Ocielle VI


Another Sci-Fi GM
Ocielle VI is a VSV-1196 (Verden Space Vessel) that pioneers in planetary exploration, and is on a mission to explore a planet observed in a neighboring galaxy. Their home planet, Verden, is currently in golden age of engineering physics, and for the first time have discovered how to travel through space time. What makes this new planet, p-173-31.3, significant is the likely probability of life, never before has there been a planet so remarkably habitable.

Recruited for this operation are prestigious innovators of their field willing to leave their home for 26 months. Although presumed possible, there is always a chance of failure.

In a successful journey to the planet, Ocielle VI goes into orbit around p-173-31.3, scanning and observing. On the fifth day, the data is recorded and ready for analysis, but before the team views the data, the Ocielle VI falls out of of orbit, heading toward an impending emergency landing. In the free fall, the crew gets to the one-man escape pods where they launch out of the vessel, and float to the ground in a steady parachute-equipped capsule.


The RP starts while Ocielle VI is on it's fourth day of orbit. After the fallout, the crew is separated and realize the importance of finding each other, but each of them are constantly discovering that the life around them, is strangely familiar.

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