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Realistic or Modern Nightmares [Murder Mystery]


Mr. All Or Nothing


It started with one case; one that preceded many to come.

When a fellow student in Rivenwell High becomes victim,

the others are left in the wake of death's teasing.

Who will be the next?

A mis-matched group of teenage detectives could put an end to this. Or this could end them.​

Inspired by Persona 4's ambience, and Nightmares by J. P.



  • 6 slots, all reserved/taken.

  • Basic RpN rules apply 'tis here. Keep ze' snogging to a minimum, oui?

  • Don't cry if your character ends up dead. Death is plausible and permanent. This is affected by your course of actions and other attributes.

  • Some themes dealing with gypsy gimmicks like tarot will be included; if such elements offend you, please spare us both the pain and pretend you didn't see this thread.


ಠ_ರೃ One last note, detective. This is murder we're dealing with; we be looking for diligent heroes.

Active and responsible roleplayers only.
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The longer hand crawled its way towards 6, hanging down like a dead limb. Its companion stayed where it was - between ten and eleven - a silent audience.

Soon he would come. It was written in the stars.

Finally Warren Jennings left the protective light of the streetlamp behind. He walked fast, his shoes tapping on the sidewalk, anger echoed in his path. "Stupid bitch," he muttered under his breath, "wouldn't even let me lay a hand on her. After such a bill at the restaurant too."

In the shadow of the night, the watcher smiled. Their leather-gloved hands tightened their grip on the scarf. "You should have paid attention, Warren," they whispered to themself. "Didn't you read the papers today?"

They waited, silent, in the shadow of a large elm. Their eyes were fastened on a pool of light down the road, a faint luminescence for the moonless night . They twisted the woollen scarf nervously, around and around their palms.

Next Morning, 24th August, 2014, Monday

It was homeroom, 8.13 in the morning. Mrs. Lowells, in all her red perm and horn-rimmed glasses glory, was not pleased. She had her applied-too-thick ruby lips pushed to her right, single mole on her left cheek following. Like an eyeful meerkat scanning the Savannah, she browsed through the faces of her students.

"Rebecca! Where's Mr. Jennings?"

The deigned girl stifled in her seat, unused to being called by her teacher - the woman more often than not picked the students at the back after all.

"Uh .. I don't .. know."

"Don't know?" Her teacher raised a drawn eyebrow, lips twisted into a mocking smile. She folded her arms beneath her bosom and leaned into her seat, "I thought you two are dating? Shouldn't you know where your own boyfriend is?"

It was like a Mean Girls moment, in which Mrs. Lowells was the bad guy, and Rebecca was stuck in a bad position.

"Um.." She wasn't sure what to say to that. Decidedly, the girl clarified, "We broke up," not wanting to have anything to do with the boy anymore.

At such, Lowells was left unamused again. "Does anyone else have anything useful about our missing classmate, then?"

GM Note

You may begin now.

*Apologies for spelling "Brendan Coll" incorrectly in the key.

- One of you may or may not be the true culprit.

- Some of you begin the investigation with bonus.

- Some of you may suffer from a detrimental situation.

- The others are unaffected and may proceed the investigation as you intended.

- To pass your turn (as a way to say you are still active, but not going to post anything substantial to the current prompt), simply insert this: "(Pass.)" When there are 6 Passes (or everyone else made their turn), the 'dungeon' proceeds to the next phase automatically.
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Oh my god did Ellie hate Mrs. Lowells. Sure, Ellie hates most people. But Mrs. Lowells... This reached a new level.

Ellie does not like attention. Knowing this, of course she would put her in the very front. Where the classmates can see her in full view right at the teacher's desk, perfect for the twitchy hypochondriac to focus on schoolwork and think about reports on Arthur Conan Doyle all the while whispers twisted in the back of the class. She felt the prodding of classmate eyes into her orange knitted sweater every school day and frankly was sick of sighing about it.

With her forehead in her palms and her foot a-tapping, Ellie listened to her bitch of a teacher talk over her head to her close friend; she's been through enough, and as if Rebecca kept him on a leash, right? All Ellie wanted Mrs. Lowells to do was shut up.

Ellie isn't normally so mean in her thoughts... Usually it's just misunderstanding and the fact that she wants a simple, speedy way to end interaction. She wanted her privacy, and the redheaded harlot put her up front for everyone to see her pencil tapping, her heel bouncing, her nail biting, and her unfinished homework assignments.
Meghan fiddled with her sleeve that was pulled up high enough to nearly cover her hand. She hunched over her desk, rolling her pencil around with one hand and resting her head on the other. She tugged her hood lower over her face, but high enough so that she could still peek out from underneath.

From her seat in the back, she could basically look at everyone, save for the two students to the left and right of her, without drawing too much attention. She was grateful for the placement, although it caused her trouble to move around.

