Old RP Stuff(mainly for VeiledPariah)

Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
He looked out the window of his room with a sigh, his one and only daughter would be leaving today. It was a bit of a sad thought but he knew it was for her own good. Things were becoming more difficult to handle, supplies were running low and the Drima population seemed to be getting larger with each passing day. He watched as the sun slowly rose, lighting the skies in a mix of beautiful colors. It had showered lightly had coated the land in a soft mist. The sun made it seem like jewels sparkling, and the world seemed almost normal. "Little do they know they could very well be the last class..."

Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli was a bit scared and yet excited, she had gotten up early. She packed way to much stuff up and was trying to hall about 5 different suitcases. She didn't want to leave these things behind that all had meaning to her. She made her way out to the barn and saw Sasha. She was running through the fields with a couple other horses and unicorns. "Sasha!!!!" The girl waved and her unicorn stopped before galloping towards her and jumping the fence. "Kelli I am afraid to tell you my lady but you can not take all those with you. You must be practical..." Kelli pouted, "But we are supposed to get that special storage thing. So..." "So...you can store food and water in...not your entire wardrobe."

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba sheathed his twin blades and tossed a bag over his shoulder. "Ready to go Ki?" He turned and nodded, "What about you Feral...now we will be fighting all the time instead of sneaking out." Feral nodded, "True, but we will be able to handle whatever gets in our way." Kiba chuckled, "Damn straight! Let's go have one last decent breakfast for a while." Feral nodded and they headed for the food hall.

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki looked in the mirror as she placed the eye patched over her face. "Today's the day that I will make it one step closer to that promised land. Watch over me Dr. Dintez..." She combed through her hair with the brush her 'mother' had given her before placing it in a backpack. She smiled grabbing her large sword and heading out. She locked the door behind her and headed for the the main office to return her key to the Headmaster.

April - 17yrs
April was already in the food hall, she had a tray of foods ranging from pancakes to cereal. She munched happily on the foods until she couldn't take another bite. She stood getting ready to take her tray and put it up and saw Kiba and Feral. "Hey boys!" She waved to them they both nodded and she headed for the auditorium. She didn't mind being super early it just meant she'd have the best seat!​
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Lisse Erriba
A certain type of hesitation trailed alongside Lisse as she went about her morning routine, this time performing every task slowly and meticulously, as if wanting to draw out the moments as long as possible. To tell the truth, she was very hesitant about setting out again. She had tried once before, two years ago, but her group had lacked the skills necessary to defeat even the first beast. She was excited to be trying again, and had gotten very little sleep that night, but she couldn't help but fear that she same thing would happen all over again.

Once she had gotten ready for the day, Lisse left the dorms, her smooth staff in hand. She looked skyward with a grin, her anxiety falling away for a moment as she saw her owl griffin, Wick, descending from the skies. The beast landed with a growling purr on her shoulder, and Lisse giggled, making her way across the grounds.

Tau Uivis
Tau wasn't one for beds. Instead, his room was rather devoid of any furniture, rather having a large space in which he could sleep standing. He got himself ready fairly quickly, his pet Bonnet sitting calmly on his back as he struggled to gather his things. He was a procrastinator, which meant he hadn't packed anything the night before, and instead was shoving things into a pack before slinging it over his shoulder with a shrug. How much could one need? It was a meticulous, backing out of his room so as not to knock anything over, but he was experienced and had left the dorms in no time. He fiddled the dorm key between his fingers before dropping it off at an office. Passing Yuki on the way back, he grinned lopsidedly, his hooves skipping a bit. "Excited?" he called, his face exuberant.

Psyche Andrada
Psyche had been at the mess hall for about an hour, always preferring to feed without people staring. It wasn't a messy job, seeing as they had provided small bags of animal blood for the vampire students, but it was still embarrassing. The girl wanted to eat like anyone else, but regular food didn't taste like anything to her, and animal blood was only just enough to keep her going. Human blood was what she really craved, but that was something she would never bring herself to do.

The vampire sat at a table in the corner, her dog sitting calmly by her feet as she sipped out of the bloodstained cup. Graduation was this morning, along with the beginning of her class's journey. She was excited, but apprehensive. It was dangerous, among many other things, and there was always the chance of catching the Drima bug. That wouldn't be very fun.​

Pet(if one):
Pets power:

Normal appearance:


(He is 5 ft. 10 in. tall, and has fangs and blood wings. Is also equipped with claws.)


