Of Dragons and Men


Three Thousand Club
So, the first order of business is to show you all what kinds of Dragons live in this world. I have yet to name the world (working on it) and the list will be updated and added to as we go along. But here's the list so far!

Dragon Species

Small Species - Dragons are considered "small" when they fall below seven feet at the shoulder or do not exceed twenty feet in length from nose to tail.

Micro Dragon - A Dragon about the size of a butterfly and often mistaken for bats since the vast majority of their species live nocturnal lives. For those which live diurnal lives, they are sometimes mistaken for birds since they fly around at high speeds and are hard to distinguish thanks to their size.


Treeborn Dragon - Similar to common tree dwelling lizards, these Dragons have long sticky tongues which they use to hunt insects and small mammals such as mice. They are fairly docile creatures unless provoked, and when in distress let off a foul smelling secretion from their skin which deters predators.


Sky Eye Dragon - Tiny Dragons with eye markings on their wings for territorial and mating displays. These Dragons range from six inches long to one and a half feet long depending on sex and climate, and are usually found patrolling the skies above gardens and other plant filled locations as their primary source of food beyond the energy of the world is insects.


Ridgeback Dragon - A small, human sized Dragon with ridges on its back made of scales harder than steel. Though it has the traditional soft underbelly, this Dragon's outer hide is almost impenetrable. It's known to spend its days standing as still as a statue with its stone colored scales. Due to this static lifestyle, it is often mistaken for a statue or a sculpture sitting on rooftop edges and towers.


Medium Species - Dragons between twenty and sixty feet in length from nose to tail and standing between seven and fifteen feet at the shoulder.

Bone-Scale Dragon - This Dragon is small for a "Medium" scale Dragon. It stands only five feet at the shoulder, but because of its wingspan of twenty five feet it is classified as "Medium." This Dragon has a flame breath attack and makes its home in the deepest reaches of the forests. It is incredibly sturdy with an abnormally dense bone structure with thick scales covering the entirety of its body.


Ebon Dragon - A Dragon of ebon scales who lives deep within oceanside cave systems, typically underground. Standing between eight and ten feet at the shoulder and up to thirty five feet long from nose to tail, this Dragon is a force to be reckoned with. The Dragon is usually docile, but territorial when it senses anything large enough to be considered a threat.


Devil-Fire Dragon - This Dragon is one of the few species which is known to be naturally and openly hostile towards anything within its territory. Its fire breath burns the hottest among the "Medium" scale Dragons which possess fire, and its entire body is covered razor-like scales which makes fighting it up close a very risky business.


Sapphire Dragon - One of the few "Sky Dragons" who lives its entire life on the wing. It tips the scales with a seventy foot wingspan, but due to its standing only ten feet at the shoulder it classifies as a "Medium" scale Dragon. It has a breath attack which is pure Mana, concentrated into a beam which causes tremendous concussive damage as well as causing severe burns.


Snow-Wing Dragon - A white sea dwelling Dragon which makes its home in arctic regions though it occasionally takes summertime trips to more tropical waters to mate. This Dragon has a chilling ice-breath attack to freeze threats solid before smashing them with either its claws or its whip-like tail. It stands an average height of thirteen feet at the shoulder and can measure up to seventy five feet long.


Slim-Skin Dragon - This Dragon is quite demonic in appearance despite the glowing blue aura which is constantly pulsating through its body. This Dragon lives in deep cave systems and stands roughly twelve feet at the shoulder with a near fifty five foot wingspan. Its wing membranes are incredibly thin, but remarkably tough which is why they can live in caves. Their skin between their scales is equally as thin which is why they appear to glow from the inside. The source of the glow is unknown.


Ice-Scale Dragon - Standing eight feet at the shoulder and measuring an average of thirty feet in length, this arctic Dragon gets its name from the fact that its scales turn whatever they touch to ice. The Dragon has no breath attack, but what it lacks in range it makes up for in ferocity by ramming its opponents to freeze them solid.


Emerald Dragon - This Dragon typically makes its home in mountainous caverns near forested regions. It has no breath attack, but it does have immense physical strength which it uses to protect its territory from any and all intruders. It stands about eight to ten feet at the shoulder and averages forty feet in length.


Faerie Dragon - Measuring just over twelve feet at the shoulder and up to forty five feet long, this Dragon is on the larger end of the "Medium" scale. It has two breath attacks, which is unique among the Medium scale Dragons. Possessing both a fire and ice type breath, this Dragon is very versatile in defense of itself and its territory. In days of old it was hunted for its beautiful wing membrane and its exotic underbelly scales.