She stared at the teacher, watching the current scene. She never really talked to the girl - Rebecca? - that Mrs. Lowells was speaking to. In fact, she didn't really talk to anyone at all. If she did, it would usually be something along the lines of "yes," "no," "I don't know," or "ask someone else." These short and curt answers often made her come off as unfriendly, or unapproachable. Not that anyone would want to talk to the weird, paranoid chick.

She noticed that Mrs. Lowells kept glancing every now and then at a particular student. She tried to figure out any reason why. But for now, she just stayed her usual, quiet self.
"Well this is new." He muttered to himself. He doesn't really feel sympathy for that girl Rebecca, but still, Ms. Lowells was being mean. He looked around the room, seeing some who are nervously chatting, but most are quiet, minding their own business. But Sebastian was different, he wanted to know what happened, and he knew just who to ask.

"Hey Seth, any information you can give me?" He asks him. Seth Mason is the go to guy for gossips and information, for a price of course. His twin brother, Eric, is a member of the journalist team. Personally, he would have asked Eric directly, but he doesn't talk unless you don't go through his brother first. "How much?" He asks, willing to pay for the information.
[Activated response prompt from CrimsonEclipse: Talking to Seth.]

Seth raised a dark brow, leaning back enough to hear Sebastian clearly. He was cautious in case the teacher decided to shift her radar to him, and instead held up two fingers with his left hand to voice his price.
"The hell?!" He thought. The price was too much, he wasn't even sure that he has any information at all. But then again, he doesn't have any other informants, well at least none that he know of. And besides, if the information was useful, it would be worth it. Plus, he can gain the favor of Seth, which will, in turn, gain Eric's. Begrudgingly, he drew 2 bucks from his wallet, handing it to Seth. "This better be worth it." He muttered.
His response was a barely-muffled snicker.

"Mason Number 2! You seem to be having a little party of your own over there."

Well fuck me sideways. Seth sneered inwardly and flashed his professional smile at the redhead, before snatching the two dollars from Sebastian's hand. "I dropped my money on the floor. Good ol' Sebby here was just picking it up for me. Thanks," the dark-haired informant looked over his shoulder and hissed under his breath, "It's twenty, dumbass."

He moved back into his seat as though nothing particular happened, halo over the head.

Mrs. Lowells had the face of someone who ate lemon. "Can't even keep your money right - hopeless. This is why you're always Number 2."

Eric Mason, who sat in front of Seth, noticeably hunched in his seat.
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"This is a rip off, you know that?!" He said, handing him 18 bucks. He really didn't know why he actually bothered, he didn't even know the guy. But there was some joy that sparks up inside him whenever he learns a secret. He just hopes this one isn't a waste of 20 bucks. "You have your money, tell me what you know, or so help me I'll tell Ms. Lowell you stole from me." He said with a threatening voice.
Hearing the sneaky whispers at the side still prolonging, Mrs. Lowell stood up from her seat, "Mr. Cloudsong, do you have a problem with Mason Number Two?" But just as she was about to say more, the bell rang.

8.15 in the morning. Attendance check was over. She clicked her tongue in distaste as if disappointed that she couldn't verbally roast another student, but held back when there was a knock on the door, followed promptly by an uninvited person stepping in, in all his dark blue uniform glory, completed with a badge shown when he looked over the rest of the class.

"I'm Detective Gurski."

"Yes, Detective, I'm astounded by both your sudden appearance and well manners," Lowell rolled her eyes with a smirk, clearly upset as hell about the entire morning, "I'm Elizabeth Lowell, the class tutor of this room. Anything I can do to contribute as a helpful civilian?"

If he was irritated, Detective Gurski didn't show it. In fact, he smiled, "As a matter of fact, you do. We'll have to talk in private for that. The registrar told me that it's your period this hour, so what's it going to be?"

Blue eyes shot at her students behind horn-rimmed glasses. ".. Class, do your own study." She straightened her back and walked out the classroom, the smiling officer close behind.

The door closed with a crisp thud.

Sebastian was quickly greeted with a snarling Seth. "Thanks to you, I got burnt pretty bad there by Elizabitch. But," his snarl lessened, just a notch, "you did pay full. So, what do you want to know?"

Eric Mason had his forehead on the desk, depressed, or nervous about something. He had the same wispy hair as his twin, but it was in a lighter shade.

Rebecca Atkinson looked shaken. She tapped at the back of Ellie's seat with a hand.

Jessica Simmers took out a bottle of nail varnish and began polishing the last two fingernails unfinished. It was a glittery blue colour.

Vanessa Nguyen and Akshay Kumar were talking avidly about something, almost loud enough for anyone to hear if people focused into their conversation, or tried to eavesdrop.

