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Fandom Naruto: world in choas.


I live in my own world.
What happens to the leaf when Naruto dies who shall take over the Hokage. This is set in the world of shinobi where Naruto became the Hokage and lived a long and prosperous life as it but as all people do he died and the next Hokage was appointed but will the next generation under his leadership get the will of fire and defend their nation from any threat.

Just for the time and how far away from past events it is. It has been Twenty-two years since the Forth shinobi war.

The Nations:




  1. Normal RPN rules.
  2. Romance is allowed but go to black if need be.
  3. At the very least a line and a half please i will cut some slack if characters are talking but that's it
  4. If you have read this ignore rule 7 and instead put the will of fire somewhere into your character sheet.
  5. No god modding or power playing
  6. Killing of another person's character without permission is not allowed.
  7. If you have read this put you characters favorite food into the character sheet.
  8. No taking control of other characters. Since fighting is going to happen soon I don't everything to automatically hit so give others a chance to dodge. BUT on the other hands you can't dodge everything you must sometimes be hit. A quick example of this would be: If I used a water prison jutsu on someone else it can't just hit they must have a chance to dodge. But as I said before you can't dodge everything and if I do see this I will give you a warning about it.
  9. Large and powerful jutsu like the Chibaku Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and any other jutsu which can destroy a whole village requires three posts from the opponent(s) (meaning no using them in secret but only in a fight). One post for the preparation, second post for the opponent(s) to dodge, counter or run and the last post for the effect (I will deem the damage to the surroundings depending where you are).
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It had been a few days now since the 6th hokage Naruto Uzumaki had died a few days ago and the village was continuing to mourn his loss. The village leaders had just picked a new hokage and things were starting to get back to normal.

Neji woke up that morning and laid In bed for a few minutes. He groaned and finally got up and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. His father assume and mother Sakura were already gone. And as far as he knew his brother had already left to go train even though he promised neji he would train with him this morning. Neji sat at the table and ate his breakfast and waited to see if his brother was still here or not.
Raika woke up and stretched "another great day and peaceful day at the village" she smiled and looked at the picture of kakashi and her. He was her teacher and trained after she got rescued from her kidnapper " morning sensei" she smiled and sighed a little. Then frost one of her leopard appeared and pounced on her " morning!!!" Raika laughed "morning frost....what did I say about summoning yourself?" " but raika... I sense that you were upset" she whined. Raika giggled a little and patt3d her head. " I am fine..." she put her down and got ready for the day.
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Suzoku had just gotten out of the bathroom, and he saw neji eating. "Finally, you're awake. I've been waiting for you." Suzoku said. He may be harsh, sometimes irrational, but he was loyal to his family. Something the Uchiha held strongly too, was love. And he did love his little brother. He sat down across from Neji as he waited for him to finish eating.
<p>Raika got ready and stretched " ready?" frost asked excited " yup....wait you still here?? Go and spend time with snow" raika grinned and frost became red. Raika laughed and petted her "go or ill tease you some more" frost immediately disappeared. Raila laughed some more and started to make breakfast.</p>
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Neji looked up at his older brother as he continued to eat his breakfast. "Sorry suzoku I was with my friends last night and didn't get home till late. I'll wake up earlier tomorrow I promise." Neji in a hurry finished his breakfast and got up from his seat . "Okay let's go train already I'm not going to become hokage by just sitting here." Neji smiled at his brother.
Raika made scrambled eggs mixed with bacon. She sat down and ate happily, after a few minutes later she finished eating and washed the dishes. She grabbed her scrolls and opened the window and jumped out and started running around the rooftops.
Suzoku sighed. This kid was full of energy. It was pretty funny. Suzoku rose to his feet. "Hokage, eh? Then let's not waste any time." Suzoku said, and left the house. He roamed the streets of Konoha, as he made his way to the training yard. "Alright, here we are." Suzoku said, he walked over to one end then turned to face Neji. "Ready?"
Gikō was already out training at the training ground from the night before. He was working on his kekkei genkai storm release since out of all his jutsu's his kekkei genkai was his most untrained skill and he wanted to change that.

Koga Tense woke up but had no time for breakfast with him being appointed the new Hokage not too long ago he could only guess the paper work that was on his desk. So he got up and out of bed, got changed and headed towards his door and opening it then he began to walk to his office.
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Neji followed his brother through the village and took in all the sights and sounds. He loves it here and was shoot that this was his home. There was no where else in the world he would rather live and he said to him self he would do whatever he needed too to protect his home.

Neji walked to his side of the field and activated his sharnigan. He turned and faced his brother. "Yea let's go."
"Let's see how well you've developed your Sharingan brother." Suzoku said activating his own. His Sharingan possessed three tomoe. He entered a fighting stance. "Now, come." Suzoku said, and awaited his brothers first attack.
Raika hummed a little as she was running around the village. She remembered how quiet she was when she first got here. She would use to always hide behind kakashi sensei whenever she met someone she didn't like or know, but as the years went by she grew out of it. She had to admit though...She is a little bored.
Neji stood there with his sharingan activated. His sharingan only had 2 tomoe while his brothers had three. Neji stood there for a moment and thought out a plan. He then grew down some smoke bombs which covered the area in smoke. After he did that he made hand signs and shot a giant fireball jutsu at suzuko. As he did that hoping it would be a distracted neji jumped in the air and made hand signs and formed his chidori and still under the cover of the smoke came pouncing down on his brother with his chidori hoping he would be distracted by the fireball jutsu and not pay attention to neji coming with his chidori.
Giko made the hand signs Tiger, Dog, Snake, Dragon in order to use one of his kekkei genkai jutsu storm release lightning circus on a group of trees in front of him. Upon impact each of the trees he hit has a small hole straight though the middle. "I still need some practice" Giko said aloud as he turned around and saw two others training 'when did they get here' he thought to himself as he began to watch them train.

