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Fantasy Murder: The Shadow's Grip

SirDerpingtonIV said:
"Well, if my home is around here, there should be my old Cadian Lasgun, from my days in the Imperial Gaurd," he suggested, with a shrug. And maybe some food aswell, that'd be nice, he said.
pochiko said:
"Someplace multi-leveled, definitely," she chimed in. "Maybe the hotel here. Worst comes to worst, we can escape by jumping out of the windows. We can all survive such heights..." she thought about Octavian falling through the supermarket before. She tried to hold back her laughter. "...one way or the other."
Blake pat her empty stomach at the sound of Octavian mentioning food. "Well... I suppose we can stop by your house too," she commented. "Octavian's house, and then the hotel. Does that sound like a decent plan, everyone?"
"That depends," Isaac said, shrugging lightly. "If you want more traps and heavy industrial equipment, we can stop by my place. It's set up like my quarters aboard the Kellion. It has a line gun, a disc ripper, and spare stasis modules. But, if you'd rather we go right to the hospital after Octavian's that is fine," he said.

"You guys know your tools and abilities better than I do. If you think we can manage, by all means."
RainbowWave said:

Mid-Round Update:

The sun was still high in the sky, and daylight would still be seen for at least eight or nine hours, and there was a slight chill in the air, but thankfully, no shadow's stood among the streets, they all hid inside, waiting for nightfall. A couple Shadow's fell from the crowds, and straggled outside, attacking alone survivors, but of course, that was rare. The high school was well forfeited, defending against Shadow's, outside survivors and even some out of worldly creatures. It was a safe haven in a world of ruins. Expect, something, or was it someone stood at the gates, they looked desperately through the cracks, hoping to see movement. After what seemed to be hours, the a voice called out,


"Hello! is anybody alive in there?" called out a high pitched famine female voice. The women was answered by the sound of the gates opening, and Annie standing on the other side. Annie stood with her hands crossed in front of her, and a smile on her face. Her auburn hair was neatly brushed, and her dark green eyes showed a warm welcome.

"Hello there, I heard you're call, are you okay?" Asked Annie as she never moved from her spot, but the women threw her hands up, covering her face as she sobbed. Annie still didn't move, but instead spoke up.

"Follow me, we can speak inside." bitterly spoke Annie, and that's what the women did. They walked past the small row of bushes that lied in two long rows in front of the high-school, and entered through the silvery-metal double doors. Annie led the women to her office and sat her in a small fold out chair on the other side of her desk. Annie sat, and folded her hands neatly onto the desk, and looked to the women, she was....blue, and had stitches almost everywhere on her body. Annie looked to the women's eyes, which were nothing more then small black circles.

"What is your name?" asked Annie, her voice sweet.

"My name's Sally," answered the women. Annie smiled and extended her hand, and Sally placed hers onto Annie's, tightly gripping it.

"What are you doing here?" asked Annie, she was rather calm, and and emotionless, that's how she had to be when dealing with outside forces now, and she hated it.

"My husband! His missing!" panicked Sally as she stood, knocking over her chair. Her hands gripped the side of the desk, and her eyes were directly on Annie's.

"...And what would you like us to do?" replied Annie, this time her tone bitter and cold. Sally's eyes darted between Annie and the door, Annie guessed Sally was debating if she wanted to leave or not.

"No. I want you're help. Can you help me?" asked Sally, but Annie only raised her finger, pointing it at the door.

"You have to wait outside, go by the gate and once I know if we can help you, I will send someone to get you." replied Annie, and Sally did was asked, and quickly. Annie sighed, and clicked the school's intercom button.

"Listen everyone, we had a problem, a women arrived seeking help for search of her lost husband, and she appears to be harmless and emotionally unstable, I am unsure what to do, but I have came up with three options." Annie paused for a moment, then continued.

Option 1, "We help the women, we send three people, theses people being, Minako Aino, Natsu Dragneel, and JoJo, to go search for her husband with her until sundown, she might have a idea of where he was last seen at.

Option 2, "We do not go look for her husband, and we let her stay in camp, she seems lost and confused, she could die on her own."

Option 3, "We kill the women, she could be lieing about her husband and with a group of dangerous survivors, the facts are endless and unknown.."


(Only @Delayinder will be voting for for the choices here, and not the ones up top. Everyone ELSE vote for the ones above here.)

