Nation Building "We Want YOU"


Code Monkey like you...
In recent light of things, I have decided to bring this question up once again. With the large amount of players on this site, and there be ONE NBRP concentric game. And with some other fears that I have head form others I wish to clareifiy on a few things barely understood Nation Buildeing games.

So in a effort to decrease confusion, to increase game play JOIN ASTRUM since I myself can't. But I can answers question to the confused masses. So let move away from nWoD and Exulted and all the other established Book based Rps. You don't have to read, or perches any books to understand these type of games. A simple skim over the main guide can fix that.

But I have seen many players join, then become instantly inactive. As such I want player base to grow, not just in numbers but in general interest. Since these games are vary time consuming. I understand everyone doesn't have the time but I know there are more people out there that do. As such, for all those that have questions I am sure I can help.

Out of the hundred of members here, only a core group of five members that join NBRPs. So in this confused attempt, I am trying to find out why there is a lack of interest in NBRPs on this site. Is the system that confusing? That intimidating! What tell me so I can elevate your problems.
I think people play a lot of book based games because they like to play them. And I think a lot of people don't play NBRPs because they're time consuming/daunting and perhaps they prefer something that is more character driven. The idea of building nations might not appeal to them.

Does that answer your question?
Astrum. That so fun game that I made 75% of my star nation before things went downhill to hell (almost literally)? Well I may revive and remake the nation there. Especially if its needed, and desired. I've never played one, but life made sure that I couldn't play the one that I joined. ><

As to why I haven't joined others, read the reason why I lost the one I joined. The work I made on the one was fun until well... things went bad and I didn't want to try another. And I haven't seen any others since Dec 2012. With that said. I would try again as the last tendrils of last years issues are fading away.

But let me say this: That was a lot of work. And while necessary it was more work than my normal backstories of Exalted and other Freeform games for a single chara. Soooo NBRP = A lot more 'necessary' work to play with while the normal games = Less effort to create a decent chara, those things are also necessary to those games. This is what I think, I do not know, for... like I said... Astrum was the first and last attempt of mine and that was the only thing I remember.
Myllinnia said:
Astrum. That so fun game that I made 75% of my star nation before things went downhill to hell (almost literally)? Well I may revive and remake the nation there. Especially if its needed, and desired. I've never played one, but life made sure that I couldn't play the one that I joined. ><
As to why I haven't joined others, read the reason why I lost the one I joined. The work I made on the one was fun until well... things went bad and I didn't want to try another. And I haven't seen any others since Dec 2012. With that said. I would try again as the last tendrils of last years issues are fading away.

But let me say this: That was a lot of work. And while necessary it was more work than my normal backstories of Exalted and other Freeform games for a single chara. Soooo NBRP = A lot more 'necessary' work to play with while the normal games = Less effort to create a decent chara, those things are also necessary to those games. This is what I think, I do not know, for... like I said... Astrum was the first and last attempt of mine and that was the only thing I remember.
Well you are always free to join back. I admit the nation-profiles are a big in their descriptions, but after there is really less work to be given. Yes that I admit it takes a certain amount of dedication with giving out new R&D for technology, or giving troop number increases for production. But other then that the game turns in to a vary simple story line. Its all how you take it, I mean I am playing a number of Characters, a Admiral aboard a ship, a Commander on the Ground, and a political council talking to the educated masses of my people. Now I understand its not just about the Characters, but its about the people that make up the nation. I mean for half of the characters anyways you don't even have to make a template for. I am sure once you start, the roleplay part of it, it becomes much more traditional.

If you need any help, please drop me a line, Ill help you finish it and get you ready. Trust me the only real time it takes is just a post general few posts a day like any other Rp.

But about effort, I see it the other way around. I am swamped by the amount of books there are in Exulted and nWoD. I mean there not the first Rp book systems I ever done. I mean there is so much back lore to read up on, and the systems and character sheets are wired. I find that with that constraint I can never come up with a good character. But then again I really never could anyways, as I am not good on the micro, but the macro image of things.
Now that is something I have learned recently. Not everyone can do what some others can do when it comes to charas. You do look at the big screen, while those of us with Exalted and other games like them look at the smaller place. Neither are bad. And why. I'm attempting to write a book. Yes... and well I need to be able to do both. xD

Anyway thanks for the offer, I'm sure to take you up on it. I'll go and re-dig up the nation and see where it was that I got lost at. I may not have to work too much harder but I remember crashing somewhere during the nation's culture (I had more culture I think for the Vryndrin that I did with the race they shared the planet with. xD ), and perhaps the military aspect. Well... I should look for it again and see where it needed those finishing touches. If the game is looking for a few peoples (And I'm assured my RL is a bit more stable if not a bit less free than last year) I can try again. Once that basic whole nation thing (cause that is what caught be me first) is done I'm sure everything can go smoothly from there.

Astrum still sounds fun, but it was the break and the pre-break of my RL time (There is a long painful story to this so its simply called... a break (emotionally)) that caused me to disappear for 3 or so months, that made me afraid to see if I could get back to it.
Thats understandable and it happens, but your nation profile is still there and can be opened by request. If you feel that you are stuck on some part such as military and culture. Just keep it simple, keep it only to a paragraph or so. As for military that will come though roleplaying, at the moment while it may look different, its all generic.

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