O'Donnelly's Home For Orphaned Children.


Lovely rose.
Skeleton Format for children is as Follows;

Full Name:


Gender( Only Accepting 3 more teenage girl, 1 more teenaged boy roles. plenty of small child male and female roles):

Date Of Birth:

Looks(Picture Please):

Disabilities if any (Optional) :

Type of abuse you've undergone:

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Secrets you have:

Crushes (Optional) :

Fun Facts:



Skeleton Format for Employees is as follows:

*Note Only 1 more Therapist and No more Nurses will be accepted.





Job History:

Job Applying for:

Do you have a criminal history?:


Name: Caspian & James Harrison

Age: 16

Gender: Male


DOB: The twins were born on December 15th, Caspian is 3 minutes older.

Disabilities: Caspian struggles to read and write; he's on a 1st grade reading Level, but James does as well just not as bad. They both have night terrors and panic attacks.

Abuse you've undergone: Caspian and James have been verbally abuse since the day they were born by Their father and mother, as well as minor physical abuse but mainly Sexual abuse. Their father started molesting them when they were 13, taking pictures of them and recording video's of the abuse. He advertised them as prostitutes when they were 14 and sold them for 10 Grand. They've been living in a basement ever since, and have grown unnaturally close due to the environment.

That's right, twincest. ;x

Backstory: After being sold into sexual slavery at 14 they lived in a dark basement chained to the wall, their captor did horrible things to them and essentially brainwashed them. They were raped and abused daily only fed bread and water and forced to relieve themselves on the floor they slept on.

One day the FBI raided the home of their captors and found them.


- They sleep together

-Terrified of the dark


Crushes: Caspian has stolen glances of Mason and James is uninterested in no one atm

Fun Facts

-Caspian is ashamed of his body

-James likes to draw

-Caspian loves animals.

Personality: Caspian; - Hates anything to do with reading or writing. -Doesn't like looking in the mirror. -Loves his twin brother. -Very jumpy and nervous 80 percent of the time. James; -Loves animals. -Sweethearted -Often pretends that he's okay when he really isn't.


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Full Name:

Zero Teller



Date Of Birth:

February 28th

Looks(Picture Please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c0040ac5e_Schermafbeelding2014-07-31om09.09.53.png.24d43537ebbffe2a536387bfe9553e82.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c0040ac5e_Schermafbeelding2014-07-31om09.09.53.png.24d43537ebbffe2a536387bfe9553e82.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Disabilities if any (Optional) :

Needs extra oxygen to breath, she has either wires in her nose or an oxygen mash on.

In a wheelchair.

Type of abuse you've undergone:

Physical and sexual abuse by her father. Mentally by her mother.

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Zero was unwanted when she was born, just a drunken mistake from her parents. They tried to abort her by adding salt water to the amniotic fluid, which was supposed to make her burn away in her mother's stomach, but somehow she survived that, making her a miracle baby.

Despite surviving, her legs had become useless. Her parents beat her up for that reason, being to slow and not being able to help, just taking their money. When her mother wasn't home, her father sexually abused her. Her mother found out about it, but said that Zero joined the abuse willingly because she didn't run away.

At the age of sixteen, she was in a car accident with her parents. On her way back from a friend of her parents, who always patched her up so that the doctors wouldn't suspect anything, a truck drove head on into their small four person car. The car was blown off the way, but because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she got trapped between her father's chair and the backseat, breaking her ribs and forcing the bones into one of her lungs, puncturing it.

The doctors found out about the abuse when the noticed bones that weren't put properly back together, bruises that wouldn't faint and scars littering the girl's body.

Now Zero was taken from her parents and put in the orphanage, but the girl would never be able to breath without the tool the hospital had given.

Secrets you have:

Was pregnant at the age of fifteen with her father's child, but once the baby was born her father killed it.

Post traumatic stress.

Tries to walk and get her legs functional, but fails every time.

Crushes (Optional) :

None/None yet.

Fun Facts:

Can walk on her hand and is a master in the jungle gym.

Has a real sweet tooth especially for candy bars.

Loves anime.

She really good at wheelchair basketball.