Irontail Dragon - Standing fourteen feet at the shoulder and fifty five feet long, this Dragon tips the scales in the "Medium" scale. It gets its name from the fact that its tail has diamond hard scales on both the over and underside and is the Dragon's primary weapon for both offense and defense.


Large Species - Dragons over fifteen feet at the shoulder and exceeding sixty feet in length.

Volcano Dragon - This Dragon is MASSIVE. Standing over one hundred feet at the shoulder alone (not counting its neck and head) and close to five hundred feet long from nose to tail, this Dragon is the largest known species in existence. Because of its massive size, only a handful are known to exist. Of those which are known to live, all but one are currently living in unknown locations. This Dragon has no breath attack because it does not need it. It's hide is so dense that it requires no extra weaponry beyond its ability to swat its enemies like the flies they are.


Gold-Fire Dragon - This Dragon boasts scales with a golden hue and has wings which burn perpetually throughout its life. The Dragon stands roughly eighteen feet at the shoulder and is over ninety feet from nose to tail. Its flame attack is one of the strongest in the Dragon kingdom, though it is sorely outclassed by the Phoenix Dragon.


Desert-Wing Dragon - This Dragon stands about sixteen feet at the shoulder and is over eighty feet long from nose to tail. It possesses thin whip-like whiskers that can detect minute changes in the air around it which alert it to the presence of anything and everything that draws breath. It is fiercely territorial, and will not hesitate to attack anything that comes within range.


Noxious Dragon - This Dragon has a strangely sickly appearance due to its cloudy eyes and its strange assortment of scales around its head which make it look almost like a zombie. It stands roughly thirty five feet at the shoulder and over one hundred and twenty feet in length. It has no breath, but it is one of the most durable and hardy fighters in the Dragon kingdom.


Dahk U'um Gradh - This Dragon was born of foul arcane magic in an attempt by humans to resurrect an ancient Dragon named Dahk U'um Gradh. This Dragon was a known "terrorist" among Dragon kin whom actively hunted and tortured human victims for no real reason other than because he could. His flame breath is blue due to the corrupted magic which brought him back from the grave, and he now hides in the darkness as he plots to reveal himself to the world and begin taking it over piece by piece. At one hundred and fifty feet at the shoulder and nearly four hundred feet from nose to tail, he's one of the largest Dragons in existence… And also one of the most powerful despite now being undead.


Griffon Dragon - With forward swept horns and talons as long as a small tree, this Dragon is the fastest Dragon to ever take wing. It can soar at speeds exceeding three hundred and eighty miles per hour and possesses keen eyesight which is perfectly adapted for tracking at speeds. Nothing escapes its pursuit. It stands about thirty feet at the shoulder and is about one hundred feet long.

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First "update" (it didn't let me add more than 20 images)

Jeweled Dragon - A Dragon whose scales look like ruby's and diamonds. Matching its ferocious appearance is an attitude to match. This Dragon is very proud and very tenacious in combat. It stands approximately twenty eight feet at the shoulder and averages seventy feet in length. It is incredibly rare, and very few have ever been seen by human eyes.


Thunder Horn Dragon - This Dragon stands with a bipedal posture and lacks wings which is rather unique among the larger species. It stands approximately fifty feet from the ground to its shoulder, and is usually found guarding treasure troves and temples where other Dragons dwell. It's not hostile by nature, but it is forceful and will turn away any and all intruders who do not have permission to pass them.


Typhoon Dragon - This massive serpent averages three hundred feet in length and has the power to manipulate air current within approximately a two mile radius. In so doing it can cause storms at will and use the very environment to its own advantage whether it be for hunting or for combat.


Razorwing Dragon - This Dragon stands approximately thirty feet at the shoulder and is nearly eighty feet long. Its entire body is covered in razor edged scales that can slice through the strongest rock as if it were paper. Because of this, it has no breath attack. In truth, this proud Dragon doesn't feel it needs one. It's fast, powerful, and its claws (especially the ones on its forearms) are capable of cutting through even Dragon scales if they get the angle right. It's one of the most dangerous physical combatants in the Dragon kingdom.


