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Fantasy Oblivion: Gone but not forgotten

-Nora Shimuya-

The kick threw Nora back into her own world with a surprised shout, her hand through foreign instinct lashing out a hit which marked the wall next to her bed. To her surprise, her fist practically embedded itself into the wooden wall. Splinters twisting left and right as she left a indent ... perhaps almost a hole in the structure. However, she was busy dealing with the trauma of embarrassment, plus a general sense of worry and awe that immediately overcame her to even second guess the newfound strength. "Please tell me that wasn't only me."

@Zer0 @too much idea @Masked Imperial
"No. You're not." Alexis suddenly feel like she wanted to puke, her stomach stings and her head hurts. She remembered. Not much, but better than none. Her name. Skyne Thn'Weis, sounded like something out of Lord of The Rings but it was her name. She's stronger than her, taller than her, much more mature and wiser than her. She's the Queen, Carl's right hand woman. And she's dead. Then what is her connection with her? There is no record of a place called Oblivion, and magic could not be real.

@Zer0 @Masked Imperial @ShyEra
Enoch was too busy fighting to notice the fact that white light had had just enveloped him at first, but he definitely noticed that a second later. "The hell is happening? Am I dead?"


Enoch woke up shaking. He sees that the other people have already woken up, but they too were also agitated. Enoch guesses that they saw something weird, similar to what he saw. "So uh, it seems to me that I was a knight also called Enoch, who visits brothels, I fought and won against Nora's other self, then I fought on a wall during an invasion of a white castle. That sound about right?"

@Zer0 @too much idea @ShyEra
Carlylse sat up massaging his foot. One look at the others told him that they visited their pasts too. He looked at Nora who pulled her fist out of a dent in the wooden wall.

"Yeah."Carlysle replied to Enoch absentmindedly, looking at his hands. Come to think of it, the portal appeared beneath the soccer captain when he raised his hand too. He looked at one of Nora's stuffed animals, and then made a mysterious waving gesture-nothing happened.

"Open." Carlysle commanded, doing the same dramatic gesture, the stuffed animal just sat there. "Open ye' gate!; Ouvrir!; Apartu! Dissaparate!" He used both hands now and tried to remember how he-she had felt when he opened that portal in the dream. "Apertus!" he cried in Latin. The stuffed toys toppled to the floor as the bench tilted down with a loud bang as the legs of one side disappeared down a small hole that showed a top view of Nora's bedroom.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Carlylse. In that instant the hole vanished and the two legs from Nora's bench dropped down on the floor from the ceiling near Alexis with a clang, their tops have been cleanly cut off from the bench. Carlysle's eyes darted to Nora. "Er, I'll replace that . . ."

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@Zer0 @ShyEra @Masked Imperial

Carl shouted various stuff in words that she did not understand, probably Latin, that heard like some spell out of Harry Potter. Much to her surprise, he succeed on using his magic. Opening what looked like a portal that he uses to teleport a part of Nora's bench dropped down near her. Alexis jumped off, evading it in a way that she never thought she's capable of doing before. Have she ever been this fit and capable of moving this fast before? No, she does not think so.

"What now?" She asked. "If... If that was truly our past, then what happen back then?"
-Nora Shimuya-

"I wouldn't exactly call it a win." Nora scoffed at Enoch, but she quickly averted her gaze. Everything else aside, she was still boiling with embarrassment despite not showing it. Moments later, the bench done get cut with magic portalin'. Eyes train on Carlysle like daggers, before a light nod is given. "You better. Though more importantly ...- Swifter. Magic. Strength." She seems to have spotted Alexis sudden show of grace and dexterity, a nod given towards her in one of the categories. "So what does this make us? Why are these memories and abilities returning now? And what do we do with them?"

@Zer0 @too much idea @Masked Imperial
"Some sort of war-but who cares?!" Carlysle waved a hand and grabbed his laptop excitedly. He drummed his fingers impatiently as it started up. "Do you know what we can do with our powers?" there was a manic glint in his eye.

"I can make wormholes . . . I can travel anywhere, cross borders, go inside the halls of powerful leaders and hear the truth about the state of our world." he began to type away and seemed to be looking for warehouses for sale in the city. He sighed ecstatically, "I also seem to have the power to communicate telepathically and use the senses of those I'm linked with. I don't know how that works yet, but-" he gave a laugh, shaking his head "-all the things I can coordinate . . ."

@too much idea
"Don't you dare using your power for stupid things like that, Carl." Alexis scolded him, but to be honest she don't know who's talking. Alexis, or this Skyne. What do she know about her, aside from how amazing she is and how she previously act as the advisor for two Queens? Not much, she remembered glimpse of her childhood and teenage years but not all of it yet. Her scar, what happened to her? Alexis is tempted to sleep again, but somehow she know that it won't work the second time.

