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Deadwood Deer

Ten Thousand Club
The warehouse that was to be the base of operations for the newly formed SAHD unit had been largely emptied of it’s previous contents. It would be the responsibility of the unit to change and furbish the inside to their liking. The only people within the structure currently were the director’s proxy hologram and a few androids installing crucial machinery. Nobody really knew the director’s name, outside of his immediate staff. SAHD was very secretive about that.

There was a computer array in the center, with rooms off to the side where the agents could bunk if they chose, and no shortage of space in the building. Each room was labeled with the agent’s name and ID number, with the inside containing the basics of a bunk, adjusted to the specific needs of the intended occupant.

The director’s proxy flickered to life as the new agents approached. There were four organics, with the fifth member being delivered at the same time. That was a good balance. Machines were great, but they lacked spontaneity in the director’s eyes. Humans were much more entertaining, and better equipped to deal with the challenges of the field.

“Welcome,” the director opened, spreading his arms as the hologram walked towards the new recruits. “I won’t bore you with an opening speech, if you’ve gotten this far you’ve made it through training, medical, a mountain of contracts and non-disclosure agreements, and you are probably just eager to get to work or rest.

“I will, however, promise you that what we do at SAHD is nothing like the stories. We are not mercenaries that step in where the government fails. We are a wing that the government stretches when the state requests. We are not super-cops, we are an agency, just the same as the CIA or FBI. Your assignment is in the computer, and your requested equipment is on the way. The AI can assist you with any difficulties.” The director pressed a button on his wristwatch and the hologram of him vanished.

Soon after the hologram of the director vanished, the computers flickered to life as the androids began unpacking the huge crate that had just been delivered.
Amelia "Mia" Marianne
Cyborg, Sniper
SAHD Unit #73 Base, 8:30 a.m.

Amelia had pulled up to the warehouse on a motorbike. She was in her civilian clothes, the only cues of her not-quite natural nature was revealed in her silver hair, the way her eyes slightly glowed green, and in her hands. As she parked her bike outside the warehouse and went inside, she listened to the director talk as she surveyed her new coworkers. Her eye-augments flickered as they pulled up what information was available about them as they appeared.

Scott Blackburn, ex-military like herself. Experienced, that was good. He was also a demo-man. No modifications whatsoever? Not even an augment to improve hand-eye coordination? This man put a lot of faith in his flesh for a demolitions expert.

Raven Harbour. Most of the information that came up was a medical history. Apparently she’d had a few procedures done, and done a few procedures. She didn’t have much recorded experience, but records were incomplete, it was possible that the medic had simply not shown her true potential.

Jayden Coy, formerly military, part of a Spec Ops program, dishonorably discharged. The records didn’t say what he did, but considering how young he was, the youngest on the team, actually, there were all kinds of possibilities, from drugs to joyrides, it was all on the table, he looked like he was fresh out of highschool. Of course, he had had a gene mod to alter his physical appearance, so looks could be deceiving on that front.

And then the crate opened as the moving Androids plugged some cables into it and it steamed, lighting up as a panel opened, revealing the barebones frame of an android within. An endo-skeleton and parts lined the crate as the androids then pulled it out and began assembling the machine while the organics introduced themselves.

“I believe introductions are in order,” the cyborg said, extending her hand towards her coworkers. “Amelia Marianne, call me Mia. Sniper, spy. You three?”

SilverRose SilverRose Kryptic Kryptic Becker Becker
Jayden looked around the warehouse scaning every inch of the place with his eyes. He watched as the directors proxy flickered to life and he began talking. He remembered a lot of people entered to Become apart of the Agency but only a few were accepted. He would say he was homered but after the last “Agency” he was apart of his hopes weren’t high. He shifted his appearance around to make him seem maybe just a bit older then he was. After a few minutes of scratching at his beard he decided to be himself. He hung to every word the man said.

