[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Occam's Razor: The Colorado Incident


That Thorn In Your Side
Roleplay Availability
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Narrative Post:

As you wake up inside your cryogenics tube, the first thing you hear is a whirring sound, loud, large, like a turbine the size of a house spinning up to pull your head right off your shoulders. Your eyes will flicker open, and you'll try to look out of the tube, the glass view-port no more then two feet wide by two feet tall with three inch thick glass separates you from the outside world filled with darkness, but your still blind from the cry-sleep, power flickers on your tube for a moment, before the emergency protocols jettison you from it like a bullet out of a gun, and on your hands and knees you come, into this old ravaged world, with new sights and smells for it's former master race to experience. Everything they told you, turns out are unfulfilled promises, and the world as you knew it, is gone. You hear noises on either side of you, is it others waking up as you did, or is something else stalking the long hallways of cryo tubes?

Malcom woke up to this, his chest heaving as he struggled to draw breath, his eyes just barely beginning to regain focus, memories a blur. With a grunt, feels it coming, and scrambles forward his stomach heaving the cry-tubes amino nutrients out of his system. He coughs and another wave of the sick washes out of him before his stomach finally settles. Malcom glances around, his eyes still blurry, but his vision mostly returned, he takes a moment to gather himself, standing up he finds his memories after a moment, and realizes how very wrong everything is.

Several of the cryo-tubes around him are already open, and empty, another, it's front shielding broken in, a skeleton decayed nearly to dust in it, He frowns and moves closer to inspect it, savage claw marks across it's front, a thousand thoughts shoot through his head before his training kicks in, and he calms down. His first priority was to find out the date, and get a weapon in his hands. Second, locate authority, and report for duty, Third, Follow orders. If Priority two was impossible, Survival would be the next necessity. Malcom went to the locker next to his cryo-tube and tapped in the code on the front face plate. The lock was manual, but the seal was hermetic, and it opened with a snap and a hiss. He pulled the hatch open and reached inside, finding clothes. He sighed and paused for a moment before the turbine noise came on again. His eyes went up instinctively and he waited for a moment. Why was no one along to retrieve him...

He reached into the locker and pulled out his jeans the shirt he'd stowed away, and his old leather jacket with a smile, then pulled them on over the Cryo-Tech Jump Suit, the skintight thing had been uncomfortable at first, but now he wasn't sure he wanted to take the thin garment off, cold as it was. He pulled his boots out, and slid them on, then glanced inside again. His rifle was still there, was his sidearm, two full clips for each and a gunny sack to carry them. His CO had insisted on the sack, not telling him what was inside and ordering him not to open it until he woke up. Malcom grabbed the guns, slid the sidearm into his waistband at his back and put the rifles strap over his shoulder, unsure as to what to expect in the dark lab. He grabbed the sack, and dropped it over his other shoulder, taking a few steps in the direction he thought might be the central command.

As Malcom stepped away from his tube, another Whirring Turbine noise sounded, and sounds issued forth from either end of the hall, twenty minutes had passed since he had woken up, twenty minutes was how long it took each tube to get enough power from the central computer to activate, the turbines spun every ten minutes, now, in the dark, more noise, more hissing of opening tubes, but something else... Something beyond the confines of the dark hallway of casket like cryogenic tubes... something large, and hungry lurked beyond, waiting for it's prey, as it had for years.
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Bianca had woken up. How? She didn't know either. All she knew, and saw right now was black. Pitck black, and she didn't like it. Trying to move her arms and legs, the Cry-tubes unlatch from her suit. She pukes due to the execcesive nutrients from the tube. Now this doesn't look like the promised land they had promised years ago.

The Cryotubes all around her were either broken, or open, yet there seems to be no one else around. Deciding to just go for the heck of it, she looks for her locker. Finding it beside her cryotube, she opens it and takes of her cryosuit. Luckily, it was pitch black so even if someone was here, they couldn't see her. She pulls on her race suit and zips it up till her abdomen. Fortunately for her, her suit was body tight. She grabbed her favorite black heeled boots and threw her hair into a ponytail.

She spots her motorcycle beside the locker. "Luckily I left you beside here."she muttered to her baby, stroking it lovingly. She grabs her helmet and places it on her head, pulling her hair into the helmet.

"Now.. To find some survivors. If I'm lucky enough, maybe a couple of cute guys are here." She said to herself with a giggle, starting up her baby, which much to her chagrin, wouldn't.

