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Fandom New Directions [Glee RP]




[ Please Keep Reserved for the Beauty of Show Choir Purposes. ]
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Wednesday, September 17

It had been approximately 2 weeks since the students of William Mckinley High School had returned from Summer Break. The end to their social pause, and the beginning to thriving hallways. With the new year, there had been new additions to the staff, some retired, some quit, some just disappeared. Everything was normal, except for the hiring of a new Jazz Band teacher. His name?
Daniel Schuester. That name might've sounded familiar some 30 something years ago, but now it was just a hazy memory. A memory of the time in which the High School had been home to the best Glee Club in America. Now, Glee Club was just something the Jocks thought was some sort of old celibacy club, or something. It had been a time in which Sue Sylvester thought she ruled the school and a time in which Will Schuester fought back with his talented New Directions group.

But like all things, the exhilarating feeling of being a part of something like the Glee Club faded and it was shut down. The only thing that was true proof that it had once brought joy to the students was the Finn Hudson Auditorium, dedicated to Mr. Leader of the Group himself. Now things seemed to have reverted back to their old ways. A time in which the Cheerios and a new reigning tyrant Coach Parker. One of the meanest most bitter women to ever inhabit the earth. Principal Pollack had called it the
Sue Sylvester Takeover. Because of the way they had both treated everyone, and abused power so easily. No one messed with that woman, she was pure hate and hormones.

Mr. Schuester had already earned the woman's pure hate after only 3 weeks. It was irritatingly impossible for them to agree and after a request to once again open up the Glee Club, the woman exploded. Holland Parker argued that her Cheerios needed all the funding
which was extremely overboard, to train and equip her team. Because according to her, that was the only team that mattered and the only reason people knew that School even existed. Of course, the new teacher couldn't go down without a fight and offered to pay for all funding other than the 100 dollars that Principal Pollack had allowed. This made the cheap man happy and he agreed with Coach Parker's ramblings in the background. Mr. Schue had printed several flyers and hung them around the school, but much to his dismay the Cheerios had been ordered to tear them down whenever they were in sight.

The only thing left now was the sign-up sheet on the school bulletin, printed on a lime colored paper. It was hidden behind clubs that people actually knew about and wanted to join. No student cared to be a part of something that Coach Parker so stubbornly opposed. However, it had taken the attention of one particular girl with blonde hair and freckled complexion. Her distant relative's mom had a cousin who'd been a part of some type of club similar to the one being advertised. Although it drew her attention, for even the slightest moment, the girl continued to walk. Only to be met with one of the most well-known bullying methods of Mckinley Hight.
The Slushie. Charlotte wasn't sure what really made the iced drink worse, the sting of the corn syrup in the eyes, or the cold tiny pieces of ice that seemed to cause pricks all over a person's face, or maybe it was the feeling of terrible humiliation one felt afterwards.


All in all, a shocked and cold Charlotte Evans wiped the slushie from her eyes, and tried to avoid the gazes and giggles that surrounded her. This was her life, a slushie every week and if the Glee Club would bring even more, well she already knew how to get the stains out of her clothes. The blonde girl dug into her bag for a pen and signed her name down. Walking away, the short girl glared at the two Jocks who'd slushied her. Darren Phillips and some guy she'd remembered as Alek Gartner, only the hottest yet most out of her league guys in existence. All they did was high five each other and keep on walking, like she didn't exist.
Typical. The girl did the same, trying to make her way into the girl's bathroom where she could get some of the sticky syrup off of her clothing. Signing up for the Club might've been one of the worst or best decisions. But, as she saw it, if they even came close to succeeding, it was her ticket to Stardom. Something she'd always wanted. "Jesus, I just got this shirt." Irritation was clear in her voice as she wet some napkins.