The mans image flickered away and a heavy box came in and Androids started unpacking what had just came. “Androids...” He sighed though he had gene modifications he still didn’t much like androids he never told anyone about this view. He rolled his eyes as a woman with silver hair stepped into the warehouse and off of a motorcycle. “Show off.” The woman seemed to be scanning them. She finally said something “I believe introductions are in order.” He sighed and looked at his new partners expecting one of them to step forward. When they didn’t he did. “My Names Jayden Coy. Ex Military, I was a Ghost Recon Officer until...” he stopped for a moment then continued. “I one Modification that you need to know of. I can change my appearance. Here’s a short example.” His dreads grew down his back then after a few seconds receded. “There you go.” He stepped back and allowed his partners to introduce themselves

He was interested in who the others were as he liked to know more about his team. He eyed them both up and down and seated straight ahead at the show off. He wondered who she was. And if she was as arrogant as she looked. The bold silver hair and green eyes. He didn’t like her much and he doubted that was her real hair. He looked at the bike and thought back to when he used to fix those up. He imagined reconstructing the motor cycle into a weapon. At that thought he smiled and returned back to reality.
Raven had been so excited from the second she stepped foot into the warehouse. She was finally getting to do something that had worth. She knows good craftsmanship when she sees it and the warehouse was definitely built up by Androids because everything was lined up perfectly. No human error what-so-ever.

Raven then saw the hologram of the director as his hologram self. She tried to retain as much as she could but she is just bubbling with excitement making it hard to listen. She makes sure not to show it on the outside but inside she's squealing. The outside her face is stone cold a poker face.

Soon the man flicked away as soon as he was there. Raven saw the Androids and she's always had a certain draw to them. She is one who does not want too much work done to herself because it can get high maintenance. But she loves seeing what others can do to their bodies and make. She can not legally say if she has or has not given people things in the testing faze but she had access to them that's the most she could say.

She then looked to her new co-workers Raven smiled and waved slightly "Um well I'm Raven I'm in the medical field and I'm very excited to get to know you all. So if any of your human parts or modified parts get messed up I can help" she then laughs awkwardly "am I talking too much I feel like I'm talking to much...um someone else talk now..." She looks down at her shoes

Name: Scott "Chatterbox" Blackburn
Bio: Unaugmented Human SAHD EOD Technician
Loc: SAHD Unit #73 Base, 8:30 a.m
Status: Active Duty

"Scott, I must remind you that you have a meeting today with Doctor Sanders at 14:00."

"Well Sam, i'm going to have to call in a favour then."

"Understood, I will inform the Doctor that you are unwell and will have to postpone it for next week's appointment."

"You're the best."

"I believe that fact has been well established by now."

"Hilarious as always, i'll give you a call once things have gone down with work. Shouldn't be too long but we'll just have to see how things go."

"Understood, I will keep myself occupied in the meanwhile with cleaning up this mess you call an apartment and glossing over the internet at pictures of kittens to create the sense of 'a yearning desire' for when you return."

"You have a funny view of romantics Sam, but I ain't gonna refuse it. I've gotta go now but i'll see you later tonight. Love you."

"I love you too, Scott. Stay safe."

Scott terminated the audio-call with his partner whilst he drove through the city towards the meeting area he was assigned. Thoughts of turning the car around and getting another embrace from Sam grew awfully tempting as he reflected on their relationship. A sense of warmth and safety comforted Scott whenever Sam spoke, his well-educated British accent flowed like liquid gold and could articulate every-day words and anecdotes into sounding like renaissance-era poetry.

Despite the usual morning rush, Scott managed to arrive reasonably on time. Turning down the street towards the warehouse, he couldn't resist the temptation to rev up his Shelby GT5250's hybrid-engine to announce his arrival. The custom-built V8 roared as though it rode to ruin and the world's ending. Stepping out of the midnight blue muscle car with a large grin across his face, Scott felt he was in fairly good spirits, thanks to Sam's words of comfort and hoped the enthusiasm would stick around for the rest of today. As he closed the driver's door, he looked across from him to see an unusual character getting off her bike. Scott figured by the her presence and the uncommon hair colour that she was part of the organization as well and briefly nodded in her direction before heading to the back of his car to retrieve a couple of buffle-bags from the boot. As he looked down upon them, Scott fondly laid his hand upon the nickname he was given whilst he was in the Marines ~ "Chatterbox". The white chalk used had faded over time but he could still make out his god-awful handwriting. Memories flooded back to when he was a instructor in Afghanistan, working alongside the local armed forces to educate the newly rotated soldiers on the common tactics used by insurgents. From identifying 'markers' laid with rocks to signal where traps had been set-up by fellow Opfor to assisting humanitarian organizations with their efforts to safe-mark areas for infrastructure projects to begin. By the first of two tours ended, several schools and health centres were beginning to take shape in and around the mountainous landscape. With most of the fighting taking place to the south-east, Scott's second tour to the north was remarkably peaceful and it felt more so like a holiday than a combat deployment. Further visits to isolated villages and communities to help in the efforts to dismantle soviet minefield had Scott take on more responsibility as a technician. Never before had he been so relaxed and yet completely on-edge when patroling through decade old areas where only the goats dared to venture. The hospitality of the Afghan people was unlike anything else Scott had experienced, whilst bitter fighting raged in the south, the people in the mountains were a honourable sort and were very open in showing gratitude for his unit's efforts.