Koga Tense continued to walk down the street greeting people as he went by until he came to his new Residence where he just stood still and looked at it. 'I never would have thought that i would make it to hokage' he thought to himself as he entered the Hokage Residence and walked towards his office. When he got there he just stood still looking at the pile of paper in front of him "I should have guess Naruto wouldn't have done much" Koga said signing and he walked to his desk and sat down. "I really need a second in command" he said thinking aloud.
Kira had noticed everyone else seemed to be training at the moment. "Hmm... hey Kai what do you think we should do?" it was perfectly normal for her to talk to her weapon like this, she wasn't crazy. "Yeah, I heard about the new kazekage too... maybe we should go say hi to him later?" she then noticed in the distance a blue-haired girl who seemed to be humming to herself. She snuck up behind her for awhile before doing a front flip and landing in front of her "Boo!" she said giggling.
Circe Tomomi was holding her arms out to make a T shape while walking along one of the walls at the academy. She had recently became Genin and wondered what sensei she would get. Unfortunately, the business with the new Hokage seemed to make them too busy to look into it. She decided to make the most of this time and practice her acrobatics, hence the balancing on the wall. Still, she hoped they would settle things soon so she could become a better ninja.
Akari put on her dark black cloak adjusting the hood so that it would hide her face. She walked into the hidden leaf village carrying a bag of things form home. This would be the first time she would be staying with her uncle and the first time she would get to meet her cousins. She wasn't at all excited though, the only reason she came was so Sasuke could help her with mastering her chidori. She watched as a girl with blue hair ran past her and continued to running all over the village. The Hidden Leaf village seemed very different from the Hidden Rain village and it was going to be quite hard to get use to too. She got out a piece of paper out of her bag to check her uncle's address. She continued walking looking around the village until she found it. She ran to the door step and knocked several times. Is uncle even here? She thought to herself as she continued hitting the door even harder. She became annoyed as no one opened the for her and noticed something shiny barried underneath the boards of the porch. She picked the shiny object up and noticed that it was the key to the house. She opened the door and went inside the house throwing her bag on the couch. "And yet nobody's here to give me a proper welcome." She said as she took her cloak off.
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Suzoku had predicted this series of moves, and was prepared. He looked into Neji's eyes, and cast a genjutsu. Neji's chidori hit Suzoku in the chest, and he coughed up blood, and hit the ground.

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Neji saw his chidori strike suzoku right in the chest which caused him to fall to the ground spitting up blood. Even though neji could not do strong genjutsu attacks yet with his sharingan. His sharingan could see that his brother placed a genjutsu on him. Neji sighed and thought to him self "of course he would place a genjutsu on me. Okay I have to break this."

Neji started to gather up his chakra to break the genjutsu. Once he had built up enough he created a chakra surge and broke out of the genjutsu. Neji looked at his brother. "Come on suzoku I have the sharingan too. I could see right through your genjutsu."
"Well that's cause I was using weak genjutsu." Suzoku said. "Though last time you didn't even notice, so I'd say you're improving." Suzoku said, he came at Neji from behind. He wrapped an arm around his neck, and put a kunai to his face. "So how are you gonna get out of this one, bro?" He asked holding Neji there.
Neji stood there as suzoku had his arm around his neck with a kunai to his face. Neji stood there and thought for a second. He still had his hands free and with them made hand signs, neji disappeard and a log was put in his place. Neji used a substitution jutsu and was able to escape his brothers hold on him. Neji came down from above and made more hand signs. " fire style giant fire ball jutsu." Neji fired down a giant fire ball at suzoku.
Giko decided he would intrude in on the two Uchiha's who were training in front of him. Upon seeing the giant fire ball jutsu he decided that he would use water release water formation wall to make a wall of water appear in front of the Uchiha who had the other by the neck moments ago .

Koga Tense began to looking around his new office and waste time for a few moments so he didn't have to work on the massive pile of work in front of him. He finally got started on the work but began to look at the hidden's leaf ninja to get the mission requests out of the way.
On her run raika felt chakra coming of the training feild, so she decuded yo go snd check it out. Now she was sitting on the branch of a tree and watch the two boys spar, her presence was hidden really well so the two boys didn't notice her when they were sparring. The boys reminded her of naruto and sasuke, she smiled a little at the thought. She notice someone use water jutsu to stop them. She titled herbhead and wondered who it was. ' and just when things were getting interesting....'
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Akari started smelling smoke as she continued to sniff the air. "A fire ball jutsu it seems." She walked out the door and followed the scent of the smoke coming from the training yard. As she was about to open the gate to the training field she heard something coming from a tree. She activated her sharingan and noticed somebody was sitting on the tree branch trying to stay hidden. Akari used her fire ball jutsu making the tree light on fire with blue flames. She watched the tree burned and waited for something to happen.

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