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Fantasy Nightlight Academy

Anna looked at the clock on her dashboard as she pulled up to the school. It had taken her forever to get there, and she felt disgusting. Something about sitting in a car for several hours made her feel really gross, even though she hadn't been doing anything at all. Anna followed the directions to the student parking and pulled in, parking her car and stepping out. She stretched her legs and looked at her watch. She was a little later than expected, but it was okay. People would be getting there all day. At least, that is what she assumed. She opened her trunk and pulled out her luggage. Just one suitcase and a duffel bag. She thought it was quite impressive that she could basically fit her whole life into two bags. 

She slung the duffel bag over her shoulder and, as she slammed shut her trunk, walked toward the front of the school. She walked into the gates without any problems and headed toward the office building. As she got closer she realized there was a line out the door of students, waiting to be 'checked in' or whatever. Anna sighed. She was not a patient person. Plus, what were all these people waiting for, anyways? Probably some slow, old lady who can't figure out how to work the computer she was at. Anna huffed, becoming more irritated as she thought about it. As she stepped into like she moved her attention to the other students in line. There were all kinds, and she was fascinated with them all. 

The line was moving terribly slowly, so Anna set down her bags and pulled out her phone, checking out social media and shooting her parents a text to let them know that she was there.
He could feel the excitement bubbling in his chest, there were going to be so many other creatures! A tiny furry nose peeked out from his open glove compartment as he pulled into the student's parking lot.

"No, Arl," he scolded the strange beast as he gently pushed it's nose back down. "You can't come out yet. I don't know if you're allowed to be here," his voice dropped, despite no one being around to hear him. He pulled a baby carrot out of his jacket's pocket and gave it to the feisty Wolpertinger. "It's a good thing you're the runt of the group and can fit in my inside pocket." Satisfied, Arl quieted down and retreated into his makeshift bed. Once Oreo found a spot to park he had Arl join him in his over-sized jacket. Mama and Papa may have convinced him to leave his consoles at home, but they couldn't stop him from picking up an abandoned animal on his way up to the academy. Even if it wasn't his best idea.

After getting out of the car he greeted the building with a stretch. In response Arl shifted around. Oreo frantically clutched his sides as if he was being tickled and hissed at him to relax if he wanted to stay safe. The wolf part of Oreo acted as somewhat of a translator; it appeared the Wolpertinger seemed to understand him and stopped fidgeting. "I don't know if that was me or just peer luck, but okay," he shrugged and headed to get his bag from the back of his car. After retrieving the few belongings he had decided to bring with him he headed to the check-in line, enthusiastic at the sight of such a variety of people. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and it took all his control not to run around and greet everyone like the puppy he was. He eventually gained control of himself and joined the stagnant line.
Hikari~Chan would stare up at her ceiling blanky, wondering the point of life


 She didn't care about anyone, or anything. She got out of bed, and got ready like any other day.

As she opened the door, she turned into a cat, and started the small walk to school

A few more people were getting in line. Anna was now standing next to some sort of dog-human crossbreed, or something. Something seemed to have been wiggling in his pocket earlier as well. She looked at him standing next to her through the corner of her eyes, wondering what was in his pockets that he had to hide. Surely he would not bring an animal? Not that she would snitch on him, animals were cool and all. Eventually her curiosity got the best of her  .She leaned over to him, staring straight at the same time. "So...what's in your pocket?" she asked.

Just as she said this she noticed a cat walking in through the gates. Anna raised an eyebrow, as it seemed the cat was coming here with some sort of purpose. Like it new that it was supposed to be here. " This is going to be an interesting year," she thought. 
Face flushed, Oreo quickly closed his jacket to cover Arl. He crossed his arms over his chest to prevent any potential furry noses poking through. "Nothing," he could feel his ears burn red as he quickly made a futile attempt at lying. In his exasperated attempt to sneak his newfound friend in, the Wolpertinger got shaken. He didn't like being shaken. He signaled his discontent to Oreo by trying to poke his nose through his owner's arms and expose himself to the outside world. Oreo just shook his body and attempted to hush him again. He had already turned completely to his human form - he didn't want to go half-transform again. That might look a tad suspicious. So he attempted to inconspicuously push Arl's head back down.