Injured and disabled doesn't stop the girl from being happy. The orphanage gave her a new life and she cherishes it with a smile on her face. Zero's is kind and enjoys talking to others, but she also jumps (not literally) into a fight if she's threatened or sees someone being threatened of abused. Zero has a hard time with strangers and doesn't trust people easily so she can be quite defensive and rude when you first meet her, but when you eventually know her she'll be your best friend and keep your secrets.

Password: Drama



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Full Name:

Alana Richards



Date Of Birth:

September 19th, 1997



Disabilities if any (Optional):


Type of abuse you've undergone:

She was orphaned by a car accident that killed both her parents and was almost raped

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Alana grew up in a rich, mostly white neighborhood. The neighborhood kids were sometimes mean to her or even just confused by her different skin color. Christie, now her girlfriend, was the one to stand up for her. As they drifted apart, Alana found a passion for running inspired by her father. In high school, Christie came out as a lesbian and Alana, who had been closeted despite all the support around her, was inspired to come out. After she and Christie began dating openly, a an ex-boyfriend cornered Christie and attempted to knock her around a bit to "teach her a lesson". Alana intervened and was taken to a storage closet and fought off an attempted rape. The boy was later taken into police custody and the bullying that remained stopped when the news spread. Then tragedy struck. Her parents, on the way to one of her track meet-ups, were hit by a woman who ran a red light. She was taken in by her aunt and uncle who banned her from seeing Christie and put her in therapy when they found out she was gay. Alana took off, shifting between various friend's houses in secret, before the cops finally found her and took her back to her legal guardians. They didn't want her anymore after all the trouble she caused for them, and she was sent to O'Donnelly's Home.

Secrets you have:

She struggles to be open about her sexuality, but ever since her aunt and uncle's rejection, she has a hard time doing that.


Has a girlfriend in the next town over, Christie.

Fun Facts:

Used to be a track team runner with a specialty in endurance. Wants to be something more than a track runner, but doesn't know what yet.


She is really understanding about a lot of things. She tries her best to give people the benefit of the doubt, but if asked for her opinion, she will be brutally honest. She often plays the serious role in a group because her friends are so rarely serious.



Full Name: Kaden Jenson

Age: 18

Date Of Birth: 24th April, 1996

Looks(Picture Please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_mgzjlcV5cL1s0y7leo1_500.jpg.32e8b447928e0c991d5ce7ab9d7a8b74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_mgzjlcV5cL1s0y7leo1_500.jpg.32e8b447928e0c991d5ce7ab9d7a8b74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_n2plhyiCOC1tvbxp6o1_500.jpg.32210d11280a9d8688c70aa84330a41b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_n2plhyiCOC1tvbxp6o1_500.jpg.32210d11280a9d8688c70aa84330a41b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Disabilities if any (Optional): Depression. Mild bipolar disorder

Type of abuse you've undergone: Kaden was physically beaten up by his father when he was younger. For every tiny mistake, waited a night of screaming and pain. He ended up going into depression.

How you ended up here/Backstory: Kaden's mom had died when he was a little boy. His father used to work almost all the time, but when he was home, he used to beat Kaden up. He grew older and his father stopped hitting him, but he continued to verbally assault him, which led Kaden to become depressed. His best friends in school noticed and told the principal, who got the situation at Kaden's house checked out. Kaden's father was furious and walked out on his son. Kaden was alone, and was then brought to this place.

Secrets you have: Kaden isn't a very secretive person, but he's afraid of being alone.

Crushes (Optional): xx

Fun Facts: You'll never see Kaden without his beanies. He has 16 of them, and prefers to keep his head covered. He loves music and doesn't eat much, not because he wants to be thin, but because he just can't.

Personality: Kade is a generally sarcastic person and doesn't give straight answers. He talks to almost everyone, but rarely does anyone get the opportunity to actually get close to him.

Password: DRAMAAA



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Full Name: Delaine (Lanie) Vargas

Age: 16 years old

Date Of Birth: December 18th



Disabilities if any:

((Do mental illnesses count?))

  • Nightmare disorder
  • Social isolation

Type of abuse you've undergone:

  • Mental abuse from both her parents
  • Kidnapped
  • Neglect ((Sorry forgot to mention this earlier.))

