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Fandom Odyssey of Power

...Hmmm...am I doing this wrong, then? Most of the techniques I came up with are very passive, and usually give my character advantageous effects, rather than being actual attacks. I thought this would be more suitable to her nature, especially considering her preoccupation with herself.

Well, I could always add MORE techniques. (Does anyone else find techniques really fun to invent? No? Just me?)
Trignome said:
...Hmmm...am I doing this wrong, then? Most of the techniques I came up with are very passive, and usually give my character advantageous effects, rather than being actual attacks. I thought this would be more suitable to her nature, especially considering her preoccupation with herself.
Well, I could always add MORE techniques. (Does anyone else find techniques really fun to invent? No? Just me?)
Technically there is no right or wrong way to create your signature moves, but "adding advantageous effects" is not exactly how it works. Energy is energy, and while it can be focused and toyed with in various ways, it ultimately has only one effect: making the point of attack succumb to overwhelming force and be destroyed.

Clever energy manipulation can make your attacks stronger, but a few of the things you've used in your attack WIP descriptions are not actually possible. So I'll explain one by one:

* Catharsis - Energy cannot provide mental stability. That comes from you being able to take a breath and take hold of your temper and other emotions. Technically, you're always losing something at every second of every day because the control you have over the various emotions you experience is always in a constant state of change. But energy cannot stabilize your mental state.

* Cardiac Stent - While it is true that it would allow for greater blood flow which would very, very lightly enhance the ability of your body to process oxygen to help you think more clearly and breathe more efficiently, it would not be able to help you with Ki transference. Energy within body is not transferred through your veins and arteries. It's transferred through metaphysical pathways like energy rivers, if you will. When these rivers are clear, energy flows smoothly. When they are blocked, either because the body has become damaged or because there is an overwhelming presence of Ki opposite your own in the area, the energy flows very slowly and can sometimes be blocked altogether. But your veins have nothing to do with it.

* Gastroplasty - This one is actually just weird, which normally I would like. But in this RP, swallowing objects is not going to help you win a fight. About the only thing this would be good for is a party trick. 99.9% of this RP is going to be about battle and the preparation for battle, as that's what Saiyans live for. There is little to no room for use of such a technique as this.

So if you want to rethink your techniques thus far, keep in mind that combat is the main objective. Every technique you come up with should have a goal in mind for defeating an opponent. How you go about that is something I leave to you. But combat and the use of energy for the sake of defeating someone is the point of these techniques.
An understanding of the DBZ universe will greatly help you, Trignome.

Also, I think I might be done with my CS, Kyero. If you get the chance to look it over and find any issues with it, I would appreciate any feedback you have done via a PM so that I can make corrections accordingly. Thanks!
Kyero said:
Technically there is no right or wrong way to create your signature moves, but "adding advantageous effects" is not exactly how it works. Energy is energy, and while it can be focused and toyed with in various ways, it ultimately has only one effect: making the point of attack succumb to overwhelming force and be destroyed.
Clever energy manipulation can make your attacks stronger, but a few of the things you've used in your attack WIP descriptions are not actually possible. So I'll explain one by one:

* Catharsis - Energy cannot provide mental stability. That comes from you being able to take a breath and take hold of your temper and other emotions. Technically, you're always losing something at every second of every day because the control you have over the various emotions you experience is always in a constant state of change. But energy cannot stabilize your mental state.

* Cardiac Stent - While it is true that it would allow for greater blood flow which would very, very lightly enhance the ability of your body to process oxygen to help you think more clearly and breathe more efficiently, it would not be able to help you with Ki transference. Energy within body is not transferred through your veins and arteries. It's transferred through metaphysical pathways like energy rivers, if you will. When these rivers are clear, energy flows smoothly. When they are blocked, either because the body has become damaged or because there is an overwhelming presence of Ki opposite your own in the area, the energy flows very slowly and can sometimes be blocked altogether. But your veins have nothing to do with it.

* Gastroplasty - This one is actually just weird, which normally I would like. But in this RP, swallowing objects is not going to help you win a fight. About the only thing this would be good for is a party trick. 99.9% of this RP is going to be about battle and the preparation for battle, as that's what Saiyans live for. There is little to no room for use of such a technique as this.

