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Scourge saw them beginning to move and she was ready, with a toothy grin. Scourge howled loudly and sent a fire blast that surrounded her, their way. Scourge reacted to the smoke slightly, but it obviously didn't slow her down. Scourge unfolded her new wings and a pair of horns came from her skull. Lava began to flow from her jaws.​
Tamara Looked surprised and leaped up to dodge the fireballs, but looked at Ethner."Ethner! No! HOT LAVA WATCH OUT!"She said. Tamara suddenly changed into her beast form and Tackled Ethner out of the lava's Way. Rushifa went to the dragon."I think it's time you learned a lesson."Rushifa said.

Scourge spat out some lava balls and blew her ice on them so they were solid. She then made them float and threw them.


Stephan raced to Rushifa's side and growled.

The dragon smirked at them, "come on then."​
Rushifa Took out her sword and Looked at Stephan."Let's Do this."She said. She charges at The dragon. Tamara Bats Two away with her paws, and one hit her in Side and she let out a loud growl and then Roared."Come one you Scaly dog! You can't hurt me!"She taunted. She knew This might get herself or the others hurt or even killed, but this is a risk she can probably take.
Saphira blew air from her mouth, resulting in a thick wall of ice that took the impact of the cooled lava balls. She leaped to the top of the wall, and looked down at Scourge. "I know you're in there. Fight it, you idiot wolf. Fight it!" She stepped hovered to get closer to scourge, but the aura weakened her once more, and her scale began to fade. Quickly she jumped back up the wall. "I can't get close to her! " She shouted
-Galaxian Watches the fight, Knowing that if he joins, he's more likely to kill scourge then knock her out, he wasn't a let-knock-them-out kind of guy, but more of a killer -
โ€œlava bad. Got it. But how our we going to- got it! Distract them for me will youโ€ Ethner turned completely invisible

Scourge grins and flies up above Saphira, knocking her off the wall, breaking the ice wall with her bare paws. Scourge let out a roar, besides a howl, she was definitely not herself anymore. Scourge's pelt was then lit on black fire. Her entire pelt shifts to black and a long, forked tongue hung from her jaws.


Stephan then howls and a wave comes in, some of the water touching Scourge and the fire fades but comes back as quickly as the water left. Stephan crashed the wave into the dragon.​
Saphira fell to the ground hard as Scourge pushed her off. She struggled to stand, her back knees clearly scarred. But she stood, and turned toward Scourge. She grunted loudly as she attempted to bring the glowing state of her scales back. "Dammit. I... I can't help. I'm nothing without my element!"
Tamara looked saphira."Shit!"She said. Ths was the first she actually swore, but there was a reason why. She Charges at Scourge."if you not gonna regain control of yourself, Then I Wil knock some DAMN SENSE INTO YOU!"She shouted.

Rushifa Releases lightbolts at the dragon hoping to electrocute it.

Scourge grins at Saphira, her eyes completely full of evil. No longer her friendly and leadership self anymore.

Scourge then glances at Tamara, a large spiking ball forming at the end and making Tamara hard with it, she roars again.

Her eyes finally land on Galaxian. She then charges at him, the black fire whipping with her huge bull-like form.


Stephan has it to where the water mixes with lightbolts, making the dragon roar loudly. "It's working!"​
Rushifa smiled."I'm Seriously Glad that it's working!"She said. Tamara Got hit by the Spiked ball, It Impaled her Back, and She was bleeding."Gah!"she said.
Saphira sighed and lifted her wings. "Okay... ideas... ideas..." Quickly, she dropped down behind scourge. "over here..." She threatened
Tamara gets up weakly, haven't taken a hit like that before, and suddenly she let out a growl even with that spiked ball impaled into her she'll save scourge. She then Roared loudly and Charged at the cursed wofl Used her on body weight to Knock Her on her side.
(Hold on, gottaa see if there is any Messages that the website wont show to me untill i say sumthing).
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-Galaxian Drops his cigarette and then stomps on it. - Well that's one wasted - He grumbles -

Scourge glances over her shoulder as Tamara charged at her, she grins slowly. She stopped suddenly making Tamara go straight past her. Scourge then jumps at Gaxalian.​
Tamara Looked confused as she somehow ran past scourge."Eh?"She said.
Saphira growled as she stepped toward Scourge. Her powers were extremely weakened, but she needed to think of something.

Scourge stares at Galaxian furiously before grinning and letting out a deep-toned howl. Which summoned numerous cursed wolves by her side.​

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