"I- We should try to f-find out more about the circumstances behind the reason why we are here." She suggested to her friends. "D-do you guys remember seeing b-blackish monsters?"

@Zer0 @ShyEra @Masked Imperial
-Nora Shimuya-

"See? I fought some of them." While she seemed to be holding her composure, she shivered slightly. "Not pretty to say the least. But they were from a different time, maybe even a different world. Don't think we need to worry about them." Whilst there was a slight uncertainty to her voice, she doubted they would pop up. I mean ...- unless their 'awakening' was linked to their reappearance. But that would be insane. "Carlysle, the last thing we need is you bouncing into some government agency and getting us all in trouble. This is all really exciting, I can't argue, but we need to calm down until we know what is going on." She waved a hand dismissively at the laptop-er before leaning against her bed-wall whilst on the bed, head leaned backwards lightly and a long, winded sigh escaping her. This was a lot to take in, and she was finding it hard to maintain her composure.

@too much idea @Zer0
"Nope! I saw the black demon things the first time, though. Other Enoch fought them on a wall, then in a hall. Hey, I just made a rhyme!" Enoch likes rhymes, as they are sublime. Wait, he just made another! Man, this is awesome! He is trying hard to be upbeat, all of that blood and gore kinda shocked him. No wonder why Other Enoch goes to brothels and drinks, he would too if he saw that too often.

@ShyEra @too much idea @Zer0
And Alexis started to wonder if there is something wrong with Enoch. It's weird how he have the same name like his previous self, coincidence? Maybe. But rather than spending time guessing what wrong with Enoch, Alexis should start finding out the reason behind their death.

"These black demons invaded us, yes? Why? And what are they?" Alexis asked. "D-does anyone remember any other than this? Our previous life past, maybe? I-I remember that Skyne born in a kingdom destroyed by huge war."
"Well, Other Enoch didn't really die, before he could a white light enveloped him. Anywho, maybe the castle had something, or someone important that they needed? " For some reason, Enoch really wanted some cheese right now. Maybe a pomegranate. Food helped him take his mind off things. Foooooooooood. He wants food. Goddammit, get ahold of yourself, Enoch! Be like Other Enoch! Well, only mostly. While he is thinking, he starts shivering. "Is it really cold to you guys, or is it just me?" Enoch hopes he isn't insane.

@ShyEra @Zer0 @too much idea
Before he can hear the rest of the group answer, he collapses back on the ground and starts sleeping again. He starts mumbling about fear and demons, sounding something like "Fear, ohnononono demon, backbackbackback, shitshitshitshit monsters, ohgodohgodohgod, runrunrunrunrunrun!" After this sentence, he stays silent.

@ShyEra @Zer0 @too much idea
[Just saying but your character sounded more like a madman than a fencer champion and someone reliable @Masked Imperial ]


@Zer0 @VirtualNotoriety @Masked Imperial @ShyEra

It suddenly feels weird to live like this. Going to school with the bus, attending school, studying things that Skyne never studied before like math. Even wearing braids and glasses feels odd for her, like what the hell is she doing? At one point she had enough, so Alexis went to a toilet and unbraided her hair, tying her hair to her back in a ponytail. With the new hairstyle, she could tell that she accidentally caught people attention. After school, they had planned to meet again at the Rolling Pin's. They should start gathering information by telling each other what they saw, and maybe Alexis will finally be honest with the wound she have seen.
((Yeah I'm gonna try to stay more IC from now on.))

The next day...

Enoch feels odd. He and Other Enoch had some similarities, like their love of swords, but other than that, he didn't know anything else about him besides that he drinks and visits brothels, something he hopes he will never do. Anywho, after that mindscrew which was Oblivion, Enoch was pretty confused that night. Well, today he thinks he got his mind wrapped around this concept. So this Enoch and Other Enoch had the same names, and both could swordfight, well in Enoch's case fence. He guessed that somehow he was a reincarnation or something of Other Enoch, due to some kind of magic shit that happened before Other Enoch died. Instead of his normal T-shirt, he wore a polo and jeans, the closest he hoped he could go before being stared at. After conversing with some other members of a fencing group he was in, and then some guys from the Roleplay Club he was in, he saw Alexis, who looked pretty. Enoch felt kinda weird about her new hairstyle as if he would have to act around her like he would act around the prettier girls of this school. Y'know, sorta half-flirty, half-not. He was prepared to tell all about Other Enoch at Rolling Pin's. He waves at Alexis and says "Nice hair! See you at Rolling Pin's!"

((Note: My bad, messed up the names of the characters.))