'Maybe I should've stayed over there, continued to work for a non-goverment organization or something like that.'

Perhaps now wasn't the time to be reminiscing about the 'glory-days' so Scott took a bag over each shoulder and followed after the biker he had seen earlier. She looked a little odd but then again, who doesn't these days ~ cosmetic surgery and augmentation markets were as common-place as fast food restaurants in the city and Scott's views of 'purity' were becoming more and more outdated by each release of the newest fashion trend. He'd never go as far as to demonize a legitimate reason for having augmentations, things like pace-makers, replacement limbs for victims and implants to assist in hearing were completely fine with him but he'd have to draw a line at non-treatment modifications. It never ceases to amaze Scott on how far some individuals are willing to go in perverting the natural order of things, beauty and fashion at the cost of disfiguring what you were given by birth-right ~ just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

'One hell of a money-maker.'

Heading inside the warehouse, things appeared to be constantly shifting as machines and androids were busy with moving operation supplies. Given that the utilities to run a operation such as this would require some serious hardware, having a couple of heavy-lifters on station would certainly prove useful throughout the upcoming days ahead. Scott's eyes flicked for a moment as a 2 meter tall 'Tombstone' robot walked with purpose in front of him, causing the squishy Human to stop in his tracks to let the towering machine stomp past, it's bipedal articulated legs could easily crush through a car and thus Scott wasn't taking any chances. He had heard stories from other Marines that served with frontline units that a varient of the Tombstone was using in the field as part of a on-going trial to replace manned support vehicles such as main battle tanks with autonomous weapon stations. Given that the machines issued to the Marines were prototypes, they weren't used in direct contact with insurgents and instead patrolled with rear echelon troops to provide security and 'safe' oppertunities for the press to snap all the propaganda images for recruitment posters. Hell, that didn't stop the Devil Dogs from having their fun. Despite the majority of these robots not being properly fit for combat duty, Marines made-do and jury-rigged a couple of them with remote controlled weapon stations to turn these glorified cargo-lifters into mobile 'anti-everything' walkers. The thought of Scott doing the same to one of these Tombstones should the opposition prove to be 'unfair' was tempting but he wasn't sure if his contract with the organization allowed such modifications to be done on SAHD property.

'Monkey see, Monkey do.'

At last he was in the centre of the warehouse, after placing away his two bags containing all his gear, Scott stood alongside the three he believed to be his future co-workers whom looked up towards a holographic projection of their 'Director'. Scott felt a little unsure about the whole 'not knowing exactly who he was working for' part, if anything were to go wrong then his higher-ups could easily disappear back into the shadows and deny any involvement in the operation. Accountability was important to Scott as was responsibility, he wouldn't put anyone into danger if he couldn't or wouldn't go there himself. Seeing the day to day bravery of ordinary people cleaning minefields and dismantling IED factories was enough to inspire Scott to put himself into the line of danger on a equally regular schedule. That said, the equipment and support the team had in terms of the warehouse, the machines and supplies did give him at least some confidence that this wasn't just a burn-op.

'I'm getting some serious CIA vibes from this...'

As quickly as the Director 'disappeared', the group began introductions and first on Scott's list was the silver haired woman he briefly walked in with just a moment ago. Extending his hand to meet hers, he listened and smiled briefly as she gave out her name and role within the team. Having a marksman would certainly have their uses within the city's towering landscape, to reach out and take down a hostile as well as providing first hand reconnaissance to situations will no doubt prove invaluable through difficult days ahead.

"Scott, Marine bomb-techy. Glad to meet you, Mia. Hope the traffic wasn't as manic for you on that nice bike of yours, i'm curious about the model?"

