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Fantasy Nightlight Academy

Leah was, at the moment, on the roof of the school. Why was she there, one might ask? Ah, it was but for the simple fact that she had camped there the night before, for the sake of not bothering with waking early to find transportation from a home she didn't have in order to arrive at the school on time.

That and she preferred to be early.

It was the sound of voices floating up from the ground below that woke Leah and prompted her to pull her head out from her sleeping bag. The sun was already up, glaring bright (hence hiding in the sleeping bag completely), as if it were threatening her to have a good day. Good day... her stomach was churning. In most of her life, she hadn't had a long-term relationship (i.e. Known a person for more than a few hours) with anyone aside from people who were now dead, and this was the first time in a long, long time that she'd be getting any education beyond what's around the next corner? A decent day would be lucky. But for the sake of being as normal as possible in this situation, Leah would hide those facts. She was rather good at hiding, after all. 

And with that mindset, the teen delinquent dragged a dull, worn, grey-and-green duffel within arm's reach in order to dig through it. In the center of the bag was stuffed a computer, its charger, and several portable power blocks with which to charge a phone or laptop. The tech was cushioned by surrounding clothes and basic toiletries. 

Leah pulled a dark green jacket and the rest of her outfit from the duffel, changing inside the sleeping bag and stuffing her pajamas in the gap left in the luggage. Sitting on top of the sleeping bag, she pulled her shoes on,  and dragged a brush through her wavy, tangly hair. By the time she had wrestled her sleeping bag into its compact case, Leah was more or less fully awake. 

With everything packed up and the strap of her duffel over her shoulder and across her chest, Leah began her descent. The doors to the roof of the school building were locked, so rather she scaled down the side of the building using a downspout and nearby window ledges. Upon her feet striking the ground, the girl pivoted on her heels to face the small crowd of other students. She stood several meters away from any one group of students, her eyes darting from person to person. While she was aware that this was by no means an ordinary academy, she was beginning to doubt that she wasn't the only human enrolled. There were at least two winged people, and most other people looked humanoid at most. There was a small cluster of people gravitating over something-- she couldn't see what the center of attention was through all the people, and her sense of smell wasn't heightened, nor had the feline corpse begun to decay enough for her to detect it-- and hung back for several moments. 

These were people she didn't know, but that she was expected to get to know. 

It had been a long time since she had met any one person twice. 

But Leah buried the discontent with an internal shrug. We... are joining the line! We are going to wait in line, and nothing shall stop us, She narrated mentally, with the reluctant but determined tone of 'here goes nothing!'

@ anyone at the back of the line, or whomever wants to notice just about the only human present
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Red was fixated on the group with the cat's corpse, missing the nod from the boy in front of him. What sort of chance was it that a group would happen to have a dead cat? What were they doing with it still? From the smell, its passing had been recent. A suddenly deceased cat... was probably diseased. Best not to think about it either way- if he'd been able to travel the past couple of days no problem, he could wait awhile longer.

That train of thought ended up being interrupted by a thump and a moan. Near Red, a black-haired girl had fallen flat on her face with nothing that could've caused it in sight.

"Pff...." he suppressed a chuckle, before approaching the clumsy girl and bending down to extend his hand with a smile on his face. 

"Are you okay?"

@Wandering Grim Hollow
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Sage let his lower lip slide out in a pout, clearly unhappy with this entire situation. It was always stressful when something was to die, but especially so for someone like him-- someone whose life was dedicated to healing others. That, and he'd always had a soft spot for the little forest creatures that roamed around his home. Even if they would sometimes scare some of the little kids when they came too close, he still felt so bad seeing them with damaged little paws and couldn't help but scoop them up and heal them. He'd never had one that looked so healthy just die in his arms like that. He knew that it wasn't his fault, though, so he tried not to dwell on it. "I'll return it to the Earth." he responded, his voice a little softer and not as enthusiastic as it had been before. "I may have some ginseng to help it.." he mumbled; they would frequently bury those who died of ill health with it to aid them in becoming stronger in their new life. "The checking in can wait. There weren't others behind me, any-" He turned around as he spoke, but paused at the sight of not one, but several new people now coming into the building and getting into line. "..oh my." he decided again. He knew that he had to check in, but what exactly was the point of it and why did he have to wait in a line to do it? He could easily let them know he was there without this whole line business. "My name is Sage Blaeal, I am the Healer, and I will return to the line once this little fox has been taken care of properly!" he announced, then continued on his way farther outside to find a place to bury the cat. 