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Delaine grew up in Northern Italy with her mother, sister, and father. She went to school until she was six when her mother stopped taking her. She also began sleeping under her bed instead of in her bed. She never suffered any physical abuse from her parents but still found hiding spaces in her house. When she had turned 7 she had hardly left the house. She was keeping her family members secrets from each other such as : her father cheating on her mother, her 15 year old sister selling herself to her father's friends, and her mother sneaking out of the house when her father wasn't home. Two months before she was 8 her sister found out she was pregnant and ran away with her father's right hand man. Her father had found out that her mother was leaving the house when he wasn't home. He had given her mother a beating which caused her mother to not leave her room until the night Delaine's uncle (her father's brother) came to check on her and her mother. That night Delaine's pregnant mother killed herself after her uncle left. She had stayed in the house looking over her mother thinking she was sick instead of dead until her father came home. He had forced her into dumping her mother's body off a cliff and was kidnapped by her sister and her lovers brother. She was with her sister until she was 12 and her father found them. She was brought back home and found by the police found her with her father 2 years later and he was arrested. She was placed in the orphanage after her father was placed in jail.

Secrets you have:

  • Her father is a Mafia leader
  • Still has a sister but doesn't know where she is
  • Watched her mother kill herself
  • Has contact with her uncle and his husband

Crushes: None (Currently)

Fun Facts:

  • Inherited her artistic side from her uncle and her kind heart from her mother.
  • Can speak Italian and English
  • Enjoys watching "Doctor Who" ((If that's okay.))
  • Loves writing and reading books
  • Has a hard time expressing emotions like love and happiness because of her parents

Personality: Delaine is a quiet and introvert -not shy- girl who has a hard time expressing her emotions. She doesn't talk too much or enjoy talking for that matter. She doesn't talk to anyone unless addressed first. Delanie was taught by her father how to not show emotions like fear or sadness but has a hard time doing so. She fears people with more power over her and listens to them as if she has no choice. She's afraid of most males unless she has reason to trust them. She easily shows her emotions through music, painting, drawing, and writing. It makes it easy to show people how she feels about everything going on around her. She doesn't feel the same as others do about being adopted when she's already had a family. She feels like she already messed up one family and doesn't want to mess up another.

Password: Drama
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Full Name: Aaron Jayde Smith

Age: 17

Date Of Birth: 4/13/1997

Looks(Picture Please):


Disabilities if any (Optional) : Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia

Type of abuse you've undergone:

Physical, Verbally Abuse

Sexually Abused

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Aaron's parents were crazy people living in the middle of no where deep in the woods. They used to abuse her physically and Verbally

and sometimes sexually abused. She got put in the basement unable to see the outside world her parents thought she was crazy. Aaron had another sister that was treated like a princess and they treated Aaron like she was no use in the world. Aaron soon began to give up and was slowly dying inside, When her parents weren't home she got placed In O'Donnelly's Home For Orphaned Children. Her parents moved away so they can't find them and the police are still on the search.

Secrets you have:

Got Raped when she was younger by her father.

Got placed in a mental facility before cause of her parents.

Went to the hospital because of her parents.

Always knew how to leave her old home but was to afraid to.

Crushes (Optional) : Kaden Jenson, Mason Nicholson (kinda hopeless romantic you think? lol)

Fun Facts:

She knows how to draw extremely well.

Loves the thought of love.

Wants to get to know people but is to afraid to.

Loves cats & food

Personality: Funny, Random, Weird, Shy, Loner, Hyper, Gullible, Sensitive, Quiet, Hot head, Depressed, Etc.


Drraaaammmmaaaaa (lol)
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Full Name: Mason Nicholson

Age: 17

Date Of Birth: October 21, 1997

Looks(Picture Please):



Disabilities if any (Optional) : Anxiety Disorder

Type of abuse you've undergone: Sexual, Mental, Physical

How you ended up here/Backstory: Mason was a victim of rape, and he was born three months premature. His mother resents him because he reminds her of the man who raped her. She never fed him enough food, leaving him malnourished, and to this day he still does not eat as much as he should. She began beating him when he was three, and it never stopped. One day, when he was eleven, he came home from school and found his mother asleep on the couch naked. He tried to sneak past her but when she awoke she held the small boy down and forced him to do dirty, dirty things. The sexual abuse lasted until he told a friend, his friend's dad ended up being a cop and his mother was arrested. He was then placed in the orphanage.

