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Fandom obey me! rp (pointku & SexyLegsApache)


volleyball player/pro hero/hunter
//OOC i'll post my oc's form and picture to start off ^^
→ Aske Nîyat


Being thrown into a completely different world was actually.. insane. But what was worse was the fact that Aske had no product for her hair. How the heck was she supposed to deal with the humidity down here?! Well, maybe Akuzon sold some kind of hair cream? Or at least a hair mask? The human sighed at the thought, her long, manicured thumb pressing up on her screen to scroll down a list of products, her eyes scanning briefly. She let out another sigh as she found nothing, letting her phone flop from her loose grip onto her soft, new mattress.
“Hey hey-”
Her bedroom door cracked slightly, and a sole, tanned hand appeared in the opening, waving flaccidly.
“Mammon, I know you live with a bunch of dudes, but would it hurt to knock?” Her tone was playful, but she wasn’t completely joking. The door closed once more with a soft click before three taps were heard from the other side. Aske almost burst out laughing. “Come in.” Mammon opened the door once again, a large smile on his face before he shut it behind him.
“I got two words.” Aske lifted a brow at his vagueness. “....Help me.” Oh god.
“With…?” Mammon let out a sputter at the question, swiping a hand through the air before sitting next to her, the bed bouncing under his weight. He tested it a bit before glancing up at Aske and speaking,
“I need a date. No reason in particular, it’s just ah-” Mammon glanced away, appearing to check out the room’s decor, but there was no way it wasn’t just him procrastinating spitting out whatever the heck he was up to. “I- ah- made a bet. With Asmo. He said he’ll give me one of his fancy, expensive, watches if I get someone to go out to the movies with me! Like that’d be so hard though! I’m practically the most sought after demon down here. Definitely the most handsome!!” Aske could see the grin on his face even from this angle.
After finishing his rant of jumbled words, he quickly looked over at the human beside him, whose expression didn’t show any kind of insight into what she was thinking.
“And.. why are you coming to me with this?” She smirked at him, speaking before he could respond. “Don’t you demons have like a- Tinder? Demon-der, something?” Aske cackled, “Well, considering the expression you have, I’m guessing not.”
Wow, then she should get on that, down here... She could be a freakin’ Demon App Guru. Definitely not making Mammon her business partner, though.
“A wha?! Anyways! Ya gotta help me. Either set me up with one of the demon chicks ya know, or just go with me!” Mammon slapped his hands on the bed beside her, looking upwards and giving his best puppy dog eyes.
“Pahaha!” Aske pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. “You gonna buy my ticket?” Mammon groaned, and she sighed. “No movie it is then, Mr. Prince Charming.” Aske patted his arm and gestured to the door of her bedroom. “Out you go.”

🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦

→ Mammon, Avatar of Greed


As expected in Asmo's eyes, Mammon’s plan to find a date did not go as planned. He groaned loudly in displeasure as Aske shut her door in his face, the one last look at her smirking face put him in a sour mood; He turned to, of course, find the one brother he did not wanna see at the moment.
“So~ Did she say yes?” Mammon let out yet another disgruntled noise as he turned away from Asmodeus, his long legs taking him through the hallway quickly. The younger brother caught up to him, a smile on his face as he matched the brisk walking pace, pretty face scanning Mammon's expression. “I’m guessing that’s a no.. You could always ask one of the lower demons? Or hey~ maybe Thirteen wants to go on a fun date!” Mammon almost fell over in his tracks, forcing the disgusted sound that threatened to come up back down as he coughed, pretending something had gotten stuck in his throat.
“Thir- NO! Ya got me into this mess, Asmo, what if I come off as creepy or somethin’! Then Lucifer will have my neck, and it’s gonna be your fault!” The tanned brother’s hands found his hips as he finally stopped, the two of them were next to Beelzebub’s room now.
He genuinely couldn’t think of anyone he could even ask, besides Aske. Thirteen would likely laugh him out of the room if he even brought up the idea. He didn't wanna ask an angel, either! A sigh left Mammon’s lips as his eyes lowered to slits at his brother, who looked as if he was enjoying every moment of Mammon’s pain and suffering.
“How about this, I’ll give you one more day. And if you can’t find one by then.. I guess the watch stays with it’s rightful owner.~” Mammon did not like the condescending tone he was hearing in those words.. Who wouldn’t wanna go on a date with him? He was one of the seven demon lords, the Avatar of Greed, himself!! He could probably just ask any girl on the streets and get a yes.
“Ya know what?”
Yep, that’s what he was gonna do. There was no way anything like that could go wrong.