She pulls off her helmet and places it on her baby. "Looks like I'll have to foot it. I'll come back for you." She cooed to her motorcycle and started walking off.
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Alaska opened her eyes, she didn't move for a minute or two until she suddenly inhaled a large amount of air. How long had she slept for? Months? Years? She didn't know, they had knocked her out and placed her into the hatch, that was all she could remember.

Alaska then climbed out of the Cryp-tube still wondering what she was doing here, it was... Something about monsters and human kind's extinction... It's not really that bad... Right? She thought as walked towards her locker, for some odd reason, it had a gigantic claw mark across it, her clothes unharmed though. She sat down on the floor, untying the complicated knot on her sneakers, her hearing came back at last, she shot her head around and found an older man who was fully armed walking pass her. She hid, that was her first instinct, making as little noise as possible while doing so.
The sound of some sort of machine summing was what cleared the cob-webs, and her brain slowly started registering again. Jennifer didn’t know what she had expected ‘waking up from hyper sleep’ would be like, but she definitely didn’t find it appealing. She sucked in a deep breath, and her fingers twitched a little. As she opened her eyes, she was a little startled to find herself unable to see for just a moment, before her senses kicked back in, blinking rapidly. She barely had time to get herself together though, before she felt a jolt forward and she landed flat on the ground. “Damn… urg,” she groaned, shakily lifting herself from the ground and looked around. She took in a few more deep breaths, scanning the room.

“Hallo!” she called hesitantly, voice rasping, and got herself up in a sitting position. Wasn’t there suppose to be scientists? Anyone who would lead her on from this point? But everything seemed… abandoned. She blew a hair out of her face, and then motioned over to her tube again, so she could use it to support herself as she got back to her feet. “Hallo!” she called again, a little louder this time.

She looked down the row of tubes, some of them empty, and some of them still with people inside. “Is anybody-“ she began, but then stopped herself as she heard footsteps in the hall. She leaned a little up against the wall. She could hear something from the hall, and for some reason it startled her. She hid between two tubes, glancing out warily.

Something was wrong with this place.
Malcom paused, he had pulled his rifle off of his shoulder, and slammed a single clip into it checking the safety, he pulled the slide back, muttering, "One in the chamber, enough in the clip to take down a militia patrol." He knelt down, gazing at the dust pattern on the floor, muttering, "Someones here..." He slid his rifle back onto his shoulder, and spun, gazing at Alaska for a moment, staring at her, he frowned, "I..." he gasped and stepped back "I thought I was the only one..."

Malcom extended his hand, in greeting, "Major Malcom Devontess, United States Marine Core, Are you still recovering from Cryo? How long have you been awake?" He kept himself alert, waiting for a possible threat, for her to do something irregular or, to just say hello. He still heard others further down the pathway, but someone within his perimeter was there, someone alive. Malcom turned his face down the hallway, shouting, "Someone else down there? Come this way, Were Cryo-Paitents! Anyone else there?" He looked back to the girl before him, "Are you Alright?"
"Ummm... Alaska Grey... Junior Doctor... Yeah.. I'm just a little dizzy.. That's all." Alaska was mumbling, the man, Malcom, was hitting her with more questions than she could obtain right this second. She reach out and grabbed his hand, pulled herself up and shook it.

"What is going on? I can't remember anything..." she took the jacket that was on the hanger, she assumed that it was hers since it had her name on it.
Jen heard the call from someone down the rows and slowly staggered a step forward. It sounded human. It was other patients. Thank god. She had thought she was all alone. “Yes!” she called back. Because she could now hear another one as well. She looked over toward her cryo-tube and noticed her jacket, and her belt with all her tools in it. She buckled up quickly, her fingers a little fumbling, and then started going toward the hall toward the voices. She definitely wasn’t staying here in this creepy place all alone.

