Myriad's Fall ((Now open welcome one and all!!))

Anna Kyoyama

Loveless Angel of darkness
Name: Honoo Iris

"Just Iris will do."

Age: 19

"So, what about my age?"

Gender: Female

"So what about it?"

Personality: "Using me as a point of comparison eh?" Iris is rather straightforward as a person; she is rather rash and a bit impulsive when it comes to making decisions. She can be a bit blunt and overly frank towards others, as a result of not being able to develop her social skills too much. She has a natural curiosity about the things that catches her eyes and usually gets this drive to uncover more about said object of interest.

She can be pretty naive about things, still unable to fully comprehend how the world works. She cannot stand chaos and so, she does view the opposing side, Stardust, rather negatively, unable to fully understand why some people support them which leads her to question her resolve at times. Still, fighting to preserve the peaceful lives of the people around her does give her enough motivation to stay and keep fighting for F.A.I.T.H.

Affiliation: F.A.I.T.H - Information Division

"If everyone could just follow law and order, everything would be fine."

Appearance: Iris is a fair-skinned lady with long, purplish black hair and crimson eyes. She stands at around 5'2" tall and weighs 47 kg. In the real world, she walks around in casual attire consisting of a white jacket over a black turtleneck and skirt with brown boots and stockings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f82e010_Gothgirl1a.jpg.03e34514de3bc5a934ac6b95c14fcfb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c0f82e010_Gothgirl1a.jpg.03e34514de3bc5a934ac6b95c14fcfb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her SEED looks the same as her though she wears armor instead, colored obsidian, a blue-bottle violet blouse and a windswept dress underneath. As for physical features, her SEED has Elfin ears and sharp fangs.

History: Iris was somehow a shut-in; she was the type who favors staying indoors and reading or playing games rather than going outside to converse with others. Having stayed in for quite a while in the cyber world, she had developed a good synchronization with her SEED, allowing her to use it like it was her own body and even have her perform feats she wasn't able to do in the real world though she still find her weaknesses evident within it as well.

During one of her daily excursions within the network, she came across an oddly shaped program wandering about. Following it, it led her to an alley where, out of curiosity, she thought of attempting to destroy it by stomping on it. It was a wrong move and the program attacked her, knocking her out. When she came to, the program had disappeared.

That was a few years ago. Despite her reclusive nature, she chose to study to be an investigator, using the network as a vast resource for information. Both her good synchronization rate and information gathering allowed her to be scouted by F.A.I.T.H, to which she accepted, landing a job as an investigator when she graduated. There, she was allowed to gain access to equipment in order to aid in tracking down the emerging virus.

Equipment/Weapons: Iris doesn't carry a lot when she goes out. She only has her digital camera, being delegated more to the information division of F.A.I.T.H in real life. The bulk of her combat equipment is within her SEED.

OHF-AR07 "Kurogane" Long Blade - Iris' main arm. It is a long-sword designed to be used with one-hand with a hardness and sharpness that allows it to cut and withstand impact. It has a length of 43 inches yet is compromised by it's thin width, measuring only 4 centimeters across. To reduce weight, it is made from lighter and harder alloy leading to a trade-off in reduced sundering power. To compensate for this, a mechanism that lines up the serrated edges of the blade is installed, functioning similar to a chainsaw.

LF-02 "Messer" - A pair of short and sharp daggers that Iris carries around. Used as throwing blades or as a secondary armament should the Kurogane be compromised. They have a length of 12 inches and a width of 2 inches, a little thicker than the Kurogane though they are less sharp and effective.

Disrupter - A device she wears on her arm like a watch, this protects her SEED from shots fired from guns within the virtual world, allowing her to tank some hits before being disconnected. It is capable of blocking low-caliber handguns but is useless against higher caliber rifles and submachine guns. Constant fire can also overpower it as well.

Glider - Installed on her back, it is a device that look like wings yet serves more of a short booster, increasing her overall jumping power, speed and agility.

Abilities: Iris is a member of the Information Division. She has an aptitude for uncovering information and facts that can help in tracking the virus' trail. Her synchronizing skills with a SEED is decent as well.

As a SEED, she has fairly adept fencing skills, having refined them within the virtual space since she isn't in any shape to do so in the real world. She also displays the stealth of a burglar and the agility of a dancer when she fights, making her rely more on speed over power when she fights.



