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Fantasy Mutant Academy!

"What a beauty."

Through his gaze, it reached to the tall heavens of the earth, an object that devoured all vision and common views. It was like a symbol to the one who spoke the simple phrase. A symbol of a beginning.

A peculiar sort of figure made his way in front of the school, not far from where Bliss was standing. And he seemed to walk with slow, unhurried steps. As if the greetings and Orientation were not about to begin in,.... say, I don't know. A few minutes?

Back to the subject at hand.

There was a clear contrast in between these two characters. One seemed to be all prepared for school and whatever the classes had to offer. But this newcomer looked more prepared for a funeral and a war. Heavy black cloak draped over the arms, complete with what appeared to be MORE fabric swathed around his waist and chest and other areas. In short, it wasn't the clothing of a common folk.

But they both seemed to be here for the same reason, otherwise, why in the world would they be standing in front of a place like this?

It was the male who turned his head slightly in Bliss's direction, silver eyes glinting and a sharp-toothed grin growing onto his face like the root retreating from the ground.

"Don't you agree?"

He seemed to respond to his own question, in the moment that he noticed he was being rather odd. The smile vanished.

"I...the school, I mean. Yeah. Very.... nice school."
She was still shaking off the tree root when she herd a male voice. Bliss automatically assumed it was directed towards somebody else but the same, deep voice spoke again. "I...the school, I mean. Yeah. Very... nice school." It said. She froze and slowly turned around towards the guy. He was huge with a multifold of dark clothing and an absolutely peachy attitude to match it all. Bliss pulled down on her black long-sleeved shirt a bit before nodding, looking up at the sky. "Gorgeous." Bliss whispered. She glanced down at the ends of her hair and silver began tracing up her brown ends. Quickly covering the silver ends, the girl looked at the guy again and then at her feet. There she found a cherry blossom in full bloom. Bliss smiled knelt down, picking the flower. She stood back up to full height and let the blossom's aroma float through the air. Her silver ends slowly disappeared and she smiled a bit. "Wish I could keep it forever." Bliss said softly.
The air seem to be tinged with the hint of spring, but the man (who is dubbed as Crevan) never seemed to notice until now. Beauty was a thing withheld from his gaze for... a long while, actually. Where he had been before... it was a land of gloom and depressing scenes.

"I suppose that would be nice." Crevan commented after a while, his eyes gazing at the blossom in her hand with the peculiar glance of a child. It took him a while, but he spoke again, his deep voice filling the air with a reassuring tone. "But then again, I heard someone say that nature tends to be fleeting, and therefore beautiful. If we held onto something forever, it would lose it's meaning." Crevan paused once more, before adding in a murmur: "That's why they are precious to us."

Oh. look at that, he was being weird again. That seemed to be Crevan's mood for the day.

But it's okay to be weird, sometimes.

Deciding that he had enough of the foliage for now, the adolescent turned his gaze skyward. "As nice as it is out here, I think they're going to start without us if we dally here too long. Shame, too."
As if she was listening onto the conversation Maria let out a half sided statement "who knew someone so basic could turn foliage into conversation" with a scoff, and a small laugh she was heading into the school not caring for what they would have said in return. She was currently focusing on herself not the lower class who have nothing better to do then stand around and have idle chatter, it was quite annoying in a way. She then proceeded to enter the school, for what he was guessing a ridiculous orientation of sorts and followed the crowd fanning herself to keep cool.
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Bliss looked down at the ground and bit her lip, But I can make it last forever... She thought before shaking her head. "Never mind." She said gently, leaving the guy and following the girl into the school. Bliss wandered around aimlessly, searching for the close combat training, but sadly being unable to find it. She sighed and just kept walking, not really sure where to go until she stumbled upon an exit door. Bliss smiled to herself and went through it, finding herself in a gorgeous courtyard hidden to all but her. She gently touched the ground and a small berry bush grew from where she touched, glowing slight green. This place is all mine... Nobody knows of it but me- hopefully. The girl thought, looking around for other signs of human activity. There wasn't any. "Maybe I'll get lucky-" Bliss said softly, looking around at the large trees and golden apples that grew upon them.
Aaron walked towards the school, excited seeing it was his first time. He spotted a number of interesting figures going by wondering what powers they had, so many people..his thoughts wandered a bit as he continued walking not that worried about any interactions so far he honestly just wanted to look around for now. Of Course he had kept his "Liquid Shadow" out which was honestly out of habit than anything, It's blank eyes seemed to survey the area with a rock solid expression the black liquid dripping off it slowly leaving a slight trail behind it though Aaron didn't seem to notice. It had a basic human structure but it had a slightly creepy vibe to it, with incredibly blank eyes and a expressionless face obviously not being sentient.