Sumal Na'i Tiir - This Dragon is another attempt by the corrupted cult of Dragon worshippers to resurrect a Dragon for the purpose of controlling it. However, due to missteps taken in the reawakening ritual, the Dragon's body was destroyed but his soul manifested in the form of vaporized Mana similar to smoke. His size depends on two factors: how much Mana is present within a distance of about five hundred meters, and whether or not there are forces of darkness nearby which he can syphon power from. The largest form he's taken has approached two hundred feet in length.


Millihorned Dragon - With close to one thousand horns, both large and small, covering its immense body, this Dragon is a close combat specialist. It has a flame breath, but is reluctant to use it due to the fact that its horns, while powerful, are vulnerable to extreme heat. It stands close to twenty five feet at the shoulder and approaches eighty feet in length. It's a usually docile creature, despite its appearance, and only engages in combat when necessary.


Great Wing Dragon - This Dragon stands about forty five feet at the shoulder when fully grown and has one of the longest wing span to body (minus the tail) ratios of the larger Dragon species with its wingspan approaching three hundred feet from tip to tip when fully grown, it's a sight to behold in flight. This Dragon has a special attack comprised entirely of concentrated Mana which has the capability of changing between white hot and bottom zero cold at will depending on the Dragon's intentions. It's a docile and intelligent species, but a ferocious combatant when necessary.


Mountain Crown Dragon - At nearly eighty feet at the shoulder and two hundred feet long, this Dragon is immense. It makes its home on smaller mountains and creates a crown shaped nest where it lives the whole of its life. It has a flame breath attack, but uses it sparingly due to the fact that it is powerful enough to damage the mountains upon which it makes its home.


Serpent Tail Dragon - This Dragon averages one hundred feet in length with a near one hundred and sixty foot wingspan. It lives most of its life in the seas near forested regions where it nests and rears its young.


Laval Dragon - Living in magma pits and lakes around the world, this Dragon is impervious to fire and any kind of heat. However, it is very vulnerable to colder temperatures, making the arctic Dragons its primary nemesis. Thanks to the differences in territory, they rarely conflict. When they do, it is often violent and extreme. This Dragon stands about twenty five feet at the shoulder and is nearly ninety feet long.


King Serpent Dragon - This massive sea dwelling Dragon is over three hundred feet in length and is one of the strongest Dragon species in existence, physically speaking. Its strength is matched and surpassed by only a small handful of Dragons, of those, most are individuals rather than another species. It's chilling breath is enough to freeze the very blood within its enemies, effectively killing them of oxygen starvation as the blood cannot flow and the brain cannot process further oxygen to function. It's a deadly creature to anger, no matter who or what you are.


Vampire Dragon - As its name would suggest, this Dragons survives by feeding on the blood of other living things. Its species long ago chose to abandon the Mana of the world in favor of the taste of blood, and it will kill and drink the blood of anything it can find. At thirty feet at the shoulder and averaging seventy feet long, there aren't many prey items which can stand against it.


Rune Dragon - This mighty Dragon stands over sixty feet at the shoulder and averages a length of nearly two hundred feet. With runes inscribed within its very flesh, this Dragon's power knows almost no equal. To this day, only two have ever been seen alive through the pages of history, and of those two, neither are known to still be alive. Thought extinct, could another of this species be living within the skies hidden by its brethren? If so, what could it mean? This Dragon is said to possess legendary powers the likes of which could not be fathomed by mortals... So what was it hiding before its disappearance and what drove it to do so?


Dark Horse Dragon - Despite its appearance and its standing at nearly thirty five feet at the shoulder and close to one hundred feet long, this is one of the most intelligent and benevolent of Dragonkind. It's telepathic range is the farthest reaching of any Dragon species spanning over eight miles as the crow flies. It's telepathic ability is so strong in fact that it has even developed telekinesis, or the ability to interact with the world around it using only its mind. Because of this adaptation, the species long ago abandoned the use of elemental attacks.


Leviathan Dragon - As its name suggests, this Dragon is Massive. Averaging just over one hundred feet at the shoulder when fully grown, this towering behemoth is the bane of sailers worldwide. It's not a wicked Dragon, but it is mischievous and a little confrontational. It enjoys a good battle and toying with mortals on the seas, though it only really attacks them if they attack it first which is quite often. This has created a misunderstanding between their species and humankind, and they are often spoken of in sailor horror stories in pubs.