  • Goth+girl+1+a.jpg
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Name: Tom Percival

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Tom is a sympathetic young man with a bright disposition. He also cares for his colleagues as he always backs them up especially during ambushes. Even so Tom is someone who you always see with a smile, he is a cold and calculative killer when he needs to be.

Affiliation: Stardust -Assault Division

Appearance: Tom is a tall man with black hair and dark eyes. He stands at 185 cm and weighs 76 kg. In the real world, he walks around in casual attire consisting of a black jacket over a white button down with a tie and wears a black slack.


His SEED looks exactly like him except he wears a black Nazi style leather trench coat.

History : After Myriad's Fall, Tom's father was arrested without trial as he was believed to be involved with the incident. This has caused Tom to hate the authority. Furthermore, he became an orphan immediately few weeks after that when he found his mom lying in a pool of blood with long red dash on her forearms.

Young and aimless, Tom was offered to join Stardust when a man came to visit him during his mother's funeral. Blinded with hatred as he blames the F.A.I.T.H for his mom's death and his dad's sentence, Tom gave no second thought.

Tom earned his near flawless synchronization rate with his SEED during his training with the Stardust regime. Due to his exceptionally skills, especially during combat, Tom was moved to the assault division which he gladly accepts. After a few years, Tom has become one of the radicals that has caused major disruptance in the city.

Equipment/Weapons : In the real world, Tom carries around a smartphone that keeps him updated of any latest activities such as an ambush. His smartphone's also has the ability to emit an impulse that disables one's SEED for a short time before being engaged. Making him suitable to operate an ambush.

KGN-21 ''Shukaku'' -Tom's main arm. An implant nears Tom's SEED tailbone. Giving it's host the abilty to produce 4 high temperature snake like tails that can extend to a great distance. Due to it being an implant, the host also receive increased reflexes and agility to an extent of bullet dodging. At a price, the implant will only work for a period of time before it deactivates to prevent further damage the the SEED due to overload.

ST-04 ''Smoke bomb'' - The name says everything. Tom uses it to either disorient the enemy or escape.

UZ-01 ''Machinegun'' - A small Uzi like weapon that capable of shooting low caliber bullets at a very fast rate. Tom uses this weapon adjacent to his Shukaku.

Abilities : Being on the Assault Division, Tom is extremely athletic and muscular. Giving him an advantage during an escape or to knockout his enemy in the real world. Tom's synchronization with his SEED near flawless.

Tom's SEED is fast and quick on his feet. Making him relying on the surprise factor rather than confronting his enemy and quick endings.
TheManWithManyName said:
Name: Tom Percival
Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Tom is a sympathetic young man with a bright disposition. He also cares for his colleagues as he always backs them up especially during ambushes. Even so Tom is someone who you always see with a smile, he is a cold and calculative killer when he needs to be.

Affiliation: Stardust -Assault Division

Appearance: Tom is a tall man with black hair and dark eyes. He stands at 185 cm and weighs 76 kg. In the real world, he walks around in casual attire consisting of a black jacket over a white button down with a tie and wears a black slack.


His SEED looks exactly like him except he wears a black Nazi style leather trench coat.

History : After Myriad's Fall, Tom's father was arrested without trial as he was believed to be involved with the incident. This has caused Tom to hate the authority. Furthermore, he became an orphan immediately few weeks after that when he found his mom lying in a pool of blood with long red dash on her forearms.

Young and aimless, Tom was offered to join Stardust when a man came to visit him during his mother's funeral. Blinded with hatred as he blames the F.A.I.T.H for his mom's death and his dad's sentence, Tom gave no second thought.

Tom earned his near flawless synchronization rate with his SEED during his training with the Stardust regime. Due to his exceptionally skills, especially during combat, Tom was moved to the assault division which he gladly accepts. After a few years, Tom has become one of the radicals that has caused major disruptance in the city.

Equipment/Weapons : In the real world, Tom carries around a smartphone that keeps him updated of any latest activities such as an ambush. His smartphone's also has the ability to emit an impulse that disables one's SEED for a short time before being engaged. Making him suitable to operate an ambush.