Secrets you have: He has Genophobia, which means he is afraid to have sex.

He isn't gay, he's just afraid of getting close to women.

He's afraid of his, down stairs area.

He is bisexual, but he's afraid to tell anybody.

Crushes (Optional) :

Fun Facts:

  • He chews the skin from his lip when he's nervous
  • He bites his fingernails non stop
  • He loves to play with animals.
  • He has a sort of obsession with Harry Potter

Personality: Innocent, Shy, 'Kawaii', Scared at times.

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KneelingAngel said:
Full Name:
Zero Teller



Date Of Birth:

February 28th

Looks(Picture Please):

View attachment 69762

Disabilities if any (Optional) :

Needs extra oxygen to breath, she has either wires in her nose or an oxygen mash on.

In a wheelchair.

Type of abuse you've undergone:

Physical and sexual abuse by her father. Mentally by her mother.

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Zero was unwanted when she was born, just a drunken mistake from her parents. They tried to abort her by adding salt water to the amniotic fluid, which was supposed to make her burn away in her mother's stomach, but somehow she survived that, making her a miracle baby.

Despite surviving, her legs had become useless. Her parents beat her up for that reason, being to slow and not being able to help, just taking their money. When her mother wasn't home, her father sexually abused her. Her mother found out about it, but said that Zero joined the abuse willingly because she didn't run away.

At the age of sixteen, she was in a car accident with her parents. On her way back from a friend of her parents, who always patched her up so that the doctors wouldn't suspect anything, a truck drove head on into their small four person car. The car was blown off the way, but because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she got trapped between her father's chair and the backseat, breaking her ribs and forcing the bones into one of her lungs, puncturing it.

The doctors found out about the abuse when the noticed bones that weren't put properly back together, bruises that wouldn't faint and scars littering the girl's body.

Now Zero was taken from her parents and put in the orphanage, but the girl would never be able to breath without the tool the hospital had given.

Secrets you have:

Was pregnant at the age of fifteen with her father's child, but once the baby was born her father killed it.

Post traumatic stress.

Tries to walk and get her legs functional, but fails every time.

Crushes (Optional) :

None/None yet.

Fun Facts:

Can walk on her hand and is a master in the jungle gym.

Has a real sweet tooth especially for candy bars.

Loves anime.

She really good at wheelchair basketball.


Injured and disabled doesn't stop the girl from being happy. The orphanage gave her a new life and she cherishes it with a smile on her face. Zero's is kind and enjoys talking to others, but she also jumps (not literally) into a fight if she's threatened or sees someone being threatened of abused. Zero has a hard time with strangers and doesn't trust people easily so she can be quite defensive and rude when you first meet her, but when you eventually know her she'll be your best friend and keep your secrets.

Password: Drama
Accepted! <3 

[QUOTE="Lucas Fowler]

Full Name:

Alana Richards



Date Of Birth:

September 19th, 1997



Disabilities if any (Optional):


Type of abuse you've undergone:

She was orphaned by a car accident that killed both her parents and was almost raped

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Alana grew up in a rich, mostly white neighborhood. The neighborhood kids were sometimes mean to her or even just confused by her different skin color. Christie, now her girlfriend, was the one to stand up for her. As they drifted apart, Alana found a passion for running inspired by her father. In high school, Christie came out as a lesbian and Alana, who had been closeted despite all the support around her, was inspired to come out. After she and Christie began dating openly, a an ex-boyfriend cornered Christie and attempted to knock her around a bit to "teach her a lesson". Alana intervened and was taken to a storage closet and fought off an attempted rape. The boy was later taken into police custody and the bullying that remained stopped when the news spread. Then tragedy struck. Her parents, on the way to one of her track meet-ups, were hit by a woman who ran a red light. She was taken in by her aunt and uncle who banned her from seeing Christie and put her in therapy when they found out she was gay. Alana took off, shifting between various friend's houses in secret, before the cops finally found her and took her back to her legal guardians. They didn't want her anymore after all the trouble she caused for them, and she was sent to O'Donnelly's Home.

Secrets you have:

She struggles to be open about her sexuality, but ever since her aunt and uncle's rejection, she has a hard time doing that.