Soon enough he found himself stumbling upon the Close combat area which was quite empty for now though not surprising to him in the slightest, Everyone was probably looking around or chatting to each-other though he didn't mind the emptiness quite the opposite actually thinking of a perfect way to entertain himself for the while generating another one of his Liquid shadows. This one was colored differently from the other though, a luscious silver color that seemed to be in a constant perpetual state between Liquid and solid looking incredibly similar to the Other. He grinned slightly as he motioned his hand, The Shadows beginning to attack each-other with those ghostly blank expressions though they seemed to mirror each-other's moves perfectly and continuously blocked or parried each other, Aaron just slumping down on the ground as he watched enjoying the sight. "Might as well watch till something happens~" he'd hum with a slight grin.
Shiro stood looking as lost as ever with a map in his hands. Yes. A map. The young man may have been talented in the arts, but directions? Not so much. Hmm... He mused to himself. I was sure that this was the way... Perhaps I took a wrong turn back there? I knew I should have listened to my father more when it comes to map reading! Oh well, I guess it can't be helped.

And with that thought, Shiro went off to do the one thing his minuscule amount of pride did not at first allow. Find someone to ask for directions to the place he was trying to find.
"... Huh, most people stick around longer then that." Was his charms off or something? Maybe it was just him in general.

In any case, Crevan didn't think too much about it, deciding to turn towards the school again and go back to his gazing. Of course, it had to be interrupted by a curious redhead with a map.

And what a cute redhead he was, if he thought so himself. Then again, a lot of guys were quite the cutie to him.

But nevertheless, Crevan should of been mad with the interruption.

(ahh it's so short D:)
Shiro then saw Crevan and decided that he had found someone who could possibly help him find the place where he was trying to go, and walked over with a cautious and embarrassed smile on his face. "Umm... Excuse me, but is there a specific place where us newcomers are supposed to go, or do we just wander? Either way I appear to be lost."

{Mine are short for the most part too. No worries! :) }
At first, Crevan just stared. He just stared and stared with not a care in the world. It was like he didn't even notice the poor boy's presence until a moment after, when a giant grin broke out on his face once again. Like, the 6th time that day.

"I dunno. I'm new too, you see. " He clapped his hands together and tilted his head ever so slightly to the side. It was the international gesture of a confused individual. "But you seem to have a map there, so you can't totally be lost, right?"
Shiro just blinked twice, as if he had no idea what Crevan was talking about. Then he nervously rubbed the back of his head while staring off at some unknown object in the distance, as he held up the piece of paper in his hands. "Truth to be told, I have no idea how to read this thing." He paused and turned back to Crevan with an odd grin on his face. "I've mearly been guessing this whole time! ...Probably not my wisest idea thinking back on it..."
Bliss looked around at the gorgeous scenery and smiled a bit to herself before shaking her head a bit and thinking, I must go find close combat training. She walked back to the almost hidden door and back into the dimly lit school. The girl rubbed her hands on her pants nervously as she wandered around the school once more, searching for any place a class like that could be. Bliss soon gave up, leaning against a wall and sliding down to her knees. A small cherry blossom sprouted up by her face, followed by several others, their aromas filling the air until she smiled a bit and sat against the wall, picking one of the flowers. "Oh how lovely." She said softly, cupping it in her hands gently and closing her eyes.

