat his own breakfast as Sythaeryn ate his own meal, even though Lisse was already leaving the mess hall with her own muffin and complaining about missing the auditorium announcement thing. Following the woman out of the mess hall as he ate, the male was in no amount of hurry to reach the auditorium and be sent off into the unknown and dangerous wilderness that abounded outside of camp, even if he did sneak out now and then to scout around the area.

Yet, he reached the auditorium and walked in as the headmaster was in the beginning of his speech, Admiral swooping in after him. The elf took a seat in the back of the auditorium, hearing something about traveling crystals and storage of food and water. Admiral went and grabbed the traveling crystal carefully in his talons, picking up another bag to add to his master's rucksack and flew over the heads of the other students in the building, depositing the traveling crystal in his master's hand and dropping the bag on the empty seat beside his master before perching on the empty back of the chair.

Makutu-18 Yrs-Female|Pet: Arion
Makutu was already seated within the auditorium and listening to the Headmaster speaking of the fact that they would be graduating and going out into the world in a possible futile attempt to find Elverim and thereby sanctuary in the mythical paradise that so many had sought and very few had ever reached. The were jaguar sat within one of the middle rows, having been forced to leave her companion and mount outside as the griffin wouldn't fit into the building. There was a commotion which she easily heard given her sensitive hearing but she ignored it, instead focusing on the headmaster's words and instructions as others filed into the auditorium. She could see one of the elf students grabbing a bag and a traveling crystal and Sythaeryn's falcon fetch the things the male elf would need for the trip. Getting to her feet, the were jaguar, whom was in human form for now, got up and made her way down the stairs to the tables spread out on stage. Walking along them, she grabbed a bag that were said to be full of storage containers for food and water as well as a traveling crystal that was said to act as some form of teleportation device before heading back to her seat. Makutu was not sure what to think about going out into the world. These few years here had been a safety net and the world had gotten more dangerous as time passed. She felt excitement and nervousness, trepidation and scared at the prospect of being forced to leave but she knew her brother awaited her and that was enough reason to take on the mission.
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Name: Makutu Wihone
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Kind: Werejaguar
Looks: Since she is a were jaguar, she has three different forms as follows:

War Form:

Quad Form:

Power Description: restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, when she uses this power her hands and eyes glow green
Drawbacks: Though this power has four levels, she has advanced only to the expert level which means she can do the basic healing and expert healing but cannot advance past these two levels without more training. This means the following: Maktutu can do anything that normal healing and modern medical knowledge could achieve; can heal minor wounds such as cuts, bruises, and light burns; recover from minor to moderate blood loss, can heal external wounds, including fractured bones and deeper burns, disregarding of severity; lost limbs can be reattached, nerves may remain damaged and minor damaged internal organs may be healed but more severity may be beyond repair and may take more time to heal. It can be painful for the recipient of the healing. Can’t raise the dead, but as long as there's even a hint of life left, healing is possible. Certain methods may require delicate control when healing, otherwise resulting in cellular damage. Does not occur automatically, thereby preventing her from healing on reflex and it requires skin to skin contact to perform.
Wound Transferal & Inducement
Power Description: Transfer physical/mental wounds from one living being to another and inflict wounds, both mental and physical, on other people at will. This ability extends not only to physical wounds, but to mental wounds as well, allowing the user to leave their victims in a state of mental breakdown even at a great distance. It can also be used to open the wounds of non-living objects such as metal or concrete, which can cause roofs and walls to crumble and collapse due to "wounds" caused in construction.
Drawbacks: Makutu does not possess regenerative healing factor, thus forcing her to locate someone if wounds are too severe. She can transfer the wounds and pain into oneself; if the subject is already dead, the user can die trying to resurrect the person. If nobody is around to use the power on then it becomes useless. Overuse of the power can lead to temporary blindness. Transferring mental wounds from someone who is insane for example can eventually lead to her becoming insane as well.
Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation)
Power Description: Her only useful ability to defend herself, she has the ability to create, shape, control and manipulate fire as well as use it in offensive and defensive abilities along with generating heat which allows her to effectively make things hotter, ranging from slightly warm levels to absolute hot.
Drawbacks: Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic. She can be overpowered by water and ice. Makutu is unfortunately not immune to side effects such as smoke. The Fire Triangle (Oxyxgen, Fuel, Heat) applies to her ability. As this is largely dependent upon her emotions, she has to maintain strict control over them. This power is weaker at night and when there is a solar eclipse, it gets the most powerful for ten minutes from mid-afternoon, making her nearly unstoppable. She always feels warm and can accidentally burn people without meaning to as well as causing unmeant damage to herself, others or the environment around her.
Relatives: Tiki (twin brother)
Pet(if one): A griffin named Arion.

Pets power: Sonic Scream
Description: Emit/generate extremely powerful scream of a high amplitude for a variety of purposes.
Drawbacks of Power: Flow of sound waves often natural often causing accidental destruction to nearby objects. May cause unintentional harm to distant targets, including beings with sensitive/enhanced/superhuman hearing. Sound/sonic waves can be reflected off certain objects, like mirrors.
Rendered utterly useless when the user is gagged by any means.
History: Born alongside a twin named Tiki, Makutu and Tiki were raised well by their parents in seclusion from others from society so the twins developed a close bond, brought about not only by the natural twin bond between them but also the fact that for years they only had each other as playmates. When the twins were fifteen, their parents and brother set off towards Elverim while Makutu was sent to live with a Shaman of a neighboring tribe who took the girl as her apprentice. It was only when she turned eighteen that she received word that her parents had died on the journey but her brother had made it and now it was her turn, her mentor sending her to the academy to train and have a chance at a new life. She was given Arion by her mentor a month before she joined the academy, the young griffin and her developing a near unbreakable bond.
Crush: Open
Made a female to even things out between charries. BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

That's fine thanks for letting us know I just wanted everyone on the same page so we can move forward!!! ^_^
Hey, that's cool. I was thinking about moving the fight into the auditorium.
That way, everyone has an introduction reaction moment to a fight.
But considering it slows down the plot a bunch, maybe I should have one of my characters have a black eye and have everyone walk through the door just in time? O.o
Ohhh okay haha, you could have one of them get shoved through the door I suppose. The headmaster would be very displeased and make sure to stop it before it progressed too far. Samdragonx Samdragonx
Especially considering he would have to get the door fixed. Lol and as things are this will be the last class to leave for Elevim. Before things become WORSE

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