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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

Kat just smiled as she saw a familar face" hey" she say to nate as she walked in the classroom
Kat looked at him" i'm Katherine Sakura i think we knew each other or you look like someone i know" she say looking away
Bell nodded and nuzzled her neck. "That sounds good to me." She said, purring.

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Aylessa purred. "Aww Bell not in the hall way~" She protested half heartedly. She really didn't want Bell to stop. @Kayzo
"Aww. But Aylessa, there's no one out here." She said quietly, giving her neck a quick lick before putting her forehead to Aylessa's. @Aero
Aylessa shivered happily when Bell licked her neck. "Well that is true." She said quietly kissing the tip of her girlfriend's nose. @Kayzo
"Let's just stay here till the bell rings." She said, taking a hold of her hands and kissing her.

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Kat was playing as she was in her cat form she was playing with the sisters as she saw a ball of yawn in her room (can kitsu be kat roommate @Ceres )
Kat saw a ball of yaawn on her bed as she turn her reguar self" i guess your my roommate Kitsu" she say smiling as she was playing around running around she never slept in a bed or have a room
Kat looked at her" i won't hurt you i'm nice i don't have family just my cats" she say as she play with the yawn as she laughed
"It's just that I am not really use to living with anyone but my sister," she said slightly bouncing on her bed," and we shared most of are stuff."
Kat looked at her" me neither i'm usually with my cats heck i sleep in a dubster i never had a room or a bed my parents didn't want me so they gave me up i don't remember them" she say playing with the yawn as she laugh
Bell wrapped her tail around Aylessa's waist and smiled. "How much time do we have?" She asked, kissing her cheek.

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"Perfect!" Bell purred, tightening her tails grip on Aylessa. "Hopefully no one see us." She whispered, kissing her neck softly. @Aero
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Aylessa blush returned to her face as she bit her lip slightly. "Hopefully no one hears us." She whispered. @Kayzo
Akihiro trotted down the school halls, his tail held high. A smile was plastered on his muzzle, as curiosity shined in his eyes. Still in his cat form, he looked around for someone to chat with.
"I'm sure they won't. The teachers are probably drowning out any sound." Bell assured, nuzzling her.

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