Meanwhile, Darren was walking with Alek. The two had been friends for as long as they could remember, brothers from another mother as they had each put it. He was the left tackle of the Football team, and was currently dating a very smoking hot group of cheerleaders. Yes, yes you heard right.
A group. Well, I guess it's not really called dating, more of like hooking-up. As close as the two males were, Darren couldn't come to understand how his buddy Alek had managed to pretty much refuse dating one of the only girls who didn't put out in the entire school. I mean, Erin Coleman was super hot, and a total priss but hell would he date her any day. Darren liked girls, more that just to kiss them. His side business really got him attention from the Cougars in town which seemed to satisfy him more than the teenagers in the school who only wanted romance. Now, Darren could do romance only if the girl was hot enough to beat J.Lo in sexy contest. Unlike his twin who seemed to be deeply in love with another popular priss. Speaking of Aaron, where the hell was he?

Aaron was outside with the rest of their crew, the football players that is. They'd found the Versace king himself,
sarcasm intended. That kid was probably the gayest person he'd ever encountered, and trust me when I say he was gay for real. Like, he was seriously into guys and not like Aaron was throwing him into the trash for that, but they just loved to see the expression on Kyle Corbett's face when his clothes got dirty in the trash block. His eyes were caught in the gaze of one Miss Beatrice Malone as she walked by in her aweing beauty. Of course, no one could no that he had the hots for that chick. He'd get the living crap kicked out of him for a mistake like that. Sometimes, when he did make comments he would joke them off. However, this did not stop him from being friendly. He was friendly to most people after all, why not make it an excuse to talk to her. "Hey, Beatrice. What's up?" Came from his mouth as she passed by.

@Sugar : @jacunliffe : @Halcyon

''We dun' screwed her up!'' Alek said, as they walk-runned their way out of there. The way the girl reacted when she felt the cold fuzzy liquid was priceless, something they'd only achieve once in their life. Of course, it would've been horrible and emberassing to be on the other side of the coin, but, deep inside, they know they're quite the douches, yet at that age they couldn't care less about what they did and what they'd regret in the future ''You could say she remained, ICE cold!'' quickly for Aleks, his laughing and expression faded away, staring at him and saying ''God damn it Darren you just had to force a pun.'' he said, as he hit his back and kept on walking. They had no place to go in particular, and he was quite bored anyways, so, ''wherever the wind would take them''. He felt a certain sting afterwards, he kind of found that girl attractive, but, after that, he didn't think she'd want to hook up with him anyways, somethings are just never forgotten.

''What do you want to do now?'' ''I have no idea, I want no hook up with a girl but we just threw a slushie in ones face, I don't know, as long as I can kiss someoen I guess.'' Darren laughed and looked at Aleks, doing a girly type of action and sarcastically speaking ''Oh look at me, I'm Alek, a romantic wussy.'' Aleks tilted his head to him and pushed him, playfully yet angrily, Darren laughing afterwards. ''Well, of course, I got these cheerleaders wanting to get inside my pants, yet you are looking for a girl, but, whatevah.'' ''Shut it, you scumbag. You know you only like them because of other reasons apart from their personality, you sick man.'' he said, shortly after, a sickened expression plasted all over his face.

They kept on walking, trough the corridors of this giant shool, still without an aim in their sights. Then, they walked past Beatrice. Darren stared at her, well, back, something lower than her waist, and began biting his lip. Alek pushed him, punching him slightly under the shoulder. ''What! i'm a man, and one recognizes such a fine pooper as that!'' ''You damn child, go to your power rangers.'' Alek said, as they passed the girl.

(( Sorry for short post, didn't know what to do >.<

Ren groaned at the sound of his alarm clock. School. Ren dreaded that place. It was full of uneducated popular people who pushed him around. Ren rolled out of bed, falling onto the floor. He stayed there for a few minutes, just running his fingers along the floor.