So if you want to rethink your techniques thus far, keep in mind that combat is the main objective. Every technique you come up with should have a goal in mind for defeating an opponent. How you go about that is something I leave to you. But combat and the use of energy for the sake of defeating someone is the point of these techniques.
Hmmmm. In light of the more combative nature of Seiyans, I adjusted the concepts of the techniques mentioned.

Catharsis: Purgation of excess Ki from the body in concentrated waves; thereby providing greater control over remaining Ki, at the expense of full-power combat. Considering my character's egocentricity, she probably wouldn't ever intentionally want to use the full capacity of her power, especially considering the very large risk of loss of physical/emotional stability. Hence, her low, low base power level, as well as her fighting style. Following this line of thought, I created techniques that gives her greater control and sublimity of combat, with expense of actual power.

Cardiac Stent: Used for a purpose similar to catharsis, though this affects the speed at which Ki can be gathered and transferred through the metaphysical passages mentioned in the explanation you provided. Since Ki is tangible, by evidence of the physical affects of purely Ki attacks on enemies, is transferal of Ki affected by how much residual/stored Ki is present in the passages? For instance, how a water droplet travels more readily on a pathway where there is greater moisture. (Bad explanation, I know...I've been scouring the DBZ wiki pages, but the actual explanation for the exact properties of Ki seems vague. Maybe I should read the manga. But that'd take a considerable amount of time...)

Gastroplasty: ...Okay, yeah. This one really doesn't have any use on the battlefield. But is it possible to keep it anyway? I know it doesn't seem like anything really useful, but there's got to be at least one person in the group that's significantly less...hrm, useful...in the group. (Like, that one obnoxious garbage character who's antics border on obnoxious and dangerous.) I'll admit that this technique was based more on my character's self-serving, conniving ways than any actual usage in battle. For example: hiding small objects like keys, security code sequences, lock-picks, packets of poison, as well as small gems and other oddities that she gets her hands on. If it's too much of a left-field ability, I'll remove it. (In exchange for potentially more strange techniques....mwahahahaha...)

And, this technique wasn't mentioned, but considering the general traits of plausible moves, I thought I'd mention this one just to make sure it's okay?

Thoracentesis: a two-part technique which involves a semi-permeable membrane in the lungs, (along the same metaphysical theory as gastroplasty) allowing for safe inhalation of oxygen through filtration. But the original air must already have O2 present. (How does one filter what isn't there?) This allows for safer combat/lesser physical repercussions in contaminated atmospheres, or higher altitudes were the density of air is thin. It also buys her a (very) small amount of time to flee if in the presence of a toxic gas, as toxic gas is usually an impurity applied to an atmosphere where is O2 is already present. Of course, the greatest limitation of this move would be lung capacity, as the residual toxins filtered out must be stored until they can safely be exhaled/released without poisoning her. This, like gastroplasty, is a seemingly useless technique, but I tried to make moves that do not necessarily make her the strongest fighter, but the most adaptable. Again, in lieu of her fighting style, as well as the necessity of what she does before the events of the RP begin.

...Ah, this turned out to be an unnecessarily long post. (._.) Sorry about all this re-development and stuff, I feel like such an ignoramus.
Not bad Trig.

Anyway, for those who are not yet finished with their character profiles, I'd like you to get as much work as you can done as the weekend approaches. I'm on Spring Break now, and have the next full week off before school starts again and have nothing but time on my hands for role-playing.

As such, I'm eager to get this RP started. I have two individuals, Sophileon and KingHink, who are ready to begin.

If we're all in agreement, I'll begin the RP tomorrow. However, I will allow for character introductions and simple interaction. Until everyone who is intent on joining has managed to complete their profiles, I will refrain from putting anyone on raids or such. We will experience battle largely as a group, though occasionally we'll engage on our own. But for now, when the RP starts, it's casual interaction only and down time.

I hope this means the edited techniques are more acceptable? It's all thanks to the explanations you took time to give me. Thank you, and thank you again. I'll do my best from now on to learn what I can of the DBZ universe.

