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Fandom Neverland Nevermore

Cuddly Kraken

That one thespian
Peter Pan, ruler of Neverland, has vanished. Where he has gone, no one knows. And in his disappearance, Neverland has changed. The island, located in the Bermuda Triangle, has been corrupted. Now, the inhabitants of Neverland are bloodthirsty and ruthless, and aim to kill or maim or torture anyone unfortunate enough to land.

There are many inhabitants still present.

View attachment 69650

As cruel as they once were kind, the lost boys are a vicious bunch who are rather violent.


What makes the brave man brave? Likely his merciless aspects. Braves are one of the more vicious inhabitants.


While maybe their looks have left them, they're hypnotic songs have not. Beware the sirens song, these ladies will drown you. And most likely make you into fish food.


No amount of faith, trust, and pixie dust can purify the wicked souls of these little demons.


What do ya do with a drunken sailor? Slit his throat obviously. These fella's are even more cutthroat than when Pan still ruled the island.


The Landers are an unfortunate group of teens ranging from ages 13-17 who are dropped on the island. Their mission is to find Pan. How will they do so? Well, that's up to you isn't it...

You can decide what you are; a vicious inhabitant or a traitor to them, or are you a Lander? You decide the fate of Neverland, and your own soul.
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((*Throws hands into air.* this will be good, I can feel it. Also I do this to get notifications. Ignore my strangeness.))

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