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[div class="tab tabone"]general.
[div class="tab tabtwo"]appearance.
[div class="tab tabthree"]persona.
[div class="tab tabfour"]background.
laurel liu
[div class="tabcontents tabcontentsone"]
[div class=tag]name
laurel sierra liu
[div class=tag]nickname/s

โ†’ rory ; merely a shorter version of her name which is often used by her uncle.
โ†’ little grapevine ; due to her godly parent, and her size, this is usually used as a term of endearment from close friends or family.
โ†’ jefe ; spanish for boss, this term was coined by leo not long after they met.
โ†’ munchkin ; both a teasing and endearing nickname, due to her small size.
[div class=tag]gender[/div] female
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] heterosexual
[div class=tag]d.o.b[/div] november 7th
[div class=tag]age[/div] sixteen
[div class=tag]ethnicity[/div] from her mother's side, she has a mix of chinese, malaysian and australian blood. [/div][/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentstwo" style="display: none;"]
[div class=tag]height
laurel is pretty short for her age, coming in at a height of 4'10.
[div class=tag]weight[/div] though she was once quite malnourished, since joining camp, laurel has gained a bit of weight and now weighs around 90 lbs.
[div class=tag]appearance[/div] laurel has always been a really small person. it was something she inherited from her mother, along with her silky, jet black hair. though, since she was thirteen, laurel often took to dyeing parts of it bright red, and occasionally other colours too. she will hardly be found with the natural, plain black hair she was born with. from her father, dionysus, laurel inherited deep, purple coloured eyes, a shade slightly lighter than that of a grape. she used to be quite skinny, and while she is still thin, she is definitely much more in shape than she once had been, though in terms of height, she hasn't done much growing since she hit her teen years.
[div class=tag]distinguishing features[/div] purple eyes | coloured hair | small size
[div class=tag]health ailments[/div] n/a [/div][/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsthree" style="display: none;"]
[div class=tag]personality
laurel, to start off with, is very open and outgoing. sheโ€™s quite the social butterfly, so much so that nobody would ever expect sheโ€™s been through such a rough childhood. that isnโ€™t to say she doesnโ€™t have flaws though. as much as she can be vibrant and adventurous, she can also be a little guarded when it comes to learning things about her, and she can close off pretty quick if someone starts to question her too much. she can also be quite blunt, rarely thinking of what to say before she says it, and the same goes for her actions, because she tends to act without really thinking about it. sarcasm and wit come to her like second nature which can make her fun to be around, but it can also mean that she might unknowingly annoy or insult people, which definitely has happened in the past. laurel is also incredibly stubborn and never one to give up. itโ€™s impossible to argue with her because she hates admitting sheโ€™s wrong, even when she is. she has a bubbly exterior and can always be seen trying to make people laugh, with her slightly quirky behaviour, but she also has a bit of a short temper. all in all, you could say laurel is adorable and fun to be around. sheโ€™s basically like the sun. a big, bright ball of energy that can't be tamed, who could definitely sting if you get too close and rub against her the wrong way.
[div class=tag]likes[/div] nature | animals | music | dancing | art | painting | meeting new people | target practise | strawberries
[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] deep/open water | bullies | having to sit still for too long | feeling helpless | discrimination | her powers (at least the insanity part of them)
[div class=tag]mentail ailments[/div] like most demigods, laurel has adhd and dyslexia. additionally, she suffers from mild ptsd due to the abuse she faced at the hands of her step father.
[div class=tag]memorable quotes[/div]
โ†’ "boring. boring. 'slipping into a coma' boring."
โ†’ "sometimes all people need is a high five. in the face. with a chair."
โ†’ "chocolate can fix anything."
โ†’ "yeah, the gods can suck my skinny balls." [/div][/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfour" style="display: none;"]
[div class=tag]godly parent
dionysus ; the god of grape harvest, wine, madness, parties, ecstasy and theater
[div class=tag]abilities[/div]
โ†’ plant manipulation ; the ability to shape, create and control plants of all kinds and bend it to her will. she can also empathise with plants, sensing what they feel so she can give them what they want. in return, they reflect on her emotions as well and are able to defend her when needed. they usually act based on her mood and are sometimes out of her control.
