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Fantasy mythical kingdom

Aldrick looked at his girl in shock, seeing that she fell from a height of over 200 feet, but took it all in stride. "Business with whom?" He asked his daughter. "Are you all right?" He asked.
The massive tides of monsters seems to be unending, but their unrelenting attacks seem to subside for the time being.

Markus landed his black dragon in the middle of the fray, dropping Cheri ( @Queen of Fantasy ) off on the ground. "Go where you must, but if I find you in my kingdom again, I will kill you." He spat at Cheri. Markus then flew off, not waiting to hear her reply, occasionally landing to kill some light kingdom soldiers.
Cheri, fell and didn't get up when the dragon flew away. Her eyes were wide and she shook with fear. Never had she experienced flight from within a predators claws. She closed her face with her hands and wept.
A light began to shine in front of Cheri, and a sense of calm and peacefulness washed over her. The light seemed to radiate from a figure who was looking down at her, offering her his hand.
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Cheri blinked at stared at the bright light. Her eyes were red and puffy from her tears. She lifted her right hand and took hold of the mans hand. "who are you?" She asked.
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The man lifted her up, and spoke in a strong, clear voice that comforted her. "I am Cain." He said. As the light began to fade, she would be able to see his features, and he was indeed Cain. "Follow me, I will get you to safety." He said.
With my super speed and strength I was able to kill a lot I was starting to get closer to the king my goal was to kill the king
Rand said:
The man lifted her up, and spoke in a strong, clear voice that comforted her. "I am Cain." He said. As the light began to fade, she would be able to see his features, and he was indeed Cain. "Follow me, I will get you to safety." He said.
Cheri smiled and nodded. She stood as he helped her and she followed Cain. Though she kept looking back, to see if anything would attack. She felt as she was being watched.
Cain walked through the battle, completely confident that they would not be harmed. Then a dark shadow covered the ground around them, and Cain drew his sword. A black dragon landed on the ground in front of Cain, and the rider called out in a harsh voice. "Prepare to die, light kingdom scum!"
Rand said:
Cain walked through the battle, completely confident that they would not be harmed. Then a dark shadow covered the ground around them, and Cain drew his sword. A black dragon landed on the ground in front of Cain, and the rider called out in a harsh voice. "Prepare to die, light kingdom scum!"
Cheri hid behind Cain, drawing her sword out slowly.
(Wait there is a battle I missed a lot ;- ;)

(But idc I'm just a maid -3-) Yuki sat in her room and looks out of the window. She has finished all her cleaning and was tired out "hm..I hope everyone's ok.."
The fight seemed to be running strong despite the obvious dramatic fall of numbers on both sides (more severely on the Light Kingdom's side) however, it didn't seem like many were prepared for this battle and it was evident. Men clad in makeshift armour were galloping around on their steeds, while others either ran head-first into the conflict or ran and hid. Needless to say, this was turning out to be a pretty pathetic fight from where the porcelain masked stranger stood. Click-clacking the peg of his black staff against the dirt and stone blanketed ground as he advanced foward, his fixed gaze stayed glued on the girl who had been hiding behind a large boulder, of which a silver-haired man had just stepped out from with sword at hand. Yes, this was indeed the girl he'd been looking for. A sly and chilling sliver of a grin took to his lips as an icy blue tint illuminated from the peepholes of his mask. "I would say it's a pleasure to see you again, Princess... but that would be a lie." The man called out, his earthquakingly deep voice rippling through the cacophony of screams of pain, metallic clanks, horse hooves and shrieks of terror.

Sky had been watching the battle from the sidelines, this whole thing was awful, trying her best to hide her eyes from the gruesome scene of so many inexperienced people running straight into a fight they weren't trained for, this was the last place she wanted to be, but she had no choice, everywhere had been evacuated and there was nowhere else to go, feeling a little on edge that she was now on her on, her gaze settled on an odd figure that seemed to be moving in her direction, blinking a few times in confusion she stepped back gradually as he began to speak.... was he...addressing her? Hardly..was he? Whether he was or not, she certainly didn't like his tone, she chose to stay silent as she continued to step back a look of panic and confusion crossing her face.

Cain sprinted forward, as the dragon bit down at the place he had stood earlier, the bite also barely missed Cheri. The dragon's head was behind Cain now, and it's neck was stretched thin. Cain swung his sword down, and with one mighty strike, completely severed the head of the dragon off. The body flailed, sending black blood flying everywhere. It fell from the sky like dark rain. The figure on the dragon was thrown from its back during the wild throes of its death, and he stood, pulling out his sword. "YOU WILL DIE!" He yelled in rage.
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Yuki woke up seeming she fell asleep. She ran down the steps and began cleaning not knowing much about that is going on outside these walls but she had no business of knowing
Cheri shakily drew her sword from it's cover and held it, with sweat rolling down her face. She kept it high just in case she had to use it.

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