She noticed two people talking as she reached the end of the hall, both looking fairly confused as well. She walked closer. One of them looked like someone from the military. Her head was starting to register more by now, but she still had quite the headache. “Hello,” she said, a million questions on her mind.
The reactor was spinning up again, and Malcom had already heard it spin enough times to know the timing on it, he looked Alaska Over and nodded, as he pulled her to her feet, he said, "Something must have gone wrong, we were supposed to be in a maintained cryo-sleep, this is... something else..." He was already looking down the hallway to Jennifer nodding, "Hello yourself." He noticed her equipment and smiled lightly, "A Doctor... and a mechanic... I can't any luckier can I..?" He pulled away from Alaska, and leaned next to her cryo pod, retching, he fell to his knees, and gagged on a wave of sickness and nausea that made his eyes water. He shivered slightly as he stood back up, and cleared his face, "Yeah... Way... longer..." It was like the first time he had gone into Cryo, it took weeks for the shakes to go away, and they had improved since then. He turned back to them, and leaned against the tube, trying to catch his breath as he listened to the core quiet down, muttering, "Every ten minutes..."
"Are you ok?" Alaska looked over at Malcom, then she heard something, something dragging across the floor, like claws. "Who knows this place well enough to find a safe spot for us to chat? Because I don't like the sound of that." She shivered, this wasn't what she volunteered for, heck, she didn't volunteer at all!

Something clicked in her mind, trying to ignore the horrible stench of the skeletons she ran over to one of the crates, she sighed in relief when she saw what was still in there, her medical kid, a 90mm pistol and some ammunition.
Jennifer offered him a hesitant smile by the statement. But took a step forward in surprise when the man fell forward, and held a hand out in case he needed the help. She couldn’t say that she was feeling completely clear in the head though. She had been affected by the rough awakening as well, but at least she felt somewhat sturdy. “What is this place?” she mumbled, but her train of thoughts were interrupted as she heard the claws on the floor as well.

“I agree,” she said to the doctor girl with a nod, and took a hold of her wrench. It was a weak weapon, but it could at least bash someone’s brains it with the right amount of force… she supposed. “I’m Jen by the way.”
Bianca heard shouting coming from the end of the hall. She quickly ran, not minding the stench of rotting corpses and skeletons that were scattered all around her.

She stopped immediately when she heard something like dragging claws around and behind her. She gulped, not wanting to startle whatever was there.

When the dragging sounds stopped, she took it as her cue to run for her life. Sh reached the end of the hall, finding three people standing huddled together- a man in the army, a woman who was a doctor, and a female mechanic.

"H-hi g-guys.." She said, her voice falling to a whisper.
Malcom nodded slightly, "Yeah... I'll be fine... Control room will have solid doors, it's this way, we should hurry though..." He glanced at the dim lights, muttering, "Eight minutes... Give or take..." He pulled his rifle off his shoulder as a set of footfalls came towards them, and had it at the ready when Bianca arrived, He calmed considerably when she got there, realizing she wasn't the source of the scratching, even if she was from that general direction. He let the rifle drop to his shoulder again and he waved, "Doctor... Mechanic... Solider... And... Who might you be if you don't mind me asking?" Four of them now, four people, he considered things, had he lost time, or was there more power running through the facility then he thought there was.
Jen looked up when the new girl approached and looked relieved when it was just a person as well, and not something with… claws. “Hi. Jen,” she presented herself again, pointing at herself with the wrench. Her eyes still scanned the area for the thing that had made that sound. The longer they stayed here, the more she felt liked getting out of here, but it would be foolish to wander off on her own, when there were actual people here. She moved some hair away from her face.

She walked over to the exit, the door broken down, and she carefully looked around the corner. Darkness, both ways. But she didn’t see anything moving. “I think this way would be the exit,” she said over toward the others, at least she didn’t see any other door.
"I'm known for speed. I'm a motorcyclist. Although I can ride anything, and fast." she said proudly. "I can get you anywhere, as soon as-" she was interrupted by the sound of claws being dragged on the hard metal floor.