lol @ you guys all smelling a cat that died .0005 seconds ago
Anna looked away from the two boys that were walking up to the front gate. She petted the poor, dead cat one last time. "Well, the sight of this dead cat is just depressing," she said, looking away from it now. In fact, she looked away just in time to see someone in a red cloak fall right on their way into the school. "Oh no..." she said, knowing that must be the shittiest thing to happen to someone on not even the first day of school. 

Anna fast-walked over to the girl, but didn't make it another guy could. She wanted to be the first that helped the poor girl. She wasn't normally super compassionate, but damn, falling in front of everyone sounded horrible. "I'm Anna," she said, smiling at the girl. "Don't worry. There was a cat who just spontaneously died, so you falling isn't the most notable thing that has happened today," she said reaching her hand out in front of the guy and pulling the girl up. "You can come over here, both of you can, if you want. We were about to make it into the school before the cat died," she said, looking over at the line, which was finally getting slightly shorter. "The line is going a smidgen faster as well. Which isn't saying much." 
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(okay, so I don't know what happened. I like, read all the post, but now i'm going back and there is magically more posts. But I don't want to change my response. FML) 

(I guess I only read to the bottom of the first page. SIGH) 
"Hello pavement my old friend..." Celest muttered as the initial shock of falling over passed. She was used to falling down and hearing people laugh at her by now but she didn't expect some random (in her eyes) person to actually come over to ask if she was okay!

"I-I'm okay... I think... I mean we will eventually return to the ground again right...?" Celest replied, pushing herself to a kneeling position before looking up at her potential helper. Her hood fell back as she tilted her head up showing a dirt smudged face, her pointed elven ears, and brown eyes staring up at Red with a curious look in them. Her eyes wandered over his features and he seemed normal enough but then again he is attending this strange academy. Maybe he's like her, a half-breed or maybe his features were easier to hide. 

"Um... What are you do- oh..." Celest was about to ask why he was holding his hand out when another girl came into the picture. She was a nice looking person. A girl obviously and she introduced her name as Anna, a rather common name but Celest liked common names. There is something nice about hearing your name all over the place but enough about that, she just explained about the dead cat situation and Celest couldn't help but smile softly at that.

"Oh so somehing did die... How int- huh w-what are you... Oh..." Celest started before panicking slightly when Anna grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet. Celest blinked in mild confusion before pulling her hood back up and bent down to pick up her duffel bag and recurve bow. She nervously twiddled her fingers before remembering that she should at least thank Anna.

"Um... Thanks I guess... I'm Celest... Nice to meet you Anna and person... I think..." Celest said before bowing her head slightly to Anna and Red.

@JustAlexandra @sathanas  
Alex sighed as the boy ignored him to go help a girl who had just hit the pavement. Poor thing went face first into the dirt. He went to move and help but another girl walked over to help. He turned his attention back to the group as the one who was holding what looked like a dead animal made a grand announcement before leaving the building and heading outside. Alex was about to turn back around when a girl walked in with a dark green jacket and a old grey-green dufflebag. He decided that three times the charm and gave her a smile as as she approached.

The clumsy girl let him hang in favor of pushing herself up. The movement caused her hood to fall, revealing more of her face- it wasn't surprising, but it seemed she wasn't a normal human either. After having confirmed she was okay, her comment about returning to the earth elicited a small laugh from Red.