Out of the corner of his eye, Oreo also noticed the determined cat. His eyes lit up once more, "Kitty!" he exclaimed. But he could tell the feline would rather not be bothered and Oreo would never do anything to upset an animal. So he just watched from a distance.
Anna looked slyly over at him. "I'm not gonna snitch, I just wanna know what you've got! C'mon, we're gonna be in this line for eternity anyways. Throw me a bone," she said, trying to convince him. He seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with her asking, but that only made her want to know what it was even more. 

"Kitty!" he said, and Anna smiled. "That was my internal reaction. I love cats!" she said, giggling. "What's your name anyways?" she said, tapping her foot. The line seemed like it may never move at this point. She leaned to try to see if anything was going on in the front, but she couldn't see into the building and sighed. 
"My real name is Othorion, but everyone calls me Oreo," he shrugged. "I love all creatures, regardless of race or species," his eyes sparkled. 

He wrings his hands and stares at the girl for second. His innocent spirit made it hard for him to not trust anyone. "Well... I guess if you promise not to snitch..." he opens his jacket slightly to reveal a rabbit's nose. "It's a called a Wolpertinger," he beams. "I found him on the side of the road. They're basically jack-a-lopes with wings," he opens the jacket a little more to show, but closes it quickly when another person walks too close. "But, this little fella is definitely a runt. He's small enough to fit in the palm of my hands," Oreo demonstrates without the creature. "Except, his wings kind of hang off the side," he chuckles, "I call him Arl. Oh hey, that reminds me. You didn't tell me your name," he always tried his best to be polite, but his short attention span was no secret.
"Oh boy, he's an emotional type," Anna thought. "Yeah, me too," she said. She did like species, but she didn't really love all kinds. She was being relatable, though. 

When he showed her the creature, she jumped back. "Whoa! Bunnies should not have horns, okay," she said, a little freaked out. She had never seen one of those before. "And it's teeth, they are so big!" she said, taking another look. "It's kind of cute, though. It's so tiny," she said, looking at it more. She wanted to pet it, but was also worried that it was going to fly into her face and poke her eyes out with its horns. He shut his pocket before it could maul her eyes, though, so she didn't worry about it any longer. She looked up at his face. "Oh, I'm Anna. Anna Bee," she said. "B-e-e. Not the letter. Like those things that sting you," she said. "I always have to say that because if I don't I end up with my name misspelled on everything. That can be a real shit show," she said. She moved forward a few spaces in line, it finally moving. She peered back in the line. "That cat is waiting in line," she said, raising an eyebrow. 
"Don't judge Arl," he defends. "It's how he was born. His mother must've rejected him because he was the runt. They're usually much larger." He noticed her look of longing, he guessed she wanted to pet his soft wings. They were better than pillows.

He chuckles, "I probably would've spelled it with the two es anyways, or just drew a bee. Because bees are cute." He follows her gaze to the cat. "You know," he leans towards her slightly, "my guess is that's just his/her animal form. But, I'm only guessing that because I'm a special kind of elf that shape-shifts too," he shrugs. "I could be wrong though." He lets his arms fall to his side. "I hope I am. I want to have a cat as a classmate," he smiles.
She decides to not get to into the crowd and loops around everyone as a cat. She steps on multiple toes and runs off. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea." She thought 
As the sight of the school building slowly came into view, Sage found himself slowly leaning forward in awe to look at the towering creation. He'd already been told several times to quit "oo"ing and "aah"ing at everything that they passed, so he repressed the urge to make the awed noises rising from his throat, but didn't bother to pretend like he wasn't impressed. When the motion that he'd slowly grown accustomed to abruptly stopped in front of the building, the momentum sent the boy forward, causing him to hit his head against the window with a soft thump. Hissing, he quickly pulled backwards, staring at the door with annoyance. How his parents had managed to get a hold of a car and someone to drive it, he didn't know, but as fun as the experience was, he was glad that it was over; trying new things was proving to be quite fun, but he was still adamant that he could've gotten here quicker on foot.  