"We've got to get out of here. Any ideas?" she asked the other three.
"They were preparing for something... Something big.. You only see formats like this in video games." Alaska mumbled, "oh forgot to introduce myself, I'm Alaska, and this is Major Malcom Devontess." she pointed towards Malcom, "That's great! Please show us the way.. This place is freaking me out.." she said to Bianca
Malcom glanced in the direction of the noise, and then in the direction of the sound the core said it was. He paused and said, "That's out, that's further in... but we need to get to the control room, find out what happened here, how long we were asleep." He stepped over to one of the cryo-tubes, one of the tubes that had been torn open, and retrieved the human skull, it had lacerations across it's entire surface, he held it up and said, "If we don't want to end up like this poor soul, we need to know what were getting into." He gave the skull a gentle squeeze, just to see how old it really was, and without meaning to, pulverized the specimen. He lowered his hand grimly, clenching his jaw, "Control room will be near the core, So we follow the turbine noise, louder it gets, the closer we are, hear claws, stay quiet, duck off to the side let it pass, or get close enough to kill it quietly..." He whispered, "For now, our best bet, get to the control room, boot up the main drives, find out what the hell happened here, Then go out the back door. If there are no objections..." He motioned towards the sound of the core with his dust covered hand, and then took point, quietly, carefully, and as deep in the shadows as he could manage.
Jen made a face when he decided to mess with the skulls, but she didn’t comment. Instead she nodded her head by Malcolm’s plan. “Sounds good, if you can get us there, I can probably get into the main drive,” she offered, at least she knew how to fix it up if it was too much out of shape. She wasn’t a computer genius, but she knew how a machine worked, and how to make it work if it was being difficult.
"awesome, so we get to the control room, avoid getting torn to pieces, find out what happened, then the get hell out of here.. But what if there are others?..." Alaska loaded her pistol and slides it into her belt, she held the med kit tightly against her chest.
Malcom kept moving quietly, but he muttered, "We do what we can, help who we can, but we minimize risk. I don't like to leave people behind, but sometimes..." He sighs, memories slowly seeping back into his mind, the cryo-sleep caused most of its patients amnesia, and he was no exception, but as he woke up, so did his mind, and so did his memories, "Sometimes things go wrong..." he glanced back and then asked, "Hey Do- Alaska, How long do you think... it would take human remains to decompose like that... this is a sterile environment... so there are no chemicals to speed it up right? What are we looking at time wise you think...?"
Bianca was right behind the group, every step of the way. She was guarding the rear, but still managed to keep up with the rest, turning to look back every so often so as not to trip on anything. She didn't want to make any noise and she sure as Hell didn't want to die so soon. Although with the area being almost pitch dark, it was hard to see if anyone, or anything, was following them. She wanted an adrenaline rush, but she didn't expect it would come from fear.
"If a body is buried in a coffin deep in the ground, for example, it could take as long as 50 years for all of the tissue to disappear. But if it is exposed to the elements, it will decay very quickly. In Sterile environments.. The cells and tissues dies slower." Alaska replied, "These bones don't look too old.. I'll give it 20 years or so."
Malcom stopped mid-step, and frowned, turning to look at Alaska, "Come again... So... Fifty plus years... for the tissue to rot away, then, another twenty to be down to bone..." He raises his hand, which was still covered in bone dust, "Are you saying, that a twenty year old skull, is going to turn to dust when I don't even apply enough pressure to bruise an apple?" In the pit of his stomach, he knew, he knew that they had overshot the goal wake-up date, by a long, long time, he just didn't think it was possible. He turned back around, muttering, "Ain't no way... I barely even gripped the thing... could'a done it to a babies head and it wouldn't even bat a lash..." He continued on until they reached a flight of stairs. He stopped and looked up, then very carefully, he began to ascend them, his hand bidding them to stay back, to stay at the base of the stairs until he signaled the all clear, they were dark, darker then he had expected, and when his foot nudged something, he froze, he was no more then three steps up, he glanced down, and there, at his feet, was the scattered remains of a long dead scientist, the bones turning to dust as he disturbed them.
Jen followed the small group, watching the tubes that they passed with mild interest, she let her fingers slide over the glass to catch some of the dust there. “I really wonder what could have happened here though.. no matter if it was 20 or 50 years, something sure went wrong with the ‘make the world better’ plan,” she mumbled and sighed.
Bianca saw what the rest of them saw, remains of a scientist at Malcom's foot, being turned to dust by a tiny nudge of the foot. She covered her mouth in shock and tried not to scream out. How many more of these bones were there? She couldn't stomach the sight of another bone and she was sure the other girls couldn't either.

Her train of thought was interrupted when the dragging sound came back into earshot. She quickly turned around but found nothing. "W-we should really keep moving forward.. Whatever's making that sound is coming closer, and fast!" She screamed/whispered at the group, fearing for her own life and theirs.
"Let's just say I feel asleep in math..." She mumbled, she bent down and grabbed some of the remains, opened one of the plastic bags and puts it in, sealing it afterwards, "gonna have to examine that when we get out.. Maybe we could find clues.." Alaska also heard the sound, her right hand moved closer to her gun, ready to bring it out anytime.

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