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Fantasy Nightlight Academy Character Sheet


Mother of Tiny Lions

Nickname: (if any) 



Appearance: (Realistic picture as well as short written explanation) 



Relationship: (if any)




Other: (If any)


Skill(s): (Healing, Fighting, Air-fighting) 

Classes Taking: 

Weapon: (Ideally a picture, but not required. Short explanation. Healers can have weapons, but it would likely be something small. It kind of depends on what classes you are taking) 

Powers/Magic: (if you are not human)

(Delete all the extra bits on post (the stuff in parenthesis) )

(If I missed something let me know)
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Name: Vinzer Wheatling

Nickname: Mini-Hulk

Age: 18

Birthday: October 27


5'6, 170 pounds. 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Male

Relationship: None

Species: Demi-demon

Personality: Vinzer is proud and ambitious.

History: A long time ago in the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada was a kid named Vinzer Wheatling. He was a very special kid, but not in a retarded way. He was special in a way that he could do athletic feats that were not the norm for his age. At a very young age, this boy was groomed to be the perfect athlete. However, he wasn't entirely without luck. His father was a demon in the guise of a human. On top of having that extreme genetic advantage, he was trained to further hone his physical prowess. By the time the kid was 13, he was already bench pressing 500 pounds and squatting 1,000. His muscles spoke his strength, and he could run as fast as a cheetah. But this was only when he was 13. As he progressed in age, so did his strength and speed exponentially. At age 18, he was admitted at the Nightlight Academy after being confirmed that his father was, in fact, a demon. At this time, he could bench press 1,000 pounds, squat 2,000, and run much faster than a cheetah. In fact, his demon father had him trained in an isolated island called Bijuri because it was the only place in the world that had special barbells heavy enough to challenge his son. He was also trained in Judo and Muay Thai.

Other: His favorite food is roasted duck.


Skills: Judo, Muay Thai, Lifting weights.

Classes Taking: Archery, blunt weapons, throwing weapons, math, english, and science.

Name:  Steven Arnold

Nickname: Dean Arnold

Age: 61

Birthday: September 27

Appearance: nice man.jpg

Gender:  Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship: Married for 35 years

Species: Human

Personality:  To his friends and family, Steven is the kindest guy you would ever meet. He loves to be around people and always helps them out when someone needs it. He turns into someone different at his job, though. He loves his job and his students, but no one would ever guess that. He believes that to be successful in his 'business' you must be strict and tough. He is not one to let someone get off easily, and punishments are often handed out swiftly and without much thought. Despite this, if a student ever asks for help, he is more than happy to give it to them, but most are too afraid to.  

History:  Steven was raised in a very strict household to parents who did not believe in those with powers. They were Christians - the bible slamming kind as well. Because of this Steven was always fascinated with those that were more than the 'average human'. He would search for information about them anywhere he could. This caused him to get several painful beatings, but that did not stop him. When he got older and moved out he was almost immediately disowned by his parents. He had stopped going to church and praying, had thrown out his bibles and had devoted himself into learning as much as he could about the supernatural. He knew one day he would want to work with them, and the easiest way was to get a teaching job as it did not require any special skills. He eventually made his way up the latter and into the deans chair, where he has been for 20 years. 
Name Sage Blaeal Age | Seventeen Birthday | July 18th Gender | MaleSexuality | Bisexual Relationship | N/ASpecies | Forest nymph Skill | HealingPowers/Magic | Sage draws his ability to heal others directly from the Earth. As long as he is near some form of true nature, he can use it to draw out the ailment of another. Personality | Sage is a person that's easy to love, whether for good reasons or for cruel ones. He's always a happy person, very optimistic, and will never stop nor hesitate when it comes to helping those that are injured. However, despite all of his good qualities, he lacks basic common sense and is therefore very gullible and easy to take advantage of. History| Sage was born into a community of nymphs; technophobic, living-off-the-land types that all followed a caste system revolving around the gifts that one was given at birth. He was never expected to be much, as both of his parents weren't anything impressive themselves, but he proved them all wrong when he began, at a very young age, to heal the birds that had fallen from their nests with only a smear of dirt to their injuries. As true, born Healers as himself were something of a rarity and something that the community was lacking, all were ecstatic and he was revered. However, their happiness quickly turned to panic when they realized that soon, Sage would be the only one left as no other Healers had been born in the seventeen years of his life and all they had left were the less effective Healers that were taught their trade. Something had to be done so they, going against their ways, sought out outside help and eventually learned of Nightlight Academy. He was quickly enrolled and they all hoped that when he would return, he would be even more refined and his skill and he would not only be able to pass this onto his own children, but teach the knowledge to others. Weapon | A small dagger.Classes Taking | Math, Science, English, Extracurricular, Short Swords and Daggers, Medicinal Plants, Healing Powers.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Atohi Juntar[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Nickname:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] 

