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Fantasy Nightlight Academy

@Wandering Grim Hollow 



Anna looked at Celest, who was still standing in line, but not far behind Anna. She seemed to be very interested in the sky - or maybe the clouds? She couldn't really tell, all she could see was that she was looking upwards. Celest ate the animal crackers a bit...strangely. It was a more....sensual? way of eating them. She bit the heads off, which was surprising, but it was the way she did it that was weird. Anna shrugged slightly. She could tell Celest was a bit weird anyways, so she didn't question it. The girl could eat her animal crackers any way she pleased. 

Celest finished in line and walked over to Anna. "Oh, umm..." she said, looking through her papers. It took her a moment to find the right one, "Room...315!" she said. "That must mean I'm on the third floor... that sucks. I'm pretty sure the dorms here are more than three stories high, so I'm gonna be mooshed between two other rooms. Like an apartment," she sighed. Oh well, she thought, it was better than nothing. Perhaps she would be blessed with quiet ceiling neighbors, but she doubted it. "What room did you get?" she asked, taking a peek at the line. It seemed Sage nor Red had made it through yet. 

Just for note - the room numbers correlate with what floor you are on. 100's are first floor 200's second 300's third and 400's fourth. 
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Alex made his way out of the main office away from people and headed of to the dorms. As he made his way through the school he noted that there where a large amount of students already mingling around the dorms. He walked through the first floor of the boys dorm before he came across his dorm number, 144.

It was a nice little room, two beds, to wardrobes and two desks with one long window in the middle.

'Hmm. I may have a room mate' Alex thought to himself as he dropped his duffle bag at the foot of his bed. He closed the door before he began to change out of his bike gear into something a little more casual.

(@anyone who wants a room mate Alex is free)
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Sage frowned when it seemed like no one was really interested in his herbs and roots, but didn't let himself get too hung up over it. He'd been told that not everyone was as kind to the earth as they were supposed to be, and therefore the earth never revealed its' saving properties to others. He preferred to think that they had their own bag of herbs with them and didn't want to accept someone else's for fear that it would counteract badly. Some herbs just didn't go well together and he wasn't going to be rude about that. There was one person still remotely interested, though, so he jumped on that instead of worrying about the ones who didn't. He grinned at Red as he spoke, "It's ginseng. The root and the berries. It's commonly used in promoting health- here." He dipped his finger into the pouch again and, before they could voice any protest they may have had, smeared it across their forehead too. "Now you're blessed." he explained.

He strung the pouch up and put it back into the bag, shifting that onto his back. "Oh." he added, glancing over towards the school building he had previously been in. "It looks like our new friends have gone inside now." he pointed out. He believed that if he just followed the crowd, he really couldn't go wrong- or so he thought. "We should follow them." he decided. He walked back inside of the school and placed himself in the line- the line which, he noted, he was getting through rather quickly. He had no idea what he was supposed to do -or hand- to the woman once he reached the front, but was happy that she was willing to walk him through it. After a few minutes, he managed to successfully register and he walked out of line, staring down at the papers he'd been handed.

@sathanas @JustAlexandra

oops hi I did it
Keto, a talk, lean muscular man with long black hair with a reddish tint wearing a suit walked with his hands behind his back slowly through the administration building noticing all the students. 

He scofts at acouple of them thinking ~I truly hope I'm not teaching some of these kids, they don't seem to be able to make it through, but I have been wrong before~ 
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Anna watched Sage go through the line, waving him over as he exited. "Great, now we are just waiting for Red," she said as she threesome stood there. She wasn't sure what to say anymore, but she didn't want to let the conversation hang. She spotted suddenly a teacher who seemed to be walking through the building, keeping an eye on everyone. "Look, there is a teacher," she said, nodding in his direction. "I wonder if I have him..." she said, looking down at her schedule. It was pointless, though, seeing as she had no idea what the teachers name was, let alone what he taught. "Probably something fight-y. He looks like a fighter," she said, looking back up at him. 



@Wandering Grim Hollow

Keto noticed Anna looking at her schedule and talking to a few friends, he slowly approached her looking at her "Do you have a question miss?" He kind of chuckled to himself cause he already knew what she wanted to know.
Red couldn't help but grin at Sage's own excited expression, and he let the mixture be placed on his forehead. Using plants to bless people was something new, too- usually people used water or their prayers. Maybe he'd have to ask Sage about it later. 

But first- like he pointed out, Red should follow Sage through the line again. The sudden movement was surprising, but it was better than having to wait longer. Red's turn to give the lady his papers came, and he slid his backpack off his shoulders to dig around his clothes and a few other various possessions before pulling out the crumpled forms. Honestly thank god for libraries, or he'd never had been able to get access to print them. Red wasn't sure if everything on them was correct, but at this point, it's not like he could do anything. 

The lady looked them over, and after the moment of inspection, gave him a different set of papers, a key, and student ID. 

"Thank you," he nodded at her with a small smile as he took them and walked away from the desk, skimming over the information printed.  Looked like there was a map, class list, and other basic information he'd need to navigate the beginning of school year, including a form stating he was allowed to receive blood from the nurse's building. Reading it brought relief, and a small growl from his stomach, reminding him of what he was already aware of.