"Yeah, I suppose so." 

It then seemed she had some sort of question for him, but before she could get it out properly one of the girls in the group he had been watching earlier jogged over and introduced herself as Anna as she enthusiastically pulled the clumsy girl up.

"Mhm, nice to meet you Celest. You too, Anna." he nodded to them in turn, "I'm Red. Since I've already stepped out of the line... sure! I'll go with you." 


@Wandering Grim Hollow
While standing in line, Leah overheard a conversation nearby around a girl that had  tripped and fallen onto the ground. Leah herself hadn't rushed to the girl's aid, seeing as how by the time she had actually walked the distance from where she was to the end of the line, there were already two people bending down to help her. What looking in that general direction, Leah noticed someone smile. At her? She had caught the expression out of the corner of her eye, so at first she was skeptical that she had been smiled at, but working a few moments she sent back a smile and a small nod. If they hadn't been looking at her, then hopefully they wouldn't see her awkward misinterpretation. If they were, then she hadn't missed the action and appeared to be ignoring them completely.

In the short interaction, Leah also noted that this appeared to be one of the most human-looking people present. No pointed ears, extra extremities, or unusual characteristics. This led her to wonder why he was here, if he appeared to be human, which brought her the realization that other people must be wondering the same about her. Then again, there were some creatures who were all in all very good at hiding any unusual appearance

behind a human facade, and she could probably be passed off as one of those.

With this analytical stream of consciousness in mind, Leah though back to her earlier survey. She had little idea what either of the two winged students could be aside from animalian hybridizations, but the girl hiding behind the bright red cloak was, with the revelation of her ears, assumed to be some kind of elf. Leah was also unsure about the person who had announced himself to be Sage Blael. It began to dawn on her how little she knew of the more supernatural world beyond hers. Really, most anything beyond her own reality of survival. 

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Anna smiled at the two. Celest hadn't really answered if she wanted to come along or not, but Anna just assumed she would anyways. Perhaps that was rude, but, oh well. Anna led the way over to Sage and Oreo, who were still standing around the cat. "So... did we decide what we were going to do with it?" she asked, looking at it. She turned to Celest and Red. "It was fine, like, 30 or 40 minutes ago, and all of a sudden it just....died? It must have had a heart attack or something, poor thing. We thought it might have been a student, but I guess we will never know," she said. Looking at  the cat made her feel depressed again. It was a cute cat. 

"The line seems to finally be moving, so that's good. We should bury the cat, or something, so we can go in. I'm ready to get out of the sun," she said, looking up at the sky. It wasn't particularly hot, but she could feel the suns rays starting to make her burn anyways. She burned a little bit easy, and it was hard for her to tan. Not impossible, but she tended to burn and just go back to being pale instead of turning darker. "Plus, I'm tired of watching my bags. And I'm hungry..." 

@sathanas @Wandering Grim Hollow
(alright, fml. I didn't realize Sage already went to bury the cat, soooo I'm just going to pretend we walked over to the burial sight and said goodbye to the cat or whatever. I suck at my own RP. PLZ 4GIVE) 
Alex sighed and turned back around. 

'Ah well, its only the first day. Maybe I'll meet people in my classes..' 

He kept moving up the line as it was starting to pick up pace. He unzipped the top part of his heavy leather jacket so he could breath a little better.

He was starting to wonder whether or not he should have changed out of his bike gear but save from changing in the middle of the street he didn't have any opportunities, and he didn't know where the bathroom was. 

He was honestly very sceptical about coming here, he likes to keep an open mind but gathering all these people in one place might be a very elaborate trap. What if they where planning to sell them off? Students could just start disappearing and no one would bat an eye because there all 'unusual' and 'weird'. Maybe after all the students book in, the school might turn into a hunting ground, whoever might be in control could just sell them off and say the students where 'exotic animals'

There are alot of variables, not to mention the possibility of fights are much higher than at normal school. What happens if an angel and demon get into a scrap? They may be young but they can still cause some damage.