"This is Nightlight Academy. You get out here."

Sage glanced to the front of the car where the person that had been driving him had just spoken. He had no idea who they were, but his parents had told him to trust them, so he did. They were kind, besides letting him get mildly injured against the window a few times, and taught him a few things along the way. He nodded his head and, after a few swipes at the door, managed to find the release mechanism and slid out of the car. He reached back in, grabbed the single bag that his mother had packed for him and pulled it out, and then shut the door. He took a step back and silently watched as the car and the person in it disappeared from view. Then he was alone. He let himself pout for only a few seconds before he turned around to face the building, rubbing his hands together with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Not only was he this close to something like this, but he was going to go inside of it. That was.. cool.

Wasting no time, he headed towards the building and inside of it. Once inside, his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull at how many people were there. Albeit, it wasn't as if there were millions, but when being faced with strangers, even a handful of them could be overwhelming. The only people he had ever been around were nymphs, and the occasional human that happened to get lost and wander a bit too close to where his clan lived. There was way more than nymphs and humans here; was there even any nymphs here? He was completely out of place, but he wasn't as nervous as he thought he would be. His skin was buzzing.. but he was excited. He looked around for a few seconds before spotting the very obvious line of people. Figuring that he should be doing what everyone else was doing, he quickly ran over to the end of the line; only to stop, remember that he shouldn't be running around everywhere, and finish the few feet over to the line at a walking pace.  
"Oh, I'm not judging," Anna said, holding up her hands innocently. "I've just never seen one of them before. Or heard of one, really. It's cute though, I just had to get past the surprise of bunnies with horns," she said, chuckling a bit awkwardly. Anna leaned to look at the cat again, but it was walking past everyone, stepping on their feet. It was cute, though, so she didn't mind when it stepped on hers. "A shape-shifter, huh? " she said, curiously. "Well, I kind of want a cat as a classmate too. Especially if that cat can fight. I'm not really in any fighting classes, but I'd pay to see one where a cat fights," she said, laughing at the thought. "What do you think would have happened if I had picked it up and it was a person? That could be fun," she said mischievously

Anna watched as someone came in. She was watching everyone come in, really, but this particular person caught her eye as he seemed to have to force himself to not  run. That was strange. You would never catch Anna running for any other reason than that it was necessary. Even when she went to the gym she did the elliptical for cardio, finding running on a treadmill particularly dreadful. In a quieter voice she said, "That boy over there just had to stop himself from running. Strange."
She was tripped on twice, by the time she was at the door her paw was bruised and scraped. But she didn't have many emotions so she didn't feel anything. "Humans..." 
"I don't think she/he would like it if you picked them up," Oreo commented. But, he was low key disappointed. Oreo would love to pick up the cat. His/her paws appeared to be wearing and even though the cat didn't seem to care, it bother him.

"That boy over there just had to stop himself from running. Strange," the girl pointed out. Oreo looked in the direction she was gesturing towards. He smiled big and and in awe, "A nymph," he whispered under his breath. Excited to see one in person, he waved excitedly towards the newcomer. He was completely care free of the fact that he had absolutely no idea who this was.
Well, his running around definitely had not gone as smoothly as he would have liked. Nymphs did have a habit of darting around wherever they needed to be and he remembered being told that just running around was going to get him some strange looks, but he couldn't exactly help that; the texture of the floor beneath his feet was so different, everything was so different- he was excited! He didn't want to have to think about being socially acceptable.. even though he knew he needed to start. Sage sucked his lips inwards, offering a sheepish expression to those around him that were looking at him. His intention wasn't to draw the attention of everyone around him, but it looked as if he'd gotten it anyways, so now all that was left to do was to be polite and make friends. That should be easy enough!