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Birthday: [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]June 26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
Another Atohi Candidate.jpg

Atohi would normally put his hair up into a ponytail during classes. He has a pair of hawk wings on his back and when the rare moment of him making them disappear into his back occurs, a marking that resembles his wings would apear where they were. 

[SIZE=10.5pt]Gender: [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sexuality: [/SIZE]Asexual

[SIZE=10.5pt]Relationship[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Currently single[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Species: [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Thunderer (a storm spirit)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Atohi, though fairly smart, doesn’t really act like it at times. He is very awkward, considering the fact he never talked to very many people. He tends to say the wrong thing at times and can easily lose his train of thought when speaking to someone. His loyalty to who he cares for is unmatched, even if he can’t always express it in words.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]History:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Atohi was born and raised among his people, never having been exposed to anyone else. As a child, he was raised to value honor and discipline. He can get rather competitive at times, which usually results in him getting into some trouble with his parents and the other adults. That is definitely something he’s been working on, however. He grew up with his close family and friends in a small town in Virginia, one that wasn't really known to anyone from the outside. Once he turned 16, he started wanting to get out of the town. He felt trapped. He begged his parents to move to another town, but they refused. After one year of continuous asking, they finally decided to just send him to Nightlight Academy, hoping he would be satisfied. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Other: [/SIZE]Atohi usually carries his spear around on his back with it sticking out of a bag he fits between his wings, even though it’s rare he ever uses it unless he needs to. It’s almost like a safety blanket to him.


[SIZE=10.5pt]Skill(s): [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Air-Fighting [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Classes Taking:[/SIZE] Wings and Flying, Throwing Weapons, Math, Science, History, English, Air Fighting 101, and an extracurricular class.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weapon: [/SIZE]

Atohi's spear.jpg

[SIZE=10.5pt]A Cherokee spear, commonly used for fighting and hunting and Atohi's spear specifically is 4 ft long.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Powers/Magic[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: He has hawk wings enabling him to fly, and is able to make them recede into his back when needed. However, he can only keep them in for a short amount of time before an unbearable pain attacks his back. As a result, he tries to keep them out as often as possible. As a Thunderer, he also has the ability to call on storms for a period of time which he has not used in a long time. [/SIZE]
Name: Othorion Genvaris

Nickname: Oreo



Age: 19

Birthday: December 5th

  Height: 5'2"

  Weight: 105 lbs

  Hair Color: White

  Eye Color: Right: Red, Left: Green

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship: N/A

Species: Half-ling: (description in powers/magic) Lythari Elf/Human

Personality: The pure-spirited Oreo is very enthusiastic and ready to learn, but his lack of an attention span hinders him greatly. He has a very gentle and childish nature. One can never stress enough how much he loves animals. Scratch that, he loves any living creature that could be considered a pet (and his definition of that is very broad). When he comes across a monster he doesn't see it as scary he considers it his friend and runs up to it completely oblivious. However, don't be fooled, he isn't very courageous. 

