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Fandom Odyssey of Power


Thanks for the explanations guys!

Alright then, I've figured that cybernetics will follow the listed guidelines (Ki in this RP is heat/energy as opposed to electrical energy):

* They will contain artificial "veins" comprised of the owner's own borrowed tissue to allow the Ki proper and familiar pathways to flow and be allowed passage through the prosthetic limb for concentrated attacks

* They will be coated in synthetic diamond-like material to protect against the heat of gathered Ki itself

* In place of muscles will be superior strength fibers which act as the "muscle" of the limb while also allowing them near equal flexibility and range of motion nearly as a biological limb (but there will be a minor limitation by comparison which knowledgable and experienced fighters will be able to work within and around)

So, any objections or subjections to the way prosthetics and cybernetics will be handled so far?
I have some suggestions for the mechanical aspects of prosthetics and their limitations. I need to wait until I get to my computer to type it out properly.
KingHink said:
I have some suggestions for the mechanical aspects of prosthetics and their limitations. I need to wait until I get to my computer to type it out properly.
Alright. I await your response.
1. Depending on what you intend the diamond like material for. If it is for plating of the prosthetic, then a advanced ceramic alloy would be more likely. And fit more with the realism theme as it used to coat the hulls of space shuttles against the heat of entry, and other forms of ceramic help to stop bullets in vests. Both of these qualities could be amplified most likely, in an advanced civilization. As for a coating to manage the heat of the 'veins', perhaps somethinglike aerogel would do the trick. It is cool stuff. Basically, I would avoid using the description 'diamond like' and stick to giving a vague understanding without getting into chemistry and composition. An advanced race would have also come up with different alloys, and have likely come across different elements and such to work with. It keeps wiggle room with the plausibility. Also describing something as Diamond-Like gives an impression of being like diamond, which many people take as being "indestructable" which it isn't. Though it does have good properties, Bending isn't one of them. I would recommend clarifying "diamond-like" to something like it has a high thermal resistance. Another way to possibly deal with ki heat would be to put some sort of "heat sink" or coolant system in the prosthetic.

2. Transfer of ki and heat energy. If ki can be controlled in the body, and the veins act like a path from the body, then the ki can theoretically be controlled in the pathways. And if ki exists in the body, without burning the body, it stands to reason it could do the same in prosthetic. As well, if all the veins are insulated, then it would make it quite difficult to get the ki out unless certain areas are left uninsulated. But... with the description of ki having the threat to burn, it insinuates that it is flowing freely, which it then would just flow out unless some sort of control device was placed to control it going out or keeping it in. Also, having a material that has a set heat resistance will ultimately cap the ki that can go through the prosthetic. And since no saiyans really get any strong than 15,000, then no prosthetic would be strong enough to handle that sort of power when our characters levels get into the millions leaving that prosthetic as nothing more than just something convenient for casual life.

I would suggest here that these "veins" network through the muscle fibers and prosthetic in imitation of the saiyan body to mimic and hypothetically regulate ki flow/transfer, like it normally would in the human body and also give better control of the ki through the prosthetic.

3. Since ki is basically life energy, and prosthetics are not alive, it stands to reason that there will be some obvious limits. Sure, ki can be made to flow through it, but ki should not be able to enhance a prosthetic with any special properties. However, it would also mean that they would be immune to ill effects such as Era's pressure point things or things to stop ki flow.

4. The artificial fiber muscles are a good idea, I would like to point out that beyond muscles, think also about the joints of the prosthetic and if you want those to have the same range of motion as a living arm. Also, I think the cut to the power level after receiving a permanent injury should still apply, even with a prosthetic/cybernetic.

5. Prosthetics will not grow. They will need to be constantly adjusted. Having a prosthetic arm that is stronger than the user could lead to very serious injury of that user. Thus the prosthetics will need to be adjusted to match the user for optimum effect, as well the user would also need to have the prosthetic adjusted every now and then to stay equal as the user grows stronger. This also begs the question, just how strong prosthetics can get? This not only applies to ki, but also how strong can a saiyan get before having a prosthetic is pointless since hitting anything will break it?