โ†’ insanity inducement ; due to dionysus being the god of madness or 'mental state', laurel has the ability to turn a person insane, but she cannot reverse this, or at least, not yet. this is something she has never tried willingly but she knows she is capable of doing it because it happened once by accident. since then, she's been terrified of this power of hers.
โ†’ she is also excellent with using daggers or throwing knives. long range weapons are her strong suit. she also has a celestial bronze dagger, given to her by her uncle, that she carries around everywhere.
[div class=tag]bio[/div] laurel was initially born into a loving home, but when her mom angela married for the second time, to a complete asshat, things changed and the environment became toxic. her new step father, derek, was mean and abusive and her mother paid it no attention because she was so in love -- though probably more in love with his money than him. he spoiled her with lavish gifts so long as she didn't question his choices. if she did, then she would be punished by him as well. she learned fast and just started doing what was expected. the same could not be said of laurel. as she grew older, she only became more rebellious, and it only turned out to be worse for her. one particular day, when she was ten, her step father tried to make... different advances. laurel was terrified, and closed her eyes, and the next thing she knew when she opened them, was that her step father was curled up into a ball in the corner of the room, talking about things that made no sense and basically behaving mental. laurel didn't learn this till much later, but that was the first time she used her powers, involuntarily. she had driven him insane.

scared that she would be blamed for what happened, laurel ran away from home, and it was not long before she was found by a satyr, sent by dionysus, to bring her to camp. laurel adjusted quickly, because life at camp was by far the best thing she'd ever experienced so far, compared to her prior, shitty home life. she initially stayed at camp year round, till dionysus asked a camp half blood alumni, damien lark, to 'adopt' laurel and give her a home in the city, which he was happy to do once he got to know laurel.
[div class=tag]relationships[/div]
โ†’ dionysus ; father ; laurel isn't too fond of her godly parent. she believes he could have acted sooner to get her out of an abusive environment, and just chose not to, so she resents him a little, even if he, in his own way, tries to make amends with her.
โ†’ damien lark ; (adoptive) uncle ; very much like a father to her, laurel is very close to her 'uncle' damien. he doesn't always approve of the dangerous missions she goes on, but he understands the life of a demigod, considering he is one himself. laurel is unclear of how he and dionysus even know each other for dionysus to ask such a big favour of him, especially since damien is a demigod child of iris, but she never questioned it. damien is an army vet who was discharged after a leg injury that has left him with a permanent limp.
โ†’ castor & pollux ; half brothers ; laurel wasn't too close with them at first, mainly because they themselves were a little distant, but laurel has always been very friendly, and since they were her half brothers, she always took the initiative to get to know them better. they eventually became pretty close, since they also live in the same cabin, just the three of them, and when castor died after kronos attacked camp half blood, laurel and pollux grieved together, and burned his shroud together.
โ†’ percy jackson ; best friend/boyfriend ; the story here is a long one. laurel was at camp when percy arrived, and ever since she went on that very first quest with him, the two of them have been near inseparable. admittedly, at the start, they didn't hit it off immediately, but they quickly became friends -- best friends even -- and that relationship soon developed further, morphing into something more romantic as they both got older. they shared their first kiss when they were fourteen, but because of the titan war quickly approaching, neither of them discussed it much more till the war was over, and the two of them made their relationship more official, on percy's sixteenth birthday.
โ†’ alex belfiore ; best friend ; though it took a little time for the two of them to get close, the moment they did, there was no doubt in laurel's mind that alex was her best friend. they have a lot in common, and laurel trusts him with everything, including her life. she's happy to have him around, and is fiercely protective of him.
โ†’ jason grace ; friend ; laurel and jason get along pretty well. she respects him, and he respects her too, since she helped him, along with leo and alex, in moving forward for their first ever quest after they arrived at camp half blood. they aren't the closest as two people can be, but laurel easily trusts jason with her life, and the feeling is mutual.
โ†’ leo valdez ; close friend ; laurel considers him the comic relief of the group, which is certainly an important role, given their line of work. he enjoys teasing and playfully flirting and she loves to do it back, but it's all for fun. laurel sees leo as kind of like a brother.