What about vampires? Don't they live of human blood? How are they going to survive?

This is either a really good idea or a really bad one.

Alex squared his shoulders as he kept up with the line.
The redness in Atohi's cheeks spread quickly to the rest of his face the moment he was acknowledged, resulting in him quickly bowing his head and letting his hair fall to hide his blush. Well, this is a bit nerve-wracking. He frowned deeply, feeling very nervous already. He has never really been outside of his hometown, so just the fact neither his parents nor the elders were there was a bit scary to the boy. He quickly gulped and headed over to the back of the line. There was so many people. Should I even introduce myself?  They probably won't notice if I speak. Atohi thought to himself, frowning a bit. Well, it was worth a shot, right? The person in front of him seemed pretty interesting, honestly. "Hello..." He spoke all of a sudden, timidly bowing his head a bit further.

"I've decided that it will be returned to the Earth." Sage told Anna as he slid down to his knees at the base of the first large tree he had happened to come upon. There were much more preferable places, but this beat randomly putting the creature in the ground out in the open where everyone would trample above it and disturb its' soul. He set the cat's body down and began to scoop up mounds of dirt from the ground, his fingers sliding in without much effort as if he'd done this many times before. Once there was a notch just deep enough for the cat to fit inside, he took the corpse and gently put it inside. He took off his single bag he had on his back and reached inside, removing a small pouch that he opened and stuck his thumb inside. When he removed his thumb, it was coated in a burnt orange paste that he then smeared along the cat's forehead. He took his arm and with one wide swoop, filled the hole back up and finished his job of burying the cat. He shook off his arm and peered back up at everyone, offering them a smile as if he hadn't just preformed some strange ritual in a matter of a minute. "Would you like some?" he offered them all, pushing himself to his feet, pouch in hand. 

thanks m8 @JustAlexandra

@sathanas @Wandering Grim Hollow bc you've both been dragged to the funeral i think 
"Yeah, the sun's pretty hot today." Red glanced at the sky with Anna, thankful he had had a bit of sunscreen left to protect him that day. He was hungry too- he preferred not drinking from anything if he didn't know it's origins, so the past few days he'd been stuck with just filling his stomach with human food. 

Soon enough they met the boy who'd declared himself as Sage earlier. Red stayed silent while Sage scooped dirt from the earth. That was tradition, right? Being quiet showed respect. The last time Red was at a burial, that's what he'd been told, so he hoped it was right in this situation too. 

The cat was lowered into the hole, and quickly covered after Sage smeared something on its forehead. Curious, Red leaned forward to try and see it better. Orange stuff hadn't been a part of the other burial. He was debating whether or not to ask, but quickly decided when it was offered to the rest of them. 

"Oh- what is it? I don't think I've seen it before."

@JustAlexandra @Wandering Grim Hollow @elextrified
"Hm..." Celest merely grunted in reply before looking at the sky. It was bright indeed but she didn't care much. Her cloak and hood provided some shade and the material was on the thinner side anyway. But something did catch her eye. A nice looking cloud that is shaped almost like a bear drifting across the sky. Her eyes tracked its movement and she was tempted to follow it before the wind caused the shape to change. Her cheeks puffed up in a disappointed pout before she decided to follow Red and Anna to whatever they were heading off to.

"Bye-bye little cat..." Celest said half-heartedly as Sage slowly lowered the cat into the little grave he dug with his own hands. Her interest was immediately increased when she saw Sage smear some orange paste on the cat's forehead. It was a little odd in her eyes and figured that it must be some sort of custom. After all, she does know some odd customs herself. If you can call it that anyway.

".... Orange cat..." Celest muttered before tearing her eyes away from the grave to stare at Sage as he stood up and asked if they wanted some of the paste. She opened her mouth to ask about it before she felt her stomach rumble. Ah, is it lunchtime already? Celest opened up her duffle bag and rummaged around it before she found a little gift from her dad. A bag of animal crackers. 