KGN-21 ''Shukaku'' -Tom's main arm. An implant nears Tom's SEED tailbone. Giving it's host the abilty to produce 4 high temperature snake like tails that can extend to a great distance. Due to it being an implant, the host also receive increased reflexes and agility to an extent of bullet dodging. At a price, the implant will only work for a period of time before it deactivates to prevent further damage the the SEED due to overload.

ST-04 ''Smoke bomb'' - The name says everything. Tom uses it to either disorient the enemy or escape.

UZ-01 ''Machinegun'' - A small Uzi like weapon that capable of shooting low caliber bullets at a very fast rate. Tom uses this weapon adjacent to his Shukaku.

Abilities : Being on the Assault Division, Tom is extremely athletic and muscular. Giving him an advantage during an escape or to knockout his enemy in the real world. Tom's synchronization with his SEED near flawless.

Tom's SEED is fast and quick on his feet. Making him relying on the surprise factor rather than confronting his enemy and quick endings.
accepted ^.^
I hope to do the same as well, I'm still adjusting to this style of writing.
Name: Leda Hirono

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Naturally inquisitive, and perhaps too much so, Leda often finds herself in waters she'd rather not venture into if not for her overwhelming curiousity. She's close-mouthed, and tries her best to manage a constant poker face. Additionally, Leda's an idealist.

Affiliation: Stardust - Helps wherever needed.

Appearance: Standing at 5'5", Leda has an average sized build. For a large portion of the time, she'll wear something baggy. Leda has shoulder-length dark hair and amethyst-colored eyes, as depicted below.


Leda's SEED has the same appearance, aside from her SEED wearing fighter-like black gloves, a hooded cloak, and a dark bodysuit beneath, with combat boots laced up half-way up her calf. Her SEED also has an almost white, intricate tattoo that runs up the side of her neck and disappears into her hairline behind her ear.

History: Leda's grown up as an only child, and, not having much else to do, spent a large part of her time researching the history of the world. She'd delved into the information whole-heartedly, fascinated by how some people's mindsets functioned back then, with wars and a seemingly always endless cycle of disputes. Some of these wars had left some areas of the world helpless and desperate, and she was appalled to know their weakness was often taken advantage of by a tyrannical ruler, who eventually would nearly always gain too much power over the people.

The thought of being controlled terrifies Leda. She believes freedom is so incredibly vital. When F.A.I.T.H. had stepped up after Myriad's Fall, something clicked - the neediness of the people, the 'heroes' who had so honorably dedicated themselves to helping them, and the acceptance the general population had for their supposed saviors. It mirrored what she'd been learning about all this time. Leda's convinced F.A.I.T.H. wants nothing more than power. She hadn't hesitated to join Stardust.

Equipment/Weapons: In the real-world, Leda keeps a cell-phone handy; other than that, she doesn't carry much else, aside from the occasional pocket knife.

In the cyber-world, her staff's her main weapon, effective in both blocking some blows and attacking her opponents.

In addition to the staff, her SEED carries a bow and quiver.

Abilities: Leda has a fairly decent synchronization with her SEED, and is able to analyze the emotions of others somewhat well.

Her SEED is able to manipulate shadows - she may be able to apply such to her weapons, in illusion, and in stealth.

Trivia: She hates cursing.

(Please tell me if there's anything I need to change. c:)
LuckLacked said:
Name: Leda Hirono
Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Naturally inquisitive, and perhaps too much so, Leda often finds herself in waters she'd rather not venture into if not for her overwhelming curiousity. She's close-mouthed, and tries her best to manage a constant poker face. Additionally, Leda's an idealist.

Affiliation: Stardust - Helps wherever needed.

Appearance: Standing at 5'5", Leda has an average sized build. For a large portion of the time, she'll wear something baggy. Leda has shoulder-length dark hair and amethyst-colored eyes, as depicted below.


Leda's SEED has the same appearance, aside from her SEED wearing fighter-like black gloves, a hooded cloak, and a dark bodysuit beneath, with combat boots laced up half-way up her calf. Her SEED also has an almost white, intricate tattoo that runs up the side of her neck and disappears into her hairline behind her ear.

History: Leda's grown up as an only child, and, not having much else to do, spent a large part of her time researching the history of the world. She'd delved into the information whole-heartedly, fascinated by how some people's mindsets functioned back then, with wars and a seemingly always endless cycle of disputes. Some of these wars had left some areas of the world helpless and desperate, and she was appalled to know their weakness was often taken advantage of by a tyrannical ruler, who eventually would nearly always gain too much power over the people.