Has a girlfriend in the next town over, Christie.

Fun Facts:

Used to be a track team runner with a specialty in endurance. Wants to be something more than a track runner, but doesn't know what yet.


She is really understanding about a lot of things. She tries her best to give people the benefit of the doubt, but if asked for her opinion, she will be brutally honest. She often plays the serious role in a group because her friends are so rarely serious.




TanTanEatsPancakes said:
Full Name: Kaden Jenson
Age: 19

Date Of Birth: 24th April, 1995

Looks(Picture Please):

View attachment 69779 View attachment 69780

Disabilities if any (Optional): Depression. Mild bipolar disorder

Type of abuse you've undergone: Kaden was physically beaten up by his father when he was younger. For every tiny mistake, waited a night of screaming and pain. He ended up going into depression.

How you ended up here/Backstory: Kaden's mom had died when he was a little boy. His father used to work almost all the time, but when he was home, he used to beat Kaden up. He grew older and his father stopped hitting him, but he continued to verbally assault him, which led Kaden to become depressed. His best friends in school noticed and told the principal, who got the situation at Kaden's house checked out. Kaden's father was furious and walked out on his son. Kaden was alone, and was then brought to this place.

Secrets you have: Kaden isn't a very secretive person, but he's afraid of being alone.

Crushes (Optional): xx

Fun Facts: You'll never see Kaden without his beanies. He has 16 of them, and prefers to keep his head covered. He loves music and doesn't eat much, not because he wants to be thin, but because he just can't.

Personality: Kade is a generally sarcastic person and doesn't give straight answers. He talks to almost everyone, but rarely does anyone get the opportunity to actually get close to him.

Password: DRAMAAA
Awesome! Thanks! ACCEPTED! 

HappyBeingMe said:
Full Name: Mason Nicholson
Age: 17

Date Of Birth: October 21, 1997

Looks(Picture Please):



Disabilities if any (Optional) : Anxiety Disorder

Type of abuse you've undergone: Sexual, Mental, Physical

How you ended up here/Backstory: Mason was a victim of rape, and he was born three months premature. His mother resents him because he reminds her of the man who raped her. She never fed him enough food, leaving him malnourished, and to this day he still does not eat as much as he should. She began beating him when he was three, and it never stopped. One day, when he was eleven, he came home from school and found his mother asleep on the couch naked. He tried to sneak past her but when she awoke she held the small boy down and forced him to do dirty, dirty things. The sexual abuse lasted until he told a friend, his friend's dad ended up being a cop and his mother was arrested. He was then placed in the orphanage.

Secrets you have: He has Genophobia, which means he is afraid to have sex.

He isn't gay, he's just afraid of getting close to women.

He's afraid of his, down stairs area.

Crushes (Optional) :

Fun Facts:

  • He chews the skin from his lip when he's nervous
  • He bites his fingernails non stop
  • He loves to play with animals.
  • He has a sort of obsession with Harry Potter

Personality: Innocent, Shy, 'Kawaii', Scared at times.

SuicideXSeason said:
Full Name: Aaron Jayde Smith
Age: 17

Date Of Birth: 4/13/1997

Looks(Picture Please):


Disabilities if any (Optional) : Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia

Type of abuse you've undergone:

Physical, Verbally Abuse

Sexually Abused

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Aaron's parents were crazy people living in the middle of no where deep in the woods. They used to abuse her physically and Verbally

and sometimes sexually abused. She got put in the basement unable to see the outside world her parents thought she was crazy. Aaron had another sister that was treated like a princess and they treated Aaron like she was no use in the world. Aaron soon began to give up and was slowly dying inside, When her parents weren't home she got placed In O'Donnelly's Home For Orphaned Children. Her parents moved away so they can't find them and the police are still on the search.

Secrets you have:

Got Raped when she was younger by her father.

Got placed in a mental facility before cause of her parents.

Went to the hospital because of her parents.

Always knew how to leave her old home but was to afraid to.

Crushes (Optional) : Kaden Jenson, Mason Nicholson (kinda hopeless romantic you think? lol)

Fun Facts:

She knows how to draw extremely well.

Loves the thought of love.

Wants to get to know people but is to afraid to.

