Nathan Prescott


Elder Member
Name: Nathan Prescott


Age: 22

Personality: He seems to have an indifferent outlook on anything that doesn't concern him or his ideals, his usual bland expression rarely faltering, even when provoked. It takes a lot to get him angry, and even when he doe he still has an eerie calmness about, although his actions take on a much more sinister approach. He doesn't care much for small talk, preferring to not waste his breath on those he deems immature, or 'beneath' him. He rarely, if ever, talks about himself or his past. Not because he doesn't think that anyone cares, simply because he knows theirs nothing they can do to change it.

Biography: Born in a rural town somewhere in Georgia, Nathan lived a relatively happy life, wanting for nothing and always spoiled since he was an only child. His parents were proud Christians, and Nathan was taught to devote himself to God, just like the rest of the town. Anyone on the outside looking in, would be shocked by how happy and carefree the townsfolk seemed to be, if anyone ever happened to stumble upon it that is. The place rarely had visitors, because it was so out of the way, and didn't even show up on most maps. So like most small towns with little contact with the outside world, they had their own rules and ways of going about things. The way they treated those born with special abilities for instance, would probably be harsh in the sight of even the most devout anti-metahuman hate group. They considered those with unique abilities cursed by God and marked by Satan. Those with powers that couldn't be kept in check, went missing, while the rest were branded and forced to live on the outskirts of town. These metahumans were treated worse then indentured servants, forced to work out in the fields, their reward was a scanty meal and equally dingy clothing when needed. Their were some extremists in the town, who thought it would be best to just get rid of them all, but their majority of the townsfolk decided against it. Their forced labor was quite profitable after all, it gave many of them a chance to sit idly by on their asses, since they didn't have to worry about tending to the fields themselves.

Upon discovery of his powers, instead of reporting him to the rest of the town, Nathans parents did their best to shelter him. Keeping out of the public eye enough so as not to arouse suspicion, until they day he could master and better control his power. Growing up, Nathan often wondered why the mutants never left, but as he matured he came to the realization that this was the only life they knew. They knew absolutely nothing about the outside world, most of them didn't even know how to read, many even believed that this life was the one they deserved. He always dreamed of saving them, hoping that with their combined powers they could escape the world they knew, and step into a knew. One that he had only seen in books, since no one in the entire town had a television. One fateful day though, before he could even come up with a means of escape, things took a turn for the worse. One of the metahumans lost control of their powers, killing several townsfolk in the process, this set the fanatics into a frenzy, and with newfound support they formed a militia and began murdering any mutant they came across. Nathan couldn't sit idly and witness the atrocities being committed to his fellow mutants, his parents did their best to stop him, even going as far to knock him unconscious in order to keep his secret safe. When he woke up a couple hours later, using his powers to escape his house and fled out into the open, what he saw still gives him nightmares until this vey day. A mountain of had been piled in the center of town, some mutilated, all wearing an expression of utter terror on their faces. They were all dead, he could smell oil, and looked over to see someone throw a burning match onto the pile. The match set more then the bodies ablaze, something within him snapped, and he brutally killed everyone in the area.  His rampage went on for a long while until he was finally captured, branded, and tortured.

His parents died saving his life, buying him enough time to flee the town, and he's been wandering across the country ever since. Finally settling down in NYC, falling in love with the hustle and bustle of the city, still trying to come to terms with how contrasting the rest of the world is when compared to the town he grew up in.




Weight: 165 lbs

Moral Standing: Chaotic Neutral


Density Manipulation-The ability to manipulate the density, solidity and mass of anything he touches, including himself.

Gear: The only thing worth noting, that he has on his person at all times, is the necklace around his neck with the cross dangling at its end.
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