The thought of being controlled terrifies Leda. She believes freedom is so incredibly vital. When F.A.I.T.H. had stepped up after Myriad's Fall, something clicked - the neediness of the people, the 'heroes' who had so honorably dedicated themselves to helping them, and the acceptance the general population had for their supposed saviors. It mirrored what she'd been learning about all this time. Leda's convinced F.A.I.T.H. wants nothing more than power. She hadn't hesitated to join Stardust.

Equipment/Weapons: In the real-world, Leda keeps a cell-phone handy; other than that, she doesn't carry much else, aside from the occasional pocket knife.

In the cyber-world, her staff's her main weapon, effective in both blocking some blows and attacking her opponents.

In addition to the staff, her SEED carries a bow and quiver.

Abilities: Leda has a fairly decent synchronization with her SEED, and is able to analyze the emotions of others somewhat well.

Her SEED is able to manipulate shadows - she may be able to apply such to her weapons, in illusion, and in stealth.

Trivia: She hates cursing.

(Please tell me if there's anything I need to change. c:)
((nope you are fine and accpeted ^.^))
Name: Saika Kurayami

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: She's a bubbly female who is a klutz despise her being a scientist. On top of her being a kind and bubbly person she's also very forgetful. Most of the time she's seen taking notes so she won't forget even though she still does.She's really smart when it comes down to things that her peers need done. Other than that her whole persona changes when it's about chemicals and things. With that she becomes calm and calculative.

Affiliation: F.A.I.T.H- Scientific Department

Appearance: Saika is one with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She's around 5'2'' in height and is around 53 kg. She walks around in the laboratory around 24/7 with a white doctor coat and her glasses wearing just regular clothing underneath like jeans shoes and a nice shirt nothing too flashy for her.


SEED: As for her SEED appearance she looks a tad bit the same. Her hair is black and held in different hair styles at times. Her eyes aren't Hazel but a deep purple/violet color. She wears different clothing too, she wears a sleeveless white button up shirt with red out-linings with a red checkered skirt, her shoes are just small combat boots.

History (Include reason for joining F.A.I.T.H): Saika was always a bubbly girl that grew in a single parent home. Since her mother was out most of the time working as a scientist. She took that opportunity to sneak into her mom's own home lab. There was were Saika's curiosity grew the most. Things didn't result in the best since her mom caught her. So as a mother's job she sent her to play games.

Saika later as she got adjusted with her curiosity of SEED and everything around her decided that she would follow along in her own mother's footsteps and study to become a scientist. As soon as she finished her job she was called to see her mother take her into work as an understudy. Saika's research was very good, her research was building up walls and other electronic things which could cause a great difference in a win of lose, which was how F.A.I.T.H seemed to recruit her. She didn't know what they were but when they heard their cause she understood that maybe her brains could be used for something even greater. She accepted.

Saika learned to control her SEED mostly during her free time since she moved away from home and into her own laboratory were she spent all her time at building prototypes and things. So far she hasn't been able to make one thing that actually works but she still has hope on it.

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world): Saika in the real world only carried around pens and paper. Not much but a pen could be deadly she doesn't carry much since she spends most of her time in her lab but when she does decide to go out she still doesnt carry much other than her pen.

AN-104 "Murasame"- Saika is more of the old style. She uses two swords as her main weapon but both have different name and appearances this doesn't mean she uses both all the time. She usually decides when she uses both. She's a bit weak since she's only barely learning how to use the new swords she bought.

AN-112 "Arise"- Saika's other katana. Its a black metal with a red hilt. Her mother was the one who came up with the design as Saika was the one who customized it.

GI-20 "Razor" this is a simple hand gun that she uses when she doesn't equip her second sword.

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):Saika's abilities in the real world aren't that special except when creating electronic programs and other small things. As for her SEED since she is so fascinated by it her ability with it is at a 60\100 not that good but not that bad type of situation.

Saika's SEED is mostly based on her brains and strategy making then her power. She focuses on speed a bit too but not too much.

(Hope that sounds good...?)
Going to at least stsrt a CS. Give me a couple million pokes to get me to finish it tomorrow.

Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: He is a very serious person. Straight-faced through even the worst situations. You see that missile that flew over his shoulder? Zero given. But, oddly enough, he always does his best to look his best. And will silently carry you away, over his shoulder, from the following explosion caused by the missile he didn't appear to notice.

Affiliation: F.A.I.T.H.-- The muscle, whatever fancy term that is.


SEED: Almost the exact same. Except that he has some armor on, simple Kevlar stuff and more advanced light alloy plating.

History: Connor has had a hard knocks life. Grew up rough, lived rough. Before the Fall, and FAITH, he was kind of on the dark side, for lack of a better term. You want that? Fork over enough cash. That was his line of buisness when he was little. Got some connections that way, suppliers of misc. stuff, drugs, weapons, the works. In the SEED, it was a bit more complicated. But, he scraped by. Doing odd jobs mostly. Break ins here, Wall Busting there, maybe a shoot out or two. Made a few more "buddies" that way. Then came the Fall. Worst point in his life. Every man for himself, or anarchy. He bever liked laws, but after that he saw hoe important they were. Then, he straightened up his act, tried his best to be good. Even got into FAITH, god only knows how. But there are a still fingers holding on from his past, some threads that may still tie a noose around him.


Reality-Always one to pack heat, a rather large calibur hand gun is strapped to his hip. And a knife is almost always undernearth his over coat, if he has one on otherwise it is completely visible, with a Bowie knife sheathed in it.

Cyber-Fir the moat part, the same as real life. But, he has a few add ons

Trip Wire: Never underestimate the power of tripping an enemy that dies not see it coming, especially if you have a gun ready.

The Far Cry: An assault rifle with all the gismos on it. Zoom variable scope, flashlight, and fore grip. And a strap for him to sling it around and go hands free.

Justifier: The reason why he is there, and why the door is off it's hinges and lying on the floor. A classic, double barreled sawed off shotgun with enough kick to make a mule look cross eyed:

A Cross bow: He knows that sometimes it's nice to be quiet.

Sticky Gloves: There are gloves that are extremely sticky that people wear to help catch American footballs. Well, these are a lot sticker and help him clim walls.


Real-Strong. That's about it. Well, that and he can hold his own in a fight.

Cyber-Enhanced reflexes and faster mental processing can make everything move in slow motion.
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ZerokiraKurayami said:
Name: Saika Kurayami
Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: She's a bubbly female who is a klutz despise her being a scientist. On top of her being a kind and bubbly person she's also very forgetful. Most of the time she's seen taking notes so she won't forget even though she still does.She's really smart when it comes down to things that her peers need done. Other than that her whole persona changes when it's about chemicals and things. With that she becomes calm and calculative.

Affiliation: F.A.I.T.H- Scientific Department

Appearance: Saika is one with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She's around 5'2'' in height and is around 53 kg. She walks around in the laboratory around 24/7 with a white doctor coat and her glasses wearing just regular clothing underneath like jeans shoes and a nice shirt nothing too flashy for her.


SEED: As for her SEED appearance she looks a tad bit the same. Her hair is black and held in different hair styles at times. Her eyes aren't Hazel but a deep purple/violet color. She wears different clothing too, she wears a sleeveless white button up shirt with red out-linings with a red checkered skirt, her shoes are just small combat boots.

History (Include reason for joining F.A.I.T.H): Saika was always a bubbly girl that grew in a single parent home. Since her mother was out most of the time working as a scientist. She took that opportunity to sneak into her mom's own home lab. There was were Saika's curiosity grew the most. Things didn't result in the best since her mom caught her. So as a mother's job she sent her to play games.

Saika later as she got adjusted with her curiosity of SEED and everything around her decided that she would follow along in her own mother's footsteps and study to become a scientist. As soon as she finished her job she was called to see her mother take her into work as an understudy. Saika's research was very good, her research was building up walls and other electronic things which could cause a great difference in a win of lose, which was how F.A.I.T.H seemed to recruit her. She didn't know what they were but when they heard their cause she understood that maybe her brains could be used for something even greater. She accepted.

Saika learned to control her SEED mostly during her free time since she moved away from home and into her own laboratory were she spent all her time at building prototypes and things. So far she hasn't been able to make one thing that actually works but she still has hope on it.

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world): Saika in the real world only carried around pens and paper. Not much but a pen could be deadly she doesn't carry much since she spends most of her time in her lab but when she does decide to go out she still doesnt carry much other than her pen.