And I'm definitely excited for this RP to start. I'll see what I can do about finishing my CS tonight. (Sleep? Who needs sleep?)
I made a few edits. Replaced the main picture for Fae, to something more fitting, and adjusted the description accordingly. Added a personal technique, Faerari Clustergun, and edited Dynamic Wave to be a more localized blast.

Also, I am looking forward to playing with everybody! I can't wait. Things are gonna get pretty explosive (I hope).
[QUOTE="Dennis Reynolds]This sounds awesome.
I'll join if there's enough room.

There's room.
[QUOTE="Dennis Reynolds]Sweet.
Still reading the Mechanics and whatnot. I'll try and have a profile up by the end of tomorrow.

I'll be waiting for it. If you need help at any point in time, ask sooner rather than later. It's always best to make sure by asking me early on if you're on the right track than to find out after all your hard work that you missed something or did something the RP doesn't allow because of a misconception.
Can I get some information on the scenario our characters will be in? Will they be together, separate, etc? Also, I still need to finish backstory, however, it probably won't have any immediate affect on the beginning of the RP
Natevess said:
Can I get some information on the scenario our characters will be in? Will they be together, separate, etc? Also, I still need to finish backstory, however, it probably won't have any immediate affect on the beginning of the RP
King and I have decided to collaborate on an introductory post. Fae will be training with Era, but we probably won't be able to finish it for another day or two so the start date has been pushed back until it's finished.

When we begin, Era and Fae will be together but the rest of you can be wherever you please. I'll have everyone called in together for a joint raid made up of half a dozen Saiyan teams, putting us all on the same battle front.

This RP starts in full with a bang once the mission is under way.
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So do I. Side-parts are the best, though they're a hassle to keep out of the eyes.

Okay, I've finished the CS. *cheers* But I'm sure it can always be improved. There's no such thing as a perfect CS, afterall. *sighs sadly*

Tomorrow then. For now, I shall slumber!
I think, perhaps, that you were merely the first of many RPers who usually tend to do this. Me included. (._.)
I have something to say and this goes for everyone except for King and Sophileon, as they've already fulfilled all requirements.

But for the rest of you, the character sheet code box says (for the description, personality, training history and biography sections) that you are required to write a particular number of paragraphs minimum, and each of those paragraphs has to have a particular number of sentences minimum. This means that the number of sentences and paragraphs provided in the code box are the lowest number that you're supposed to write, and it's preferable that you write more than what's asked for. Those numbers aren't suggestions or requests either, they're disguised orders, meaning I won't accept the profile until it meets those minimum requirements.

If your description doesn't have two paragraphs, each with five sentences, the entire profile is incomplete. If your personality doesn't have two paragraphs with at least five sentences each, the entire profile is incomplete. If your training history doesn't have two paragraphs, each with at least seven sentences, the entire profile is incomplete. If the biography doesn't have three paragraphs, each with seven sentences, the entire profile is incomplete.

If you need a reference, look at Era's character profile.

So does everyone understand those minimum requirements now?

I count those sentences and paragraphs in each section when you tell me you're ready, but so far you all have fallen short in at least one area. I will give you all time to continue working on your character profiles until they fulfill all those requirements.

Thank you!
*whispers nervously* I'm done with my CS, Kyero. Or, I hope it's adequate, is what I'm really trying to say... (._.)

And, I think some of my paragraphs have less than the sentence requirement, but I ended up writing more paragraphs. So, instead of the description having 10 sentences in 2 paragraphs, I have (I believe) more than 10 sentences, split into 3 paragraphs. Is it okay for me to do that?
Trignome said:
*whispers nervously* I'm done with my CS, Kyero. Or, I hope it's adequate, is what I'm really trying to say... (._.)
And, I think some of my paragraphs have less than the sentence requirement, but I ended up writing more paragraphs. So, instead of the description having 10 sentences in 2 paragraphs, I have (I believe) more than 10 sentences, split into 3 paragraphs. Is it okay for me to do that?
All individual paragraphs must meet the minimum sentence requirement. It doesn't matter how many paragraphs there are. If they don't all individually meet the minimum requirement, then it's incomplete.

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