โ†’ hazel grace ; close friend ; as the only other girl in the group, laurel definitely has a close bond with her. she thinks hazel is kind, and one of the sweetest people she's ever come across, and easily someone she could rely on, and hazel looks up to laurel in a similar way, as like an older sister.
โ†’ frank zhang ; friend ; laurel isn't as close with him as she is with the others, but the two of them enjoy training together, with their love for long range weapons.
[div class=tag]misc[/div]
โ†’ theme song ; all she wore, she was by aqualung
โ†’ favourite color ; green
โ†’ fun fact ; laurel is a vegetarian by choice
โ†’ fun fact ; laurel often tries to sneak injured animals into her cabin. she usually gets help from grover.
โ†’ fun fact ; laurel is also a very skilled artist. she likes to draw and/or paint when she has trouble sleeping or simply when she's feeling inspired. most of her clothes have paint stains on them. [/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[div class="tab tabone"]general.
[div class="tab tabtwo"]appearance.
[div class="tab tabthree"]persona.
[div class="tab tabfour"]background.
[div class="tabcontents tabcontentsone"]
[div class=tag]name
alexander belfiore.
[div class=tag]nickname/s
โ†’ alex: a common shortened version of his first name.
โ†’ arabella: this is alex's dead name. he's referred to with this name by most of his peers.
[div class=tag]gender[/div] trans male.
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] bisexual.
[div class=tag]d.o.b[/div] september sixteenth.
[div class=tag]age[/div] sixteen.
[div class=tag]ethnicity[/div] italian, but doesn't look like it at all. [/div][/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentstwo" style="display: none;"]
[div class=tag]height
five foot six.
[div class=tag]weight[/div] one hundred and thirty pounds.
[div class=tag]appearance[/div] alex, for lack of a better explanation, has a very feminine look to him, for quite obvious reasons. due to being unable to start testosterone, alex's voice is also very soft in pitch, and his build is a tad bit more curvy than he would like. he wears his chest binder on occasion, but out of fear of harassment has taken to wearing baggy t shirts, hoodies, and jeans. his hair is curly, choppy and hangs around his ears due to him giving himself the haircut, and it is a dark brown color. his eyes are brown as well, and depending on the light look almost black. he's also incredibly short, but hopes that when he starts testosterone he will hopefully have a growth spurt. for the time being, though, he's short as fuck.
[div class=tag]distinguishing features[/div] a scar on his right hip. a crooked nose from being broken and never healing right.
[div class=tag]health ailments[/div] a severe cat allergy. [/div][/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsthree" style="display: none;"]
[div class=tag]personality
alex at first glance seems to be pretty shy and closed off. it's not that he enjoys putting himself out there, because he really doesn't, it's more of the fact that it's hard for him to keep up with others because he feels a disconnect from them. his dysphoria plays into that disconnect, as he feels he can't connect with any group at school, or just life in general. he doesn't think very highly of himself, but he values his intelligence, as he feels that's the only thing he truly has going for himself. a kind hearted boy with a sensitive streak a mile wide, alex has a bit of a tendency to cry if anyone raises their voice at him. he's quite hesitant to open up to others, as he's afraid that people will betray him with his giant secret, which is his gender identity. he's trying to work on himself, though, and finds solace in talking to jason about his problems, who he's quite head over heels in love with. he's devastated when jason doesn't remember him.
[div class=tag]likes[/div] small potted plants. most forms of music (he despises heavy metal or anything loud.) playing the piano. listening to audiobooks. stealing jason's sweatshirts.
[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] anyone raising their voice at him. horror movies. people he loves being hurt. his step-mother. cats (he's allergic.) the smell of cigarette smoke.
[div class=tag]mental ailments[/div] severe gender dysphoria. adhd. dyslexia. a mild form of clinical depression.
[div class=tag]memorable quotes[/div] "i feel like i'm a pinata and god is the birthday boy who just found out his parents are getting a divorce." [/div][/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfour" style="display: none;"]
[div class=tag]godly parent
demeter, goddess of the harvest.
[div class=tag]abilities[/div] chlorokinesis; the ability to control plants. alex has the ability to telekinetically manipulate, teleport using, accelerate the growth of, and detect the presence of all plants. he's also a natural cook, and has the ability to summon karpoi, grain spirits. his weapon of choice is a silver bracelet that has the ability to turn into a dagger, a gift from leo, considering that alex never had a weapon beforehand. he's still learning how to use it.