6. Beyond prosthetics, there are plenty of other applications for cybernetic augmentation that should be kept in mind.
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KingHink said:
1. Depending on what you intend the diamond like material for. If it is for plating of the prosthetic, then a advanced ceramic alloy would be more likely. And fit more with the realism theme as it used to coat the hulls of space shuttles against the heat of entry, and other forms of ceramic help to stop bullets in vests. Both of these qualities could be amplified most likely, in an advanced civilization. As for a coating to manage the heat of the 'veins', perhaps somethinglike aerogel would do the trick. It is cool stuff. Basically, I would avoid using the description 'diamond like' and stick to giving a vague understanding without getting into chemistry and composition. An advanced race would have also come up with different alloys, and have likely come across different elements and such to work with. It keeps wiggle room with the plausibility. Also describing something as Diamond-Like gives an impression of being like diamond, which many people take as being "indestructable" which it isn't. Though it does have good properties, Bending isn't one of them. I would recommend clarifying "diamond-like" to something like it has a high thermal resistance. Another way to possibly deal with ki heat would be to put some sort of "heat sink" or coolant system in the prosthetic.
2. Transfer of ki and heat energy. If ki can be controlled in the body, and the veins act like a path from the body, then the ki can theoretically be controlled in the pathways. And if ki exists in the body, without burning the body, it stands to reason it could do the same in prosthetic. As well, if all the veins are insulated, then it would make it quite difficult to get the ki out unless certain areas are left uninsulated. But... with the description of ki having the threat to burn, it insinuates that it is flowing freely, which it then would just flow out unless some sort of control device was placed to control it going out or keeping it in. Also, having a material that has a set heat resistance will ultimately cap the ki that can go through the prosthetic. And since no saiyans really get any strong than 15,000, then no prosthetic would be strong enough to handle that sort of power when our characters levels get into the millions leaving that prosthetic as nothing more than just something convenient for casual life.

I would suggest here that these "veins" network through the muscle fibers and prosthetic in imitation of the saiyan body to mimic and hypothetically regulate ki flow/transfer, like it normally would in the human body and also give better control of the ki through the prosthetic.

3. Since ki is basically life energy, and prosthetics are not alive, it stands to reason that there will be some obvious limits. Sure, ki can be made to flow through it, but ki should not be able to enhance a prosthetic with any special properties. However, it would also mean that they would be immune to ill effects such as Era's pressure point things or things to stop ki flow.

4. The artificial fiber muscles are a good idea, I would like to point out that beyond muscles, think also about the joints of the prosthetic and if you want those to have the same range of motion as a living arm. Also, I think the cut to the power level after receiving a permanent injury should still apply, even with a prosthetic/cybernetic.

5. Prosthetics will not grow. They will need to be constantly adjusted. Having a prosthetic arm that is stronger than the user could lead to very serious injury of that user. Thus the prosthetics will need to be adjusted to match the user for optimum effect, as well the user would also need to have the prosthetic adjusted every now and then to stay equal as the user grows stronger. This also begs the question, just how strong prosthetics can get? This not only applies to ki, but also how strong can a saiyan get before having a prosthetic is pointless since hitting anything will break it?

6. Beyond prosthetics, there are plenty of other applications for cybernetic augmentation that should be kept in mind.

If there are this many complications to using them then I am questioning their practicality. They almost sound like too much trouble to bother with since we're basically ready to start the RP, and they seem to present far too many limitations to be considered useful in the RP other than presenting a character with a physical disability.

At this point, since the RP is ready to begin, I'm making an executive decision and choosing to uproot this issue in its entirety. No prosthetics/cybernetics. They present too many things to think about and too many mechanical (no pun intended) complications to bother myself with at this point.

So now, we begin. Thanks for all the information guys, as it's something I can consider for another RP in the future if the need arises. But for now, we're going to move forward without it.
Complex, yes, hence why I suggested vagueness within plausability. Most of the problems arise here because of unknowns factoring in with unknowns. Theory is what we have to mainly work with.