Patrick Chan was staring out of the window, eating a bar of Bounty. He was a loud chewer.

Rachel Newn, a blonde with braided hair, whipped out her smartphone, an Alcatel, and began sliding on its screen with deft fingers.
Jake had started his morning the same as usual... which means he wasn’t paying a attention to a single word Mrs. Lowells was saying. It didn’t matter if he did, he could always be assured an A thanks to his father’s constant generous contributions to the school. He yawned lightly, momentarily smirking at Rebecca’s obvious discomfort.

Ah, so Warren and Rebecca are splitsville, he chuckled at this revelation. His green eyes focused on the empty seat in front of him. Warren had seemed... possessive of Rebecca, a fact that almost seemed to unease her. Or maybe a better word be territorial. Jake’s mind recalled the many times he had been walking down the hallway only to witness Warren forcefully devour Rebecca’s face at the sight of him.

“Why don’t you just pee on her,” he had asked him more than once.

Tearing out a page from the notebook in front of him, Jake was about to write Rebecca a teasing note when a knock on the classroom door sounded. Jake sat up straight at the sight of a policeman waltzing through the classroom. Eyeing the newcomer curiously, he took a moment to comb through his brown hair with his fingers. This
obviously wasn’t one of his father’s men... so why was he here?

My, my, Mrs. Lowells, what have you done? Jake used the abscense of their teacher to turn his eyes to the visibly shaken Rebecca, and seating himself sideways in Warren’s empty chair, faced her. He smiled, which for anyone who knew him was not an indicator of good things to come.

“Becky! So the two of you broke up, eh? Tell me,” he leaned forward, ignoring her attempts at gaining Ellie’s attention, “Did you two... have a
long evening together? Oh, excuse me, this is Warren we’re talking about. It was probably a short one.” He snorted at his own joke.
[Activated response prompt from Jazimon: Talking to Rebecca.]

"Jake Nordenschild," she gritted the name through her teeth, debating if she should turn to him. In the end, she decided she could at least abolish all gossips about Warren and her. She caught a glimpse of Patrick Chan and his obnoxious chewing face, grimaced, and looked at Jake.

"Yes, we broke up. But how our evening ended was none of your business. It's not like Warren won't toot his horn to you later on anyway .." She mumbled and gave the rich boy a dead eye.
Jake let out a low chortle at her response. Crossing his arms behind his head, he lifted his shoes onto her desk, settling comfortably in the position. Her obvious annoyance had been exactly what he was hoping for, and he mentally cursed Warren for not being here to spill the beans. Bastard, he thought, least he could do was show up so I could badger him a bit. But it was a little odd. Warren hadn’t seemed like someone who wouldn’t show to school because of a breakup.

Tapping the heels of his shoes against Rebecca’s desk, he lifted his eyes to hers. “So, Warren will have something to
‘toot’ about will he?” He smirked at her, seemingly feeding off the glare she was bestowing upon him.

Taking a deep breath he surveyed the classroom, sweeping it for another victim. He wasn’t sure how long Mrs. Lowells would be gone, and he was bound to get bored of Rebecca soon enough.

“Tell you what,” he said, and coming to a standing position leaned close to Rebecca, hunched over her desk. “If you’re nice enough, I’ll let you play with me next.” He winked at her, and then bringing his hand to her face continued loudly, “So how much for a lay, Becky? Twenty?”
Elliason let out a short whistle, rested his cheek on one palm, but didn't speak at all. After all, he wanted to be in no mess with Mrs. Lowells, despite how she seemed a little favorable to him. He didn't have a clue as to where Warren Jennings could be, but he knew he would, eventually. It didn't matter if he only had a cold or skipped class or had this make-out session with twenty other girls or whatever. He'd still want to find out, as every day, as always. Rebecca Atkinson--the one whom announced that they broke up--seemed to be a good start.

For a while, he just looked around, wondering who and how to snoop around today. He had a million ways to do so. Beside him was Ellie Harpson, behind was Warren... supposedly, and on the absent fellow's left was the girl who seemed the most terrified at the moment.
Couldn't blame her, he thought, grabbing a pen and piece of paper from his pocket (he had lots of those) and thought of who to talk to first. He was known to be, around class, a memo-and-note-passer who was so far, the first to have never been caught at all... yet. He had his ways of making sure no one would tell on him too--many aside from charisma.

It was not long until some detective showed up, right after the attendance check. Mrs. Lowells' expressions were always priceless. He made sure he never missed hers whenever her torture would be put to an end or pause. The short conversation and invitation outside by the man who introduced himself as Gurski was enough to let Elliason's curiosity soar. For now, he knew he had enough time to start having some tasty information... aside from food, that is. His first thought was to speak with Rebecca, but it seemed that she was a little occupied with Jake Nordenschild.