Eventually Lia and Arya found there way back to the group of scavengers, Lia introduced Arya and continued with the group on the mission, eventually they all made there way to the the rumored warehouse, and it took longer then the group expected, at least a three hour walk from camp. The warehouse was large, and it was brown, one of the few buildings still wood, it had large right-teen feet double doors, and two large windows on it's side. The group scatted the area of it, and found nothing, no Shadow's were near, and no food was either. Deciding to take a chance with the warehouse, the group entered, only to find it stacked with canned food for what seemed to look like a mile, and cases after cases of water sat everywhere, along side piles and piles of junk food. The monument of happiness only lasted for a monument, as the group was surrounded by a group of ten men and women holding Thompson M1921 Submachine Guns, a women approached the front of the scavengers, she looked to be in her 20s, her pale hand holding a Desert Eagle 44 . Her hair was blonde and messy, cut short looking similar to a boys. Her pink lips curled into a smile, and she looked to the scavengers, her thine brown hoodie sliding up her hand as she extended her free hand,

"Names Molly, its pleasure to meet you." stated the women, but no one shook her hand. retreating her hand back, Molly's lips formed a flat line.

"Well, none of you can have any of this food, its mine, but you're all welcome to come have dinner at the ranch, I have more then enough food." stated Molly, except her posture didn't changer, nor did her fake tone of happiness. She was relived to have meet other survivors, just unsure weather or not they would attack.

Option A, try to attack the group of survivors and take the food in the warehouse. Chances of someone getting hurt is very high.

Option B, Take the offer the group gave you and head to there ranch, everthing should work out, right?

Option C, Be civilize and try to leave.

Hoxton Never provided help For Citizens, Nor does he intend to, He would wish to go with Option B.

Unless... Someone Tempts him to Help her...
*I sighed... Great. Now my hat is taken by a dog, well, at least it's someones else's dog, and not a stray. I looked to my left, noticing the girl who was apologizing to me about her dog taking my hat. I replied by saying, "It's alright, It's not like it's the first time this has happened." I looked back at the dog who was carrying my hat in its mouth. I smirked a bit, this reminded me when I was back in Mexico, when a dog took my hat in the town of El Paso.*
*Natsu looks around for a food place with the little girl. Her stomach growls louder every minute* I'm willing to eat fire by now...
MrDubWubs said:
*Natsu looks around for a food place with the little girl. Her stomach growls louder every minute* I'm willing to eat fire by now...
"I'd love to see you try that..."

Arya looked around as well, not only for food but also for people.

Everything had been uncomfortably silent since the announcement.

"Did you really want to be a girl? Don't you want to go back to being a boy now?"
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6168-ryu-keiko/ said:
@Ryu Keiko[/URL]
"Pleasure to meet you, Ryu," The Doctor said, grinning to him for a moment. "I've met only a few of these blokes myself, so I'm glad to be meeting a new face myself." He paused and glanced around, stroking his chin. "I really don't know what's going on to be honest. Wow, never thought I'd ever say that. I can only presume we were kidnapped during the night. Not a good situation. I intend to look for a way out, fix our problems, the usual for me. If you have nothing better to do, you're welcome to tag along. I could use the company." He really could. The Doctor was tired of being alone. Loneliness could always be seen in his old eyes.
He nods and smiles. "Yeah, I'd be glad to tag along." he said, smiling all the while. "Maybe I can help you out with finding a solution, and if things get roof before then, I'll make sure that you don't get harmed." he said softly and grinning. "It's the least I can do for someone being so nice to me" he laughs.

He seems like an alright guy, more of the intellect type though, which isn't a bad thing in this situation. He thought to himself. Though I have no idea what I can do to help.. I'm not the smartest, though I was pretty good in chemistry and physics and such. So why not give it a shot.

"Just lead the way, and I'll follow along okay?" he says kindly.
JayJay said:
"I'd love to see you try that..."
Arya looked around as well, not only for food but also for people.

Everything had been uncomfortably silent since the announcement.

"Did you really want to be a girl? Don't you want to go back to being a boy now?"
I thought it was a load of bs, but It doesn't make a difference to me. Not like genitals will change me. *begins to look for fire and not food*
Dallas said:
*I sighed... Great. Now my hat is taken by a dog, well, at least it's someones else's dog, and not a stray. I looked to my left, noticing the girl who was apologizing to me about her dog taking my hat. I replied by saying, "It's alright, It's not like it's the first time this has happened." I looked back at the dog who was carrying my hat in its mouth. I smirked a bit, this reminded me when I was back in Mexico, when a dog took my hat in the town of El Paso.*
Lia rubbed the back of her head, glad the man didn't seem mad. "Don't worry, he won't destroy it or anything. He just wants to be played with. If we follow him he'll drop if after a moment." She started to walk after her dog, who seemed to be on his way to the park. "My naughty dog's name is Renegade, by the way, and I'm Lia." She blushed slightly embarrassed. "Dang, I always introduce my dog before I do myself," she admitted.