Meanwhile the young-fella spoke up aloud about his experience within the Special Forces Group and it caught Scott's attention briefly until the young-man cut himself off from revealing anything else other than a questionably weird modification to his hair. Pondering for a moment if he flunked out of the unit for some bad choices or was entirely thrown out was up to debate and since Scott didn't perticularly know much about anyone's past, he felt a little unsure about the young-man's credentials and made a mental note to do some digging later on. He needed to know who he could and could not trust to be competent when it counts and so Scott decided to keep a close eye on Jayden, for the time being at least.

"You can settle down, young man. This ain't a interview, though I suppose I can understand feeling nervous. Hell, I'd feel more relaxed back in Afghan' clearing minefields than walking into a room full of strangers."

Scott chuckled briefly to himself as he spoke the truth about his obscure view on the life. Having spent so much time in the field, in constant danger of death or dismemberment, you learn to go with the flow of things and accept the situation for what is it.

Finally looking over to Raven, she appeared nervous as was expected in such strange circumstances. It's not everyday that you get roped together with a bunch of armed 'professionals' and act as if everything is normal. Scott listened politely as she fumbled with her words and figured she could do with a bit of encouragement to ease herself into the group. Looking out for your fellow Marines and using positive reinforcement to give them the courage to step-forth was something Scott believed to be one of the core-parts of a good leader.

"Good to have a Doc' on the team, Raven. Ya'know, Marines and Navy Corpsmen have a unique bond that's invaluable, i've heard tales of Docs' rushing through hell and back to save lives as if it were a normal afternoon. I wish I had their bravery, courage and most importantly ~ 'smarts' to go out of their way to save others. Your skillset will be vital, should things not go exactly our way. I haven't done first-aid training for a couple of years now, when we have the time to spare, I would certainly like to refresh my knowledge under your supervision, Doc."
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Amelia "Mia" Marianne
Cyborg, Full-Body Prosthetic
Reconnaissance Specialist, Expert Marksman
SAHD Unit #73 Warehouse

As the others introduced themselves and Mia learned a bit about their personalities from how they interacted, the android being constructed neared it's completion and was being plugged in to charge its battery. Android batteries were rarely shipped when they were charged. A charged battery had a chance to detonate. Her own bio-batteries had less of a risk, but it was constructed on-site specifically to fit the housing in her frame, and you can't really prevent the processes that generate charge from happening.

"It's custom, there's pieces of twenty other models in the bike," Mia replied to Scott's query about her bike. "And no, traffic wasn't that bad." She took a lot of side-roads and alleys on the way over here, the traffic on the main roads was a non-issue until just as she pulled up, and even then it was just one street she had to pass across getting over here. She briefly scanned the warehouse, looking at the situation. The roof was high, with a second floor that didn't have much to it, just a set of bridges between two flat areas over the bunk chambers. She'd have to take a look at those, they might be good for setting up a firing range.

Mia was fully aware of the irritated looks coming her way from Jayden. That wasn't 'just his face', if the man could change his appearance, why would he choose a resting bitch face? She didn't need the face-changer to enjoy her presence, her role was from a distance, often blocks or miles away. None of them needed to like her in order to appreciate that down her scope she could see everything and it was her job to shoot things from far away and keep them from being shot in turn, and she was good at it.

She started walking towards the side with the bunks, looking for the one with her name, or even the one labeled for the females of the group. She could handle group bunks. She didn't even need a bunk so much a four food square area to put her fluid cleaner up. Amelia was pleasantly surprised to find that there was in fact a bunk labeled "A. Marianne", along with a clipboard detailing the contents from the company that build the place. She looked over to see the others' such clipboards and saw that they were all nearly identical in nature. Each bunk contained a bed, some shelves, a desk and chair, very barebones. And then there was the specific stuff, additions that met the specific needs of the occupant.

Mia's bunk was equipped with the exact model filter she needed, which was amazing, because that meant she wouldn't have to order another one. She could see on the other clipboards some of the others' similar necessities. She let out a chuckle as Scott's had an anti-explosion mechanism that would eject large quantities of extremely dense foam into the room at the first sign that an explosive was close to going off, suppressing the explosion to non-dangerous levels.

She turned as she heard some clanking and clicking to see the box the new android had come in was being shut and taken away, while the plugged in android was powering on, lights glowing and the strip of plexiglass over the camera it used to see glowing purple to announce it was online. It looked around, scanning it's surroundings, before making a lot of whirring and clicking noises for some reason. After a moment, it started talking.