Sage's eyes lit up excitedly as he noticed someone waving at him. Why exactly he was being waved at he wasn't sure -the boy didn't seem to be summoning anything- but he didn't have any noticeable malintent in his eyes , so he dubbed it a good thing. He excitedly began to make his way over to the boy, not really paying attention to the not so nice things shot his way as he cut in front of several people that had gotten in line before him; all they were doing was standing anyways, so what was to get that upset over? He was only feet away from the boy before something black near the door caught his eye, and instantly his eyes lit up even more. "Oh, look at you!" he exclaimed, fluidly sneaking up on the cat before it could get very far. He scooped it up into his arms and flashed a huge smile down at it. "You look like a baby fox.. and you're hurt! Poor thing." he crooned. 
"Aww," Oreo thought, "he got to pick up the kitty..." Oreo jealously sulks over to him. He reaches to pet the top of the cat's head and Arl stirs beneath his jacket. Face flushed he turns away and scolds the creature to knock off its shenanigans before turning back to him. 

"So, uh," Oreo stutters, "you're a nymph right? Sorry if I was acting weird by waving to you... I've just never had the pleasure of meeting someone like you before. I was really excited," his excitement was apparent in his endless banter. "I'm really happy to meet all the different kinds of creatures that have joined the academy!" He freezes as he realizes he is talking too quick and too much. "I'm sorry, I hope I'm not scaring you off..." He puts his hand on the back of his hand and smiles with his eyes closed. After opening them he introduces himself, "people call me Oreo. What do they call you?"
Anna watched Oreo go up to the boy with the cat. "Well, shit. If they are going to pet the cat that I damned well am too," she thought, walking to where the others were. She began to stroke the cats head as well, wanting to hold it too. "Such a cute kitty," she said, pushing her face into its. She stood up straight again, not wanting to risk being scratched. "I am Anna, by the way," she said to add to Oreo's introduction. "I can't believe you actually picked it up. I can't believe it's letting you," she said, scratching the cat behind the ears. She couldn't really tell if it was enjoying itself or not. "We were just discussing if it was a student or not. Shapeshifter or cat," she said, looking into the cats face. "Are you a person or a kitty cat?" she said in a cooing voice. "You're absolutely adorable either way!"
Well, this certainly was a great ride. Atohi shifted uncomfortably in the shotgun seat of his mother's minivan. It was such a long trip, he had quite honestly been asleep almost the entire time. The only times he would wake up would be during a bathroom break or when they got something to eat. He rested his head against the window and glanced at his mother. She was trying too hard, he could tell. She had on her best blouse and pencil skirt, and her black as night hair in a bun. He shifted his eyes from her to the windshield, seeing the school. Wow...

"Atohi." His mother spoke, looking at him the second she parked. "You'll need to release your wings soon, I don't think you want to be in pain on your first day of school, son." She warned him, instantly making the boy blush. Good thing she reminded him though, or else he would have actually gone with his wings hidden in his back all day and ended up with one awful backache.

"Thank you, mother." Atohi nodded. He glanced out the window again and frowned a bit. Did anyone else come with their parents? Thank goodness they left his father at home. Even his mother admitted it would be a bad idea to bring that drill sergeant! "Give father my best." He told her with a soft smile once she pressed the button to unlock all of the doors. He immediately opened the door and got out of the car, looking at all of the people. It's been a long time since I've seen this many people in one place... I hope I don't mess anything up. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing his energy to his back and releasing his hawk-like wings and spreading them out to allow them to stretch. This feels so nice... He opened his eyes again, feeling the wind on his wings and face before his bliss was interrupted by one certain person.

"Ahem." His mother faked a cough. She had gotten out of the car and made her way over to the boy. She leaned over to him and tapped her cheek with her index finger, giving him the side-eye. "You're forgetting something~!" She hummed, raising her eyebrows and pursing her lips. This was humiliating for her son and she knew it. She made that pretty obvious just from the look on her face. 