Delayinder said:
"That depends," Isaac said, shrugging lightly. "If you want more traps and heavy industrial equipment, we can stop by my place. It's set up like my quarters aboard the Kellion. It has a line gun, a disc ripper, and spare stasis modules. But, if you'd rather we go right to the hospital after Octavian's that is fine," he said.
"You guys know your tools and abilities better than I do. If you think we can manage, by all means."
Blake stared amazed at the two soldiers with her heavy orange eyes; their houses seemed to be filled with impressive sounding weaponry.
"W-well then," she stammered, a bit shocked at how casually Isaac listed off his weapons like a grocery list. "Octavian's house, then your house, Isaac, and then the hospital. We're not in a rush, so it should pose no problem for use to visit both of your houses," she planned.

(Cya later @Delayinder ~)
MrDubWubs said:
I thought it was a load of bs, but It doesn't make a difference to me. Not like genitals will change me. *begins to look for fire and not food*
"Right... So that thing changed you into a girl... I don't know why you would want that though...

My father used to say girls could never be fighters or rulers... They can only be wives of lords and kings."
@Ryu Keiko[/URL]

"Oh, you'd do that for little ol' me? Well I'm flattered! I like you already, Ryu!" The Doctor exclaimed enthusiastically in reply. "I will admit I don't do... well on my own..." He narrowed his eyes sadly for a moment. "But I always lose others and end up alone anyhow. Ah well, such is life, eh? Come alone then! Let's go take a look at this town! Is there perhaps a map we could use? I slept for quite a while and missed some of the announcements our kidnappers or "hosts" gave us," he admitted.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Lia. I'm Manco." *I said. I would have tipped my hat, but of course, I can't. "Well, if you introduce your dog first before yourself, that shows that you care for your dog. So you shouldn't feel embarrassed or anything." I replied. I walked with Lia towards the park, at least I have someone to talk to. Even though I prefer to be alone. I never really liked being followed, or following someone to do something. Mainly because the last time that happened, I almost got hung.*
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6168-ryu-keiko/ said:
@Ryu Keiko[/URL]
"Oh, you'd do that for little ol' me? Well I'm flattered! I like you already, Ryu!" The Doctor exclaimed enthusiastically in reply. "I will admit I don't do... well on my own..." He narrowed his eyes sadly for a moment. "But I always lose others and end up alone anyhow. Ah well, such is life, eh? Come alone then! Let's go take a look at this town! Is there perhaps a map we could use? I slept for quite a while and missed some of the announcements our kidnappers or "hosts" gave us," he admitted.
// damn that post is 1337
Dallas said:
"It's a pleasure to meet you Lia. I'm Manco." *I said. I would have tipped my hat, but of course, I can't. "Well, if you introduce your dog first before yourself, that shows that you care for your dog. So you shouldn't feel embarrassed or anything." I replied. I walked with Lia towards the park, at least I have someone to talk to. Even though I prefer to be alone. I never really liked being followed, or following someone to do something. Mainly because the last time that happened, I almost got hung.*
"Good point," Lia replied, shrugging her shoulders as she continued walking with the man. "Nice to meet you, Manco. It's good to see there are others around here and I'm not trapped in this place alone," she said with a sigh. "First thing I'm gonna do when I get out of here is head back to the woods. It's away from people and there were some nice wild strawberries growing around there." She narrowed her eyes. "I don't really... like people..." She muttered quietly. Some people could be jerks like the ones who had kidnaped them. Renegade had arrived to the park, standing under a tree with the hat still in his mouth.

Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6168-ryu-keiko/ said:
@Ryu Keiko[/URL]
"Oh, you'd do that for little ol' me? Well I'm flattered! I like you already, Ryu!" The Doctor exclaimed enthusiastically in reply. "I will admit I don't do... well on my own..." He narrowed his eyes sadly for a moment. "But I always lose others and end up alone anyhow. Ah well, such is life, eh? Come alone then! Let's go take a look at this town! Is there perhaps a map we could use? I slept for quite a while and missed some of the announcements our kidnappers or "hosts" gave us," he admitted.
He nods and follows. "I'm not sure where we could find a map for this accursed town, but I do know, that within the next few hours, we will be attack by one of three....things." He stated. "I will need some supplies or weaponry to be able to make sure all my grounds are cover, ya know?" he said sighing softly. "But I haven't the slightest idea where to begin... Man what a drag." he groaned as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"And what exactly is it that you need?" he asked the Doctor, after a short pause. "Is it something we can easily find, or do we need to gather natural resources. Lay it on me" he chuckled.
[QUOTE="Hatty Hattington]Hoxton Never provided help For Citizens, Nor does he intend to, He would wish to go with Option B.
Unless... Someone Tempts him to Help her...

(We are on round two, that is round one's mid round update.)
Arya groaned.

Why was there no one around?

She was told this world was full of dark creatures and danger, but everything was so damned quiet.

"I know how to see if there's anyone around."

She took a step forward and cleared her throat.

Arya then started screaming as loud as she could.


Anyone even remotely nearby would've heard her high pitched, girly scream.


@Everyone (:
"I know how you feel about not liking people. For me, when I start to like someone they don't stay around very long." I paused, then said, "And when I don't like people, they don't tend to stay around either..." I replied. My spurs continued to jingle away as we walked towards the park. I noticed the dog that had taken my hat was under a tree in the park. Hopefully we wont have to run around the whole place just trying to get my hat back.*
JayJay said:
Arya groaned.
Why was there no one around?

She was told this world was full of dark creatures and danger, but everything was so damned quiet.

"I know how to see if there's anyone around."

She took a step forward and cleared her throat.

Arya then started screaming as loud as she could.


Anyone even remotely nearby would've heard her high pitched, girly scream.


@Everyone (:
"SHUT UP!" JoJo exclaimed in response, appearing several feet behind. Having already been in the general area, he easily heard the girl's scream but rather assumed she was screaming over some petty thing like other children would do, instead of something serious. Picking his ear a little, he looked at the girl. "Geez, you brats just get more annoying by the year! Oh, well. At least I finally found someone else to live with in this weird place."
pochiko said:
"Someplace multi-leveled, definitely," she chimed in. "Maybe the hotel here. Worst comes to worst, we can escape by jumping out of the windows. We can all survive such heights..." she thought about Octavian falling through the supermarket before. She tried to hold back her laughter. "...one way or the other."
Blake pat her empty stomach at the sound of Octavian mentioning food. "Well... I suppose we can stop by your house too," she commented. "Octavian's house, and then the hotel. Does that sound like a decent plan, everyone?"
Octavian nodded, "Good idea. We could use the stairwell as a chokepoint, aswell." he said, thinking, when he heard her comment about falling from heights. He chuckled, "Hey!" and playfully punched her in the arm, although he was wearing a giant Power Suit, so........ xD

"And Blake, if you don't have a weapon with you, you could have the old Lasgun," he suggested.

"Traps and equipment are exactly what we need, Issac, good thinking," Octavian said, before looking around, spotting his house, and heading off down the road.
Verite said:
"SHUT UP!" JoJo exclaimed in response, appearing several feet behind. Having already been in the general area, he easily heard the girl's scream but rather assumed she was screaming over some petty thing like other children would do, instead of something serious. Picking his ear a little, he looked at the girl. "Geez, you brats just get more annoying by the year! Oh, well. At least I finally found someone else to live with in this weird place."
Arya quickly turned, surprised that there was actually someone behind her.

She frowned.

"Brat? If you call me brat again, you'll regret it, do you understand?"

Arya raised her eyebrows at the man who told her to shut up, looking as serious as she could be.

Of course she was only twelve and small.

The only threatening thing about her was the direwolf beside her, which was almost as big as the girl herself.
JayJay said:
Arya quickly turned, surprised that there was actually someone behind her.
She frowned.

"Brat? If you call me brat again, you'll regret it, do you understand?"

Arya raised her eyebrows at the man who told her to shut up, looking as serious as she could be.

Of course she was only twelve and small.

The only threatening thing about her was the direwolf beside her, which was almost as big as the girl herself.
"Eeh?! What'd ya say to me?! I couldn't quite catch that!" He replied hotheadedly as he normally would, still picking his ear, "Depending on what you said, I might hafta teach you a lesson, and I ain't gonna go easy on you just 'cause you're a kid! Tch, just my luck! The first person I come across...!" JoJo said. Despite his tall height of 6'5, he was indeed wary of the direwolf next to the girl, but it shouldn't be too much of a bother for him.


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