Ninja inn!


Six Thousand Club
Name: Tao Vedence

Age: 19

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.98fa535cc489c3b19232623a79f825c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.98fa535cc489c3b19232623a79f825c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (the other picture folded in sorry for all the changes >.<)

Personality: She's sweet but nervous around guys she's graceful and she's very kind

Name:Hiro Coal

Age: 20

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.dcf5892b390a2c93235888afcf8009b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/image.jpg.dcf5892b390a2c93235888afcf8009b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Quiet and cool. Always thinking of others even if he doesn't look like it.



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(It's a world of Cat people xD aka Nekos.)

Name: Kyo Fervan

Age: Unknown

Personality: Get the job done. Seems cold, but is extremely polite and gentlemanly to women.



Name: Kyrie Nemma

Age: 18

Personality: Sweet, adorable, and means well, but doesn't shut up.


(He's still a cat no worries 0v0 ill start meow)

Tao smiled grabbing the trays for the room that a pair of gentlemen were in. She glanced over at Kyrie,"do you want to help me set up?"she asked smiling. She walked over to Kyrie holding out a tray.

Hiro yawned and slowly got up,"oi.... Baka.... We have to go take a shower now"he said referring to them having to go to the indoor bathhouse to take one.
Kyrie smiled sweetly at Tao, grabbing the tray, "Of course! There don't seem to be many people today, huh?" She spoke, swishing her tail happily as she walked around the room, setting things up as she was told, "That's ok. Easier for us, right?" Her voice was high pitched, but calming and sweet in a way. This complimented her vibrant pink hair color, like cotton candy.

Kyo on the other hand was glaring at Hiro, "You are such a child. Do you ever have manners? At least act like you were raised right..." He stood, looking back towards the girls in the room, "Why, there are even girls here. Why would you act like this Hiro? Besides... do you really sweat that much?" His white ears were twitching with annoyance, but otherwise he seemed calm as he looked at Hiro.
Tao walked inside and bowed,"excuse us"she said then slowly and quietly set up the breakfast sitting down she nodded at Kyrie's questions not wanting to interrupt the gentlemen,"please don't mind us"she said. As she set up she moved gracefully and calmly every move with purpose and intention she was always this calm working at the inn but the moment she got off was the moment she began tripping and falling and it was usually because of her clothes but she never noticed.

Hiro glared back,"I'm not having this conversation with you..."he mumbled then walked past the girls and down to the bath house. He obviously just didn't want to be around the girls it made him nervous.
Kyo had had a bath recently, as did Hiro, at least to Kyo's knowledge, so he didn't see why Hiro needed a bath. His ears twitched again with irritation, but when Tao spoke, he smiled, looking at her, "Hello Miss. It is no problem at all. Please forgive my friend. He means well, but seems to have no tact."

Kyrie was trying not to giggle at Kyo's comment, and smiled at him, then looked back at Tao. "Is that it Tao? Are we done setting up? If so, I mean, I dunno... isn't it good to talk to the patrons? Make them feel welcome?" she spoke fast to Tao, and quietly so that Kyo couldn't hear.
Hiro blushed as he walked. His ears folded down,"t-that jerk he knows I get nervous around girls!"he thought pouting like a child as his tail swayed.

Tao smiled and nodded,"yes it's fine"she said softly. Her voice was gentle and calm there were no cracks in her voice it was smooth and refined. Tao then looked at Kyo and bowed,"it's fine please don't get angry at him.... We are here to make sure that you are calm and relaxed not upset at your roommates"she said then put the trays on top of each other now that the food was set on the table.
"It takes a lot more than that to anger me, I assure you," Kyo said as he walked towards the two girls, "He just does not know how to react around girls. All is well." He nodded is head to the girls, and Kyrie was practically beaming, "That's good! We always love to make people happy and comfortable. It's our job. That, and giving you a room to stay in." Kyrie was waiting for her next order from Tao as she looked at the boy.
Tao smiled,"that's good a man with patience is always a good thing"she said and slowly stood up,"I'm going to take the trays back Kyrie you can stay here ill be back"she said then looked at Kyo,"if you'll excuse me"she said then picked up the trays and walked out setting the trays down by the door and closing it before picking them back up and walking to the kitchen.

Hiro took a shower pouting like a child he put on a clean kimono(I think it's called the same for men 030 I dunno) and put the towel around his shoulders as he walked back to his room,"I can't wait to eat"he thought.
"She left you with me, and you seem so energetic young one," Kyo said, looking down at Kyrie, who smiled up at him. "Well, I am not that young," she replied, even though she looked like a child, "I am actually 18." Kyo chuckled lightly, and smirked, "Oh is that so? I apologize sincerely, though you are still young in my eyes." Kyrie tilted her head to the side in confusion, "You can't be much older than 20." Kyo grinned again, and patted her on the head, "Looks can be deceiving."
Hiro opened the door and yawned then jolted seeing Kyrie and looked away. He sat at the table and began quietly eating with his eyes closed. His tail swayed slightly.