Loves cats & food

Personality: Funny, Random, Weird, Shy, Loner, Hyper, Gullible, Sensitive, Quiet, Hot head, Depressed, Etc.


Drraaaammmmaaaaa (lol)
Full Name: Luis Jean Martinez


Date Of Birth:14th April 2001

Looks(Picture Please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/garfield.jpg.d595f38b2e3fe0169bcdf908234d9caf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/garfield.jpg.d595f38b2e3fe0169bcdf908234d9caf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Disabilities if any (Optional) :None

Type of abuse you've undergone: Mental(mainly) and physical

How you ended up here/Backstory: Luis was born in France to a strictly catholic family. He moved to wherever o'donnelys is at age three and quickly learnt English. His parents were quite old to be parents and had very old-fashioned views on how children should be brought up including beating him with a belt when he was naughty. When he was eleven he discovered he was gay and tried to hid it from his parents. This failed when his parents caught him kissing his then boyfriend. His parents were appalled and frequently locked him in his room and starved him for days on end. Beatings got worse and he wasn't allowed to leave. They called him names and said he was less than them. When they got a holy man to try to "cleanse" him he ran from home to the orphanage which he had heard of and wasn't sent back.

Secrets you have:As he ran from the house his parents said they would never stop looking for him

Crushes (Optional) :Tom Hiddleston, Niall Horan(is very embarrassed about this)

Fun Facts:Loves cooking

Always wears cat ears

Loves anime in particular madoka magica but hasn't told anyone about this

He will not waste food

Personality: Fun loving and smiley Luis is great fun to be with. He is however a very sensitive soul and cry easily. He can be shy around those he doesn't know but soon opens up. He hates to talk about the stuff that happened to him and is very atheist.




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emtheninja said:
Full Name: Luis Jean Martinez

Date Of Birth:14th April 2001

Looks(Picture Please):

View attachment 69824

Disabilities if any (Optional) :None

Type of abuse you've undergone: Mental(mainly) and physical

How you ended up here/Backstory: Luis was born in France to a strictly catholic family. He moved to wherever o'donnelys is at age three and quickly learnt English. His parents were quite old to be parents and had very old-fashioned views on how children should be brought up including beating him with a belt when he was naughty. When he was eleven he discovered he was gay and tried to hid it from his parents. This failed when his parents caught him kissing his then boyfriend. His parents were appalled and frequently locked him in his room and starved him for days on end. Beatings got worse and he wasn't allowed to leave. They called him names and said he was less than them. When they got a holy man to try to "cleanse" him he ran from home to the orphanage which he had heard of and wasn't sent back.

Secrets you have:As he ran from the house his parents said they would never stop looking for him

Crushes (Optional) :Tom Hiddleston, Niall Horan(is very embarrassed about this)

Fun Facts:Loves cooking

Always wears cat ears

Loves anime in particular madoka magica but hasn't told anyone about this

He will not waste food

Personality: Fun loving and smiley Luis is great fun to be with. He is however a very sensitive soul and cry easily. He can be shy around those he doesn't know but soon opens up. He hates to talk about the stuff that happened to him and is very atheist.

Welcome to The O'Donnelly House.
Full Name: Lua Bird

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: 31st October

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.e014710a0c93bfafc2ed2e47c744abf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.e014710a0c93bfafc2ed2e47c744abf7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.0c95878c6c45ee4851f012cf96fb456f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25894" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.0c95878c6c45ee4851f012cf96fb456f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Disabilities: Mute from trauma. She communicates through looks and writes on a whiteboard, she can sign but most people don't understand her. She has a prosthetic leg. Underweight.

Type of abuse you've undergone: Physical, sexual

How you ended up here/Backstory: Her mother, father, and brothers were a large family, her father being a drinker. He'd beat them all, but when her brothers joined in the beatings got worse and got sexual. She was raped by her oldest brother violently, including heavy object being used to hold her down, causing in the killing of her leg; meaning it had to be removed. When her mother was killed by them, she was taken away and placed into care in a regular orphanage. After violent outbursts (involving scissors) when a boy tried to kiss her, they moved her here.

Secrets you have: She wishes that her brother killed her.

Crushes (Optional) : Aaron McAlister.