"Ramona! You're going to be late for school if you don't get ready now!" his father called from downstairs. Ramona. He despised that name. It wasn't his name but rather her name. He also hated the fact his father didn't accept him. First he had to deal with people at school calling him a chick and now he had to deal with his father too. Ren stood up finally walking to the bathroom, bringing a sheet with him. He threw that cloth over the mirror, making sure any of the reflective parts were covered. He then started undressing, avoiding looking at himself. The boobs and the Thing, as he called it, always made him uncomfortable. They didnt belong on him at all. Ren shrugged it off, jumping into the shower and quickly washing himself. The boy then jumped out of the shower, drying off as he reached over and grabbed his binder. He tugged in on, pressing down the breast that weren't his. He finished getting dressed, taking down the sheet from his mirror. He winked at him self, flipping his hair before heading down the stairs.

Ren sat at the table, shoving down a piece of toast. "Ramona... why aren't you wearing the dress a bought you. You look like a boy again." His father gruffed, eating some eggs. "It's Ren dad. Ren. And i am a boy." Ren looked down in his lap, messing with the chain that hung on a belt loop. His father looked up from his plate, staring at Ren. Ren hesitantly looked up, feeling the eyes on him. Ren gulped slightly, feeling nervous as those dead beat eyes stared into his. "You're a girl. It says so on your birth certificate." He glared, turning his focus back on his food. Ren shook his head and stood from the table, anger building inside him. He didn't say anymore as he started walking to school.

Ren made his way into school, flipping his hair and giving a lip bit towards a girl that was popping her gum. Ross. Total blonde babe, alas not Ren's type. Believe it or not, he was more into tomboy girl and boys. Ross gave a disgusted look towards the boy and looked away, rolling her eyes. Ren didn't let that ruin his mojo though. He continued to walk, quietly to himself now, towards his locker. Suddenly he was slipping and falling on his arse. "Sh**" he mumbled, feeling the wet sticky floor below him. 'slushie? Really? Are people still doing that?' Ren thought to himself, getting up and wiping off his jeans. He then walked towards the bathrooms. Someone had to clean up this mess.

The bathroom. Ren dreaded that place more than school and his own house. Ren stood in front of both doors playing with his shirt collar. Boy... or girl? He's gotten in trouble before for going into the boy's restroom, but he couldn't stand being in the girls. Suddenly the queen bitch strutted out of the bathroom, knocking into Ren's shoulder.

"Watch it." He glared, looking her up and down. The cheerleader just laughed and shook her head.

"If you're confused i'll help you. You use the girls bathroom. Because you are one." She snarled seriously, walking away in her perfect cheerios uniform. Ren took a deep breath, counting to five before entering the men's restroom. He grabbed a few paper towels before dashing out of there and back over to the spilled slushie. He quickly mopped it up, heading over to the trashcan to throw away the paper towels. Right then something caught his eye. He stepped back looking at the paper on the bulletin board. Glee club. His mom, who was now divorced to her dad and half way across the country, was in a glee club along with her twin brother. She always told Ren stories about how people used to make fun of her and her twin calling them the incest twins. However, there was a glee club where they were welcomed with opened arms. They had a place to belong because of this club. And if it were anything Ren longed for it was somewhere to belong. Ren bit his lip as he searched through his bag, pulling out a pen. He stopped for a moment and signed his name on the paper, right below another name that didn't sound familiar. He took a step back, admiring his name. Right then the cold hit him in the back of the head.

"F*cking Lesbo!" A random voice yelled. Ren didnt know where it came from but he called out anyway.

"You're just jealous that your girlfriend would rather get with me!" He called out, wiping some slush out of his hair. He head back over to the bathroom, not hesitating this time as he entered the girls back room.

((Sorry it's rather long. I just want people to get the feel of what's it like to be Ren))
Some days Beatrice could sit for hours and just listen to music in her room while she tried out makeup techniques and hum along. But this morning, she had slept late and only had time for her beauty routine instead. It wasn't like she had forgotten to set her alarm, but she had been up late the night before working on an assignment for language. Already two weeks in, that beast of a teacher had managed to assign both a novel study and an essay that were both way out of her ability to complete. There was really a good chance her first semester marks would be less than what is necessary to apply for university next year. From what she knew, which was very limited, they looked at your last three years of education leading up to your application. And so far her marks were less than what was required. So as the schools most popular non-cheerio stood near her locker, she checked her makeup in the mirror before heading out into the swarm of students that seemed to fill the hall.