True demonic form:


(This form he does not have any wings. He instead levitates, and is surrounded by streams of blood.)

"Blood is the currency of life, thus is the key to power."

Devorantem Et Sanguinem" The Devourer of blood "

(This is the only name he knows.)

Biological Age: 1534

Appears To Be Age: 19



None they are all dead.

Blood Manipulation

Secondary Abilities:
Blood Consumption:

Can absorb blood of others for sustenance, offensive, defensive, or regenerative purposes.

Haemokinetic Constructs:
Can turn blood into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.

Blood Marionette:
Can use blood to control the motor functions of others/self against their will as if they were a marionette

Personality: D is not generally one to converse with others. He tends to stick to himself seeing no one, as a potential companion. D likes to observe others studying them for weaknesses. He strives for power, and will do almost anything to obtain it. D is not afraid to take daring task if it will aid him in his plans. Generally speaking D is always planning something whether it be to his benefit or simply to cause chaos.....which also helps him. However there is a lighter side to him. In the past he could not show any emotion. Currently with fragments of his past missing, those emotions have bled through. He will sometimes show acts of compassion or see beauty in things other then death and destruction. A part of him longs for companionship, that which he never had(or rather didn't even have a chance to). However he would never acknowledge this.


D is the progeny of the Demon know to some, as the crimson demon of blood. His upbringing was quite harsh trained since the age of 5 to kill. While his training ranged in almost all forms of fighting he specialized in ranged combat infusing it, with his lineages unique form of magical combat. His role in life was clear, and he had no problems excepting what he was born for. D understood it was wise to embrace what he was early on. Over the course of 2 years he finished most of his combat training, and it was here he was observed to be more suited towards special operations. It was from that point he was trained to be a assassin of sort's. Over the course of his training D was subjected to various forms of torture. This was to aid im in the coming battles he was to face. Over the course of his remaining years D would become well known for his battles with various demons. What he will be well know for is his ability to take control of demons bodies. Over time he grew accustomed to this ability quite fondly. Records don't show much after this D went dark. All records pertaining to his whereabouts after suddenly die.

(Hope this is ok! if anything needs revision please let me know.) BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Sweat dripped off the young womans face as she breathed in sharply her eyes holding a killer focus. Images of her sister bending down to brush her hair behind her ears. The warm smile thawing the girls ice cold demeanor she normally presented as she said goodbye for the last time. Her only family waving and slinging her bag as she walked into the sunrise with her graduating group...
"I..will meet ...you there"
Reis bit through gritted teeth as she opened her eyes wider the fractal shards of light forming in front of her gathering from the dim light of the surrounding lampposts. The females hands moved quickly swiping across the pieces as they seemed to gravitate around her wrists before a quick palm strike forward sent the glass like pieces following her arms trajectory with great velocity. The mirror like multi colored prisms embedding themselves in the straw target before shattering into pixelated dust. The result creating a rainbow like optical effect when water is sprayed across sunlight.
Reis' hand fell to her side as she continued to catch her breath. She had been training like this all night unable to sleep with the realisation of what was to come.
The young girl used the forearm of her hoodie to wipe away the sweat before her hand brought her short stark white hair back from her face.
She wore a smirk now as her eyes met the sun. Today was the day...

"I'm coming...Arrin, wait for me sister"

With the target in shredded tatters she returned to the housing district grabbing a shower and packing her things. She made sure to stop and grab some breakfast before making her way to the auditorium.
It was pretty empty so it seemed she was early..
Reis placed a hand against her stomach to calm the nervous feeling that quelled bile to rise in her throat. She knew she was ready but still she was nervous.
Once her stomach ceased its attack she leaned against the nearest wall placing her small pack at her feet as her head rested back against the cool structure. A sigh escaped her as she seemed to look upward slightly lost in the thought of what was to come...

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Michael had woken early in the day in order to feed himself and Eos. His faithful companion braying softly as he pet its mane with his hand. His one eyed gaze light hearted as he bid farewell to the beast. Eos was to young to make the journey as he was. Instead Michael had elected to leave him behind. Waving a heart felt good bye he left his home. The young man reached the grounds before long and entered the auditorium. He took note of one of his classmates. She had arrived before him and kept her cold expression she watched nothing at all. He shook his head as he took his place in the grand area. This was his chance to get out of here and he was more than ready.
Beasts, Drima...it didnt matter he would defeat them all to get to Elevim.