History: Adopted by a human couple Oreo comes from a very modernistic society. One filled with technology. His overprotective parents were concerned as to how the other humans would react to Oreo so they kept him in home-school. They were very forward with him and told him his situation as soon as they knew he could understand and handle it. He would spend most of his days indoors playing video games and coding. His parents weren't cruel though, they would let him outside to play. When he did he would usually find an abandoned animal, especially considering they don't live far from some woods. He continuously would bring them home and beg his parents to let him keep them, promising to take full responsibility and to bring them back to health. Feeling sympathy for his loneliness they allowed him to keep them, but suggested he be on the lookout for a new home for his furry friends. It isn't easy but somehow Oreo usually found a loving person to take in his rescues (it made it especially difficult because Oreo always made sure to background check the potential owner). However, one day he comes across a starving near-dead wolf. Oreo knew his parents wouldn't allow him to bring a wild wolf into their home so he hid her in an abandoned barn. He visited everyday and tried his hardest to save the canine, but his skills weren't strong enough. Although, because Oreo went so long without using his hidden powers and they built up and were activated by his grief, the spirit of the wolf was given somewhat of a new life. Given the condition of Oreo's powers the wolf was given human-like abilities and became somewhat of a guardian (specifically for Oreo). She materialized into a whistle and went to her resting place, but promised Oreo if he ever needed her all he needed was to blow the whistle.

His parents were relieved to find a a school where Oreo could fit in and hopefully meet new people and learn how to control his powers more effectively.

Other: He has a sweet tooth, and his favorite video games are horror. He's also a walking encyclopedia on how to care for creatures mythical and otherwise (but there are some he's unfamiliar with).


Skill(s): Healing

Classes Taking: Healing powers, first-aid, blunt weapons, math, science, English, extracurricular (anthing about creatures?)

Weapon: Small hand knife


Powers/Magic: He can shape shift into a wolf (with complete control over it). He can summon the spirit of a wolf he befriended if he's in a super tight spot (emergencies only). She has telekinesis and the power of light. She can also transform into a human and knows archery.
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Sorry I didn't make a starting post. I'm really tired and I haven't made a character for me to RP as yet (besides the dean) 
I don't even like coffee, I just need something to wake me up ! haha. 

I got a coke though, so hopefully that will help. Horrible for my teeth though. 

Coffee just makes me thirsty, though, and the taste isn't good enough for me to just drink. I see the appeal though. Plus it smells really good .
(ugh when you start making your character and then accidentally delete everything. Fml) 

Name:  Anna Bee

Nickname: Bee

Age: 20

Birthday: April 30

Appearance: Pretty cute girl in white.jpg

Has also black wings and, when angered, her body changes a bit. She sprouts horns and her nails grow black and long, much like the feral ways of her people. 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship: None at the moment

Species: Succubus 

Personality: Anna is a nice girl, but she has some temperament issues. Despite what most think, she is not a creature who feeds off of the sexual arousal of others (or something like that). Some succubus are, but she was raised in a home where that was not allowed. In fact, she is pretty sure that if she ever even thought of doing such a thing her mother would faint and her father would have a cow. They have created other means of sustaining their power, which is supplied to her by the school and she does not talk about. She goes between trying to make everyone happy and not giving a shit about anyone else, depending on her mood at that time/day. Some may call her bipolar, but most of the time she is mostly fun and likable. 

History:  As said above, Anna was born into a house that did not believe in what some would consider "traditional" succubus ways.  Through many years of succubus converting to a new way of life, they eventually got to Anna. She is full-heartedly invested in this way of life, believeing it is the best (and only) way to live. Her life at home was otherwise uneventful. She was bullied at some times in her life for being a succubus, most of those who did where scared of her, though. 


Skill(s): Healing. Anna has an affinity for healing others, with potions or more traditional means. 

Classes Taking:  Healing powers, Potions and healing witchcraft, Math, Science, English, extracurricular, and medicinal plants

Weapon: Dagger.jpg

Kept strapped to her leg. In plain sight but easy to get to. The handle emits a soft red glow. Inherited by her father. 

Powers/Magic: Semi-Advanced traditional healing powers. None that are "taboo" or use evil magika. 



Oh I crack myself up. 
Did I make an unnecessarily young character? I was under the impression these were supposed to be like, high school aged kids. >w<
No it's fine. we've got 17,18,19, and 20. It doesn't have to be a high school necessarily it can just be a "school for those gifted in fighting" 

So I guess theoretically a child could go, lol. 
Name: Elena Lightwood

Nickname: Elle or Ellie

Age: 19

Birthday: March 9th

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship: None

Species: Hybrid

Personality: Elena is very smart but she is abit of a flirty type and a tough girl who is very skilled at many things, but as time goes by and as the RP goes she will become a very interesting and mysterious girl.