Their conversations jumbling together as she only partially eavesdropped. But by a sheer bout of luck, she managed to miss what Darren had said as he passed. With one last glance at her completion on the small purple framed mirror that clung to the locker door, she turned on a kitten heel into the sea of students, shutting her locker door behind her. It was like she was moving in slow motion as she made her way down the hall and outside before her first class. Something about fresh air made her think straighter, that and her friends were probably outside trying to avoid either the throng of losers vying for their attentions or teachers that had a grudge against some of them. The brunettes heels made a clicking sound as she walked down the cement path that wound past the football bleachers and toward the back parking lot where she assumed that either most of the football team would be or perhaps Ross or the cheerios.

Approaching the groups that seemed to be engaging in their usual activities, she noticed that they were picking on the admittedly fashion forward gay kid again. The fact that they found in necessary to make this some sort of routine was sort of uncomfortable since she knew that if she were to step down even one level on the schools hierarchal totem pole, she would be at a level where she could be taunted and harassed by the muscle heads on the varsity team. Even as she looked from the boy in the dumpster to the team, she heard somebody call out to her from their midst. Blinking through her long lashes, Beatrice smiled in the speakers direction. "Nothing really Aaron. What are you doing... I mean other then throwing Kyle in the dumpsters again?" She says with a impassible smile stopping on the curb.

Elsewhere, Harrison sat on the bleachers typing energetically on his laptop. The tall male had been working on the very same essay that Beatrice had finished the night before. It was a tad late to be working on it but his dance lessons at the local studio got in the way with his school work sometimes. But I guess when you have a 4.0 GPA you can afford to work on your assignments last minute once and awhile. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he worked, furiously adding to the slew of words already covering the screen. The boy was a know nerd at the school and a proud member of the schools AV and Math Team. He didn't really care what anyone thought about him since in twenty years he would be a professor and they will be flipping fries at McDonalds if they kept it up.

Besides, the student body at McKinley didn't give two shits about anybody that was different or stood out against the norms. Like him and his friends. But then again they must have that small part of their mind that did since they went out of their way to slushy him all the time. And to think, he was just a poor nerd. At least he wasn't that Kyle kid. He must go home in tears every day. Harrison felt really bad that the jocks picked on him all the time because of his sexuality. Though that is what you get for being the only openly gay kid in the school. Sighing, the boy ran his hands through his hair before looking up at the sky, squinting through the suns rays. It was still pretty early in the school year but by mid September he had expected it to become cooler. That may not be how it worked but that was something he had predicted. Since the warming of the polar caps and such.

Shutting the top of his laptop with a exaggerated sigh, he looked out across the greens to se his friend Leah coming across the field toward him. The girl and him had bonded the year before in AV club and now they were almost inseparable. As the girl reached the bottom of the bleachers she beamed up at him, her skirt blowing in the wind. "Morning looser" She called up in greeting. Harrison merely rolled his eyes at the lame joke leaning to the side to retrieve his laptops case. "What's that? I can't here you. I have slushy in my ears" He replied. They had started greeting each other like this only over the past few weeks. He in particular, found that making light of their situation made the burden easier to bare. They weren't football players or cheerleaders or even just attractive like some of them.

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Victoria woke up to the sound of voices that were too loud and heated for the morning. She sighed and grabbed her headphones without a second thought, only adjusting the devices in order to get dressed. She took one glance in the mirror and reached up, brushing her fingers across the two piercings on her cheeks that made her "look like Frankenstein." Every day, she thought about taking the studs out so people would stop commenting on them. Maybe tomorrow.