Tao brought the trays back and did a few errands before returning such as fluffing the beds cleaning the now vacant rooms setting up other breakfasts and so on. She returned and sat down by Kyrie,"sorry to leave so early and for so long I had many other things to do"she said and smiling brushing a hand through her purple hair. She then looked at Kyrie and smiled,"I took care of your chores"she whispered.
Kyrie blushed, and Kyo smiled, looking at Kyrie and Tao for a moment, then his gaze drifted back to Hiro, "Hiro, come introduce yourself. They are kind enough to be hosts. You should at least say hello." He looked back towards the girls and explained, "I really do apologize if he acts oddly, in all honesty, I probably would too if I was not as used to it. You see, where we are from... we do not really see girls all that often." Kyrie bounced over to Hiro with a cute smile on her face as her tail wrapped around herself, "Hello sir! You don't need to be shy or anything, we are nice, and we don't bite." Kyo was stifling laughter, knowing how he is with girls.
Hiro opened one eye to look at Kyrie then looked away. He swallowed what he had in his mouth,"my name is Hiro...."he said then continued to eat without giving any eye contact or noticing her. Tao smiled,"thank you for allowing us in"she said smiling then took a look at the man and moved back a bit feeling the nervousness start she continued to smile and remember it was for work she must continue to stay calm.
Kyrie's smile faltered for a moment, and she glanced back at Tao, unsure what to do. The man in front of her wasn't very friendly, but she smiled again, looking at him, "My name is Kyrie Nemma. It is nice to meet you!" Kyo was chuckling from next to Tao, and he turned to her, "She is going to give him a heart attack. I love this."
Hiro nodded and continued to eat when he was finished he opened an eye to look at Kyrie analyzing her a bit then opened both his eyes and looked out the window. Tao blushed a bit,"yes I suppose....."she said not really noticing the situation around her then jolted back into it and smiled at Kyrie clapping,"you can do it Kyrie"she said then looked at Kyo beside her,"I almost forgot my name is Tao"she said smiling.
Kyrie's gaze followed his out the window with curiosity, "Isn't this such a pretty area? I love it here. I've lived here for most of my life." She walked to the nearby window, and sat on the sill happily.

Kyo watched Kyrie for a moment, then turned again to Tao, "My name is Kyo Fervan, Miss Tao. It is quite nice to meet you. I needed a pretty face to brighten my day, and yours has certainly done it." He smiled at her again, his ears alert but calm, and his white hair partly covered his face.
Tao blushed deeply,"p-please don't say that your wife would probably get angry"she said covering her mouth with a fist in one hand and brushing her hair with the other. She assumed he was married because he was so handsome. Hiro nodded,"it's really nice...."he said looking at the trees he had thought he saw someone in them.
Kyrie didn't see anyone outside, it looked so calm and peaceful, "The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. I love all the pink. You are a guy though, you probably like different colors, huh?" She didn't really care what colors he liked, she just loved to talk, and found him interesting.

Kyo laughed loudly now, and looked at her with confusion, "Wife? Tao, you are mistaken. I have not taken any girl as my wife yet. None have really done it for me... nor have I really had the chance..." His face got serious, and he sighed, "Women tend to like me for my looks, and, as I said, there are not many where we are from... I may never get a bride, not that I don't want one."
Tao smiled a bit feeling a bit less nervous,"well don't worry everyone find there true happiness eventually and everyone has a lover in this world"she said with an elegant smile. She then looked at Kyrie,"isn't she sweet I find her very kind and many men don't like her because of her constant talking but conversations are what helps a Marrige....."she explained in a whispher so Kyrie could hear. Hiro squinted and quickly pinned Kyrie to the ground covering her as an explosive came into the room. Hiro covered Kyrie with his body. Tao jolted and ran to the bomb and threw it out and it explode in the air,"not my inn!"she yelled but there where explosives in other rooms as well,"I have to get everyone else out!"she yelled and tried opening the door but men were there,"where are the ninja?!"one yelled grabbing Tao by her hair,"l-let me go!"she yelled squirming. Tao was grabbing by the neck,"where are the ninjas?!"he snarled.
Kyrie was slammed down onto the ground and whimpered, feeling the shock of the explosive as it was tossed outside and detonated. She couldn't get up, because Hiro was on top of her, but could hear other men, and then Tao yelling.

Kyo growled, and his ears flattened, hissing at the men who came in. He walked to them, almost calmly, "Let her go. You do not hold a lady like that." Without a second though, or even the look in his eyes changing, he sliced off the man's arm at the elbow. His blade came down so fast it could hardly be seen.

It was unsheathed from his back where it was hidden, then stayed out as he grabbed Tao around the waist, and hopped backwards. "Hiro. We are going. Now," Kyo said, authority dripping from his voice. A few of the men were trying to stop the one man's arm from gushing blood. The rest, however, were heading towards them.
Hiro nodded and threw Kyrie over his shoulder,"lets go!"he yelled and stepped onto the window will then jumped out and jumped from tree to tree. He knew that if he left Kyrie there she would be tortured or worse raped. Tao hid her face on Kyo's should not wanting to see the blood she had never been so close to a man before but that wasn't on her mind what was on he mind were her hopes of people getting out okay luckily there weren't that many people.

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