History: Elena has had a very rough childhood and never really learned how to be a queen since she only found out just recently to be the Queen of her wolf pack and be trained constantly day and night and this school is the perfect opportunity for her to work on herself and learn how to deal with both parts of her mysterious and action-packed life.

Skill(s): Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Agility, Super Senses, Super DurabilityEnhanced Healing FactorImmortalityEmotional ControlEnhanced Emotions, Lycanthrope Enhancement, Mind Compulsion, Shapeshifting/Transformation Control, Telepathy, Dream Manipulation, Illusions, Werewolf Bite, Werewolf Bite Cure, Immunity to Silver, and Lie detection.

Classes Taking: Archery, Blunt Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Long Sword, Short swords, Daggers, How To Planes, Air fighting 101, and How to survive a crash/Crash types.

Weapon: Fist, Dagger, Sword, Or bow and arrow, But any weapon she is given she can easily adapt.

Powers/Magic: In the Skills.

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I posted the first post so all you people can actually RP now. 

Yes I'm calling you all out for not starting before this :P

Except for KaraRP because she just got accepted. 
Name: Alexander Colt

Nickname: Alex

Age: 18

Birthday: Sometime in March

Appearance: images (10).jpg

Alex has very dark brown hair and eyes. He also has a lot of scaring over his body including his hands and arms.

He's about 5'9''

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetro

Relationship: non

Species: Human experiment

Personality: Alex is a very laid back kinda guy. He tries not to get worked up or upset about to many things and tries to approach everything with a smile. In saying that, he is anything but lazy. He puts everything into anything he does.

History: Alex only has a year worth of memory, he was booked into a hospital after he fell from the second story of a burning skyscraper belonging to Colt ugenics in the heart of Melbourne, Australia. He had no ID or anytype of identification when he was found and the building had been burnt to the ground stopping any sort of investigation as all the staff had perished in the flame. When Alex finally woke from a year long coma he spent only another two weeks in the hospital after which he set of to work out who he was, despite the hospital staff trying to subdue him as he 'booked out'.

He gave himself his first name, after a hero who had lost his memory in one of the books he read, and he took the last name of the CEO of the company that owned the building he fell out of. He spent the rest of the year jumping from job to job before getting a letter from a foreign school.

Other: really likes a good coffee


Skill(s): Fighting (Hand-to-hand)

Classes Taking: Maths, science, engeenering and English.

Weapon: Alex excels best in close quarter hand to hand combat so after a brief discussion with the Dean a hand to hand class will be set up for him.

Powers/Magic: Alex has no powers per-say but his body isn't that of a normal humans. All his senses are hightened, his reflexes are enhanced, his speed and strength are greatly increased and his mental thought processing is super fast. This is combined with the fact that there are solid steel rods inside all of his bones so he may still move with a broken arm as well as having calcium reinforced bones. The structure around the outside of his hand looks like its been tampered with to help him hit harder.
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It's a little sloppy, but editing has been finished. @JustAlexandra

(If this is too OP, I completely and totally understand. I’m kind of pushing my own idea of OP with this character. Totally editable if that’s the case. Thought making her not exceptionally powerful unless she becomes an all-but-unstoppable machine of destruction balanced it out?)




Name: Allison Jaigh Hale


Nickname: Leah, Bloody Blue Jay


Age: 18


Birthday: March 30


Appearance: Long, dark, reddish-brown hair, green-blue eyes. A tanned skin tone with freckles sprinkled across her face. No glasses, and she looks older than a twelve-year old. She also has a few scars, most not more than small cuts on her hands, but the most noticeable of which is a jagged mark on the inside of her left forearm. Her figure and stature is very effectively summed up in the image lower (see the hidden content thing), the one with the flannel out of the two used for outfit reference. Except doesn't the head seem ever so slightly out of proportion? I can't really tell. But in that case, a head in proportion with the rest of her body might be important....

