[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Jace Bradley


Spreading salt across the world since 1990
Name: Jace "Tox" Bradley

Age: 24. Not that it's any of your business though

Sex: Yes please, but no guys-... Okay fine, male.

Profession: Can't really call killing a profession. So Ex-"Body-Guard".

Describe yourself: I have a scar on my face running left to right, downwards across my forehead I got in a bar fight. Grey eyes. Not quite blue, not quite green. Lack of color, really. Like to wear black 'wife-beater' muscle shirts. It's about the only signature look I got to keep in this dump. Guess you could also say I'm pretty jacked from the time served. Five foot Eleven.

What you Plan to do once your out of Cryogenics: Repopulate the earth if shit goes south. If I don't survive the process, I guess I plan to turn into a fossil, you know? Who knows, I might decide to make an actual living for myself... Yeah right.

Why did you sign up for the Cryogenics Program?: It's either turned into an icicle for this "Experiment" bullshit or get the chair in prison. I think I'll chill for a bit and have pleasant dreams about the schmucks I'm leaving behind. Then again I'll just be an ice-cube to be dug up later if what they say is true about the success rate.

Bio: Grew up in New York. Killed a guy. Felt pretty good. Killed a few more. Got hired as some thug's body guard. Drug dealer, I think. Pretty good gig until the raid happened. Poor bastard got shot in a pile of his own 'coke'. Next thing I knew I was seeing alot of orange from behind bars. No regrets. If I could go back, I'd do it all twice as hard.

Additional Notes: Screw this pamphlet. See you on the other side suckers.

**A paper-clip holds a picture in place**

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