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Fandom Naruto- the new beginning


The year is 2145 Earth has made a lot of technical advancements have been made since then allowing humanity to visit other galaxies however they still thought they were alone in the universe.

They were wrong.

An Alien race are on the verge of attacking earth and imprisoning them as slaves so that they can bring them to their own planet and sell them to the highest bidder however there are other motives not known to humanity.

However Humanity have not given up yet as they have opened up several academies across earth in order to train the new generation of soldiers using the technology they have to bestow new abilities onto these new soldiers as well as the latest technological weapons like the mechs known as meta ninjas

Humanity is about to enter a universal war will they be ready? Lets find out.

Chapter 1: 3 Years Later

A new generation of Jinchuuriki, a tougher Akatsuki and an old threat that was never stopped.

Starts off with Tynam Uchiha (son of Sasuke and Sakura the vessel for the nine tail wolf, the next Naruto and "To become the next great hokage! Better than Naruto!") coming back from his training with Rai, the wolf sage, to find that everything has changed. That includes the organization known as Akatsuki that is back and taking control of Bijuu faster than before. He meets all sorts of new and old friends that have changed. Some for the better and some have taken a turn for the worst. He discovers the reason why his family name is still so feared and hated. What's a new generation of Jinchuuriki to do when you discover you're not the last of an endangered clan and they are the one's hunting you. This time, friends in high places are going to be needed more than ever when the threat from Naruto's time is so close to succeeding.

Chapter 2: 3 Years Earlier

How it all began...

How the destiny of one, Tynam Uchiha, got started from graduating the ninja academy, taking on S-rank criminals and taking the chuunin exams. How certain foes were there through out those years watching over him. A twisted tale indeed if there ever was one involving conspiracy and murder at the heart of the five Kages like no one has ever seen before.

Chapter 3: A New World

"We failed, we lost our strength and most important... He's gone. Nothing can bring him back..."

Everyone thought it was over, that the one they depended on most was gone, that their world was now Madara's and that there was no way to right a wrong. So... what happens when the evil version of their Tynam comes to light attacking everyone. Well. Now it's time to fight back of course, they know if the evil side exists then the real Tynam must exist. It's up to his friends to right their mistake, fix the world and make sure no one can ever use the bijuu again to hurt or harm each other and the world. A new bijuu comes to light as well, the twelve tail pheniox.

Chapter 4: The approaching darkness

(After the events of 3 years later, 3 years earlier and the new world RP so

yeah new people you have alot to catch up on)

A year has past since the events the ninja war was over the 5 hidden villages were united and most places were filled with peace after the gate to the tailed beasts world was sealed and the people from the alternate universe (another story..for another time) were defeated. But now something even darker than the pits of hell is ready to emerge from hell itself but what is this new

enemy and what do they want?

During the time of the hidden leaf villages repairs people from the leaf village have been in other villages but another thing that has happened this year is that the technology has started to advance enough for them to use ne equipment and tools for example trains and old fashioned guns because of the equipment from the alternate world that had left behind.

Other ninja's from the leaf village for example Tynam Uchiha has just been going from village to village exploring the world in search of missions and adventure but when duty calls them back about their new enemies and and his friends are quickly thrown back into a battle for their lives and the world. The adventure Ty and his friends must embark on shall be tough and will put their friendships to the test and some of them might not make it back from this mission alive.

We are Shinobi!

The generation of Tynam Uchiha has passed his teachings and leadership had past down through many generations it still continues to live in through his descendants at the Uchiha clans shrine in Konaha city which is the leaf village in year 2013 other places including the cloud, rain, sand and stone village have all developed into a modern day society.

The tailed beasts have been sealed away in several different temples scattered around the world no ninja has the right to use them because of the law set by the 5 kage and the wishes of the tailed beasts so that they would never be used as instruments of war ever again.

Things in this world however are different compared to what they were in previous generations the world now looks down on ninjas and consider them criminals so a secret govenrment organization known as NES (Ninja Extermination Squad) Have made it their sworn duty for ninjas who abuse the law or use jutsu in public for personal gain shall be apprehended or executed on the spot.

However this operation by NES has not taken full swing just yet and ninjas and other clans still take on missions as usual usually set out by clan leaders or other times requests of the people from major cities during this time the Descendant of Tynam Uchiha who was exiled from his clan because he brought shame on his family returns to Konaha city (Bassically tokyo but with leaves yay xD ) to pay his respect at his recently disceased mothers funeral but his true plan is to show up and embarass the Uchiha family and bring even greater shame upon them so that they are looked down upon by the rest of the ninja world.

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