AN-104 "Murasame"- Saika is more of the old style. She uses two swords as her main weapon but both have different name and appearances this doesn't mean she uses both all the time. She usually decides when she uses both. She's a bit weak since she's only barely learning how to use the new swords she bought.

AN-112 "Arise"- Saika's other katana. Its a black metal with a red hilt. Her mother was the one who came up with the design as Saika was the one who customized it.

GI-20 "Razor" this is a simple hand gun that she uses when she doesn't equip her second sword.

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):Saika's abilities in the real world aren't that special except when creating electronic programs and other small things. As for her SEED since she is so fascinated by it her ability with it is at a 60\100 not that good but not that bad type of situation.

Saika's SEED is mostly based on her brains and strategy making then her power. She focuses on speed a bit too but not too much.

(Hope that sounds good...?)
Beowulf said:
Going to at least stsrt a CS. Give me a couple million pokes to get me to finish it tomorrow.
Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: He is a very serious person. Straightface through even the worst situations. You see that missile that flew over his shoulder? Zero given. But, oddly enough, he always does his best to look his best. And will silently carry you away, over his shoulder, from the following explosion caused by the missile he didn't aplear to notice.

Affiliation: F.A.I.T.H.-- The muscle, whatever fancy term that is.

Appearance: ((Here is where I'll need those pokes. Stupid 3g Ipod not letting me copy paste. Or you can just show me a couple to choose from, done it that way before.))

SEED: ((Will be a lot easier to do one I do the appearance. Sorry.))

History: Connor has had a hard knocks life. Grew up rough, lived rough. Before the Fall, and FAITH, he was kind of on the dark side, for lack of a better term. You want that? Fork over enough cash. That was his line of buisness when he was little. Got some connections that way, suppliers of misc. stuff, drugs, weapons, the works. In the SEED, it was a bit more complicated. But, he scraped by. Doing odd jobs mostly. Break ins here, Wall Busting there, maybe a shoot out or two. Made a few more "buddies" that way. Then came the Fall. Worst point in his life. Every man for himself, or anarchy. He bever liked laws, but after that he saw hoe important they were. Then, he straightened up his act, tried his best to be good. Even got into FAITH, god only knows how. But there are a still fingers holding on from his past, some threads that may still tie a noose around him.


Reality-Always one to pack heat, a rather large calibur hand gun is strapped to his hip. And a knife is almost always undernearth his over coat, if he has one on otherwise it is completely visible, with a Bowie knife sheathed in it.

Cyber-Fir the moat part, the same as real life. But, he has a few add ons

Trip Wire: Never underestimate the power of tripping an enemy that dies not see it coming, especially if you have a gun ready.

The Far Cry: An assault rifle with all the gismos on it. Zoom variable scope, flashlight, and fore grip. And a strap for him to sling it around and go hands free.

Justifier: The reason why he is there, and why the door is off it's hinges and lying on the floor. A classic, double barreled sawed off shotgun with enough kick to make a mule look cross eyed:

A Cross bow: He knows that sometimes it's nice to be quiet.

Sticky Gloves: There are gloves that are extremely sticky that people wear to help catch American footballs. Well, these are a lot sticker and help him clim walls.


Real-Strong. That's about it. Well, that and he can hold his own in a fight.

Cyber-Enhanced reflexes and faster mental processing can make everything move in slow motion.
accepted ^.^ ((sorry for my late replies))
Name: Alexander Ross.

"Alex will do "

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Personality: Alex is a notoriously unpredictable person, declared insane multiple times, though kept around due to his cunning intellect and manipulative tendencies. He is of a very exuberant character, nearly fitting the mad scientist persona were it not for his ability to remain grounded into the reality of things. Having excelled as genius, he is very harsh and belittling to people, and a narcissist to boot, though he has respect for those that at least attempt to grasp at his theories.

Affiliations: F.A.I.T.H. "and SCIENCE!"-Science Division

Appearance: With dark green eyes and a wiry, athletic build he is handsome, though his apparent insanity is kind of a bummer. He is also not seen anywhere without his white lab coat. His SEED is identical to his real appearance, though wears black armour underneath the lab coat and has a rather interesting third eye at the centre of his forehead. It however looks more like an piece of glowing blue lens then an actual eye.


