Murder: The Shadow's Grip

[QUOTE="The Gil]Such bullshit, you're too fast with those things for Google. You can fool everyone Cressy, but not me. NOT ME. I KNOW OF YOUR IMAGES, DON'T LIE TO ME

Not even kidding man, google is magic
Akibahara said:


"Yeeees~ let's damn the fornicators! HEH, HEH, HEH..."​
Regina was already lost anyways.
Okay, maybe not literally, but she was in shock. She didn't think the sphinx would do it.
Well, the sphinx fucking did it.

Regina, after seeing the sex god appear, pursed her lips a little bit, making their pinkness fuller. She moved her pose so that her fingers rested on her thigh, hitching up her skirt. Her back arched, she sucked in her non-existent fat, and was ready to woo him into loving her.

God, Regina wanted him naked.

She was so caught up she almost forgot about the sphinx. In fact, Regina completely ignored it. His deep voice radiated through the air, and Regina wanted him to speak all of the time.

"Hey," he said, and that was really all that was needed. Regina almost forgot about him being already attracted to her, so when he bit those sexy lips as he looked at her, Regina couldn't take it anymore. She stepped forward, her hand on his shoulder.

"Follow me," she whispered as seductively as she could make her voice. She turned around, making sure to wiggle her butt as she walked to the school building.

As soon as they were inside, Regina dragged him into an empty classroom. She shut the door, eyes dilated, focused completely on him. "So," she purred, and rested her hands on his chest. "You know what you are, right?" She pushed him onto the desk, taking her seductive time to straddle his thighs.

"Your servant," he said, looking as turned on as Regina felt.

"So, that means you'll do anything I say.... Right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I'll have to teach him to call me Master, Regina thought as she bent down and roughly kissed him. His hands immediately found her waist. He seemed to be an expert at the kissing part, slipping his tongue into her mouth and moving it at just the right times. Regina let out a moan.

She fucking loved that sphinx.

Regina needed to get the clothes off of herself as quickly as possible. He was way too tasty.......

*fade to black*

((fuck you Gil))
Good lord, such whoriness must be fought with holyness.

pochiko said:
Can anyone please tell me what's going on? I've been in Japantown the whole day xD
Some crazy shit girl. 
If the round two sucks, MY BAD. I am soooo tried! D: So im off to bed! Everyone is gonna love the mid round update! :)
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:

Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve the idea.
Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

i dun even know what is happening
Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Seems pretty interesting. I might see about joining.
I'm terribly sorry I haven't been posting lately. Some things in my life just happened and they are pretty important, so my posts will be slow for a while.

Billy got dun raped

By sum Kneegroes


He woke up, it was all a dream

Billy is actually Lia's dog

*Plot Twist*

Billy likes apples​
Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Dafuq did I just read...?
Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Obviously count me in. Since I played as Dallas after all... Love the idea.
Akibahara said:
So, everyone, if you're not aware--there's a reason Adam is going crazy with LoL characters--this is a Murder event idea I have planned in the near future. Tell me what y'all think:
Eventually, in a Murder game, Adam and Katarina meet up, have a child, yada yada yada. The child is male--during his youth, he discovers the multiversal device capable of sending him into our world and various others. He enters 1933 Germany, at the advent of Hitler's rise to power. He studies Mein Kampf, enthralled by the racial theories and "power through strength" ideals, he idolizes the Fuhrer--and once he returns home, Noxus, his home city-state changes completely: He creates an airforce or Luftwaffe, recruits foreign aid akin to the Nazi Waffen SS, and develops genocidal hatred toward "inferior" races throughout the LoL universe.

Taking visual elements from Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, real-life atrocities such as the Holocaust, Unit 731, and more, this game is an evolutionary hybrid of war, genocide, racial discrimination, emotional conflict, and the philosophy of body, mind, and soul. A scenario stretching from wartime romance, to intense twisting drama mixed with a changing and interactive environment allows for a playing experience unlike any other (as far as I know while typing this).

Of course, players who are situated in the LoL universe will re-appear, namely Dallas and Vi.

Yes. Do EET.
RainbowWave said:
One thing before I go, How is everyone enjoying the role play?
I'm personally liking it, but I think we should stop doing major location changes for now. I see some people getting confused and all xP

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