

I'm not Camila, but he call me Señorita.




Personality:Aaryn loves nature and everything about nature, she's usually found in a forest or somewhere where she can watch all of the Pokemon in their natural habitat. 

Pokemon: (this will be asigned ) @Kira Times (Nexus)

Bio: Aaryn's been a very light-hearted girl all her life. She never liked the stress of school or the idea of a job, so she left home and decided to be a Pokemon trainer since she always did like Pokemon best. She's built herself a treehouse in the tallest tree she could find, though she couldn't tell you the name of the forest if she wanted to. 

Other:Aaryn is slightly malnourished from lack of an adult caregiver, so she is quite short for her age and a little underweight. 


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its ok 

just describe it to me 

the best you can

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