Pet(if one):
Pets power:

Normal appearance:


(He is 5 ft. 10 in. tall, and has fangs and blood wings. Is also equipped with claws.)


True demonic form:


(This form he does not have any wings. He instead levitates, and is surrounded by streams of blood.)

"Blood is the currency of life, thus is the key to power."

Devorantem Et Sanguinem" The Devourer of blood "

(This is the only name he knows.)

Biological Age: 1534

Appears To Be Age: 19



None they are all dead.

Blood Manipulation

Secondary Abilities:
Blood Consumption:

Can absorb blood of others for sustenance, offensive, defensive, or regenerative purposes.

Haemokinetic Constructs:
Can turn blood into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.

Blood Marionette:
Can use blood to control the motor functions of others/self against their will as if they were a marionette

Personality: D is not generally one to converse with others. He tends to stick to himself seeing no one, as a potential companion. D likes to observe others studying them for weaknesses. He strives for power, and will do almost anything to obtain it. D is not afraid to take daring task if it will aid him in his plans. Generally speaking D is always planning something whether it be to his benefit or simply to cause chaos.....which also helps him. However there is a lighter side to him. In the past he could not show any emotion. Currently with fragments of his past missing, those emotions have bled through. He will sometimes show acts of compassion or see beauty in things other then death and destruction. A part of him longs for companionship, that which he never had(or rather didn't even have a chance to). However he would never acknowledge this.


D is the progeny of the Demon know to some, as the crimson demon of blood. His upbringing was quite harsh trained since the age of 5 to kill. While his training ranged in almost all forms of fighting he specialized in ranged combat infusing it, with his lineages unique form of magical combat. His role in life was clear, and he had no problems excepting what he was born for. D understood it was wise to embrace what he was early on. Over the course of 2 years he finished most of his combat training, and it was here he was observed to be more suited towards special operations. It was from that point he was trained to be a assassin of sort's. Over the course of his training D was subjected to various forms of torture. This was to aid im in the coming battles he was to face. Over the course of his remaining years D would become well known for his battles with various demons. What he will be well know for is his ability to take control of demons bodies. Over time he grew accustomed to this ability quite fondly. Records don't show much after this D went dark. All records pertaining to his whereabouts after suddenly die.

(Hope this is ok! if anything needs revision please let me know.) BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kelli - 18yrs - Pet: Sasha
Kelli groaned, "But all my lovelys..." Sasha shook her head her white mane swaying back an forth, "You don't need them..." Kelli's pouting furthered, "I don't like this..." "Look I'm sure your father has his reasons for sending you off instead of staying here. Think of the plus side, if we get through this Elevim will have even better things."

Kiba - 19yrs - Pet: Feral
Kiba grabbed his food glancing over to Psyche. "Why not just go over there and talk to her?" Kiba blushed, "Why don't you...I've seen you watching Wax, looking to form a pack or something a little more personal." Feral shook his head, "Have not...." he growled slightly making Kiba chuckle again, "If you say so you little liar." Feral huffed shaking his black coat free of anything tangled in it.

Yuki - 18yrs
Yuki had been a bit lost in her thoughts until Tua's voice and hooves filled her ears. She nodded slowly, "Today's the big day...I think most of us are excited in a manner of speaking." She smiled at him softly, he and April were about the only ones who ever saw her smile. For the most part she stayed serious, unless it came to dealing with Kelli. She hated the girl, she was nothing but a snob even if her father was kind.

Damon - Headmaster - 40yrs
He turned hearing voices, he walked over and opened his door, "Ahh good morning Tau and Yuki." He watched as Yuki bowed her head to him when he spoke up. She also held out the key to her dorm. "Thank you for watching over me up till now." He took the key with a smile, "It was my pleasure. Do be sure to get something to eat before the graduation ceremony. We still have a little while before it starts."
boo. boo.