"Oooo... It has penguins now..." Celest muttered as she read the packaging which proudly proclaimed the addition of fairy penguin shaped crackers. She tore the top off and opened the sealed bag inside. She reached in and pulled out her first piece. A bear.

"Hm..? Is it bear day today..?" Celest asked herself before biting the head off. She looked at the box and then at her new companions before she remembered some advice from her dad. "Its nice to share with friends. I remember fighting over the giraffe shaped ones with your uncle." 

[SIZE= 12px]Celest gave it some thought before she held out the box towards Anna and shook it slightly to get her attention.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Want some...?" She asked, her face blank as she popped the remainder of the bear cracker into her mouth and chewed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@JustAlexandra @elextrified @sathanas[/SIZE]
Oreo remains quiet and keeps to himself. He was a bit of an emotional person when it came to animals, especially when one left this world. He would've followed the others to the burial but it was too soon after the death of his dear friend. However, all the excitement of everyone pulling up to the academy lifted his spirits. He was eager to meet the different species and learn more about them. One guy had wings! Is he... an angel? Oreo hesitantly thought.

Although, after his initial excitement had gone down and he wasn't running on adrenaline, Oreo was starting to feel a little shy. He wasn't able to hide his face behind a screen like when he played his role playing games with his friends, so approaching anybody made him uneasy. Arl poked his head out of the top of Oreo's jacket. With the sun beating down, and him in his jacket, and Arl's fur, Oreo was beginning to sweat - but he didn't want to risk having to give up his furry friend. He once more gently pushed the creature back down.
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Anna stayed quiet and respectful during the burial, as did Red and Celest. She was glad, even the little animal deserved to be respected in its afterlife. She shook her head at the offer of the orange...paste? She didn't know what it was, so she wasn't exactly interested in having it smeared on her. Or eating it. Or whatever it would be that you do with it, if you were still living. 

Celest got out a bag of animal crackers and Anna's stomach growled again. Celest was so....cute about it. Talking quietly about the little shapes. Anna accepted the offer, taking a few out of the bag and popping them in her mouth. "Wow, I never knew animal crackers could taste so good," she said as she swallowed them. She looked over at the line. "I say we go wait in line. Shouldn't be too long," she said, walking over to the line with her bags. She had to get in the back, unfortunately, but it was alright. The line was a good bit shorter than where it was when she got there, so she hoped it wouldn't take too long. 

Before she knew it she was at the front, giving her papers to the lady at the front desk. She looked clearly worn out, having to sign and stamp and accept forms all day. Anna felt sorry for her, that job must be extremely boring, and Anna gave the woman an apologetic smile. She took her forms and the ID card the woman had handed back to her and walked over to the side, waiting for her hopefully new friends to make it through the line. 

@Wandering Grim Hollow


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Alex was lost in thought as a little voice pipped up behind him. He was about to turn around before the line started to speed up and before he knew it the lady was signaling for him to approach the desk. 

Alex turned around quickly and gave the boy an apologetic look 'I'm sorry cuz'

He made his way to the desk before he dropped his duffle bag onto the ground and placed him helmet on the counter. He handed her the papers and she gave him his ID card and a form with his dorm number. Room 144.

Alex gave her a smile, said his thanks and tucked his forms in his jacket.

As he picked his gear up and began to walk to out of the office he noticed one of the girls from the cat incident waiting for her friends. He gave her a small smile before making his way out the office.


Having progessed in the now-moving line, Leah acknowledged the small handful of people gathered around a tree with only a couple side glances. She noted the fact that the one that knelt on the ground was burying something, but only realized what that thing was when the line moved further and she could see past him. Leah found herself looking at the glazed eyes of a dead feline, the sight of which melted her spirits like candle wax. The corners of her mouth dropped, her shoulders fell, and her eyes were filled with a passing 'awww...' of pity. For at least until something worth anticipation came along, the image would pull at her mood. 