The girl left the house without saying a word to her parents and found her way to the center of the bus. Yes, she was riding the bus today. Victoria couldn't decide which was more humiliating- riding the bus or driving the car she owned. Her poor, paint-chipped, sun damaged, '93 Corolla had returned to the shop once again, leaving Victoria with no other option. The girl sighed and stared out the window, trying not to look at any of the other students or leave herself open for conversation. Victoria got up slowly as the bus rolled to a stop, trying to see if the jocks were bored enough to wait for the mass exodus of car-less kids today. At least on the bus, she wasn't the only target, though it wasn't as easy to escape should they come to torment the losers.

Victoria managed to slip away from the crowd before anything actually happened; she had gotten her fair share of slushies and learned that the easiest way to avoid them was to hang out in less crowded or obvious areas. Victoria liked to sit outside or on windowsills, but she noticed something-rather-someone that made her turn away from her usual meeting place.

"Char..." Victoria sighed as she saw a blonde girl leaving a trail of slushie as she headed toward the girls' restroom. Victoria stopped at her locker in the hall and grabbed a black leather jacket before following her friend.

"Hey...rough morning?" Victoria said as she approached Charlotte in front of the large mirror. She grabbed some paper towels, running a steady stream of water across the leaflets before handing them to the other girl. Victoria stood there and patted the jacket on her arm. "Sorry, I'm not sure if this is really your style or matches, but if you want you can borrow it."


The teen sighed deeply, as stared at her appearance in the bathroom mirror. It was quite frightful, hair and face dripping in corn syrup. Every part of her felt sticky, she wanted to crawl into a hole and live the rest of her life like a Hobbit. However, doing that would give the rock brains in the head of the football players the satisfaction of knowing she'd given up and let them win. Of course, the gossip had continued after last year and people still didn't like her. Even the nobodies in the bathroom were bashing her with whispers. Clenching her jaw, and giving one glare through the mirror. Oh, but lucky for her a beautiful familiar warm and strange face entered the bathroom. Victoria.

This girl had been her best friend for a while, the only one who didn't judge her on her ambition to escape Lima and ascend into Stardom and the only one whom she could truly confide in without being back stabbed. Her Dame in Shining Armor had arrived. A smile immediately broke through on the freckled girl's face, although it quickly dissipated as she remembered that she was covered in liquid sugar. "
Ah, yeah a bit. Darren and Alek got to me before I could even see them coming." With a slight grateful smile the girl took the wet paper towels and began wiping her face off, speaking once more to her best friend. "I mean, don't they know that this won't stop the inevitable future in which they clean my pool?"

Turning to the dark haired girl, Charlotte gently removed the leather jacket from her friend's hand and shook her head. "
Well, it certainly beats wearing a sticky blouse all day, doesn't it?" Making her way into a stall, the blonde quickly changed in leaving only the thin untouched camisole beneath the leather jacket. Opening up the door once more, she spoke again. "I signed up for the Glee Club, first name on the sheet." It wasn't really a proud tone that the girl used, more as a matter of factly manner. "You should join too, I figured that since we already get slushied this new addition to probable failures shouldn't be a big deal."


Aaron smiled as Beatrice turned to face him, responding to the greeting he'd offered her. Today, she was looking finer than ever. Her make-up really highlighted the beauty of the eyes she possessed. Although, the girl had such a beautiful face that even with no make up on, Bea still looked like the Victoria Secret models, with clothes on of course. After her response however, came the question that he'd completely forgotten about. Kyle, whom was just now trying to climb out of the dumpster without getting his Michael Kors blazer dirty. However, with the leftover food from yesterday's lunch already leaking out of the garbage bags the worst was inevitable. He heard the girl who in all honestly had a very good sense of style speaking to the twin Neanderthal number two, which was clearly obvious had it out for the dark haired Beatrice. Although she questioned the Jock's actions, her tone didn't exactly suggest judgement.