April - 17yrs
April's thoughts had been on finding her brother. She had managed to find out the last contact he had with his group had been in Valari. This upcoming planet was a score for her, being made of mainly water. "Oh!!! I need to say goodbye!" She ran out the door and quickly found the pond in the back of the school. Taking out a small dagger she pricked her finger letting blood fall. She smiled as the waters swayed and a see through woman appeared. "April my child...I'm so happy you remembered to come see me before leaving." The female circled around Amber in a cool embrace, leaving her soaked. Not that she minded, "Queen Silvana...I'm heading to the other worlds. I hope to find my brother and I was also hoping you..." The water woman smiled before placing a kiss on the girls lips and a light circled April. April blushed, "W-what..." Silvana took on a more solid form, "You have granted us with some of the best blood. Now we shall grant you with the ability to find the king's or queens of the other waters. They will be drawn to you as you will be to them. But be careful...the other water spirits may not be as friendly as we are." April stared at her in shock, "That's possible?" Silvana nodded, "It is indeed my child. Also as a token of our love for you, the kindest master we have ever had. This small amount of blood is all we shall take to help defend you till you leave this world. Once you reach Valari you must part with your group...the water spirits will be hungry for blood. They won't care who they take it from, but you and I both know if they take it from someone not of your kind. Or take it while not under the contract they will turn evil." April nodded, "Yes Queen Silvana...I will find a way to break from them for a short while."
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A little something i sketched before i head to bed. Possibly a route that is to come ;)
Samdragonx Samdragonx (hope you like it)
I do accept requests as i am always trying to get better HMU if you want something drawn or have anything for me to practice with. Thanks all in advance.
A little something i sketched before i head to bed. Possibly a route that is to come ;)
Samdragonx Samdragonx (hope you like it)
View attachment 397102
I do accept requests as i am always trying to get better HMU if you want something drawn or have anything for me to practice with. Thanks all in advance.
Sooooooo... I don't really know how to respond to this.

EDIT: I might have an update on this later today..

Sythaeryn-18 Yrs-Male|Pet: Admiral
A bird's screech echoed through the sky as one of the fastest birds dived down at 200 miles per hour to his master who was resting within a tree, his eyes closed. Admiral's wings flared out, muscles straining against the sudden rush of wind as he slowed and sank his wicked talons into the tree branch before his master. "Master. I've detected the camp a short distance ahead," the bird spoke. The elf's eyes opened and he looked at the avian before him.

"Well done Admiral," Sythaeryn said. The elf rose to his feet and stood. Walking easily along the branch, the elf grabbed a rucksack with a bed roll attached to the bottom. The elf moved easily through the tree until he got to the ground and whistled, Admiral releasing himself from the branch and swooping down towards his master to scout ahead for trouble. Making their way carefully through the forest, the elf was glad to be in his natural form as it was less clumsy and awkward than the human form he also was forced to take. If only he could end up destroying his human form for good or not having to take it at all, he would be a lot happier.

Admiral circled the air outside of the camp until his master showed up and flew down to settle down upon his master's arm, his talons sinking into the leather glove that his master wore to protect his hand from the bird's wicked and cruel talons on the ends of his yellow scaled feet. The elf walked into the camp and looked around him at the building, some of his graduating class with their own pets milling outside the buildings and others disappearing into the building the elf knew as the auditorium. Adjusting the rucksack, High/Wood Elf made his way towards the building where he'd heard they would be having their graduation, the elf's blue eyes looking around him as even in camp, things could be dangerous.
Bar - Pet: None
"Wake up, wake up".. The whispering got louder. "Wake, awaken, no more sleep for you." Bar was awake, eyes unopened. It seemed the voices in his head were at it again. "Yeah, what is it?" Bar sat up straight. "Hurry, hurry, move... 'tis graduation, my boy..." Moving his hands, a crackling sound filled the room. Muscle strain. Quick snaps orchestrated a concert that made Bar's morning stretches essential. "Yes, yes, yes. Exactly..." The voices cheered. "Quickly, quickly, the time isn't hours neither ours..." Bar finally opened his eyes. "Finally got a chance... better not mess it up." He whispered to himself. The voices became less loud, but ever more present within the walls of his mind. Inhaling this final time in front if his bed, the preparations began. "By the voices!" His clock had shut down at night. It seemed Bar would either be late or barely in time for graduation. Rushing out the door, Bar bursted into the kitchen to scare both classmates and teachers as he chomped down on his breakfast. Which weren't a scary 10 seconds if it weren't for him forgetting to put on pants. "Huh, what are you all?..." And now, Bar noticed too. "Not this again, not now..." Bar charged back towards his dorm, hoping to not embarras himself any further. His plans succeeded for almost every part. His room contained his prettiest vest, pre-heated pants, his backpack, weapons and his private diary describing exactly how much he's in love with Reis. His plan was also full-proof. Eat, get into his dorm, write a note in his diary, put on the suit, get to graduation on time, walk up to her and open with the best one liner he could possibly think of: "Hey, you seem pretty sweet. Everything O-cake?"
The only sad part of this all was that the second part of his plan failed. The door to his dorm had locked itself and with it, locked him out.
"No, no, no. This isn't very good." A shadow covered the orcs yellowy skin. "Pleased to see you've adopted my clothing style, Bar."
It was Nyle. "The bastard..."