It went very wrong. Mammon’s hands wriggled against the ropes as he whined, his body rocking back and forth as the ropes tightened around his ankles. “Lucifer, ya know I didn’t mean it like that!!” He let his head fall back into a natural downwards position.
Yes, he was upside down.
No, he didn’t wanna talk about it.
Who would have thought the only demon girl he asked had a thing for Levi? Who would even like that nerd in the first place? And it definitely wasn’t his fault that she reported him to his older brother. And DEFINITELY didn’t have anything to do with him begging her after that to go on a date, anyways, in the middle of the hallway, and then him acting like nothing had happened at all when Lucifer showed up.
“Somebody help me, or cut me down or somethin!!” His whines didn’t travel very far up or down the staircase. He was gonna be stuck here for a while.. huh.
For Solomon, after classes his day had been relatively nice and peaceful. He had first spent some time with Levi talking about their favorite series, The Tale of the Seven Lords, which lasted for a good hour or two and then he went on to visit Satan and bask in the presence of his cat obsession. From books to décor he had it all… It almost made him jealous!

And now here he was, using the demon brother’s kitchen to make some sweets that he had been wanting to bake up ever since the idea of concept came into his mind. He was putting the tray into the oven to bake when a voice came from behind him.

“Solomon?” It was Lucifer, the eldest brother having walked into the kitchen to approach him, he was taller by just a margin, but thankfully he didn’t boast like Satan sometimes did and Mammon. It wasn’t that he was sensitive about his height, he just found it annoying when others made comments.

“Yes?” Solomon responded in a questioning manner as he turned around to look at Lucifer, an eyebrow raised at why he could possibly be seeking him out… Oh… No, please don’t tell him it was related to HER! If he had to do another task relating to that woman he’d rather kill himself than interact with her another time.

“I need you to do a project with Aske. It’s important. It’s about how you and her have been settling into Devildom and what you dislike, like, what’s similar to earth, what isn’t… Here these papers go more over it. I can take over what’s in the oven, I just need you to do this with her. It doesn’t need to be done right away, but it’s best to get started as I’ll need it by the end of next week.” Lucifer explained thoroughly before he handed the small stack of papers to Solomon who had a disgusted look on his face.

“Very well. I’ll get going.” Solomon spoke through gritted teeth as he began to make his way towards Aske’s room, silently seething the entire way there. When he reached her door he had to take a deep breath in to calm himself down. He could do this, it would only be for this stupid project. Just imagine that she’s someone else, or imagine that she’s a cat… Yeah do that.

Finally having settled himself down a bit he knocked on her door, “Aske! It’s Solomon. I have an assignment from Lucifer that you and I need to do together.” He shouted so that she could hear him through the door, not caring to wait for her to open it before he started.


Dalila was having a bad day, first she had been picked on by some of the other students for being ‘weird’ and then while she was in the music room the piano’s string snapped leaving her without anything to do. So here she was, descending the staircase while grumbling to herself angrily. What she DIDN’T expect was to hear someone’s pleas for help, leaving her confused. Peering down the staircase she spotted a sight she didn’t think she’d see. Mammon, THE Mammon tied upside down. She cringed at this, she hated how they treated him, but she hadn’t borne witness to it firsthand before.

Quickly she descended the staircase, “I’m coming!” She shouted, her voice breaking slightly at the end from her nervousness. She was quite the fan of him, owning practically all of the magazines that he starred in or was at least mentioned in. Some called her weird for it, but she couldn’t help but find the man attractive.

Soon enough she reached the end of the staircase and was now relatively face level with Mammon, though his face was more leveled with her chest, “They did this to you? Again?” She sighed out in disgust for how the brothers treated him specifically Lucifer. She had heard from countless students what the eldest brother did to Mammon and it made her blood boil each time she heard it.

She knew that she needed to meet up with her brother, Ventus soon, but he could wait. It wasn’t like they had anything important to do and he had his friends anyway, “Lucky for you I have scissors!” She chirped excitedly, dropping her backpack before pulling out her little sewing bag where she pulled out full sized scissors. She could never work with the smaller scissors so she always carried the large ones with her.

Thankfully, with a few hard snips he was dropped to the floor, “You alright?” she asked curiously as she looked down at him.

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