I didn't do anything to him. This is just some kind of reckless action he takes apart in to make sure no one questions his popularity." At this point, the very well dressed homosexual teen had managed his way out of the trash block and picked up his Jack Spade messenger bag from the floor. Obviously, Aaron had no idea how long it took for Kyle to remove the gross pieces of debris off of his clothing, but like most his actions were just overlooked. Without waiting for a response the shorter male walked away, cutting through the football field to reach the big building. It was a real struggle to be the only other openly gay student in the entire school, and have to deal with bullying that no one else understood. However, he always seemed to find witty and intelligent ways to retaliate against these verbal and sometimes physical attacks. As he crossed through the path, he noticed Leah and Harrison. Harrison was so handsome and so intelligent, Kyle's dream guy. Except for one problem, a problem that made him the loneliest person in the school. He was straight. And Leah was some sort of nerdy girl who couldn't dress herself at all.

He didn't do anything, we just let him offer his services in helping find a necklace Erin lost yesterday. So kind of him, right?" That was sort of true. Well, actually no. It wasn't true. Erin had lost her necklace in the bathroom trash which was emptied into a different dumpster but Kyle had no need for that info. They'd simply threatened him although at this point his placement into the garbage was a norm. So norm, that teachers saw them and just kept walking. That was the cool luxury of being a football player. No one cared what you did as long as you didn't kill someone. Although, sometimes he felt bad for the kid. However, he did offer to let him keep his bag Michael Ross bag, or something like that out of the filth. That was enough help right?

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Ren walked down the hall, running his hands through his sticky, hair. He didn't understand where this whole being slushied thing came from. Apparently it had been around for ages. By the end of the day you could always tell who was a loser and who was popular by the multi-colored slushie stained shirts. He was honestly surprised the school administration hasn't gotten ride of the slushie machine. It only caused them trouble. But, apparently they tried that once and it caused riots within the school. Ren understood though. Sure they got thrown in his face, but he still liked to have a slushie with lunch or when it's hot out.

Ren reached the girl's bathroom, opening the door. He stared at the floor in anger as he walked in, only to look up and see two females. Ren looked back and forth between the two, blinking his eyes. "Sh*t" He whispered, taking a step back. He had seen these two girl around before. Both seemed to always hang around each other. Their looks couldn't be any more different but that's what Ren liked about their relationship. He noticed the slushie stained shirt in the blonde girls hands. Charlotte He believed her name was.

"I'm sorry." Ren whispered, biting his lip as he looked down. "I'm uh, not allowed in the boys bathroom. " He explained looked back up at the two girls. He wasn't entirety sure what to say but he was almost positive he was making them uncomfortable. "I can go find an empty bathroom if you'd like." He added quickly, taking another step back toward the door. "I'm sorry." He mumbled once again, turning and exiting the bathroom.

Ren made his way down the halls, going to the only bathroom he knew was going to be empty this time of day. The bathrooms that are connected to the concession stands by the football field. Ren dodged people he didn't know and headed outside. He knew he was probably going to be late for class now, but he could already feel his hair drying and turning sticky. The boy in the wrong body made his way down the track, passing the Asian girl named Leah. She was always nice to Ren, giving small smile's towards him and calling him the correct pronouns. The girl looked up when he passed by her.

"Hey Ren! Where are you going?" She smiled lightly. Ren shifted from foot to another, biting his lip.

"Uh. I got slushied in the back. And i can't use the boy's bathrooms in the school." He explained, looking towards the concessions bathroom. Ren then looked up in the bleachers, noticing Harrison. He started walking again, giving a small wave to the to smart girl and boy. He finally made it to the boy's bathroom, giving a small smile as he relaxed.