Phoenix Dragon - This is the one true God of the Dragon world. Born of the fires of the sun, it is indestructible and lives life eternal so long as the sun burns brightly above. It lives high in the atmosphere of the world where the eyes of mortals cannot reach it, and its power of flame burns with the ferocity of the sun. This Dragon is over three hundred feet in length from nose to tail, but despite not being the biggest, it is still the most powerful. With powers rivaling the Gods themselves, this Dragon's potential remains unknown as it has only descended from its home in the skies once before during a time when written history was not yet used by mortal kind. Stories of its descent are numerous, but highly inconsistent.

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The Dragon Culture

The Dragon culture is one of mystery and majesty.

Within the halls of the numerous sky temples and mountain caverns within which the Dragons dwell, there is no shortage of awe and beauty. Dragons are creatures of vast intelligence, and they have perfected their own version of "art." They carve from the rock intricate and highly detailed sculptures of their own kind to line the walls as protectors of their realm, similar to guardian statues in human temples. They create pots and other human-like objects and rooms such as torches, bathing/grooming chambers, and even a throne room for their King. They are far from simple reptiles with wings, yet for all of this majesty very few ever live to see it.

The Dragons live with something of a curse as well.

Being a Dragon is far from glamorous. At their great size, they expend energy quickly and require vast amounts of sustenance to survive. Be it in the form of hunting game or feeding off of the Mana of the world, Dragons must feed often to remain active. When sustenance runs scarce, the Dragons enter a period of hibernation during which they enter a comatose-like state to conserve power until the environment becomes capable of once again sustaining their existence. Because of the number of Dragons that exist, this means that well over three quarters of Dragonkind are currently in hibernation and await a time when the world can sustain them once more.

Countless tales and legends abound to tell the world of Dragons. One such legend, near forgotten to time, is that of the Dragon's Wish. In their final moments of life, Dragons are said to make a wish to the Gods. No matter what the wish may be, it is honored by the Gods and seen to become reality. Many Dragons, being proud creatures, wish for reincarnation to return to their life as a Dragon once more. However, doing so wipes their memory of their past lives… Or so the legends say.

Others wish to become something entirely different, and one was even claimed to have wished to join the Gods. Whether it was answered or not remains to be seen. The Dragon's Wish was a catalyst for many a Dragon Hunt in the hopes that by capturing and torturing the Dragon, they could make it grant them a wish.

One more detail about Dragons that the mortal world is unaware of is that Dragons can take the form of a human being. Doing so not only allows them to conserve Mana, but it also allows them to freely travel to the human world whenever they so desire. However the transformation back into Dragon form takes a considerable amount of Mana, enough to drain the Dragon's power reservoir and often times forcing it into immediate hibernation. It is very rare that a Dragon is powerful enough to transform freely between forms more than once within a given time period.

When in human form, they look exactly like a human and can pass unnoticed by even the most paranoid of humans. They sound, look, speak and act exactly like a human. Who knows, you may have met a Dragon and never even knew it. The only thing that could even remotely give away a Dragon is their name, as they often have names with added apostrophes and double vowels (often right next to each other) such as Nirla'ana. These names are often just taken as exotic, but more discerning people will recognize that the name is rather strange for a human and sometimes question the individual. However, because a Dragon in human form takes on every trait of a human, there is no real way to tell them apart short of watching them transform.

Finally, the Dragon Priests.

These are individuals chosen by the Dragon King himself to join the Dragon culture. He watches the mortal world using Mana as his eyes, and when he finds one of worth he sends an invitation (often via a Dragon in human form acting as a simple courier) to said individual. Should the individual accept, they travel to the coordinates given by the Dragon King and will find themselves within a vast and gorgeous mountain kingdom where they are escorted by Dragons to the King's chambers for an audience. There, the King questions them about Dragon kind and what they believe. These questions serve as tests, and should the individual pass they are given the option to join the Dragon's culture. If they accept, they are taught everything about the Dragons from their history to their form of politics and leadership. If they choose to return to the human world, which they are free to do at any time, they often go donning special robes made just for them by the Dragons themselves. Often, they choose to preach the Dragon's culture to the other humans, but because of the ignorance and mounting anger towards the Dragon race, they are often preaching to the choir.
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Okay then! So, here's the list of Dragons which are possible partners. There are some which are not possible partners for obvious reasons, and others because of less obvious reasons. However, rest assured that all Dragons not listed are so for a reason.