"14A9 initial boot up sucessful," the android announced in a monotone voice that was clearly synthesized. The computers in the center of the room flickered as it interfaced wirelessly with them to receive instructions, its lights changing to match the computers, and then switching back shortly. "Artificial Intelligence download to core sucessful," the android said, before clicking and whirring as the programs and manuals were ran and were implemented. With charging cables still attached, it marched over to Scott and put out its hand in a handshake gesture.

"Scott Blackburn," the android said as a badge stencil formed on its chassis, labeled "Holmes". "It is a pleasure to meet you." The android's voice held no emotion, the gesture didn't appear to have any real meaning behind it, it was just that, a gesture.
Raven smiled as Scott complimented her a bit "I would be honored to try and teach you but I have 20 years of learning so it would take a while but I could try to teach you a thing or two Scott"

Raven then bowed her head to her co-workers still infront of her and then took her leave to find where she can unpack her things. She knows a new update for her eye is coming out today so she needs to find a computer and get it downloaded as soon as it is available.

Raven eventually found her bunk and sighed looking around the room smiling to herself. She looked at the desk and saw a very high-tech computer and she is so happy it was much better than the one at home so she is excited to see how much she can do. She'll have to do most of her things while the others rest since some of it is not totally legal.

Raven began to unpack tuning out any noises go be heard in the room making a checklist in her head for all of her medical tools which is most of watch she brought. Scalpels, bandages, needles, and a bunch of other items.
Jayden did much like the older guy. "You mind not calling me young man?" Jayden only seemed to like their teams medic who was very bubbly. He smiled at her briefly. "If you need me I'll be in my room." He walked off to his to his room and started to un pack. He unpacked all of his mechanical supplies he uses to make little inventions. He takes his Katana from his side and sits down to sharpen it.

After sharpening his Katana he puts it back by his side and finishes un packing. He Ed on asking where the training room was soon because he needed some practice with his Katana. He took it back out and stepped into the wide open space of the warehouse he looked around to see if nobody was watching him. When he saw nobody he smiled and sliced his Katana through the air as if to kill man opponents. It was clear his training at his own home was improving his skills.

After that small training session he walked back into his room and got to work on a hand made alarm clock. After a few minutes he finished it and programmed it to wake him up with music. He sat it on his night stand and laid down in the bet to relax. He wondered when they would be going on their first mission. He tried not to to fall asleep. After a while he got up to go back into the he warehouse and train a bit more. He took out his Katana and sliced and jabbed at air. He didn't know where to find his other teammates do he decided to make his own fighting dummy. He walked into his room and sat at his desk beginning to work.
Raven finished unpacking and put her things away in the correct places. Once she is done she looks around and she sees Jayden. She walks over actually quite curious of the exact procedures he had done to himself to allow his ability. She scans him and smiles gently as she taps his shoulder.

"Hi there! You seem to be in perfect health thought you could do with a bit less salt in your diet. Anyways I would like to know what procedure did you have done to get you to be how you are. It's for my records of my team so if you get hurt and need a special accommodation because of a modification I need to know."
He was sharpening his katana when his teammate walked in. ”Hi there! You seem to be in perfect health thought you could do with a bit less salt in your diet. Anyways I would like to know what procedure did you have done to get you to be how you are. It's for my records of my team so if you get hurt and need a special accommodation because of a modification I need to know." He got up and looked at her. “I don’t think there’s much you need to know. My modification doesn’t affect my health so if I am hurt just treat me like you would anyone.” He smiled at her and sat back down to sharpen his Katana. He finally finished and he put up his Katana. “I did notice they yiu don’t seem like the fighting type. Did you want to train or something. It’s kind of boring slicing my sword at thin air.”
She smiles gently "you're right I'm not a fighter but I would be willing to give it a try but I don't have a weapon should we just try hand to hand?" she shallows hard just hoping she doesn't get hurt too bad "Just go easy on me ok?" she smiles as she goes and changes into athletic wear then she heads off to the training room.
He smiles at her as she leaves and puts his sword down on his desk. He has a feeling it was going to get hot so he takes off his jacket and is left in his camo pants and white t shirt. He walks off to the training room and goes into a defensive stance. “Okay, first rule of fihting is never let your guard now you never know when your enemy will attack. I want you to hit me as hard at you can.” He was excited for this sparring session and he wanted to see if she could manage to hit him.

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