@too much idea @ShyEra @Zer0
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Carlylse sat under one of the large summery umbrellas outside the Rolling Pin. He was sipping red iced tea with his feet up against the flower bed, his laptop on his lap and playing a first-person shooter game online. His black-lime green headphones were on and blaring classical music again.

He had been absent from school for two days straight. He had been secretly practicing the portal spell in an empty warehouse he recently bought in the city.

Turns out, he didn't need to say, 'Apertus', to open a wormhole. As long as he willed it, he can make a portal as wide as two feet for ten seconds. Anything bigger or longer than that wouldn't stay open for long or would give him chest pains after a while. He was still missing his targets-which were empty soda cans- most of the time though. He was able to have some fun dropping water balloons at passersby while laughing quietly at the opposite side of a busy street. He learned that his "effective spell range", to put it in pc game terms, was twenty feet.
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Alexis is no longer afraid to ask her parents that she's going out with her friends. Her parents looked disappointed because that means that they have to hire someone to take care of her younger siblings and to make sure that they did not do something stupid, but they let her be and even agree to somehow reschedule their activity so that they could go home earlier. That's good, she did not expect that. Maybe because she never asked sometime for her own before. Alexis saw Carl outside Rolling Pin, slightly confused to why he did not go inside instead when she realized that the inside is packed with people. This restaurant sure is famous.

"Hey," She greeted, as she sat next to him. "So? What are we going to do today? Try out our magics or check out what we are all capable of?"
"Glad you asked!" said Carlyslye, quitting his game and looking up at her. "I bought a warehouse in the city. We can . . ." he trailed off looking at Alexis' face with a curious expression. "Something's different about you. You didn't stammer . . ."

@too much idea
-Nora Shimuya-

Tight, blue jeans, converse shoes and a yellow low-cut shirt. Typical of Nora. The walk was exhausting. Not physically, but mentally. She had a lot of thoughts running through her head. Arriving at the 'Rolling Pin' and spotting the two outside. Initially, it took her some time to recognize Alexis, but it hit her soon enough. Stepping up to them, she'd smile - then immediately stop smiling, as if though she was forcing it. "Alexis. You look c-..." She stopped herself again, and sighed. "Has anyone else been feeling or doing things different since the experience?" Her serious, deadpan expression remained unchanged. "Alexis seems different. Though you seem unchanged, Carly." Overhearing Carl's comment, a single eyebrow rises inquisitively - somewhat expressive for Nora. "A warehouse? Sounds useful. I'll join you next time." After that, she agreed with Carl's deductive comment on Alexis' changed mannerism. "Is Enoch late?"

@too much idea @Zer0 @Masked Imperial
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"I think so." said Carlysle, putting his laptop away. "The dude probably has fencing practice-and call me, L, Carly is a girl's name." he added, making a sour face.

"I'm going to the warehouse again after this meeting," he told the two. "You can ride with me if you like, Nora." he jabbed a thumb at a small black car parked across the street. "I nicked my mom's car." he grinned.

@too much idea , @ShyEra
(Seems the RP is goin' too slow, i decide to skip straight to warehouse and drop something huge)

"I did?" Yes she did. Alexis did change a lot. Not just today, but starting yesterday after she got home from the sleepover. What's going on? Is this Skyne's personality, mixing with hers? No, not mixing. Changing hers. She stayed quiet about it, did not know what to answer as that is the truth. She does not know yet. She followed them to the warehouse, big and placed somewhere quiet enough for them to... do whatever they about to do next. Practicing magic, real one not the card tricks.

@Zer0 @ShyEra @VirtualNotoriety @Masked Imperial
After his fencing practice, Enoch realizes he needs to meet the rest of the group. When he gets there, he sees Carl and Alexis get into a car. Enoch runs after them until they reach a warehouse. After stopping a couple times to catch his breath, he arrives. When he gets there, he starts gasping for air like a fish out of water with his hand pressed against his side. "Saw...you...go..here..followed." He leans against a wall of the warehouse and regains his breath. "So, how ya doing?"

@Zer0 @VirtualNotoriety @too much idea @ShyEra
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"Welcome to my castle, dear knights." said Carlysle dramatically, bowing them in. The warehouse was dusty with a smell of old books, and was as huge as an airplane hangar.

There were rain barrels, long planks of wood, some old broken amusement park rides and worn wooden props. In the middle was a make-shift bench and table with some empty soda cans scattered around.
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Glancing at the dusty books, after he smelled them, as the smell of dusty books is quite, unique, he says "Around how many books are here? Can I read some?" Enoch looks at the bench and goes "Y'know, this looks kinda like a garden. The soda cans are the gnomes, the books are bushes, and the bench is made out of stone!"

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