Dragon Partner List

* All "Small" Dragon Species

- Medium Species

* Bone Scale Dragon

* Ebon Dragon

* Sapphire Dragon

* Snow Wing Dragon

* Ice Scale Dragon

* Emerald Dragon

* Faerie Dragon

* Irontail Dragon

- Large Species

! Any and all Large Species chosen will be less than half their full size and less than half of their maximum age to keep a balance of power among the Dragon Partners IC.

* Griffon Dragon

* Laval Dragon

* Leviathan Dragon

* Dark Horse Dragon

* Razorwing Dragon

* Millihorned Dragon

* Great Wing Dragon
I hope my wording of this does not come as disrespectful to you, but I have a question or two that I wish for you to answer concerning the Ritual of True Blood if I recall correctly. In this ritual, the applicant drops say... enough blood to fill it halfway. The blood is then exposed to the spell "Tauriel" which means Truth in the ancient language. Should the blood turns blue, they are accepted into fold and they are permitted to learn magic. If the blood should turn white, they are able to learn Healing Magic. However, if the blood turns black, they are deemed "Corrupted" and are immediately turned away, regardless of how gifted. If I am wrong about any of this, feel free to correct me.

Now my questions are:

1. Where is this ritual taken place? Does one have to go to a specific place to undergo this ritual? Or can it be done right at home?

2. If the blood turns white, they are allowed to learn Healing Magic, but does that mean that they can learn only Healing Magic or Healing Magic and perhaps one elemental magic?
I didn't see anything disrespectful about the message, so don't worry. I'm happy to answer your questions.

When the Ritual takes place, it does so at the nearest Elemental Temple in a major city. Smaller cities or towns do not have such Temples as mages, at least the highest ranked masters, gather in larger and more reputable cities since there is more opportunity for them there for work and more space to train their fellow mages. They even have their own 'quarter' so to speak within each city where common folk are not allowed to go due to the fact that there are usually three to four training fields for the elements which make it a dangerous place for non magic folk.

The Ritual spell Tauriel, which is the key to the whole thing, can only be performed by a select few mages of the master level. It is not taught, under any circumstances, to anyone outside the Master's Circle, which is kind of like a Grand Counsel comprised of the most powerful and experienced mages.

Should the blood turn white, the new applicant is encouraged to practice healing magic as it is such a rare gift and very much a necessity, especially given the circumstances surrounding the way the world is descending into chaos little by little. They have the potential to learn another element, yes, but if they do they will not be able to learn healing magic. This RP has rules regarding magic which I will add to the main page after I'm finished with this message. I'll let everyone know when the update is complete. Just know that you can only focus on one element in your character's life. You cannot double up on them, nor does being a prodigy do anything for your ability to master your own chosen element.
Hmm, suppose I will need to update my character. What exactly is light magic versus healing magic? Does earth magic encompass things having to do with nature? For example, manipulating animals or making plants grow? I guess my real question is, are we manipulating our element (similar to Avatar the Last Airbender) or is it something like would be in a common rpg game?

Also, what exactly is this world like? Are we free to make characters of any ethnicity? Some that are less traditional to a fantasy setting (I was thinking perhaps a native american-esque character)?
Manipulating light is exactly what it sounds like. You can change ambient light levels and even concentrate light into a single point and project it as a weapon of extreme heat and concussive force. Healing is exactly what it sounds like as well, and does not make use of any physical attacks as they are pure support roles.

Manipulating Earth is similar to Avatar The Last Airbender in that it's only rock that can be manipulated and controlled, no animals or plants. Manipulating metal will not work in this RP though, as I don't want to rip off of The Last Airbender.

Lastly, this world is a vast one set in a medieval fantasy world. Different ethnicities exist, but they won't be going by our modern names or definitions. So long as you find a good picture to demonstrate what your character looks like they can be of any ethnic background. The 'Ethnicity' in the character profile you submit isn't actually going to be what they're called IC, it's just there so we understand what the modern equivalent would be. So caucasians like Delok'Zara aren't actually going to be called caucasian in the RP. It's just what his appearance would indicate in our world today.
Do we get to choose the type of dragon that will be our partner? If so, my first choice would be a Great Wing.
EDIT: Yes, you can choose the Great Wing Dragon.

In order to maintain a certain balance of power, however, I will require all 'Large Species' Dragons to be no greater than eighteen feet at the shoulder, which means that they are going to be VERY young for their respective species. For the Great Wing Dragon, this means that on the high end it will be eighteen feet at the shoulder and have a wingspan of just over 90 feet. It can be a bit smaller than that as well if you'd like, but those will be its maximum dimensions.