"Thud, thud, thud" Loud banging on the dorm floor did not do well for Nyles sleeping pattern. Having been partying with some of the dorms wilder animals, he was in a sufficiently bad mood. Today was the day he'd been partying about. The day in which it would all come together. He would be sitting right next to his stepbrother the entire time. "If this graduation ceremony were to last longer than a few minutes, I'm going to vomit to get out of there." Shirts, who needed those? Pants. Well, he might be able to use some. The banging continued. What was it with people and trying to wake up students in such an unspoken, yet direct way? He opened the door as a green-yellow blur flashed in front of him. Stunned and slightly confused, Nyle placed his hands on his hard abbs. He was ready for his morning bath. Peaking across the corridor, he saw the orc fiddle with a lock in frustration. His eyes widened, for there were no pants on the orcs body. Asking himself what the best approach was, he decided to help out the poor guy. Nyle always knew the guy had some issues of his own, but he felt pretty generous today. "Pleased to see you've adopted my clothing style, Bar." The awkward silence seemed to never end, Nyle placed his hand on Bars shoulder and opened the door gently with the key from underneath the doormat. "Now, don't be confused again about where you leave your things again." It seemed the orc stared at his own room in disbelief. Everything was gone. A bed and an empty closet. Bolting past Nyle, the orc vanished towards the laundry area. Looking into the room, Nyle saw a mess. The mess contained weapons, a vest, pants, a backpack and what appeared to be a very strange apology note. Confused as to what this ment, Nyle made himself into a packmule and carried the entirety of the things towards Bar. "This guy will be a handful. But hey, anything to skip out on classes." But the second bottle of shampoo was a nice compensator. Not like Bar would miss it. The guy hasn't smelled good in.. well.. ever. Deciding showering would be more important than actually helping Bar, Nyle found his way to the shower. His well-trained body would certainly need cleaning after that party. "So, better not bother anyone and use up some hot water while I still can."

Caleb - Pet: Ina
"Alright Ina, I think they're gone." The small furball crurled up inside his hands, revealing Calebs chest and sweaty face. "I can't believe I held my breath the entirety of that time." He sighed, sat down and took a moment to breathe deeply. It was not every day that you sneaked into someone else's dorm. Especially not the guy with the spikes for knuckles and the big muscular arms. The risk was worth it, though. Even if tricking the orc made for a difficult endeavour when Ina couldn't copy the vision of a messy room. Caleb now knew what he wanted to. "Alright, so.. now we know Bar does not have a crush on Kelli." Ina lifted all of her legs one by one. It seemed she was trying to cool off a little bit. After all, it wasn't like Nyle made things any easier. Had he looked into the room sooner, he would have most certainly noticed and that was a thought he'd rather not explore. Ina was fairly heated by Calebs stressed response. Considering what just happened, she made a remark: "How do you know that?" "I didn't get a chance to read the rest, but it didn't say anything about long white hair in her description. I'd much rather throw it back in there and shut the door. With us on the other side this time." Caleb continued talking to himself. The halls seemed empty and the kitchen was still a bit crowded. Caleb got closer to the door. The lock jammed a little bit, but eventually gave sway. Being inside, he searched for the apology note he'd placed there. Doornob still in hand, he could hear footsteps coming from further down the hall. Taking the key out of the door, he slammed it shut. He couldn't be seen as he didn't even sleep anywhere near this dorm. "Ina, have you cooled off yet?" "Yes, but I'm afraid we've lost the champoo. Our reason for walking through here isn't there anymore." Caleb got distracted by a nice vest and some pants. "Yeah, sure. But we won't need that anymore." The footsteps went by and shortly after Caleb appeared in the graduation area. He was wearing a nice suit and planning on reciting a love-poem to Kelli. Perhaps then she would notice him for who he really was and prove that he could provide and still be goodlooking at the same time. It wasn't like other attempts at trying to get Kelli to look at him had really paid off. He was seated. The doors flew open with two young men running through the room. "Huh, I didn't think those two had the nerve to show up shirtless." The humor of the situation faded quickly when Bar had evil intent in his movement and Nyle fearfullness in his eyes. It seemed like a fight was about to break out...​

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