[div class=tag]bio[/div] born arabella jane on september sixteenth to thomas belfiore and marie anderson, who was actually the goddess demeter, alex had a pretty normal childhood, despite his mother not being there for obvious reasons. it was just him and his dad for a while, living in the small town of hanover, pennsylvania. alex's childhood was riddled with a lot of strange occurrences, one memorable moment being when he made a new tomato plant his father bought grow a whole basketful of tomatoes in a day. around alex's thirteenth birthday, though, he began feeling as if he truly didn't identify as a girl, and expressed that feeling to his father and step-mom, who thomas married when alex was nine. alex's father was incredibly accepting, but his step-mom on the other hand, not so much. she still, to this day, refers to alex as arabella and shows no signs of changing her ways. alex was sent to the boarding school he met leo and jason at a little over a year ago, and is slowly working on coming out to his friends and the people he knows. leo and jason were the first people who found out about him being trans, though.
[div class=tag]relationships[/div]โ†’ demeter: mother ; alex and his mother don't exactly have the greatest relationship in the world. alex heavily resents his mother for abandoning him and his dad, but is slowly beginning to accept the fact that she couldn't exactly control leaving him.
โ†’ thomas belfiore: father ; alex and his dad's relationship is relatively okay. alex is kinda angry with his dad for marrying someone as horrible as his step mom, but he's beginning to forgive him. thomas is unaware of alex's demigod nature, and alex isn't exactly sure how to tell him. thomas is very supportive of his son, and is willing to help him anyway he can, but is also incredibly absent in his life.
โ†’ andrea belfiore: step-mother ; alex and his step mother have the absolute worst relationship. despite alex telling her on numerous circumstances that he's a boy, not a girl, she still refuses to see things that way, causing quite a lot of distress for alex on numerous occasions. alex has voiced to his father more than once about his dislike of andrea, but his dad never hears any of it. she's the reason that alex got sent to boarding school.
โ†’ jason grace: best friend/boyfriend ; considering alex is jason's boyfriend, the two have an incredibly good relationship, alex likes to think. he was made to believe by the mist that he and jason had been dating for a few months before going to camp half blood, and is devastated when he realizes it was all made up. thankfully for him, though, he and jason do eventually get back together, if they were even broken up in the first place. alex is always incredibly honest with jason and trusts him with his life, and was the first person he came out to at school. they technically haven't had their first kiss yet, and alex is kinda hoping that'll change eventually.
โ†’ laurel liu: best friend ; alex and laurel get along incredibly well, and alex trusts her with everything in him. he's incredibly protective of her, and there have been moments on more than one occasion where he'd turn to her when he's struggling with something or other, and will talk to her about just anything most of the time.
โ†’ hazel levesque: friend ; alex and hazel are friends, but aren't incredibly close. the two will engage in conversation from time to time, but alex never really actively seeks her out for conversation unless he feels it's important.
โ†’ leo valdez: friend ; alex and leo are close, but not close enough to consider him a best friend. they'll sometimes have conversations when the other can't sleep, and alex doesn't want to bother jason. leo always makes alex laugh, and alex does wish to become closer with him. leo made alex his bracelet, and he's still trying to figure out how to thank him.
โ†’ percy jackson: close friend ; considering percy is dating his best friend, the two are pretty close, and alex enjoys talking to the guy, even if it is when percy is hanging out with laurel. he views percy as almost an older brother of sorts, and trusts the guy with his life. the feeling is mutual.
โ†’ frank zhang: close friend ; frank and alex are incredibly close, and he enjoys hanging out with him. admittedly, the two of them took forever to become friends, but when they did, they got along incredibly well. alex loves being around him, and the two hang out a lot.

[div class=tag]misc[/div] โ†’ playlist: here.
โ†’ favorite color: blue.
โ†’ fun fact: alex's favorite singer is troye sivan.
โ†’ fun fact: alex hates the smell of cigarettes because his step mom is always smoking them.
โ†’ fun fact: alex thinks cats are cute, and hates that he's allergic to them. [/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]

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