Cutting its stats in half from the description would not achieve my desired balance among the Dragon partners. My own Dragon choice is the Leviathan Dragon which is one of the largest species in the world. Even at half size, it's 50 feet at the shoulder which is hardly fair. So in order to preserve balance and keep everyone on fairly even ground, eighteen feet is the max for now. Both of our Dragons will be quite young for their species, so be sure to adjust your portrayal of it accordingly when we are introduced to them not long after the RP begins.

I'll try to get my intro post up tomorrow.
I doubt you would let that happen. Though I am at a dilemma at which dragon I should take. So many good choices and yet I can't take them all. Also, I have another question: As far a Water Mage goes, can they can use ice as well or only water?
Since Ice is just frozen water, yes, they can.

And as for the Dragon you want. Let me know your top three choices. Even if they aren't on my list of available Dragons, give me your reasons for choosing the Dragon and we can discuss further which one you will receive. I'm open to allowing other Dragons which aren't on the list so long as you give me some solid reasoning as to why your character should be partnered with it.
I would have to say that my three choices would be:

1. Rune Dragon

2. Faerie Dragon

3. Razorwind Dragon

The Rune Dragon is kind of my main choice because of my curiosity on it and its abilities. What could be the possibilities that I could share with this dragon? Is its breath pure, unprocessed mana or something along the lines of special? The list of questions goes on, but I want to find the answers for myself, you might say. I am for the most part, interested in the mystery you have wrapped around it.

The Faerie Dragon is a bit more on the defensive side which for a Mage may be a good choice, given the fact they are a "glass cannon". It has a fire breath attack and an ice breath attack. I could do a bit of fire and water collaboration with this dragon. If it were able to use fire magic, there would be much more ideas for collaboration but I can come with a couple of things for its fire breath.

The Razorwind Dragon, though a more offensive dragon if I am reading the description correctly, would also be a great decision for me. With its feral appearance and pretty destructive physical power, A Mage could freely cast his spells and perhaps do some collaboration with this Dragon as well.

These are my top three dragons. Have I got my information correct? Tell me what you think.
I can understand the curiosity about the Rune Dragon.

Faerie Dragon is easily acceptable and allowable.

And I think you meant the Razorwing Dragon. I didn't make a Razorwin(d) Dragon. Lol.

Anyway, the Rune Dragon is a special case and serves a much greater role in the RP than I can allow for a Dragon partner. So I hope you understand when I say that this one I cannot allow.

However, the Faerie Dragon is definitely one I can accept and allow you to have. The Razorwing Dragon is another interesting case, and I think it'd be best for your character, especially if they specialize in Water or Fire, to partner with a Faerie Dragon. Since it uses both elements, having control over one of those elements would allow you to manipulate the Dragon's very breath and either help it or hinder it depending on how it's used which makes for some interesting possibilities.

So if you'd like the Faerie Dragon, then it's yours.
Nice first post! Just wondering, are our characters supposed to receive the same letter in our first posts, or should we just begin with our own little sub-plots and the story will come together later?
Yes, our characters all received the same mysterious letter and will be heading (or have since already started their journey) to the Aquestrian Mountain Range along the western border about two days walk from the Aquestrian Western Highlands where Delok'Zara started in my post.
Hey guys, I've recently started a new RP titled Legends of the Dragon Knights and I was wondering if anyone was interested in joining it. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Kyero, thanks for permission to 'advertise' here. :wink: I'll get to work on my post tomorrow, since I am going to watch a movie during supper, which will be soon.
I shall get to work on my post over the next couple days. 
Or maybe i'll finish it now. xD

Dialogue posts are usually the shortest. :smile 2:
I left you a rather sizable post to respond to. Rylan's reactions to everything that happened may still be done, as well as his reaction to what he's seeing before him by the post's end. However, the Dragon I have put before us is mine to control for the time being, so please do not write for it.
Okay then everyone, with the exception of Greatmar2, the rest of your characters are officially out of the RP. I am hereby making it official that they chose not to pursue the summons to the Dragon Kingdom despite initial curiosity. Thank you for your participation thus far, and good luck with any other RP's you are involved in. 
I know it sounds cruel, but a deadline is a deadline and it's one they failed to meet. I will allow no exceptions. However, they have exactly three hours and fifteen minutes to get the post in as it's 8:45pm my time.

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