History: Alexander Ross had the typical history of a genius, having rich parents did not help any. Developing his know it all nature at a private academy for the especially gifted, he was ,more or less, bullied for the entirety of his stay there, a measly 6 months before at 14, he was drafted into F.A.I.T.H. ranks later that year. Having F.A.I.T.H resources behind him he has spent the majority of his time attempting to analyse the initial virus that was Myriads Fall, with little to no success. Having heard the rumour of the new virus his forays into the Cyber World increased. Due to his intelligence he quickly grasped the basics of SEED synchronisation, though still lacks experience in combat due to being a thinker, not a fighter. He more often then not, ignores any warnings about Stardust agents as he doubts they would be interested in anything he could have. "Well except the obvious good looks, brilliant mind and my stunning personality."


During his forays outside of the lab, he often carries a easily hidden hand gun firing electric pellets in order capture potential prisoners and or test subjects. He also has a leather briefcase containing many scientific instruments.

Inside the Network he has very similar equipment, though an exception is his:

TL-1234 Manipulator Gauntlet

Essentially a segmented Gauntlet that reaches to his elbow, that allows Khan to dematerialise Cyber-Constructs to a limited degree allowing thrown objects to be pass through him with no effect as well as low-calibre bullets. The metallic grey gauntlet turns black with a shining blue outline when activated. It also has the ability to disintegrate objects completely as apposed to simply making them intangible though this is limited to one disintegration every four hours.

SC-Beta 12 Optical Sensor

The strange blue lens in his forehead, it allows Khan to visual access to closed or private servers, making him the perfect infiltrator, however it has very limited timeframe of infiltration, that being five minutes. Khan however uses it to only access personal files of those he works with in order to gain dominance in any partnership. Khan, not being tactically minded, misses the potential for the Eye to be used offensively in Virtual-Battles, being a scientist not a soldier.

Abilities: Due to essentially running the Science Division in all but name, Alexander has very applicable political skills and charisma, as well as his intellect and science knowledge. He also has reasonable fighting skills, though would lose to any Veteran opponent in any straight up fight.
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Davros said:
Name: Alexander Ross.
"Alex will do "

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Personality: Alex is a notoriously unpredictable person, declared insane multiple times, though kept around due to his cunning intellect and manipulative tendencies. He is of a very exuberant character, nearly fitting the mad scientist persona were it not for his ability to remain grounded into the reality of things. Having excelled as genius, he is very harsh and belittling to people, and a narcissist to boot, though he has respect for those that at least attempt to grasp at his theories.

Affiliations: F.A.I.T.H. "and SCIENCE!"-Science Division

Appearance: With dark green eyes and a wiry, athletic build he is handsome, though his apparent insanity is kind of a bummer. He is also not seen anywhere without his white lab coat. His SEED is identical to his real appearance, though wears black armour underneath the lab coat and has a rather interesting third eye at the centre of his forehead. It however looks more like an piece of glowing blue lens then an actual eye.


History: Alexander Ross had the typical history of a genius, having rich parents did not help any. Developing his know it all nature at a private academy for the especially gifted, he was ,more or less, bullied for the entirety of his stay there, a measly 6 months before at 14, he was drafted into F.A.I.T.H. ranks later that year. Having F.A.I.T.H resources behind him he has spent the majority of his time attempting to analyse the initial virus that was Myriads Fall, with little to no success. Having heard the rumour of the new virus his forays into the Cyber World increased. Due to his intelligence he quickly grasped the basics of SEED synchronisation, though still lacks experience in combat due to being a thinker, not a fighter. He more often then not, ignores any warnings about Stardust agents as he doubts they would be interested in anything he could have. "Well except the obvious good looks, brilliant mind and my stunning personality."


During his forays outside of the lab, he often carries a easily hidden hand gun firing electric pellets in order capture potential prisoners and or test subjects. He also has a leather briefcase containing many scientific instruments.

Inside the Network he has very similar equipment, though an exception is his:

TL-1234 Manipulator Gauntlet

Essentially a segmented Gauntlet that reaches to his elbow, that allows Khan to dematerialise Cyber-Constructs to a limited degree allowing thrown objects to be pass through him with no effect as well as low-calibre bullets. The metallic grey gauntlet turns black with a shining blue outline when activated. It also has the ability to disintegrate objects completely as apposed to simply making them intangible though this is limited to one disintegration every four hours.