So I will make a final suggestion in the matter. How about instead of jumping straight to the complex stuff, how about we keep cybernetics/prosthetics small scale. Such as things like artificial hearts or minor attachments that is easy to wrap our minds around. And simply leave ki transfer through it out of the equation for now. Or simple mechanical only prosthetics. Limited in use, but limitations are the consequence of serious injury. This way, once we understand how ki and their technology work, the bridge is not burned if such scenarios arise in the future that prosthetics and cybernetics can be useful and where we are in a better mindset to discuss it.
KingHink said:
Complex, yes, hence why I suggested vagueness within plausability. Most of the problems arise here because of unknowns factoring in with unknowns. Theory is what we have to mainly work with.
So I will make a final suggestion in the matter. How about instead of jumping straight to the complex stuff, how about we keep cybernetics/prosthetics small scale. Such as things like artificial hearts or minor attachments that is easy to wrap our minds around. And simply leave ki transfer through it out of the equation for now. Or simple mechanical only prosthetics. Limited in use, but limitations are the consequence of serious injury. This way, once we understand how ki and their technology work, the bridge is not burned if such scenarios arise in the future that prosthetics and cybernetics can be useful and where we are in a better mindset to discuss it.
I'll keep an open mind on the subject, but for now I am officially opening the RP to posing for you and Sophileon. I have a few things left to clear up with some of the others before we begin and they post, so keep things simple for the time being and we'll get to some more intense action once I know for sure whether or not some of the others will be joining us.

Alright then, so after a thorough review of your profiles I have come to the following conclusions:

@Trignome, @Dennis Reynolds, both of you have met my requirements and may consider yourselves accepted into this RP (Though I will ask that Dennis beef up the Training History section. It's a little thin, and I believe you are absolutely capable of much more than what's provided currently. If you need some help, just ask me and I'll be happy to lend any assistance necessary)

* @Artymis, @Thesmashbro, @Natevess, as your profiles remain incomplete, I'm going to presume that you either lost interest before finishing the profiles, or your lives are too full of school/work to finish them in a timely manner. To that end, I must request that all of you find different RP's to join.

* @Kyd Jhesus, @Cipah, @drummerboi, most of your profiles (for the most part) meet my requirements for number of sentences and paragraphs, but I'm afraid that all of you have fallen into the same trap which forces me to make the difficult decision to reject your profiles from the RP.

When I designed my character skeleton and the requirements within, I did so with a single purpose: to test the full extent of the writing capabilities of those wishing to join to see if they were ready to join an RP with higher level standards than the norm. Thus far, I am sorry to report that I remain unconvinced that any of you are truly ready for this RP. My sentiments are shared by others as well, and I am not making this choice lightly.

You all have done a fine job, and I commend your efforts. However, merely meeting the required number of sentences and paragraphs was but the first step in the process. However, I can tell just by reading the profiles that all of you believed meeting those numerical requirements alone was all I was asking for.

On the surface, yes, that was the idea.

But beneath all of that was a request, once which only KingHink and Sophileon are likely to have noticed given that they are just as, if not more experienced than myself as writer/role-players.

The request buried beneath the surface of the numerical requirements for the paragraphs and sentences was this: Please do not think of these requirements as the limit of who or what your character should be.

Rather, I wanted to see you craft a character who shone brighter than simply meeting a five to seven sentence requirement. Unfortunately that request was lost to all of you, and as you only went so far as to meet those requirements as oppose to pushing yourselves beyond them I have no choice but to request that you take this rejection with grace.

Again, you all did a fine job and I'm not trying to say that you're poor writers or role-players in any way. I'm merely saying that my higher level standards were not met, despite your efforts, and thus I have no choice but to ask you to leave. I thank you for your attention to my RP and your desire to join it, but you're just not ready for this level yet. But please do accept my sincerest wishes for the best of luck in all of your current RP endeavors and all those you will take part in within the near and distant future.

Thank you all for your wish to join this RP and for putting up with my demanding nature as GM thus far. For those who have been accepted, I am expecting a lot out of you so give it your all. I'll be waiting for your first posts.
thank you at least you wern't brutal as most rprs who reject my forms i hope i get to rp with you in the furture :)
drummerboi said:
thank you at least you wern't brutal as most rprs who reject my forms i hope i get to rp with you in the furture :)
Glad to see that you are still in high spirits. Thank you. And good luck!
Natevess said:
If I finish my RP sometime today may I still have a chance to join?
If you inform me promptly at the time of completion, then yes, I will give the profile another look.
Ah, My training history still isn't complete, I'm afraid. (Schoolwork and whatnot.)

I was planning to get atleast 3 paragraps in that section. I'll get to it shortly.
Just to double check: Though my character does not currently belong to any raid group, the convergence of several joint forces in the RP's upcoming raid will work out so that everyone meets around the time of the first battle, right?
Trignome said:
Just to double check: Though my character does not currently belong to any raid group, the convergence of several joint forces in the RP's upcoming raid will work out so that everyone meets around the time of the first battle, right?
Correct. It's a very large scale mission as the native inhabitants of the planet the Saiyans aim to conquer are very powerful.