Dropping the flower, she looked up to see a window revealing a classroom, but with shadows fighting inside. Bliss slowly stood and walked towards the door, opening it a bit and peeking inside. There she saw a male, sitting down nonchalant like as he watched the shadows attack each other. The boy had said something but she couldn't hear it, he spoke too softly, mumbling. Bliss walked inside fully and closed the door behind her, watching the shadows carefully. This must be close combat and he might be the teacher... She thought, looking him over. Not the teacher type though...
Maria awaited the big announcement along with the other students it had been way too long it almost felt like she had been waiting for four days to be exact for anything to happen. She yawned and traversed the crowed of impudent fools also know as her classmates and pitied there existence. Freaks one and all gathered vulnerable as the slightest twist anyone's fate could stop or change it was the only hope for something fun t happen at this rate. But until then she would stand patiently and wait for something to happen and hopefully it would cause she was getting pretty tired of waiting around.
"Guessing gets you places, sometimes, eh? It got you here."

Another strange quote flying from his mouth. Crevan put his hands on his back and stretched his back. He saw the world in all it's splendor, upside down and waiting for something to turn it right-side up...

Oh, and there seemed to be a woman there as well. Crevan straightened his spine to a perfect line and looked to Shiro with a glint in his eye. "Hm. Maybe that woman can help us!" He exclaimed as if he had the greatest idea the world could offer him, and before the other newcomer had a chance to respond, bounded over to the lady who hated everyone's very being.

"Hello there, Madame." To speak to one such as her stature, you had to put on SOME sort of charm. Even someone like Crevan knew that.

"Would you happen to know the way to orientation?
Maria didn't really bother to answer the man that loosely asked a question like the fool he is. Using charm to get what she wants it was the most ridiculous and stupid thing she has ever seen. She didn't bother answering him other then a hmph and a turn of the head she continued on waiting for the fool to leave. Of course if he refused to leave she would just have to make him leave she thought as her hand reached into her sleeve prepared to pull out her fan.
Shiro saw that Maria was likely not going to answer Crevan, and decided to attempt the question himself. "Miss? Would you please lend us a hand?" He pointed towards Crevan with an honest look on his face. "I just met this guy, and still don't know his name yet, but really, we mean well and are just trying to find our way." Shiro during the last sentence had started to fiddle around with the string that held his scroll together, but stopped after a brief realization. It was wise to keep his recent drawing tucked away at the moment. The ink didn't listen to him all the time after all and he wanted to stay on the good side of any and all potential allies.
She tensed ignoring the two did not get her very far "what part if 'hmph' did you not understand fool" she scolded a couple people was attracted by the noise of the shouting girl. Of course no peasant should have the nerve to speak to her "how very much dare you!" She then began to collect her composer and turned to walk away. She also moved her hand away from her fan not needing to spend energy citing the boy down it wasn't that worth it.
While this seemed like a hopeless situation to most, Shiro merely smiled. "You're forgetting one thing..." He muttered. "You're probably going to the exact same place we're trying to find, therefore, all we have to do is follow you!"

Without missing a beat, the crimson-haired boy grabbed Crevan's hand and dragged him along. This crazy plan was happening whether either of them liked it or not apparently. And Shiro was certain that if that girl had discovered the current scheme, it was not going to be liked.
Bliss sat on the roof of the school alone, taking feel breaths and seemingly trying to calm herself. She bit her lip and lay on her back, looking up at the blue sky and letting herself get lost in the clouds. She smiled a bit before closing her eyes and relaxing. See? The world is calm and peaceful. Bliss thought while laying there. Another, higher pitched and evil sounding voice rang in her head, Oh poor dear. Guess you haven't seen me in too long.

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