Need help


Five Thousand Club
Hey guys so I have learned that I have had a thirst for romance rps, but the problem is that I am having a hard time to come up with a good idea or plots. So if you had any ideas id be willing to try them with you
hmm well one I did a really long time ago was master x slave but the twist was that the "slaves" had special abilities or gifts. Like abilities over ice, shadows, had had wings so they could fly, ect. The plot kind of ran along how that the humans found a way to control and enslave these people. They were kind of like pets that the wealthy showed off since the wealthy were the only ones who could really afford them. The females would usually be trophies and the men did the hard work. Like I said it was from something that I did a long time ago so I don't remember the exact details.
I have one that I have been wanting to do. When a noble girl turns 16 her father assigns her a companion. This person is a body guard, tudor, just about everything.. with so much time together something is bound to happen. I like fantasy settings so the companion And the noble can have special abilities

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