[SIZE= 14px]Height:[/SIZE] 5' 3"

[SIZE= 14px]Weight:[/SIZE] 123 lbs


Gender: F


Sexuality: Straight


Relationship: None, as of now


Species: Human


Personality: All but shameless. Loud, eccentric, stubborn, and abrasive. She’s the miffed (but undeniably clever) insult fired with lethal accuracy at any nuisance. She’s the sarcastic comment that makes a dreary situation a little more lighthearted. That being said, she knows what is not the time nor the place, and she is the one who shuts up those who don’t. Unfortunately, she’s bad at reading individual people, interpreting a conversation’s tone, understanding some small social cues. Well-intentioned but almost tactless, Leah is an open social flame.

Unless she’s in a bad mood. In that case expect little talk and lots of death glare. It takes the knowledge and exploitation of a certain something, though. Little else bothers her.


Other: Leah likes music (primarily the artists Brandi Carlisle, Twenty-One Pilots, Bastille, Imagine Dragons, and Two Steps from Hell. She’s a scattered person here), and can often be seen bouncing along to a rhythm impossible to hear through her headphones. She also has a soft spot for cats. Aaaaaaaand she has just about two outfits, each being similar to these images. Same shoes, same capris, pretty much. She's never had a very large selection to choose from. (sorry 'bout the second image being unrealistic-looking)




History: A certain something it is. Early in her life, Leah had been cycled through a foster system. It was, for the most part, uneventful but resentful, leading her to run away. Since around what she estimates to be the age of ten (her real birthdate is unknown, the thirtieth of march is one she chose) she has lived and traveled two other people whom she considered to be her family, a boy two years older than her, and a girl four years younger. A family of a brother and a sister. The oldest and youngest actually happened to be partially human, with abilities that complemented each other. Stick a powerless human in the mix? Ha! The group adapted remarkably, and soon the three had a bit of a system for carrying out burglaries, the main method they used to feed themselves. Leah was the stealthiest, James the most proficient in combat, and little Celia was their recon.

Until a particular event.

They made the mistake of selecting a particular warehouse as their target, owned by someone who they didn’t recognize as a lesser demon posing as human. During that event, James and Celia both died. Leah wanted to. She nearly did, at seventeen.

The demon was killed at the expense of Leah being… practically possessed.

In a situation headed south, she can provoke that power that is otherwise untappable. Unfortunately, while she becomes extremely powerful, she becomes irrational, erratic, and unpredictable. Equally dangerous to her allies as her enemies.

James and Celia were the only two people who knew her name.

A few months later when being hunted by the FBI, Leah kind of… lost it. In short, she nearly demolished an entire city (fortunately not anything like New York, Toronto, nothing majorly recognizable) and landed a great deal of casualties.


Other (History): No living person uses her real name. It’s a detail in a story she wants few people, if anyone, to know. She is known as Leah, and as far as anyone (except the principal or dean of the school, darn applications) knows, that’s it. Leah Jaigh. In the press, when the destruction of the city was covered, she was dubbed the ‘Bloody Blue Jay.’




Skill(s): Battle! Leah is human, but at her best she can rival some of the better non-humans in hand-to-hand combat. Also, considering her cursed form, she’s like… like the last resort if Thanos decides to invade New York again. AFTER an evacuation (Marvel reference :P).

Leah is also pretty skilled at parkour.


Classes: Leah's classes consist of: first aid, blunt weaponry, planes and piloting, mathematics, science, literature, and 2 extracurricular classes-- music (its history, performance, and composition) and the studying of the Chinese language.


Weapon: Weapon? Ha! Fists are enough.  


Powers/Magic: Cursed form. Extremely powerful, can amplify physical force and generate heat, usually visible as large flashes of orange sparks. Becomes extremely irrational and dangerous, a particular protocol is set in place with FBI and United States military (with her consent) to contain her until she cools down. Destruction caused by this form is comparable to a nuclear strike. Otherwise, without this, she is just barely on the same level as the better non-humans in combat.
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Name: Kamala

Nickname: Red. He goes by this instead of his real name.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan

Relationship: N/A

Birthday: May 13

Species: Vampire

Red has short, slightly wavy hair with a soft light brown/blond color, and wine red irises. He's rather short for a male at 5'3", and has a thin build. He has light clear skin, and his face has soft edges. Because his species ages slower compared to humans, he looks a few years younger than the average male human at his age. Small fangs sit in place of where his canines would be.