Glancing up Red spotted Ana, Sage, and Celest standing together again, and decided to re-join them. A tall teacher got there first, so Red came to stand with them quietly. He wasn't sure what had been said, but he didn't want to interrupt the conversation. 

@elextrified @JustAlexandra @Wandering Grim Hollow @Keto_Uskai
Keto noticed the young student approaching and turned to him and smiled slightly at him "What courses are you taking this year?"
"Oh... I got 415... I'll be your ceiling neighbour..." Celest said with a small smile as she began planning a way to connect the two rooms somehow. Rope out the window sounds viable, after all, a building is basically a concrete tree right? Having already accomplished her task, she went back to cloud gazing, hoping on finding the boat cloud again only to see that it had either changed shape or drifted away. Leaving her in a rather pouty mood. 

After waiting for a few minutes, the sound of footfalls announced the arrival of Sage aka the Orange Paste person in Celest's mind. Celest simply raised a hand in greeting before focusing on a new cloud she saw... At least she would if Anna hadn't pointed out a person walking past as a teacher. Pouting, Celest simply glanced at him before going back to her cloud watching.... Before she heard Red walking towards them. Celest was almost annoyed before she spotted the orange smear on Red's forehead. 

".... Orange Forehead...." Celest muttered as she stepped uncomfortably close to Red, tip-toeing in order to sniff his forehead. 

"..... Ginseng..." Celest muttered before sticking her finger onto the smear and letting it stick on it. She peered at her finger for a moment before giving it a tentative sniff... And then licking her finger to taste it. 

"Hm.... Yeah its ginseng... Pretty good ginseng..." Celest simply muttered. 

[SIZE= 12px]@sathanas @elextrified @JustAlexandra @Keto_Uskai[/SIZE]
Almost as soon as she had made her way through the line, Leah had strayed a. IT away and unfolded her laptop again. She was sitting between her duffel and a small flurry of papers, cross-legged with her computer in her lap. First thing for her to do was make the information on these papers accessible from her phone, but unfortunately she had no access to any download of sorts, so she had begun typing them, word-for word, into a google documents folder. Leah had the app on her phone, so such a thing should work. 

Within ten minutes she had transcribed about half of the papers, and it was around that time that a small collection of students-- including some of those who had buried the cat-- congregated a few meters away from her, and were joined by someone who could only be assumed to be a teacher. Of course, Leah noticed absolutely none of this, being too absorbed in what she was doing. She had only a couple more papers to rewrite before she was finished.
The amount of people coming through the line was almost overwhelming. Oreo noticed some guy with something orange smeared across his forehead walk in and he smiled, I wonder what that's all about, Oreo thought. He wanted to join the group of people forming but felt nervous. He made the decision to keep to himself final when he noticed a man, a teacher maybe? approach the group. The man smiled knowingly, but Oreo was too far away to hear what was going on.

Some girl was sitting wedged between a duffel bag and a mess of papers. But what caught Oreo's attention was the laptop. It wasn't his and he wouldn't pester her for it but... The appeal of technology was too great for him. His parents had convinced him to leave his own laptop at home (keep him from being absorbed in his video games and his group of internet friends), and his regret was substantial. He shyly walked up to the girl who seemed spellbound by her task (whatever it was). He let out a weak and hesitant, "hello?"

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Anna looked at Celeste strangely as she stuck her fingers on to the strange paste that was on Red's forehead. It seemed that Red had gotten caught in Sage's ritual paste. What was truly strange was the fact that Celeste was now...tasting? the paste. Anna cringed a litle it. the thought of eating something off someone else's forehead was gross to her. She wondered what Red thought of that, having been eaten off of. Literally. 

"Um...Celeste....I'm not really sure you should just eat off of people," she said tentatively. She turned back to the teacher then. "I was wondering what clase you taught, actually."
At the sound of speech, Leah's head quickly turned up, almost confused. The greeting had been so quiet that she questioned whether she had actually been spoken to until she noticed the person standing in front of her. Her hand finished typing the last sentence that had been registered. 


Leah's hand was now suspended over the keyboard like it had forgotten what it was doing. Her speech was unusual, as if 'charisma' were just as much an accent as Scottish or Southern. No two words spoken sounded the same in different context. 

'You spoke, didn't ya?'

Her hands suddenly remembered what they were doing. Without looking down, Leah gathered the papers, straightened them with a quick, sharp tap on the edge of the computer and set them over the keyboard. 

'I heard a "hello" and I assume it was you. Am I right?'

Leah had an honestly questioning look on her face. Her repeated question was taken after not being answered instantly the first time by anything but a shy look. Leah didn't easily identify those who identified with the introverted type.

"Ye-yeah..." he chirped. The small creature hidden beneath his jacket began to stir at the feel of Oreo's unease. He crossed his arms to quiet him. "I'm sorry," he held his arms tighter to his body, "but, I saw your laptop..." he trailed off. Because that's definitely what you say to someone you were trying to break the ice with. "My parents convinced me to keep mine at home... I kind of have a problem," he muttered the last part. 

((I'm sorry... did the bee scare people off? I'm still here - not that that's much to be excited about  ¬¬ ))
((Sorry folks, I'm on a impromptu trip from Bend Oregon to Dallas Texas, been on the road since 2pm yesterday))

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