As she was about to arrive at the desk, she noticed hat the students were handing the receptionist papers. Papers!  Leah unzipped her duffel over her shoulder with practiced fluidity, removed her laptop, and closed the bag again. Balancing the device on one arm and typing hurriedly with the other hand, she pulled up the necessary files. She had received emails with the application and other informative material, but had never been able to print them off considering she had no access to a printer. So when Leah was at the front of the line, she plopped the computer onto the desk before the receptionist's unfazed expression and allowed her to tab through the files and hand her a few papers before continuing on her school-bound way. The girl folded her laptop back up and replaced it in her and glanced down at the schedule, dorm number, and other information. Huh. She had a roommate.
(Everyone needs to now make it through the line. Your whole post doesn't have to be about that, but you know, just write a bit about making it through) 
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The line was had been long and boring, but Oreo could finally see the end: a jaded lady at the front desk. He kindly handed her the necessary materials after setting down his bags for a brief moment. After she went through the motions and checked him in she handed him a paper with some information on it. Huh, he thinks to himself as he picks up his belongings and moves out of the way for the next student. This was his first time at a school that wasn't taught by his parents. Oreo felt a little uneasy. As a bit of a shut in he was a bit confused by systematic schooling.

All of the others that had gotten their materials appeared to know what they were doing, but he receded to the shadows of the wall. Do I just go to the room with this number on it? He felt a pang of anxiety building within him. Until Arl poked his nose out, Oreo could feel his whiskers tickle his chin. Well, at least I'm not alone I guess, he smiles.
Atohi nodded silently and continued through. Maybe later. He frowned a bit, having been at least partially ready to talk to someone. He was probably going to stumble over his words too much anyways, considering how nervous he was to begin with. He closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself before approaching the lady. He set on of his bags down, opened it, and went through it with one hand. He quickly got out the necessary items and handed them over before closing his bag again and picking it up, letting it hang on his arm. He watched the lady nervously before taking some papers from her with shaky hands, nodding to her. "Thanks." He mumbled before turning and walking away. "Now... where to?" He mumbled, looking down at the first paper. Hopefully I can get along with everyone here. Though, at the same time, he was very nervous. He took a deep breath and started looking around. Could he explore first or was there somewhere else he'd have to go?
[SIZE= 12px]"Hm... Registration time it is then..." Celest muttered as she bit off the head of a penguin shaped piece before rejoining the now moving line. As she waited for her turn, she went back to staring at the clouds while slowly snacking on the animal crackers. The way she ate them was all the same, she starts off by 'killing' them by biting the heads off before eating the whole thing. A rather common way of eating them sure but the way she bit them off was different. She would gently place the cracker's head into her mouth before resting her incisors on the cracker's 'neck'. She would then gradually increase the pressure exerted, digging her teeth deeper into the cracker before it broke. Kinda like seeing a hydraulic press at work but with more saliva. [/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]As she snacked and waited, she would stare at the cloud and think about... things. Anything goes for her really but its mostly on cloud shapes. Such as the one she's tracking with its rough rowboat shape, she imagined sitting on it and watching the earth move under her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Eventually, it was her turn at the registration booth. She had packed away the animal crackers by then, not wanting to spoil her already small appetite. She handed the lady manning the booth her identification and registration forms. She watched in silence, only replying questions with a nod and a small grunt. She thanked the kind lady at the booth as she cleared her papers and retrieved her dorm room key and student ID. Celest bowed in thanks and stepped out of the line, looking around before spotting Anna. Celest thought for a moment before shrugging and walking over to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Hey Anna... What room number did you get..?" Celest immediately asked. She was not one for small talk and would rather get to the point, in this case, finding out her new friend's room number. As a precaution and as a possible addition to her list of hiding places.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@JustAlexandra @sathanas @elextrified [/SIZE]

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