@Valorie @MidnightAnew @jacunliffe

Please remember that Ren identifies as male, but is infact biologically female. This means he has all the female organs.
The girl merely arched her eyebrow slightly and pursed her lips. Kyle had a point. This didn't serve any purpose really other than that. Her chocolate brown eyes hovering on the boys Jack Spade messenger bag that even though it was slightly dusty prom the pavement was definitely stylish. Before returning her gaze to Aarons. With a small last flicker of acknowledgement of the others behind him, Beatrice spoke levelly. "Did he find the necklace then?" She said sliding the binder under her arm. It wasn't a bad thing that she downplayed herself but no matter what she was definitely one of those girls that people admired. At least she wasn't a bitch like some. "Cause clearly you really want to find it for her". She said as a light gust of wind blew through the parking lot.

Through her lashes she could see just how angular his jaws were. With the light hitting it at that specific angle they really were defined and quite strong. No wonder he was one of the guys that girls whispered about in the hallways. She had never really bothered to check their facts or focus on guys all too much since all they wanted was to get in her pants. In all honesty, that was probably most of the girls goals too. At least when she goes to parties that the insane amount of making out that goes on kind of turned her on. Did that make her desperate or just a hormonal girl? Both? Shifting her weight she sighed, the migraine from that morning budding once more.

He shut down his laptop and zipped up its black case in a swift motion. Setting it under the bleachers he tapped the spot beside him, motioning for Leah to sit down. He liked hanging out with her since she didn't spout any of the gossip crap that never ended up very well for anyone. It seemed that any time that rumours flew through the school they spiraled into a whirlwind that devastated anyone in its path. Like usual, Leah sat down and tucked her hair behind her ear so that she could see him.
"Did you see the AV club sign up sheet yet?" The girl said flattening her red plaid skirt that went past her knees.

Around the time that they had met in Chemistry in ninth grade, they had instantly clicked since they both had similar interests, personalities and really had no one else to cling to. The damn school was dog eat dog and they were the freaking puppies that got caught in the crossfire. Of course it could be worse for him if he was gay. But lately he had
started wondering why being a homosexual was so faux pas at McKinley. Looking out at the path that led to the school, he noticed Kyle. Kyle was a prime example of how the schools hypocritical society picked on those who were.. well different. Snapping out of his thoughts, his focus shifted from Kyle to Leah. "Oh no not yet... How many people signed up so far?"
Victoria shook her head, but her teeth flashed in the mirror for a moment. It honestly baffled her how Charlotte could be cheerful after getting slushied. She waited while the blonde finished wiping herself off to the best of her ability. “Hm, well I don’t-“ she stopped when the bathroom door opened and another face appeared in the mirror.

The girl raised an eyebrow when Ren said he wasn’t allowed in the boys’ restroom. Then again, a lot of the guys (and girls) here were jerks- confused high schoolers who didn’t know what they wanted in life so they just figured it’d be fun to exclude others. So Victoria could fully believe that guys would block someone from the restroom. But Ren didn’t exactly look or sound the most masculine either… but who was she to judge?

“Um, yeah…it’s cool, dude. No worries, whatever floats your boat,” Victoria replied as he started to leave. After Ren was gone, Victoria shrugged and leaned against the wall as Charlotte got changed. Well, that was awkward but it could have definitely been worse. Some guys just threw the girls' restroom door open for fun. Victoria couldn't wait to graduate and move to somewhere- somewhere not here.

“Glee Club, huh?” she asked, turning her attention back to Charlotte and speaking to her through the stall door. “Sounds like a good thing for you -you know- with you wanting to be famous and all. A club for singing would look good. Who knows, maybe some talent scout will discover you at a performance and voila- you’ll be on your way to stardom.” Victoria gave an encouraging smile before suggesting that they head to class soon. For someone who was part of the too-cool-for-school crowd, Victoria did care. Well, she cared enough to not flunk out of school. Her grades weren't the greatest, only average, but they were slowly getting better.

Victoria frowned slightly. “Yeah, I’m not so sure about me in a Glee Club. Clubs aren’t really my thing. And having to sing in front of people? Mm..sorry, but count me out. I'd definitely come and watch you guys perform, though." Victoria loved music, but she wasn't sure if she loved it enough to face her singer's stage fright.

@Valorie @Halcyon

(So Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner! :\)
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