"... Sorry." Atohi mumbled. His wings closed so that he could turn to the side to give his mother what she wanted without bumping his wings against the car. He shyly leaned over and gave his mother a peck on the cheek, who instantly gave him a mischievous grin and turned to the car, opening it to reveal his bags. He instantly took the small bag with the spear sticking out of it, careful to stab neither himself nor his mother, and quickly put it on. Yes, it looked odd considering how he had to tuck it between the burdensome gifts he was born with, but he did what he had to do to keep it with him at all times. "Good-bye." He told his mother after grabbing the rest of his bags and walked away from the car, ignoring his mother's cry of "be a good boy!" He was too used to her saying that. He glanced back as she watched him close the doors he forgot to -oops- and get in the driver's seat to drive away again. I don't quite understand why she rarely lets me drive... but I guess it was from the accident with the tree from last summer. He shrugged off that thought though and turned back around, noticing a small group of people. Would it even be a good idea to approach them? His blush from earlier slowly returned and he shifted the bags in his arms. Maybe it would be nice to say hello...
Sage looked positively thrilled as not one, but two people began to approach him. This was too exciting! He had never been lacking in confidence when it came to the idea of making friends with all of these new people, but he didn't think that they would be coming to him! He had been repeatedly told to just do what others were doing, but he must be doing something right himself. He flashed them both a blinding smile, straightening up and bumping the cat along in his arms. He would definitely be taking the poor thing outside in a moment to help it heal its little paws, but first he wanted to greet these new friends of his. "Hello, you two! I am a nymph. A forest nymph." he responded, obviously pleased at the fact that this boy knew that fact; he was proud enough in that fact that he didn't even bother to ask him how he would know something like that. "They call me Healer, but my name is Sage." he added, completely missing the point of what was actually being asked of him. "Like the herb. It helps stop bleeding and cleans out wounds. I have some in my herb pouch, so I was going to use it on the fo-." he lifted the cat up a bit closer to his face to show it to them both, but quickly realized that the cat was no longer responding, despite being poked and prodded at by several people. ".... oh my. Did it pass?" he asked, a sad tone to his voice. It was just alive. How could it just stop responding all of a sudden? He couldn't heal that! 
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Alex rolled up to the front of the school in the old ex-army bike he picked up for cheap. The dark green bike has had the side car removed and had a few reinforcements. He stepped of the bike, removed the key and kicked the stand out. He was wearing full bike gear, gloves, pants, jacket and full head helmet, because why not? He was tough but he didn't like to push his luck. He pulled the duffle bag of the back of the bike before walking into the school grounds. After taking his helmet off and tucking it under his arm, he made his way to the main office. As he grew closer to the main building it started to dawn on him that he may not be the most unusual one in the school, he may actually be borderline normal here. Alex made his way into the main building and noticed the very large line of what he assumed where students, to be honest he has never seen such a diverse group of...people? He couldn't tell what they all where. Some looked human while others looked...less. There was a very heavy musk of animal that coated the air. Some people must have pets or something. Alex swung his duffle bag over his shoulder and quietly stood at the end of the line.
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((I'm not sure if I was RPing at a human before but upon looking again my character is a succubus lol))

Anna followed Sage outside. Or, more specifically, she was following the cat. It's paws didn't seem particularly beat up, but Sage seemed insistent on healing it anyways. When they got outside, the cat seemed to have passed. "What the hell?" she exclaimed, tapping the cats nose and paws. "I think... it must have died..." she said, trying to put her ear to its chest. She didn't hear anything, but she wasn't sure if she would have anyways. "Should...we bury it? We haven't even checked in..." she said, looking back at the line. The fact that the cat had died made her feel a little sick, but that's what happens when you never respond but she supposed that was just the way life was. You never knew when or if it was going to end. 