Just as a preview, the average inhabitant's power is around 1,300. Our Saiyans will be partnered in their Raid Groups and set against enemies closer to our own level. But there will be a bit of a surprise at the end which will cause a stir among the groups.
I see. Because of the daunting power levels of the planet that is to be raided, the recruitment for the raid mission would be inclusive of individual Saiyans, as well as established raid groups. Then, due to the size and difficulty of this raid, the Saiyans that do not already belong in groups would be assigned into temporary teams? And, (I apologize for all the sudden questions) how does a Saiyan become recruited for a raid group/partnering that is exclusive to a massive raid mission such as the one that's about to unfold? Would it be an open application process for individuals interested, or more of a draft that is pulled from the present population of Saiyans?

I'm asking to make sure I won't post something illogical. (Like, just casually walking onto a raid ship with no explanation as to how my character got past the security, or how she'd even know there's a raid mission.)
Trignome said:
I see. Because of the daunting power levels of the planet that is to be raided, the recruitment for the raid mission would be inclusive of individual Saiyans, as well as established raid groups. Then, due to the size and difficulty of this raid, the Saiyans that do not already belong in groups would be assigned into temporary teams? And, (I apologize for all the sudden questions) how does a Saiyan become recruited for a raid group/partnering that is exclusive to a massive raid mission such as the one that's about to unfold? Would it be an open application process for individuals interested, or more of a draft that is pulled from the present population of Saiyans?
I'm asking to make sure I won't post something illogical. (Like, just casually walking onto a raid ship with no explanation as to how my character got past the security, or how she'd even know there's a raid mission.)
All Saiyans who are Raid applicable are what you might say "On Call." They are monitored individuals, even when already in a Raid Group, each individual Saiyan has someone in command choosing when their services are rendered "needed," and will call upon them whenever they feel that the Saiyan's added might would be beneficial to the Raid in question.

So Saiyans who are more lone wolf types will be called in and set in a Raid Group with individuals in and around their power level so that they feel at least at ease working with people who are about as capable as they are.
Do we start out on this raid, or are we starting out prior to?

Also, is this RP like canon DBZ in that fact that, even if a number of lower power levels together match a higher one, the higher will still brutalize the lower, or does the group of lower powers have a chance, I.E. The Ginyu Force possibly equaling 1st form Frieza's PL, would they be wrecked still, or stand a chance?
Natevess said:
Do we start out on this raid, or are we starting out prior to?
Also, is this RP like canon DBZ in that fact that, even if a number of lower power levels together match a higher one, the higher will still brutalize the lower, or does the group of lower powers have a chance, I.E. The Ginyu Force possibly equaling 1st form Frieza's PL, would they be wrecked still, or stand a chance?
Even if a group's power level is close to or surpassing the higher level enemy's, they will get schooled (to put it mildly). Powers don't add up, basically. You either have what it takes to go toe to toe with your enemy, or you don't. Even if you have others backing you, if you're that much weaker, then there's not much that will save you.
Alright thanks for clarifying, but my other question still stands, do we start out at the raid or prior to?
Natevess said:
Alright thanks for clarifying, but my other question still stands, do we start out at the raid or prior to?
The Saiyans will be called in by the individuals I mentioned when speaking to Trignome, their particular superior in Command. Once called to report in to these individuals, they will be assigned to a Raid Group and sent out to meet their new companions at the Docking Bay where all the ships are. Once the entire group is assembled, they will be sent off together.

For now, focus on completing your profile and let me know when it's done.
My character's backstory may need some piecing together, as his backstory is stated throughout his Personality, Training History, and of course the backstory.



Hopefully my character doesn't come across as too edgy, I was trying my best to make a logical, distant, "true neutral" character.

Also, you can assume that my Training History overlaps with my Backstory, with some other random trainings with his friends and brother added in.

@Natevess, @Dennis Reynolds, you guys are looking a-okay now. You're both free to begin posting your introductions. For this first post, it's preferable that you end on your characters receiving their orders for a rather sudden Raid and take off to speak to their superiors in Command about it.

We'll actually bring the others together after my next post, and it will be fairly obvious as to how and why it's happening.

But for everything else about the post, feel free to introduce your character however you want. Training, on or finishing a Raid and then suddenly called away, lounging, flirting, anything.
If we start off out introductory post in training do we still get the boosts from the training mechanic?

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