His clothing style tends to be fairly plain, and regularly consists of light, loose t-shirts, shorts, and tennis shoes. Red tends to have pair of sunglasses on him in case the artificial light is too strong- otherwise they rest atop his head.

((I'm currently trying to find a picture that matches best as possible!))

Personality: Red is a calm, laid-back person with an easy going attitude. His sense of humor can be a bit goofy at times, and his jokes tend to be hit-or-miss.  He tends to get along well with others when they have the same outlook as himself, and cares about his friends' well-being. He much prefers peace and non-violent solutions over fighting, and does not want to hurt others. With that being said, Red has a tendency to end up being the "mom" friend. While not nagging or bossy, he tries to look after them in his own way. If anyone else tries to harm them he'll step up to the plate if need be, and while he dislikes getting physical, he will attempt to use other means to dissuade them first. As a vampire, he fights to hold back the anger and occasional blood-lust that is inherent to his species. During the middle of the day he tends to be sleepy, and a bit less attentive. Red is a bit unfamiliar with technology, and sometimes has troubles using more complicated things such as computers. 

History: Red was raised in a small tight-knit community of vampires with his family of four- both his parents and an older brother. They followed traditions rather than trying to adapt to the current modern times and lived a very different lifestyle than he does now, actively hunting people despite it putting themselves in danger. They managed to get away with it by traveling a lot and not staying in one place too long, but eventually, their habits caught up to them. At the age of 13 Red witnessed the community's camp being raided by angry humans retaliating against them. They had been tracked for the last couple of months by people from a nearby city who had lost friends and family to them, who found each other, and wanted to take matters into their own hands. Despite being weaker the humans had the element of surprise, and the two groups ended up killing each other. Red had somehow managed to stay hidden, and was now left on his own. For the next few years he lived homeless, deciding that he couldn't act the way his family had and forsaking his given name, making friends with other kids he met, staving off the horrible feelings of emptiness in his stomach with stolen human food and consuming the occasional small amounts of blood that his friends had offered up to him. Eventually he found out about Nightlight Academy and knowing that he couldn't survive on the goodwill of his friends for much longer, Red made his way over and joined as a healer. With Nightlight's connections, his current source of nutrition comes from donated blood that cannot be used in transfusions. 


Other: Since there's many variations on vampire lore, I thought I'd go with my own, and will explain a bit about Red's particular species' traits. These kinds of vampires are living creatures, and not former humans. They are nocturnal, but like humans working night shifts or etc, can adapt to a different sleeping schedule. Their primary source of nutrients is blood, and their digestive system has a harder time with solids. They can eat human food but will not be able to receive proper nutrients from it or survive solely on it- instead it's like the equivalent of junk food. These vampires have fangs to aid in combat and feeding. Fresh human blood provides the best blend of nutrients, but it's possible to live off of animal blood, preserved human blood, or blood from recently deceased humans. They have a stronger sense of smell than humans and recover from wounds quicker, along with a longer life-span and are slower to mature. They burn easily in the sun, their eyes are more sensitive to light as they are made for seeing at night, and they prefer cooler weather. If they do not get enough to eat, they will experience a horrible sense of hunger and eventually succumb to blood-lust, possibly killing to sate themselves. As a whole, they tend to be quicker to anger and instinctually more violent.


Skill(s): Natural traits typical to his species such as: improved healing rate, improved sense of smell, and the ability to see in the dark.

Classes Taking: Math, science, literature, french (extra-curricular), first aid, medicinal plants, healing powers, and throwing weapons.

Weapon: A small set of throwing knives. May find a picture later.

Powers/Magic: Red is able to recover from wounds very fast and ages slowly in comparison to humans, just like other vampires. Additionally, his blood has properties that can speed and aid in healing other species. Thus, by using his own blood, he can facilitate faster and better recovery to wounded people. Typical methods of achieving this are pouring his own fresh blood into the wound or making the injured drink it in a pinch, or using it in a mixture of other things with healing properties.


((I hope this is okay! If anything isn't or needs to be changed or if anyone has any concerns, please tell me and we can discuss it!))
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