[New Beginnings] [New Beginnings] Kennith Volisi


Spreading salt across the world since 1990
Name: Kennith Volisi (v-oh-lee-see)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 152 lbs

Appearance: Kennith is androgynous. If he were to wear clothes that cut off view from his chest, people would mistake him for a woman. An attractive woman at that. His voice is also quite feminine, adding onto many people's confusion at his gender. Despite this, he is very attracted to women and finds himself to be more 'lucky' than most men in his ability to get closer to women without them thinking too much into him. He often has black smudges over his cheeks or on his forehead. He often wears red flame resistant gloves that have been also lined with rubber on the inside. He carries with him an altered overcoat that is a dark grey with black splotches where smoke has stained it, however he does not wear the coat unless he is doing something 'artistic'. The overcoat of course being of the same material of the gloves but in a grey color. The inside of said coat is also lined in rubber. And he is also often times seen (by those about to die) skipping around while holding a thick bag of 'goodies' with that very same word spraypainted on the side.


Weapon of Choice: Grenade // Time Bomb // Triggered (detonator) Explosives. Anything that goes "Boom" .

Secondary weapons would include - Molotov Cocktail, Matches, Gasoline, Flare Gun, Flint and Steel Striker, Kerosene, Gasoline, . AKA anything that burns or leads to a flame.

Tertiary Weapons - Electronic Watches and his trusty (And coveted) "Short Kris" on the grounds that the blade looks like a flame.

Background: Kennith grew up with his mother, father, and sister in a cabin away from regular society. He was taught at a very young age how to differentiate between poisonous and edible mushrooms as well as how to create rope from sapling bark and certain 'green' trees. Needless to say, starting a fire was something he was tempered to do. At times, young Kennith was even forced to live on his own outside for several weeks without aid. Of course it was only during the summer and winter breaks from school that his father could get away with forcing Kennith to do so. But on every snow day, every day the rain caused cancellations, his father had him outside and kept away from his mother's kinder embrace. And so this went on through all of his school years. Despite his father being against it, however, and once he had graduated high school, his mother supported him in his choice to start attending college. Kennith Majored in Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, as well as Mechanical Engineering. He minored in Song-and-Dance as well as Gymnastics, much to his father's disappointment.

It was shortly after graduation day that the entire campus mysteriously burned down. Kennith spent the next three years working for many of the biggest oil companies (Including Sinopec and Chevron), General Electric, and many of Bechtel Corporation's buildings (single largest construction company in the world). Many of the facilities he worked at burned down. And it was only after his own family's cabin was found scorched did the CIA deduce that he was in fact the culprit. Not only was his father found burned to a crisp while still laying in the bed, but his mother and sister too were killed in their sleep. Since the date of the cabin's blaze, Kennith's trail had run cold.

Written Sample:

The city of Samsara, which was the name given to the town in what was known originally as the county of "Genesee" in Michigan, stands stalwart as one of the few strongholds against the "Bands of Miscreants" and also those that defy death who roam the lands The city is strangely one that now has a populace of happy citizens. The group of people being recognized as 'Dead Dagger' are also a growing force inside of the city whose sole duty is to protect the population and to go out and destroy other "Bandit" encampments. A sort of Robin-Hood-like group that sends out regular long range frequent transmissions for both regular citizens seeking respite as well as challenging the large groups of bandits to attempt attacking; both a beacon of hope as well as a confident taunt. The entire area around the city, of course, being comprised entirely of military-styled checkpoints. Three in total. The outermost checkpoint being in place to confiscate all weaponry. The second is to force those who seek entrance into the city to walk on foot and to leave their vehicles behind. And the last, innermost checkpoint is one that forces people to strip down to reveal any wounds they may have. And it is also here that an extensive array of swabbing, testing, and blood-sampling is done before finally allowing said people to continue to walk their way into the city. Or if they're lucky, catch a ride with the passing military convoys heading in and out.

It is this city that Kennith stumbled upon in his constant vagabonding, graciously accepting their 'aid'. before even aproaching, he had made sure to view them from a distance, gazing through the binoculars he had acquired from a 'generous' man prior. His eyes danced over each person as he watched them hand over their weapons. A large Kevlar duffle bag was set into a hole under a tree stump's roots and covered up before he made his way down, yelling for 'help'. He would then spend the next few months proving his worth and helping them to get their simple pumps and power grid back up and running in some other parts of the city. A fake smile always spread over his face as he continued the public facade of an 'up-beat citizen'. And the more he helped out, the more he found himself in a more favorable position in this new 'civil society'. Eventually, he was even aknowleged as a 'founder' who helped spur the growth of their grand city, connecting their reach even beyond the facilities in the ruins of old Detroit City.

Kennith continued to work and help other people get into new 'jobs' to help spur them back on track. But in the midst of this, he was also scrounging. And by the end of the expanding campaign to take all of Detroit, he had already earned access to every major building. He was given free reign over all of the facilities as well. Including the 'Dead Dagger' group's stockpiles of explosives. And he had even convinced them to relinquish their grenades in order to support in the effort of creating 'mining' and 'demolition' products that he himself was overlooking. Of course on every single site, he had made special alterations to the devices used to set off the explosions, having each location's work halted until he himself could 'work out the details'.

Kennith was also seen on numerous occasions inside of each factory. In fact, not only was he seen frequently vising these 'prime sites', he was seen in other buildings at night as well. Everyone of course chalked it up to his 'work ethic', and paid it no mind. During these times, he would take with him a cordless drill with different attachments and drill-bits as well as a large bag. And every time, it was always thirty to fourty-five minutes after an area lost power. What was not known was that timers were set in place within each section of the buildings he had previously worked on. Little black rectangular gadgets were set in place within the electrical meter-boxes themselves. Which were cutting the electricity off after between three to four days of the power being 'on'. And had a varying level of time they would keep the electricity cut off as to not harber suspicion.

While 'working' on the ever-present electrical issues, Kennith was setting explosives in every one of the re-fabished houses. He was setting charges in each of the support beams in the newly renovated facilities and factories. Even right underneath the military block of the city where the so called 'citizen soldiers' were located at. It took him an entire six months worth of work to set each detonator to the specified frequency and to place said bombs without anyone catching onto him or discovering their locations. In just six months, his most grand display of art was about to be unleashed to wash over every square foot of living space.
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Accepted. *shudders* Cannot wait to see what you do with this my friend.

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