Fun Facts: She can write in three languages due to self teaching them in her other orphanage. She really likes music. Even though she won't or can't talk, she can laugh, and scream. Likes to read.

Personality: She is fun loving; and she's very determined. She's overly emotional, but also friendly, and very nurturing. Shy, but once she feels confident enough to 'talk to you' she's okay.

Password: drama :)



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buildingaspaceship said:
Full Name: Lua Bird
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: 31st October

Looks:View attachment 69836

Disabilities: Mute from trauma. She communicates through looks and writes on a whiteboard. She has a prosthetic leg.

Type of abuse you've undergone: Physical, sexual

How you ended up here/Backstory: Her mother, father, and brothers were a large family, her father being a drinker. He'd beat them all, but when her brothers joined in the beatings got worse and got sexual. She was raped by her oldest brother violently, including heavy object being used to hold her down, causing in the killing of her leg; meaning it had to be removed. When her mother was killed by them, she was taken away and placed into care in a regular orphanage. After violent outbursts (involving scissors) when another patient tried to kiss her, they moved her here.

Secrets you have: She wishes that her brother killed her.

Crushes (Optional) : Kaden, and lots of celebs.

Fun Facts: She can write in three languages due to self teaching them in her other orphanage. She really likes music. Even though she won't or can't talk, she can laugh, and scream.

Personality: She is rebellious and fun loving; and she's very determined. She's hot headed and overly emotional, but also friendly.

Password: drama :)
Excellente. You got the last female teenager role! :D  
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Full Name: Jason Murphy

Age: 18

Gender : Male

Date Of Birth: 12 october

Type of abuse you've undergone: Physical and mental. His mother always hit him as a child and called him horrible names.

How you ended up here/Backstory: His father died at a young age, his mother, in depression, started using all kind of horrible drugs. Heroin and cocaine, she suffered a mental breakdown sooner or later. She went berzerk, broke all the electronics and glasses in his house. Adam grabbed a gun they had inside a cabinet for safety. His mother forced him to kill her. He was sent to this orphanage and now he's here.

Secrets you have: He wishes he never pulled that trigger

Crushes : Jayde

Fun Facts: He speaks german and english, due to him being born in Germany, his voice is quite raspy and deep. He loves drawing, even tough he doesn't really do it commonly.







-Very sensible



''This'll be an adventure full of drama''

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Full Name: Aaron James McAlister

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Date Of Birth: 26th March, 1997.



Disabilities: Aaron was born mute, and suffers from insomnia.

Type of Abuse: Mental, Physical.

Back-story: Born into a houseful of jocks, his expectations were set high for the silent boy. His father was a drug addict, and his mother was nothing more than a name on a tombstone after five years of battling cancer. His four older brothers never helped matters ─ they beat on him whenever they felt the need to, verbally abused him, and from time to time, their father joined in when he wasn't passed out on the couch or out at the local bar. Aaron kept to himself at school, and never sought out help until one night, one blow to the head was too much for the fifteen year old. It had nearly killed him, and his story even made it in the local paper. His father was put behind bars, and his brothers were sent to juvenile correction facilities. Aaron went in and out of a few orphanages for two years, before hearing the O'Donnelly's Home for Orphaned Children.


• Never has spoken/doesn't plan on.

• Often doesn't sleep at night due to his insomnia.

• Can play the piano well.

Crushes: Lau Bird.

Fun Facts:

• Has a passion for music.

• Takes karate to learn to defend himself/let off steam.

• Knows how to pull a few pranks.

Personality: Silent, mysterious, observant, stubborn, selfless, short-tempered, daring.

Password: The Draaaaaaaaaammmaaaaaaaa is real. c:
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Keiser said:


Full Name: Jason Murphy

Age: 20

Gender : Male

Date Of Birth: 12 october

Type of abuse you've undergone: Physical and mental. His mother always hit him as a child and called him horrible names.

How you ended up here/Backstory: His father died at a young age, his mother, in depression, started using all kind of horrible drugs. Heroin and cocaine, she suffered a mental breakdown sooner or later. She went berzerk, broke all the electronics and glasses in his house. Adam grabbed a gun they had inside a cabinet for safety. His mother forced him to kill her. He was sent to this orphanage and now he's here.