A faint
hmm buzzed in his lips as he looked sideways, beyond the girl beside him. His gaze fell to Eric Mason, who didn't seem to have a good day today. With a light, content smile, Elliason scribbled on the piece of paper, folded it into a small airplane, and let it successfully float and land on his desk, nearly poking Eric's face.

Need a hand?

This was always what Elliason's introductory note would say, before anyone else who'd read it would actually say yes, and send the note back, for their conversation to continue. Only, sometimes, the direction of flight would be less accurate than the sender's. But that wasn't much of a problem. He could catch great as much as he could throw.
"What do you mean it's my fault?!" He said, annoyance is evident in his voice. He was, and is still is, annoyed at Seth. If he's information weren't useful to him, he would have punched Seth a long time ago. But for now, he needs to keep his calm. He didn't want to cause any more trouble. "Okay fine, it is my fault." He just said, gritting his teeth.

"What do I want to know? Everything. I paid 20 bucks, so I need to know everything." He said, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "And you better make sure it's correct. Damn it, it better be, I paid 20 bucks." He said, regretting his decision, hoping he made the right one.
Jesus, w- Oh wait, Christ'd probably ignore someone like me - Eric jerked his head to the side from where the sharp object darted into his face. "What .."

Paper plane?

Oh. I know who this is.
His lips twisted into a knowing smile. What he was more surprised with now was the fact that no brother of his are here to rip the little trinket apart like a shredder machine yet. He turned around nervously, and was surprised to see Seth engaged in a conversation with Sebastian Cloudsong.

He couldn't remember if they were friends. But talking to Sebastian meant being occupied, and that was perfect for him. He quickly pulled out a short and transparent pen from his jacket pocket, scribbling in purple ink under the left wing of the plane before throwing one last cautious glance at his brother, then flew the plane back to Elliason.

He had surprisingly good aim.

[Your confidential content will shortly be messaged, please await, Cotton Ball.]


"Kid, don't be vague - you're not a woman," Seth bared his teeth to show too-perfect white teeth, obviously having had braces at one point in his life. "I deal with all sorts of information everyday. What gossip are you trying to dig here? A girl's phone number? A teacher's address for you to TP? Where to get some pot? See, all sorts of shit - which are you looking for?"


Too paralysed with shock, Rebecca stared at Jake in shock, mouth agape. She shook violently for a moment. A long moment before suddenly, Nordenschild is met with what felt like a cannonball to his pelvis.

She punched him below the gut.
"What the heck are you talking about?! I'm talking about what happened now. What happened to Warren, between him and Rebecca, where he is. Those things." He said, becoming serious. He doesn't usually meddle with things like these, but something's not right, and he wants to find out what. "So, anything worth my money?"
"Oh, that," Seth tilted his head backwards by a fraction and rolled his eyes, as if disappointed. He leaned in and spoke in a hushed volume.

[Your Private Message will be sent shortly, please await for it, CrimsonEclipse.]

Jake was momentarily stunned, a sharp pain traveling from his pelvic region quickly up his side and across his stomach. He felt winded and doubled over with an audible ”Ooof!” Trying his best not to sink to the floor he held his stomach, trembling ever so slightly.

bitch!” Jake managed to squeak out through a reddened face. Taking a deep breath he slammed both of his hands down upon her desk, still suffering from the effects of her blow. But he was too angry to care, and as the pain subsided, he only got angrier.

“You’re going to regret that, you little whore!” He snarled, kicking Warren’s desk to the floor in obvious fury. No one had ever
ever dared to lay a hand on him. He was going to make sure she would pay. She won’t have anything left when I’m done with her, he mentally vowed.

“You’re done, Becky.
DONE! Do you hear me?!” He screamed at her from where he stood, now in front of his desk once more. “Just wait!”
"What?! All that for 20 dollars?!" He exclaimed, unable to believe it. He was cheated! "That information wasn't even worth 5 bucks!" He exclaimed again.

He was about to say something else, maybe even a few cursing, but he heard someone shouting from across the room. It was Jake Nordenschild, the heartthrob, the Narcissus of the class. He was threatening Rebecca. He went over to them, trying to stop them. "Hey! Cut it out you two!" He shouted, standing between them. Normally, he wouldn't even think of doing this, but this day isn't exactly normal.
GM Note

All characters, except Brendan Coll, are not allowed to make another post to prevent the occurrence of bunnying. This restriction will be lifted once a move has been made to reduce the lagging gap.
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GM Note

If Brendan Coll fails to make a move by 24th August, the game shall proceed without him.

GM Note

The RP continues with Brendan Coll as an NPC.
Due to the inactivity (and my subsequent unavailability), this RP shall be scrapped from the board until the time is right again. Thank you for your participation. Many regrets and apologies that it's not working out.

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