SC-Beta 12 Optical Sensor

The strange blue lens in his forehead, it allows Khan to visual access to closed or private servers, making him the perfect infiltrator, however it has very limited timeframe of infiltration, that being five minutes. Khan however uses it to only access personal files of those he works with in order to gain dominance in any partnership. Khan, not being tactically minded, misses the potential for the Eye to be used offensively in Virtual-Battles, being a scientist not a soldier.

Abilities: Due to essentially running the Science Division in all but name, Alexander has very applicable political skills and charisma, as well as his intellect and science knowledge. He also has reasonable fighting skills, though would lose to any Veteran opponent in any straight up fight.
accepted ^.^

Name: Romia Lux

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Silent and mysterious Romia isn't one to make friends well. She is uncomfortable around large crowds, so she tries to find quiet more secluded areas. This usually puts Romia in less than legal areas and dangerous situations. It becomes a hassle just to walk down a dark alleyway, all the drug dealings and muggings just get old. Romia took it upon herself to stop the injustice in progress instead of fleeing from the scene. She doesn't want justice, just for it to no happen around her. She smiles around those she respects and admires, everyone else gets a distant expression. She is quick thinking and focused, able to adapt to any situation. She isn't a good team player and plays to an aggressive attitude when forced to comply to anything. She is considerate and helpful to those in need unless they are the enemy. She is disgusted by those who say they enforce rules when the current rules don't stop crime. She likes flowers and the night sky. Most of the time you can see her hiding in a store or at night on a roof looking up at the sky.

Affiliation: Stardust-Spying/Information gathering

Appearance: Unlike others, Romia uses a different appearance for her SEED. In the Real world she is a blonde, green eyed girl with a slender figure. While in the Cyber world she has gray hair and gray illuminating eyes with rounder features.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/53c7fc175795f5bf7000bedb840a5543.jpg.6d19acef27957f7b3130f404153322b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/53c7fc175795f5bf7000bedb840a5543.jpg.6d19acef27957f7b3130f404153322b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/995989.jpg.9728c2860c0a0e5377174b64b71596ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/995989.jpg.9728c2860c0a0e5377174b64b71596ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History (Include reason for joining Stardust and reasons for not trusting the Sphere.): Romia is a orphan who lost her parents when she was 4 years old. She hasn't had such a happy life after that. Her parents were the heads of a wealthy company and with them gone it was up to her relatives to take the job until Romia was ready. However the greed of both sides of her family were strong and she has been tricked, kidnapped, bribed, blackmailed and threatened to give up her claim on the family business. The stress of the world of greed ruined her, she has no faith in humanity and no faith in F.A.I.T.H. and the Sphere, which are a partner with Lux technology. Romia had never been there or met with others, but she knew for a fact that the representatives where shifty at best. She doesn't trust F.A.I.T.H or their operatives, because out of anything their promises are farces. It wouldn't surprise her that Myriad's Fall was the Sphere's doing to make money. Romia's goal is to find up what F.A.I.T.H and Sphere are up to and take them down. Romia joined Stardust because she was already doing the job, and being stuck around F.A.I.T.H supporters all her life, she liked helping those who had the same view about F.A.I.T.H and the Sphere as her.

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world):

Real world

  • Wealth, the most dangerous Weapon
  • Has an intricate and secure security base
  • Has a safe room in which she enters into the Cyber World
  • A small plasma gun, just in case

Cyber World

  • Night vision eyes (also, x-ray, thermal, uv, radiation, bites, electric)
  • Twin onyx blades
  • Smoke pellets
  • User controlled daggers with electric shocks: User controlled these daggers can float in the air and attack the enemy. Range: 35 ft.
  • Retractable onyx shield: On her left wrist there is a bracelet, that creates a shield, strong enough to stop a normal shot.
  • 2 Personal robots: these little guys are black with 4 orbs and two wings. Their job is to place audio, record, and retrieve data.

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):

Real World

  • Problem solver
  • Martial arts student
  • Self Defense student
  • High intellect
  • Multi-tasking

Cyber World

  • Cyber enhanced strength (mostly in legs) and High speed (able to run up walls)
  • Durable
  • Cyber eyes give 99.99% accuracy. Now if it will hit where it's suppose to is questionable, but did she aim for the right place, yes.

accepted ^.^



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