Other My ideas

Esper Alucard

Fleur's Pervy Neko Bot
Ever since i have tried Drawing, Art, even Writing, it seems like people have neglected my works and never even cared for them. When it started being presented online, people started to get mad at me just for it. This ranges from Simple Drawings to even easy to rp stories, all neglected and abused. Is it my age (14)? Maybe its because of the people i hang out with? I don't know, and hopefully you guys can help me.
Its just something you get over. Being creative isn't about showing off to other as much as it is about improving yourself as an artist and a conveyor of ideas. Its like comparing the guys who workout to just for themselves versus guys that are doing it to impress people. The latter basically just dropped a load of cash for nothing because when he realizes that no one really cares unless you have a six pack, he'll just quit. Meanwhile the guy that worksout solely to improve himself reaps the benefits in the long run when people notice his gains when he goes out. Just be an artist because its fun and get better at it for yourself, not to attract others, as attracting others to your work will be a byproduct of your effort (assuming you keep sharing everything online.)
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@TPBx I've only shared things once and the final thing was a rp idea, yet only 3 people came and joined it, while everybody else just passed by without a care in the world. I haven't heard a "You're good" or "Keep Going" from my creations and ideas. Im not trying to show off, im trying to show people what i'm capable of, attempting to prove them wrong about assuming how i am. And still, nobody even has a "Good Job" for me.
@TPBx I've only shared things once and the final thing was a rp idea, yet only 3 people came and joined it, while everybody else just passed by without a care in the world. I haven't heard a "You're good" or "Keep Going" from my creations and ideas. Im not trying to show off, im trying to show people what i'm capable of, attempting to prove them wrong about assuming how i am. And still, nobody even has a "Good Job" for me.

Then keep going at it I guess. Idk I even tried finding stuff from you in the creativity forum and got nothing. Idk what to say if I have nothing to make an accurate judgment. It might not even be that a majority of people hating your work as much as you not even giving it a pedestal to put it on in the first place and giving it more opportunity to be constructively criticized. 

Now I'm more or less interested to see/read whatever you've done as an artist.
My friends have literally told me that what I draw is horrible. My best friend made fun of my drawing when I was 10 years old. My crush told me my drawings suck when I was 11. Yet drawing is one of my favorite things in the world so I keep doing it. Nobody likes my drawings. I post them online because I like to. I've gotten, what, two comments maybe on my thread? But I don't care. I just love doing it. It's my passion. No one tells me to keep going, no one. I keep going because I want to. If you don't want to, don't do it but if it's your passion, then keep going.

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