Secrets you have: He wishes he never pulled that trigger

Crushes : N/A

Fun Facts: He speaks german and english, due to him being born in Germany, his voice is quite raspy and deep. He loves drawing, even tough he doesn't really do it commonly.







-Very sensible



''This'll be an adventure full of drama''

This is great, but he can't be older than 18. 

Alivia said:

Full Name: Aaron James McAlister

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Date Of Birth: 26th March, 1997.



Disabilities: Aaron was born mute, and suffers from insomnia.

Type of Abuse: Mental, Physical.

Back-story: Born into a houseful of jocks, his expectations were set high for the silent boy. His father was a drug addict, and his mother was nothing more than a name on a tombstone after five years of battling cancer. His four older brothers never helped matters ─ they beat on him whenever they felt the need to, verbally abused him, and from time to time, their father joined in when he wasn't passed out on the couch or out at the local bar. Aaron kept to himself at school, and never sought out help until one night, one blow to the head was too much for the fifteen year old. It had nearly killed him, and his story even made it in the local paper. His father was put behind bars, and his brothers were sent to juvenile correction facilities. Aaron went in and out of a few orphanages for two years, before hearing the O'Donnelly's Home for Orphaned Children.


• Never has spoken/doesn't plan on.

• Often doesn't sleep at night due to his insomnia.

• Can play the piano well.

Crushes: None.

Fun Facts:

• Has a passion for music.

• Takes karate to learn to defend himself/let off steam.

• Knows how to pull a few pranks.

Personality: Silent, mysterious, observant, stubborn, selfless, short-tempered, daring.

Password: The Draaaaaaaaaammmaaaaaaaa is real. c:
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Keiser said:
Edited! =)
Lol excellent, accepted. 

KneelingAngel said:
Full Name:
Zero Teller



Date Of Birth:

February 28th

Looks(Picture Please):

View attachment 69762

Disabilities if any (Optional) :

Needs extra oxygen to breath, she has either wires in her nose or an oxygen mash on.

In a wheelchair.

Type of abuse you've undergone:

Physical and sexual abuse by her father. Mentally by her mother.

How you ended up here/Backstory:

Zero was unwanted when she was born, just a drunken mistake from her parents. They tried to abort her by adding salt water to the amniotic fluid, which was supposed to make her burn away in her mother's stomach, but somehow she survived that, making her a miracle baby.

Despite surviving, her legs had become useless. Her parents beat her up for that reason, being to slow and not being able to help, just taking their money. When her mother wasn't home, her father sexually abused her. Her mother found out about it, but said that Zero joined the abuse willingly because she didn't run away.

At the age of sixteen, she was in a car accident with her parents. On her way back from a friend of her parents, who always patched her up so that the doctors wouldn't suspect anything, a truck drove head on into their small four person car. The car was blown off the way, but because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she got trapped between her father's chair and the backseat, breaking her ribs and forcing the bones into one of her lungs, puncturing it.

The doctors found out about the abuse when the noticed bones that weren't put properly back together, bruises that wouldn't faint and scars littering the girl's body.

Now Zero was taken from her parents and put in the orphanage, but the girl would never be able to breath without the tool the hospital had given.

Secrets you have:

Was pregnant at the age of fifteen with her father's child, but once the baby was born her father killed it.

Post traumatic stress.

Tries to walk and get her legs functional, but fails every time.

Crushes (Optional) :

None/None yet.

Fun Facts:

Can walk on her hand and is a master in the jungle gym.

Has a real sweet tooth especially for candy bars.

Loves anime.

She really good at wheelchair basketball.


Injured and disabled doesn't stop the girl from being happy. The orphanage gave her a new life and she cherishes it with a smile on her face. Zero's is kind and enjoys talking to others, but she also jumps (not literally) into a fight if she's threatened or sees someone being threatened of abused. Zero has a hard time with strangers and doesn't trust people easily so she can be quite defensi
ve and rude when you first meet her, but when you eventually know her she'll be your best friend and keep your secrets.

Password: Drama
Can't be older than 18 

Alivia said:
Oh okay, sorry. Thanks anyway. Just ignore this.

D; You can make a younger character or a nurse or a therapist?..
Just curious is there any child characters left? And I can double up as a nurse or therapist if you need one and if it's ok

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