Anna looked over and saw two others walking in. A boy with wings, somewhat similar to her own black wings. She gave him a small wave. The other was a 'bad boy' who was getting off his motorcycle. She waved at him too, but mostly just to be nice. She didn't really care for "bad boy" types. They were either not a bad boy and pretended that they were, or they were a bad boy and would get her in trouble, which she was not interested in. If she wanted to cause mischief she could on her own. 
Red walked onto the school's grounds, with nothing but his clothes and a small backpack on his back. He had used the last bit of his money to pay for a few bus rides to get as close as possible to the location, and just footed the rest. 

Now that he could finally see the building in-person, he was impressed with the size. After living in a small traveling community and then surviving in the streets, he wasn't used to staying in grand places such as this. Eyes flitting from one detail on the school's architecture to the next, they eventually were drawn down to the large line winding out of the building. 

'Damn, looks like this is gonna be awhile.' 

He approached the long line of people and took his place at the back behind a guy in motorcycle gear. He turned his head around, taking in as much of his surroundings as he could, before a particular scent reached his nose and drew his attention.

A few feet in front of him, a cluster of students were all standing around a white haired boy, who was holding what must've been the source of the dead-cat smell. Why did something smell dead already? Red stared at the group from his place in line, wondering what could've possibly happened.
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Alex watched as a girl...he thinks, she honestly looked too perfect to be human and the wings where kind of a dead give away. He watched as her and two other boys poked around at a dead cat. Poor thing looks like it had been in a fight or something. She raised her head to look around the room before she spotted another boy with black wings enter.

This place is starting to get crowded.

The girl gave the winged boy a slight wave before she noticed Alex. She waved at him to but it looked like she was doing it more as a nicety. Alex sighed and gave her a smile. He couldn't wave because both arms where full. 

There was movement behind him and he turned around slightly to notice a young boy. Very young. With light brown hair. Alex turned a little more and gave him a nod. 



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"Well. Here we are, Celly." Celest's father said as he drove up to the front gate, glancing over at his daughter who was busy gazing out the passenger side window. At what? Nothing in particular really. 

"Hm." That was Celest's simple reply as she stared at the gate. Her father simply sighed and ruffled her hair as the car came to a stop. Celest opened the car door, disembarked and stretched. She loved long car rides with her father but she hated the cramps that developed. Celest's father couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his daughter doing some sort of odd pose like she was praising some grossly incandecent object as he took out her things from the car boot. Celest noticed her father's chuckling and shot him an angry glare while pouting.

"Sorry it took so long, the directions were complicated and I may have taken the long route instead." Celest's father chuckled as he handed Celest her duffle bag and bow. 

"Well at least I know who's brain I got..." Celest shot back and smiled slightly at her father's laughter. 

"And you got your mother's wit. Well... I'll write often and so will your mother. Its going to be a n-"

"A new beginning... I know dad..." Celesr interrupted before giving her father a warm hug. 

"Oh my little Celly's all grown up..." 

"Oh don't be so dramatic dad... I'll write often... Oh and send mom my love... She said she'll be in the area in a couple of days..." Celest reminded her father before getting her things and 

"Ah right, right, right... Damn I almost forgot. Well... Have a good term Celly!" Celest's father bode.

"I will, dad..!" Celest replied as she walked through the front gates and up the path to school. 

"Oh! Celly wait!" She suddenly heard and she turned to see her father jogging up to her with something red in his arms. 

"Here... You... almost forgot this. I'm sure your mother would want you to wear this. After all, it is-"

"My distinguishing feature... Thanks dad..." Celest quickly donned the red cloak, the fabric stopping at her waist and the hood pulled up over her head. 

"There we go. Now go get em, Celly." Celest's father bode before finally leaving.and letting the narrative continue. Celest continued on her way before spotting a line of students up ahead. 

".... Here goe-... Did something die..?" Celest asked herself as the distinct smell of a fresh corpse wafted through the air. She took a step forward towards the smell to investigate before tripping over her own foot and falling over with a crash.

".... Ow..."

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